well, this drama...my fault
Yesterday I grabbed HostSlick LowEnd Small KVM I (2020)
then I have a YABS test on it and the result, I/O and cpu score is quiet low
at that time, I should have opened a ticket asking for help,
but I didn't cause there is some pre-judge or prejudice in my head, like HostSlick doesn't provide a good service somewhat based on some previous bad reviews I have seen before.
And it turns out that I misunderstand them, so here I would make an apology for my sudden impulse and the harm I have done
They give the refund and in the end present a vps to me as a gift.
I'd say sorry for the chaos interrupting a nice weekend
What did they respond to the ticket you opened?
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Well, I have not opened a ticket yet.
I just thought if anyone else buy a new one, he is likely to have the same experience with me.
In my memory, there are many consumers pointing out Hostslick's problem, low I/O and cpu performance since the last BlackFriday, but till now it seeems they have not solve those problem well..
But you still bought and are surprised..
I suppose they might get better..have the problems solved...but it turns out not
That's not Slick
Based on the IO seems like it is running on HDD?
"Humanity is f*cked up" - Jay
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It's description says "SSD-RAID10"
Please check and post bench now, problem on this node solved. I/O Abuser detected -> suspended and customer causing it contacted
Next time please open a ticket.
Poor style naming & shaming before attempting to resolve it constructively
@brunuh can we edit the tite please-.
@Mason @mikho maybe the title can be less dramatic.
And that is the problem with basing everything on a single point in time fully synthetic benchmark.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Because, for benchmark junkies, real world performance is not important.
Only synthetic numbers are a matter of importance to them.
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The question remains, why does a costumer need to let you know about an I/O issue of a node?
Don't you have monitoring?
Funny, I got no chance to give a test again because You simply cancelled this vps with no refund
Man, are you serious?
With that low cpu score, Single Core 228/Multi Core 255, you could acutally experience anything running one times longer than those normal vps apparantly
just apt install something, you can feel it's quite slow
Or can you give a simple direct example, a vps get a Geekbench 5 score lower than 300 but it's running smoothly/normally compared to those score 500 vps (average score for E5 vps from my knowledge) ?
So, are you questioning about the reference value of YABS?
Why majority of the E5 vps I have bought can have a average score around 500 (and they run normal)
This vps scores 250 and it acutually running quiet slower than those scores 500 vps.
I am saying facts, the relevance between test score and the running speed is just there, anyone can check it if they don't believe there is a real relevance
What are you saying about, man?
I am just saying facts, man
Starting from last year BlackFriday, many costumers have reflected these problems since then.
But till now it seems not solved well
Do you think HostSlick have dealed this seriously or they have attached importance to this?
If you don't believe what I have said

You can simply buy a HostSlick vps then have a check
From your words, it seems you believes HostSlick provide a good quality service, right?
Hey, man
Don't take everything as an insult, go spend some time outside or with your family, don't obsess over arguing online
Well, if you hace some search you can find this problem(low I/O low cpu performance) exists since last year.
and till now April, four month later, it doesn't have any improvement.
I bought this vps yesterday, and if you buy it today, you would have the same experience with me, don't you believe it's not a coincidence?
This reflects HostSlick attaches little importance to costumer's experience, right?
Hello, man
I am fine and I am just telling some facts, let people see the facts.
I don't take different voices as offence
Anyone can check the facts with their own hands and own eyes, if they are willing to.
just ensure get your refund and pay more for a reputable provider. no point debating.
but YABS is the best.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
If HostSlick are not willing to handle this appropriately, I may go to LET let more people see their vps I/O with such low cpu score for most people they can hardly ever see through their whole life

HostSlick have the right to conceal facts, and I have the right to put it under the sun
We got good YABS
. We are super low on Pushup score though 
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nexusbytes just made new offers here. grab it while it's hot.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
LOL. I totally see what you did there.
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This is wrong.
Your 12€/yr Package was fully refunded all 12€ by my colleage who made the ticket
Paypal reference 96A4028476696281C
timestamp 9. April 2021 um 18:17:39 MESZ
We would never do this. Customer always gets their refund
I missed the Friday night drama of 1 Euro a month because of time zone.
Good that it got resolved.
I suggest the drama be titled "Much Ado About Nothing". made me run a YABS on my Hostslick VPS though - numbers look okay for Hard disk and 587/773 GB5 (Single/multi)
VPS reviews and benchmarks |
Thank you, I have seen the refund
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