Vienna/Austria Dedicated Servers now with double the traffic! And a Discount! - MyRootPW

SGrafSGraf Hosting ProviderServices Provider
edited June 2021 in Offers

It has been an exciting Week!
After deploying Network Upgrades and testing the changes,
i am now happy to share some good news:

The Traffic included in the dedicated server packages has been doubled.
Before all the Servers included 5TB traffic - this has been increased to 10TB.

The change is active for both new and existing clients.

Bonus: 10% recurring Discount for all new clients!
Code: NetUpgrade2021-10Percent


MyRoot.PW offers Bare Metal unmanaged Servers in central Europe
(Vienna/Austria). Delivery in less than 12 Hours!

==================>>Server Inventory:

Xeon D-1540 (8c,16t)
2x 4TB HDD (CMR), 7200 rpm
10 TB Traffic on 100Mbit/s Port (1x IPv4)
IPMI/HTML5 Console available
=> 70 63 EURO per Month - [ORDER]

E3-1240v3 (4c,8t)
2x 1TB SSD
10 TB Traffic on 100Mbit/s Port (1x IPv4)
IPMI/HTML5 Console available
=> 70 63 EURO per Month - [ORDER]

==================>>Add-on Pricing:


  • IPv4 Addresses: +1x ipv4......+1.5 Euro/Month
  • Upgrade to 15TB Transfer ......+10 Eur/Month

==================>>Payment Options:

  • PayPal
  • Stripe
  • Go-Cardless
  • Wire-Transfer (via Transfer-Wise, open a Support Ticket)

==================>>Legal/Misc Stuff:

Knowledgebase: [KB]

ToS/AUP : [TOS] / [AUP]

All prices excl. VAT if applicable.


Custom servers and hardware upgrades are are available!

Got any Questions or Requests? Contact: support (at) myroot (dot) pw

MyRoot.PW ★ Dedicated Servers ★ LIR-Services ★ Web-Hosting ★
★ Locations: Austria + Netherlands + USA ★ [email protected]


  • This guy provides quality hosting services at affordable price. Don't hesitate to give it a try!

    Recommend: MyRoot.PW|BuyVM|Inception Hosting|Prometeus

  • Yes, good quality. Waiting for smaller (and thus cheaper) system configurations already.

  • SGrafSGraf Hosting ProviderServices Provider

    @webcraft said:
    Waiting for smaller (and thus cheaper) system configurations already.

    Feel free to suggest something. I am happy to check if it makes sense or not.

    MyRoot.PW ★ Dedicated Servers ★ LIR-Services ★ Web-Hosting ★
    ★ Locations: Austria + Netherlands + USA ★ [email protected]

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