@terrahost said:
The email is correct, we are taking over HS infrastructure and customers in Norway. Virtual servers will be moved to newer and more powerful hardware very soon.
The combination of services in Norway makes this profitable for us, so we have no plans of adjusting pricing. But we will most likely not offer anything more at these prices
We are however not able to honor credits unfortunately.
If you have a SSD VPS, you will soon be able to stretch your legs on a Ryzen 5950X with NVMe. If you have a HDD VPS, your new home will be Dual E5-2697v2 servers with NVMe cached RAID10 HDD storage.
Emails will soon go out to customers to coordinate the move.
Does this apply to all consumers who buy in the coming days?
@terrahost said:
The email is correct, we are taking over HS infrastructure and customers in Norway. Virtual servers will be moved to newer and more powerful hardware very soon.
The combination of services in Norway makes this profitable for us, so we have no plans of adjusting pricing. But we will most likely not offer anything more at these prices
We are however not able to honor credits unfortunately.
If you have a SSD VPS, you will soon be able to stretch your legs on a Ryzen 5950X with NVMe. If you have a HDD VPS, your new home will be Dual E5-2697v2 servers with NVMe cached RAID10 HDD storage.
Emails will soon go out to customers to coordinate the move.
Thankyou @terrahost for the certainty, I'm looking forward to become a customer. I had moved all my data from my services due to the previously HS uncertainty so if you wanted two test migrations please let me know and I'll send you a DM.
Customers will most likely lose DMCA-"free" services in the changeover, however that will probably be a good thing for all
@terrahost said:
The email is correct, we are taking over HS infrastructure and customers in Norway. Virtual servers will be moved to newer and more powerful hardware very soon.
The combination of services in Norway makes this profitable for us, so we have no plans of adjusting pricing. But we will most likely not offer anything more at these prices
We are however not able to honor credits unfortunately.
If you have a SSD VPS, you will soon be able to stretch your legs on a Ryzen 5950X with NVMe. If you have a HDD VPS, your new home will be Dual E5-2697v2 servers with NVMe cached RAID10 HDD storage.
Emails will soon go out to customers to coordinate the move.
If I want to move my VPS from Romania to Norway, can you match the price I was paying? It's an NVMe VPS.
@terrahost said:
The email is correct, we are taking over HS infrastructure and customers in Norway. Virtual servers will be moved to newer and more powerful hardware very soon.
The combination of services in Norway makes this profitable for us, so we have no plans of adjusting pricing. But we will most likely not offer anything more at these prices
We are however not able to honor credits unfortunately.
If you have a SSD VPS, you will soon be able to stretch your legs on a Ryzen 5950X with NVMe. If you have a HDD VPS, your new home will be Dual E5-2697v2 servers with NVMe cached RAID10 HDD storage.
Emails will soon go out to customers to coordinate the move.
If I want to move my VPS from Romania to Norway, can you match the price I was paying? It's an NVMe VPS.
@terrahost said:
The email is correct, we are taking over HS infrastructure and customers in Norway. Virtual servers will be moved to newer and more powerful hardware very soon.
The combination of services in Norway makes this profitable for us, so we have no plans of adjusting pricing. But we will most likely not offer anything more at these prices
We are however not able to honor credits unfortunately.
If you have a SSD VPS, you will soon be able to stretch your legs on a Ryzen 5950X with NVMe. If you have a HDD VPS, your new home will be Dual E5-2697v2 servers with NVMe cached RAID10 HDD storage.
Emails will soon go out to customers to coordinate the move.
If I want to move my VPS from Romania to Norway, can you match the price I was paying? It's an NVMe VPS.
Would like to know this too... had a deal of the century which went missing in Romania 😢
@terrahost said:
The email is correct, we are taking over HS infrastructure and customers in Norway. Virtual servers will be moved to newer and more powerful hardware very soon.
The combination of services in Norway makes this profitable for us, so we have no plans of adjusting pricing. But we will most likely not offer anything more at these prices
We are however not able to honor credits unfortunately.
If you have a SSD VPS, you will soon be able to stretch your legs on a Ryzen 5950X with NVMe. If you have a HDD VPS, your new home will be Dual E5-2697v2 servers with NVMe cached RAID10 HDD storage.
Emails will soon go out to customers to coordinate the move.
If I want to move my VPS from Romania to Norway, can you match the price I was paying? It's an NVMe VPS.
does not really make sense. it's obvious that this is totally and only about existing and still running services in norway already. and he also stated, that they are not going to offer at these prices but only honouring existing deals within their scope.
also for sure any kind of additional services coming in would not be covered by whatever deal closed with HS.
this will quickly turn the whole thing into a loss leader again and make it unsustainable for anyone, if people now try to get their romanian services back to work through the backdoor so to say.
@terrahost said:
The email is correct, we are taking over HS infrastructure and customers in Norway. Virtual servers will be moved to newer and more powerful hardware very soon.
The combination of services in Norway makes this profitable for us, so we have no plans of adjusting pricing. But we will most likely not offer anything more at these prices
We are however not able to honor credits unfortunately.
If you have a SSD VPS, you will soon be able to stretch your legs on a Ryzen 5950X with NVMe. If you have a HDD VPS, your new home will be Dual E5-2697v2 servers with NVMe cached RAID10 HDD storage.
Emails will soon go out to customers to coordinate the move.
A friend of mine has a crazy deal from HS in Norway,
The idea is that anyone with a current service at Terrahost originally purchased from HS will see that service automatically transferred/migrated to Terrahost proper.
The idea is not to reverse or stop the involucration of services purchased from HS that are located in Oradea or Bucharest.
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
also for sure any kind of additional services coming in would not be covered by whatever deal closed with HS.
this will quickly turn the whole thing into a loss leader again and make it unsustainable for anyone, if people now try to get their romanian services back to work through the backdoor so to say.
@terrahost said:
The email is correct, we are taking over HS infrastructure and customers in Norway. Virtual servers will be moved to newer and more powerful hardware very soon.
The combination of services in Norway makes this profitable for us, so we have no plans of adjusting pricing. But we will most likely not offer anything more at these prices
We are however not able to honor credits unfortunately.
If you have a SSD VPS, you will soon be able to stretch your legs on a Ryzen 5950X with NVMe. If you have a HDD VPS, your new home will be Dual E5-2697v2 servers with NVMe cached RAID10 HDD storage.
Emails will soon go out to customers to coordinate the move.
Thankyou @terrahost for the certainty, I'm looking forward to become a customer. I had moved all my data from my services due to the previously HS uncertainty so if you wanted two test migrations please let me know and I'll send you a DM.
Customers will most likely lose DMCA-"free" services in the changeover, however that will probably be a good thing for all
@terrahost said:
The email is correct, we are taking over HS infrastructure and customers in Norway. Virtual servers will be moved to newer and more powerful hardware very soon.
The combination of services in Norway makes this profitable for us, so we have no plans of adjusting pricing. But we will most likely not offer anything more at these prices
We are however not able to honor credits unfortunately.
If you have a SSD VPS, you will soon be able to stretch your legs on a Ryzen 5950X with NVMe. If you have a HDD VPS, your new home will be Dual E5-2697v2 servers with NVMe cached RAID10 HDD storage.
Emails will soon go out to customers to coordinate the move.
Thankyou @terrahost for the certainty, I'm looking forward to become a customer. I had moved all my data from my services due to the previously HS uncertainty so if you wanted two test migrations please let me know and I'll send you a DM.
Customers will most likely lose DMCA-"free" services in the changeover, however that will probably be a good thing for all
Ora estimata: 09:00
Complet: C 15 civil 2021
Tip solutie: Admite cererea
Solutia pe scurt: Respinge excepţia inadmisibilităţii ca neîntemeiată. Admite cererea de chemare în judecată. Obligă debitoarea să plătească creditoarei, în termen de 10 zile de la comunicare, suma de 257.888,04 lei, compusă din 49.839,33 lei reprezentând contravaloare servicii, 99.679,80 lei reprezentând contravaloare penalităţi de întârziere şi 108.368,91 de lei reprezentând contravaloare daune pentru rezilierea contractelor. Obligă debitoarea să plătească creditoarei suma de 200 de lei reprezentând cheltuieli de judecată. Executorie. Cu drept de cerere în anulare, care se va depune la Judecătoria sectorului 5 Bucureşti, în termen de 10 zile de la comunicare. Pronunţată prin punerea soluţiei la dispoziţia părţilor prin mijlocirea grefei instanţei, azi, 21.10.2021.
Document: Hotarâre 8571/2021 21.10.2021
For domain registrations, create an account at Dynadot (ref) and spend $9.99 within 48 hours to receive $5 DynaDollars! Looking for cost-effective Managed/Anycast/DDoS-Protected/Geo DNS Services? Try ClouDNS (aff).
For whoever is too lazy to run through a translator -- our beloved cociu lost his court case and must pay ~$60k. No wonder he's selling gear like hot cakes to get that cash quick.
Is this officially a deadpool yet? How many nails to finally seal this coffin?
For whoever is too lazy to run through a translator -- our beloved cociu lost his court case and must pay ~$60k. No wonder he's selling gear like hot cakes to get that cash quick.
Is this officially a deadpool yet? How many nails to finally seal this coffin?
this proves he's an unethical salesman full of lies.
his 2680v4 service is still alive with abysmal network
For whoever is too lazy to run through a translator -- our beloved cociu lost his court case and must pay ~$60k. No wonder he's selling gear like hot cakes to get that cash quick.
Is this officially a deadpool yet? How many nails to finally seal this coffin?
For whoever is too lazy to run through a translator -- our beloved cociu lost his court case and must pay ~$60k. No wonder he's selling gear like hot cakes to get that cash quick.
Is this officially a deadpool yet? How many nails to finally seal this coffin?
I haven't received any email yet, but I noticed I got an invoice the other day from Terrahost in EUR (unlike all my other servers that are invoiced in NOK). Didn't realize until I took a closer look today that the invoice is mentions the same hostname, specs & price as my HS server.
It's still missing from my server list in Terrahost's panel, but at least there's some form of progress.
Does this apply to all consumers who buy in the coming days?
Thankyou @terrahost for the certainty, I'm looking forward to become a customer. I had moved all my data from my services due to the previously HS uncertainty so if you wanted two test migrations please let me know and I'll send you a DM.
Customers will most likely lose DMCA-"free" services in the changeover, however that will probably be a good thing for all
Anyone with updates about the state of HS itself? I don't have anything in Norway but still have credits from my RO servers that were shut down.
If I want to move my VPS from Romania to Norway, can you match the price I was paying? It's an NVMe VPS.
Daniel15 | https://d.sb/. List of all my VPSes: https://d.sb/servers
dnstools.ws - DNS lookups, pings, and traceroutes from 30 locations worldwide.
yeah same for me too
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Would like to know this too... had a deal of the century which went missing in Romania 😢
does not really make sense. it's obvious that this is totally and only about existing and still running services in norway already. and he also stated, that they are not going to offer at these prices but only honouring existing deals within their scope.
also for sure any kind of additional services coming in would not be covered by whatever deal closed with HS.
this will quickly turn the whole thing into a loss leader again and make it unsustainable for anyone, if people now try to get their romanian services back to work through the backdoor so to say.
A friend of mine has a crazy deal from HS in Norway,
4 CPU / 4GB RAM / 500GB SSD (RAID 10) / 10TB Traffic / €5/m
Does this mean, he will be upgraded to Ryzen 5950x + NVMe as well?
The idea is that anyone with a current service at Terrahost originally purchased from HS will see that service automatically transferred/migrated to Terrahost proper.
The idea is not to reverse or stop the involucration of services purchased from HS that are located in Oradea or Bucharest.
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
@terrahost I have HS vm on Norway and I haven't received any email from either HS or Terrahost.
@Falzo said:
Romanian backdoors scare me.
Learnt a new term today courtesy the Hostloc attack on OGF
“perfume brother”
VPS reviews and benchmarks |
Yes cociu has many nicknames
sisters involucrated, perfumeri etc.
Dentistry is my passion
"Dutch oven connoisseur"
Perfume but not fragrant
VPS reviews and benchmarks |
A most fragrant outcome, at least for the Norway VPS clients.
Has there been an update from terrahost on when clients will be transferred to new hardware?
not yet
Mondays are Update days
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For domain registrations, create an account at Dynadot (ref) and spend $9.99 within 48 hours to receive $5 DynaDollars!
Looking for cost-effective Managed/Anycast/DDoS-Protected/Geo DNS Services? Try ClouDNS (aff).
For whoever is too lazy to run through a translator -- our beloved cociu lost his court case and must pay ~$60k. No wonder he's selling gear like hot cakes to get that cash quick.
Is this officially a deadpool yet? How many nails to finally seal this coffin?
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support • Donate
this proves he's an unethical salesman full of lies.
his 2680v4 service is still alive with abysmal network
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
So ... not insane offers from @cociu this BF?
VPS reviews and benchmarks |
Credit top-up deals maybe.
dnscry.pt - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? -> https://microlxc.net/
I have not yet begun to insane!
I had to double check the username and avatar for that one. You got me good!
Cheap dedis are my drug, and I'm too far gone to turn back.
I haven't received any email yet, but I noticed I got an invoice the other day from Terrahost in EUR (unlike all my other servers that are invoiced in NOK). Didn't realize until I took a closer look today that the invoice is mentions the same hostname, specs & price as my HS server.
It's still missing from my server list in Terrahost's panel, but at least there's some form of progress.
Website: thomassen.sh
Discord: Decicus#0001
24 pages on LES. Must be a record for a discussion.
@cociu has some massive pull on both the GFs
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