FOMO & buyers remorse (transfer offer +bonus)
cyber weekend isn't finished yet and I have to open that kind of topic already, sorry ;-)
while I am actually happy that I managed to not buy a lot of the very tempting offers, I could not let pass this nice naranjatech flash offer:
FLASH SALE 48€/year (+tax if applicable)
4 CPU Cores (AMD EPYC 7351)
160 GB SSD
5 TB Traffic
1 Gbps port speed
1 IPv4
/64 IPv6
Coupon Code: UR9XE1G21N
Quantity: 8
or... let's say I was luckily enough to be in the right spot at the right time, so I simply couldn't resist and bought it in an impulse.
thing is I have the same box already from last year and even after two days of thinking and tinkering with it, I can't think of a proper use case. would be a shame to let it sit duck (like the other one already).
so here is the chance for someone who missed the deals to get it now. asking only 45€ in return, as it is already used for two days ;-) ;-) no visible dents or scratches though!
tagging @mfs @Unixfy and @sportingdan , as I think you were the guys directly missing it when it appeared.
I also need to ask @gleert first, if they allow the transfer, but I think for the spirit of the community they won't have an issue with it (and I am for sure not asking for a premium anyway)
also here is a unique bonus offer:
there is this other naranjatech special from last year in my account, which is 1core, 1GB, 20GB, 1TB and renews at 9€/yearly! again, I simply do not have a use for it... it's paid for/set to cancellation on december 25th.
whoever wants the big one can also have the little one on top (for free)...
no I am not interested in requests for the small one individually.
any takers?
i'll take it
@gleert is it possible to move this service to my account and refund Falzo? I want to pay directly to naranjatech via CC.
@sonic I can open a ticket with naranjatech and ask what is the easiest way for them to handle it. don't want to cause too much extra efforts on their end only because of me backing down now ;-)
would you want the small one too?
Sure, make it easy for @gleert
No thanks. Too much idle VPS now
Edit: last line of OP overrides my below msg. Leaving as a reminder to self . Read the damn posts before jumping the gun
I will take the small one if not too much effort. Have an existing service with them so should be less hassle I hope.
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glad someone can enjoy them! I ended up buying two of the "8 GB RAM /4 CPU / 120 GB NVMe" offer and stacking them
oh, true... you wrote that somewhere already. sorry for tagging.
I would like to buy, but it did not support nested virtualization.
⭕ A simple uptime dashboard using UptimeRobot API
⭕ Currently using VPS from BuyVM, GreenCloudVPS, Gullo's, Hetzner, HostHatch, InceptionHosting, LetBox, MaxKVM, MrVM, VirMach.
Nice one. Too bad nothing like that is found in US
@Falzo, I'd gladly take the smaller one off your hands if it's not much of a headache as I missed their smaller KVM offer this year too
Thank you for tagging me but I ended up grabbing the same offer sportingdan managed to catch (and stack)

I'd be tempted to grab another one but truth be told I'm still playing with other boxes I purchased to a point that I powered off in the meanwhile the naranja box I got... I have a problem I know
So I'm glad if someone else can enjoy it :-)
I'd still pick something in the US as well...
Indeed a really nice deal. I was actually ready to click the checkout button, so I could have gotten that deal, but decided that it would just be another idler (plus I already have many idlers at HostHatch from last year). Ended up closing that tab.
Either way I am pretty happy with my BFCM haul now
I have to admit put quite some of those to not renew this year before BF already. I had far too much collected across different providers anyway... look at this right here. probably one of the best offers this BF - and I have to give it away (for my own sanity).
yet no complaing, overall also quite happy with this years BF. even though the offers might not always have reached what has been offered last year, this was exactly a good enough position to weed out and only renew the real stuff 🤷♂️
This has been the minimal BF purchases for me.
either too slow at the OGF BF thread. Or already have same provider.
i don't complain because i think its a blessing to my wallet.
anyway good luck dear @Falzo to get some money back.
The funny thing is, I can't cancel any of my HostHatch boxes otherwise my price will increase (due to the bundle/all locations deals)
hehe, no worries, @gleert has been very accommodating already and things are about to be closed with @sonic
instead of money back it'll be put directly into extending my last years service anyway ;-)
maybe check for their flash sale tomorrow and if you find what you need cancel all the old stuff all together. but I doubt whatever they come with tomorrow is gonna beat that bundle deal with extra extra %
I may be considering to "consolidate" some stuff on some new boxes, and I may let go a Hetzner SB26 (that is, 26€/mo if VAT=19%) if there's any taker in the next couple of days... otherwise I'll keep it
Intel Core i7-4770
HDD2x HDD SATA 2,0 TB Enterprise
4x RAM 8192 MB DDR3
Hetzner now applies a fixed SB28 price for these boxes
these are great value and as you pointed out not available at that old pricing anymore. I am sure someone will gladly take it off your hands, if not here, then either at OGF or hetzners own forum marketplace.
luck would have it I have the enterprise sibling at the same rate:
probably gonna let go of that soon as well though, because I also have too many dedis already 🤦♂️
Agh sadly I'll be asleep at 11:00 CET and in an interview at 18:00 CET. Probably won't be able to get any of HH's flash deals (but that's probably better for my wallet
I keep toying with letting my SB23 go (~19eur without VAT) but it's just so cheap lol. ANd 2x 3tb drives.
Anyone else got this & looking to transfer out, may PM.
For a project, need one in NL.
pls don't tempt me pls
I have one of those as well and also an SB30 with two more SSDs (I've scheduled a replacement for these SSDs next week since one is next to be failing according to SMART and the other one is following suit, they're used as lvm cache)

But I'm keeping this last one with me in the afterlife too
I might cancel one my HostHatch storage deals from last year. It was painfully slow to download stuff using rsync without compressing. I was getting 10Mbps. Still deciding, have one day to go.
which location was that?
Chicago. I have two 2TB flash sales from last year and I'm still considering whether to cancel them because of this. The pricing is very good, but I took weeks to download the 2TB I had there.
mission completed
this box is really good ofc
going to put it in production mode
Oh Chicago? I thought it was HostHatch's LA location that was problematic with speed and Chicago fared better?
Well, it used to be better, not sure what happened. I'm about 150ms latency from them, but the speed has never been this bad.
I read some poss in OGF about some degradation after the change in processor at HH Chicago?
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