DARK THEME FOR 24 hours only !! don't panic [GOT WHAT I NEEDED - PLEASE IGNORE]

I have enabled the dark theme for 24 hours only, don't panic if you don't like it.
Ultimately it needs to be end user choice driven, so as soon as it is possible a user theme selector (Theme SELEKTOR PLZ) will be implemented.
Got what I needed, switched the lights back on.
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I like it!
Make it a option please. Tell Ant you want Theme SELEKTOR, if he doesn't let VPS have SELEKTOR spit at him.
I actually like this one- though the dark screen make me see my own reflection sometimes. Which is not a pleasant site as much as I would like it to be. Optional dark theme would be great.
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https://open.vanillaforums.com/addon/themechooser-plugin If someone wants to consider taking on updating this to work with 3.x then I am happy to implement it early, otherwise having looked at it myself it will need to wait for me to get a dedicated design/dev person on board.
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looks good boss
It's very dark.
I really like it.
Even better if it's a nice green font.
You know ... cos we likes the greens, boss!
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
Only 23 hours left thankfully!
yeah to be honest I dont like it haha.
It is more clear but I think that can be achieved with minor design tweaks anyway.
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I don't mind having a look at that, seems like a rather simple task to do. Depends a bit on other projects, but I'll try and find some spare time to work on it
oopsie, there go the emoji's back to being centered again haha.
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Eyes are now f'ked - copied ant's help from other day to text editor.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
I am not sure if its because its in written format so I cant pick up on the subtleties or intention or maybe even intent, but it kind of feels like you are saying "bye forever" because I temporarily enabled the dark theme to try and make it so everyone can pick their own i.e. a small, very temporary change for significant wide spread benefit to everyone.
But that would be completely ridiculous so I felt the need to type that out.
As it happens I got what I need already so its going light again.
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Love this!!!
Where's it gone
I just opened the site, browsed two threads and the forum returned to the white theme.
Particularly I liked the contrast provided by the dark background. The white background with the gray letters does not allow good reading on mobile with strong ambient light.
Anyway, if it is possible to have a "Theme Selector 5.2" to suit everyone... If not I'm OK with white, black, whatever.
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Theme selektor is en route!
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Very nice!

tbh i liked th dark mode.
Its coming back with significant improvements
edit: for clarity, I mean you will be able to choose to turn it off or on yourself as it is clear the community is split, some like day time some like night time!
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Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Vanilla team:

Some random dude on his computer (aka me):

I guess Vanilla team has a long way to go...
Somik.org - Server admins cheat codes
@somik you should post the themes on the vanilla community, it seems to be a community of people who share no improvements or updates! https://open.vanillaforums.com/addon/browse/themes/recent/
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Naa, too much work. I do things for fun and that's about it. Being a member of 2 forums is all I can do.
As for the theme, I'm doing it cause I prefer a dark theme and a challange
Somik.org - Server admins cheat codes
It has not been 24 hours. I want to join the dark side.
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Putting a lovely profile picture would be a start
This one looks good https://open.vanillaforums.com/addon/leaf-theme
Am I pretty enough for you now?
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Looks like I missed the chance to preview this.
@uptime @itlabs peeps of taste I see. ?
I love my dark themes where I can get it. (terminal, gedit, pycharm)
Intellij's Dracula theme is how I stay up late. (color pallette https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/12275-dracula-theme)
I like the white theme, it brings up the good old times on LET, before it went to shit.
The white theme always gives me headaches when I try to read while drinking my first 3 tablespoon coffee.
Light sensitivity is a caffeine side effect for me.