Being able to configure it as public access is part of its attraction though. I.e. that is a feature that people would want and be willing to pay for, thus the suggestion of offering it only on the more expensive tier. Maybe storage box could have it as auth-only and storage share could have public access as a user choice.
Well, I got around to spinning up a 1tb storage box to try borg backup. It worked ok, I transferred around 900GB to it, took overnight at around 35-40MB/sec, not great but not terrible. Then I bumped up the size to 5TB and sent another 200GB over and this time the transfer is about 2x slower. I wonder if the size change had anything to do with that, or the storage server is just more loaded now, or what. Will see if the slowdown persists but it is painful, currently around 13MB/s. This is from a dedi in the same DC as the backup server (both FLK) so network should not be a bottleneck. I have about 3TB on this server to back up, so it will be a couple more days of nonstop transfer at this speed.
On the other hand, I noticed when I ordered the storage box that the console tells me that it is in FLK, so at least that info is known. @Hetzner_OL do you know if they exist in NBG? I guess that FLK is a big DC park, so it's probably helpful to be able to get two boxes in separate DC's at the FLK location, even if there is no NBG. It might be handy to have an option to copy one storage box to another.
could well be, yet Hetzner always refers to it as FSN-DCx when talking about the location. the x marks the different buildings/areas within the whole Falkenstein location...
@willie - Usually Storage Boxes should reach 20-50 MB/s. But we do not guarantee any specific bandwidth. I'm glad to read that you gave borg a try on one of the Storage Boxes. I think borg is a personal favorite of many of our coworkers. I'm happy that the performance sped up a bit after a few hours.
If, in the future, you should experience persistently bad performance, and no trouble-shooting helps (like trying different times of days), then try to document it and write a support request. They may be able to give you some tips or ideas for troubleshooting. If it is consistently bad, I believe it's possible to move you to another host. @Falzo is right (again!) about how we designate our DCs. You'll see the official names here.
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
@willie said:
Thanks, Katie. Meanwhile, my 5TB storage box has 1.5TB of free space left and I have one more system to back up, which has 1.6TB of data... ouch
Heh, I think a lot of my 1.6TB directory is already backed up elsewhere, so I will be ok if I just back up the remaining part a little bit selectively. There is also some other cheap storage around that I can pursue. I suspect part of Storage Box's pricing relies on lots of users not using their entire allocation, so 1TB increments would result in higher prices.
Hi y'all -- This spring, the birds are singing, the bees are buzzing, and everyone's saving money on Hetzner's no setup fee sale for dedicated root servers with AMD Ryzen™ CPUs. --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
Thanks Katie, bypassing setup fees is always welcome here . A lot of us want low cost storage servers though, and not that many care about 64GB of ram. Could you ask your colleagues for an AX41 HDD configuration with the same price (same hardware cost), but with less ram and more HDD? Say 32gb ram and 2x 4TB instead of 64gb ram and 2x 2TB.
Right now I have an i7-3770 auction server with 32gb ram and 2x 3tb, so paying more to downgrade the disk space (I can live without the extra cpu speed and ram) isn't all that attractive.
Hi @willie -- I've passed that onto the team that develops our new dedicated root servers. Thanks for the feedback. --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
Hi again @willie -- I checked with the team as I said. For the near future at least, they think that looking in the Server Auction may be the best for your particular hardware requirements if you're looking to avoid a setup fee. They suggested keeping an eye out for "old" SX servers there. You can also sometimes find users who are willing to transfer SX servers in the "Marktplatz" for a much-reduced fee. If you've never heard of the "Marktplatz" in our Forum, check out this article. --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
Yes I do see old SX servers (usually i7-2600) in the auction sometimes. I guess your team knows better than I do, but I would have thought what I suggested was a common use case. RIght now, my new 5TB Storage Box has taken some of the disk pressure off my auction server, so I'm ok for a while.
I believe one account does everything. I have a vague memory of custom domains only being available for the larger storageshare sizes, but I don't see anything about that in the docs, so maybe they got rid of that restriction.
@willie said:
I believe one account does everything. I have a vague memory of custom domains only being available for the larger storageshare sizes, but I don't see anything about that in the docs, so maybe they got rid of that restriction.
@Hetzner_OL Do we have to register a new account for using "Storage Share" or is the classic "Cloud" one enough?
I am not 100% sure I understand your question here, but I will take a guess.
We use the customer interface konsoleH for our Storage Share products, which are Nextcloud-based products. We use konsoleH because our team provides some support for Storage Share, and we use konsoleH for our managed products. That's why the Storage Shares are on konsoleH. (We also use konsoleH for our other managed products, like managed web hosting, managed servers, and exotic TLDs.)
For our 'normal' cloud products, meaning our unmanaged cloud products, we use the customer interface Cloud Console. For our unmanaged dedicated root servers, we use Robot. Customers can log into both Cloud Console and Robot with a single customer log-in on a platform called Hetzner Accounts.
But if a Cloud Console customer wants to use a Storage Share, they cannot use their regular customer log-in for Cloud Console/Robot/Hetzner Accounts. They have to create a separate customer account on konsoleH. The systems are still totally separate. There are some plans in the works to eventually change this, but I do not know when that will be ready.
So if you are a Hetzner Cloud customer, and you would like to use our Storage Share products, please create an account on konsoleH. When you create your account on konsoleH, you can enter your existing customer number for Cloud Console to help speed up the verification process.
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
FIY, I converted my previous NX20 to the new NX11. NX20 had 1 custom domain available (displayed as "Subdomain" in konsoleH), and now konsoleH displays 3 available Subdomains for NX11. The 3 Subdomains limit is also listed on the Storage Share product page, in "Prices" area.
The custom domain I defined on NX20 still perfectly works with NX11. konsoleH allows me to edit it, and displays "Existing subdomains (1 of 3)".
Anyone notice if storage share has faster transfers in practice than storage box? Wondering because it's more of a file sharing product, as the name implies.
The custom domain I defined on NX20 still perfectly works with NX11. konsoleH allows me to edit it, and displays "Existing subdomains (1 of 3)".
That's good to know. I hadn't thought to ask about if that particular scenario was possible. --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
@BarryHercules - Sorry for my delayed reaction here, and for generally being away from LES for such a long time! We have had some people out of office, and new coworkers to train at the same time. Although the way that the provider tag fee was announce was problematic, we decided to pay it. Before the whole conflict started at LET over the provider tags, we had already been considering whether or not we would expand our presence there. So in the end, it made sense to pay.
I just mentioned that we have new coworkers, and one of them is Lea, our new social media manager. if you follow us on our other social media channels, you may have seen comments from her already. You'll gradually be seeing her here on LES over the next few weeks and months. I believe she plans to continue to post Hetzner news here in this thread. If you want to get her attention elsewhere on LES, make sure to tag us with @Hetzner_OL so she doesn't accidentally miss your comment. (Getting used to a whole bunch of social media channels and forums in a short time can be a lot!) She's also still learning about Hetzner in general, and about our products, so it might take her a bit longer to answer questions at the beginning. If you need an urgent answer, please write a support ticket using Robot/Cloud Console/konsoleH, and if you don't have access to those, use [email protected]. I recommend you always do that if something is urgent, not just because of Lea. I will still be popping in from time to time to say "boo". --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
wow, that's surprising... how does your accounting deal with such nonsense so-called "invoice" that didn't look as would it have all required information on it (at least according to german laws)?
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
Hi y'all - have you ever heard of our Hetzner Online Community?
The heart of our Community is the tutorial area in addition to our frequently visited forum. The free collection of high-quality tutorials, which are based on free and open source software, includes texts on a variety of topics such as development, system administration, and other web technology. We would like to give all users an extra hand so that they get their projects off to a good start. Together with the community, we will continually expand and update the collection.
Share your knowledge and get rewarded! We will put up to € 50 on your account for every relevant tutorial which fulfills our criteria and isn’t published anywhere else yet!
If your ready to dive in, then click here and write your own tutorial!
If you have any questions or need a hand getting started, we will be happy to help you. Please check out the Hetzner Tutorial Guidelines before submitting your tutorial. -Lea
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
IT’S GIVEAWAY TIME! 🎉We’re so excited to announce that we turned 25! And we want to celebrate with YOU by saying thank you in 25 ways! 😍
Order a dedicated root server in June and get the chance to win one of 25 prizes!
Go to to learn more about the giveaway and to see the official terms of participation! The winners will be contacted on 15 July 2022 via mail 📩
Don’t miss it! Enter now or by Thursday, 30 June 2022 by 11:59pm (CEST)!
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
Being able to configure it as public access is part of its attraction though. I.e. that is a feature that people would want and be willing to pay for, thus the suggestion of offering it only on the more expensive tier. Maybe storage box could have it as auth-only and storage share could have public access as a user choice.
Well, I got around to spinning up a 1tb storage box to try borg backup. It worked ok, I transferred around 900GB to it, took overnight at around 35-40MB/sec, not great but not terrible. Then I bumped up the size to 5TB and sent another 200GB over and this time the transfer is about 2x slower. I wonder if the size change had anything to do with that, or the storage server is just more loaded now, or what. Will see if the slowdown persists but it is painful, currently around 13MB/s. This is from a dedi in the same DC as the backup server (both FLK) so network should not be a bottleneck. I have about 3TB on this server to back up, so it will be a couple more days of nonstop transfer at this speed.
On the other hand, I noticed when I ordered the storage box that the console tells me that it is in FLK, so at least that info is known. @Hetzner_OL do you know if they exist in NBG? I guess that FLK is a big DC park, so it's probably helpful to be able to get two boxes in separate DC's at the FLK location, even if there is no NBG. It might be handy to have an option to copy one storage box to another.
it's called FalkenSteiN not FLK ;-) just sayin'
The UN location code says FKS
could well be, yet Hetzner always refers to it as FSN-DCx when talking about the location. the x marks the different buildings/areas within the whole Falkenstein location...
I had sort of remembered FLK from the Hetzner console, but ok maybe it was FSN
Meanwhile my borg backup went back to its original speed after a few hours of slowdown, but I think the program itself can be sped up somewhat.
@willie - Usually Storage Boxes should reach 20-50 MB/s. But we do not guarantee any specific bandwidth. I'm glad to read that you gave borg a try on one of the Storage Boxes. I think borg is a personal favorite of many of our coworkers. I'm happy that the performance sped up a bit after a few hours.
If, in the future, you should experience persistently bad performance, and no trouble-shooting helps (like trying different times of days), then try to document it and write a support request. They may be able to give you some tips or ideas for troubleshooting. If it is consistently bad, I believe it's possible to move you to another host.
@Falzo is right (again!) about how we designate our DCs. You'll see the official names here.
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
Thanks, Katie. Meanwhile, my 5TB storage box has 1.5TB of free space left and I have one more system to back up, which has 1.6TB of data... ouch
And that's why we need 1TB increments? ;-)
Heh, I think a lot of my 1.6TB directory is already backed up elsewhere, so I will be ok if I just back up the remaining part a little bit selectively. There is also some other cheap storage around that I can pursue. I suspect part of Storage Box's pricing relies on lots of users not using their entire allocation, so 1TB increments would result in higher prices.
Hi y'all -- This spring, the birds are singing, the bees are buzzing, and everyone's saving money on Hetzner's no setup fee sale for dedicated root servers with AMD Ryzen™ CPUs. --Katie

We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
Thanks Katie, bypassing setup fees is always welcome here
. A lot of us want low cost storage servers though, and not that many care about 64GB of ram. Could you ask your colleagues for an AX41 HDD configuration with the same price (same hardware cost), but with less ram and more HDD? Say 32gb ram and 2x 4TB instead of 64gb ram and 2x 2TB.
Right now I have an i7-3770 auction server with 32gb ram and 2x 3tb, so paying more to downgrade the disk space (I can live without the extra cpu speed and ram) isn't all that attractive.
Hi @willie -- I've passed that onto the team that develops our new dedicated root servers. Thanks for the feedback. --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
Hi again @willie -- I checked with the team as I said. For the near future at least, they think that looking in the Server Auction may be the best for your particular hardware requirements if you're looking to avoid a setup fee. They suggested keeping an eye out for "old" SX servers there. You can also sometimes find users who are willing to transfer SX servers in the "Marktplatz" for a much-reduced fee. If you've never heard of the "Marktplatz" in our Forum, check out this article. --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
Yes I do see old SX servers (usually i7-2600) in the auction sometimes. I guess your team knows better than I do, but I would have thought what I suggested was a common use case. RIght now, my new 5TB Storage Box has taken some of the disk pressure off my auction server, so I'm ok for a while.
Agree on storage increments.
Or rather more specifically something between 1 and 5TB. I can see 1 not being enough for me and 5 being way too much
@Hetzner_OL Do we have to register a new account for using "Storage Share" or is the classic "Cloud" one enough?
For everyone else who are using new "Storage Share" packages, do you have the option of using custom domain for NX11 package?
I believe one account does everything. I have a vague memory of custom domains only being available for the larger storageshare sizes, but I don't see anything about that in the docs, so maybe they got rid of that restriction.
After they announced new packages, the documentation was still referring to the previous ones "smaller". The updated one does not mention any limits.
@Hetzner_OL Do we have to register a new account for using "Storage Share" or is the classic "Cloud" one enough?
I am not 100% sure I understand your question here, but I will take a guess.
We use the customer interface konsoleH for our Storage Share products, which are Nextcloud-based products. We use konsoleH because our team provides some support for Storage Share, and we use konsoleH for our managed products. That's why the Storage Shares are on konsoleH. (We also use konsoleH for our other managed products, like managed web hosting, managed servers, and exotic TLDs.)
For our 'normal' cloud products, meaning our unmanaged cloud products, we use the customer interface Cloud Console. For our unmanaged dedicated root servers, we use Robot. Customers can log into both Cloud Console and Robot with a single customer log-in on a platform called Hetzner Accounts.
But if a Cloud Console customer wants to use a Storage Share, they cannot use their regular customer log-in for Cloud Console/Robot/Hetzner Accounts. They have to create a separate customer account on konsoleH. The systems are still totally separate. There are some plans in the works to eventually change this, but I do not know when that will be ready.
So if you are a Hetzner Cloud customer, and you would like to use our Storage Share products, please create an account on konsoleH. When you create your account on konsoleH, you can enter your existing customer number for Cloud Console to help speed up the verification process.
Custom domain on Storage Share...? -- Yes, this is now possible with most of the Storage Share packages. See (It's not possible with the NX11 or the older generation NX10). --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
FIY, I converted my previous NX20 to the new NX11. NX20 had 1 custom domain available (displayed as "Subdomain" in konsoleH), and now konsoleH displays 3 available Subdomains for NX11. The 3 Subdomains limit is also listed on the Storage Share product page, in "Prices" area.
The custom domain I defined on NX20 still perfectly works with NX11. konsoleH allows me to edit it, and displays "Existing subdomains (1 of 3)".
@Hetzner_OL (Katie) You've understood my question perfectly and gave me all the answers, thank you!
Anyone notice if storage share has faster transfers in practice than storage box? Wondering because it's more of a file sharing product, as the name implies.
@quaego > @quaego said:
That's good to know. I hadn't thought to ask about if that particular scenario was possible.
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
@Hetzner_OL would you mind commenting on whether Hetzner will be paying the new LowEndTalk ‘provider fee’?
@BarryHercules - Sorry for my delayed reaction here, and for generally being away from LES for such a long time! We have had some people out of office, and new coworkers to train at the same time. Although the way that the provider tag fee was announce was problematic, we decided to pay it. Before the whole conflict started at LET over the provider tags, we had already been considering whether or not we would expand our presence there. So in the end, it made sense to pay.
I just mentioned that we have new coworkers, and one of them is Lea, our new social media manager. if you follow us on our other social media channels, you may have seen comments from her already. You'll gradually be seeing her here on LES over the next few weeks and months. I believe she plans to continue to post Hetzner news here in this thread. If you want to get her attention elsewhere on LES, make sure to tag us with @Hetzner_OL so she doesn't accidentally miss your comment. (Getting used to a whole bunch of social media channels and forums in a short time can be a lot!) She's also still learning about Hetzner in general, and about our products, so it might take her a bit longer to answer questions at the beginning. If you need an urgent answer, please write a support ticket using Robot/Cloud Console/konsoleH, and if you don't have access to those, use [email protected]. I recommend you always do that if something is urgent, not just because of Lea.
I will still be popping in from time to time to say "boo".
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
wow, that's surprising... how does your accounting deal with such nonsense so-called "invoice" that didn't look as would it have all required information on it (at least according to german laws)?
on another note: welcome Lea!
@Falzo -- There is another colleague who manages our paid ads, so I haven't been involved in the invoicing process so far. Sorry. --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
Hi y'all - have you ever heard of our Hetzner Online Community?
The heart of our Community is the tutorial area in addition to our frequently visited forum. The free collection of high-quality tutorials, which are based on free and open source software, includes texts on a variety of topics such as development, system administration, and other web technology. We would like to give all users an extra hand so that they get their projects off to a good start. Together with the community, we will continually expand and update the collection.
Share your knowledge and get rewarded! We will put up to € 50 on your account for every relevant tutorial which fulfills our criteria and isn’t published anywhere else yet!
If your ready to dive in, then click here and write your own tutorial!
If you have any questions or need a hand getting started, we will be happy to help you. Please check out the Hetzner Tutorial Guidelines before submitting your tutorial. -Lea
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
IT’S GIVEAWAY TIME! 🎉We’re so excited to announce that we turned 25! And we want to celebrate with YOU by saying thank you in 25 ways! 😍
Order a dedicated root server in June and get the chance to win one of 25 prizes!
Go to to learn more about the giveaway and to see the official terms of participation! The winners will be contacted on 15 July 2022 via mail 📩
Don’t miss it! Enter now or by Thursday, 30 June 2022 by 11:59pm (CEST)!
We wish y’all good luck! 🍀 --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.