[UK] 2GB DDR4 | 10G UNMETERED | 150GB RAID10 HDD | $12/Quarterly
Hey guys,
After clearing up some stock, we're here with a slightly modified plan from our normal lineup with slightly reduced specs and a special price for the lowend community. Here is the plan on offer today:
- 1vCore (Fair usage)
- Unmetered 10G port (May be throttled to 1gbps after 100TB usage)
- 1 IPv4
- KVM/Virtualizor
- Custom ISO supported
Price: $12/quarterly
Payment methods: Stripe, Square
Order: https://billing.gardencloud.host/order/config/index/specials/?group_id=13&pricing_id=103
If you have any questions, feel free to contact support. We're happy to help.
Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
yabs for those interested:
is ipv6 supported?
any lg/test ip?
No v6, sorry.
Test IP:
Test file: https://speed-uk-vps.gardencloud.host/100MB.bin
4 more in stock guys
Added a couple more due to unpaid orders
Dear chap, pray tell where exactly in the UK is your DC? This is appealing.
Random question - why doesn't anybody who uses this billing software bother to customise it at all or even add a link so you can find out more about the company?
Does it come with DDoS protection?
I know a lot of Brits avoid them
Good question. I do see that a lot, and I’m just contributing to the problem. Perhaps I’ll add a little more spice to it when I get a chance.
It comes with standard OVH DDoS protection.
If anyone is still interested in ordering, please PM me. I have a few unpaid orders that I’ll be clearing out soon.
Ah, tis a shame, was hoping for a non-London location.
Yup, sorry bro. Good luck in your searches
Cheers bra.
Can I install windows
It has custom ISO so theoretically yes. I don’t have any more stock in UK right now but if you’d like to give it a try we have a bit of stock in CA on SSD storage. PM me if you’re interested, I can offer a free trial
Can you provide me a CA test IP?
You can ping
It’s on OVH
Hey all,
Sorry for the necro but nexus bytes seems to be having issues again today and as such our billing panel is inaccessible currently. We will get things back together ASAP, just wanted to let you all know we’re still alive
Edit: as I say that it goes back up
Sorry for the necro guys
Sorry for the necro, it is down again.
Sorry for the necro, but suggests this, that end is nigh?
Good day and Goodbye
Or when u r using Blesta, maybe u should migrate rather to Fran in such case.. (than risk potentially worried users that u r dead, imo harmful for your business and its health)
Good day and Goodbye
perhaps. im using NB shared in DE right now, and it is semi-up. the panel is working but it appears that litespeed is down.
i'll be doing a migration when i get a chance, as i'm now reaching below 99% uptime since i began tracking it
I keep my fingers crossed
IMO Fran is a perfectionist: even if he did not avoid the outages too (which also happens to the largest providers), you can be sure that he will immediately start resolving the situation asap with all his might and do his best to rectify it as soon as possible, very good experience with him, i appreciate his access - always absolute professional
Good day and Goodbye
i have had good experience with fran. nexusbytes was solid in the past but i think it's this particular node that is having big struggles. in any case, i have a blesta license right now so i'll be using another host for the time being
https://billing.gardencloud.host is back up now.
I'll get everything else back up later
and get stock
New offer will be coming soon. This kind of put a spanner in the works
10G up is a neat trick. A lot of recent offers have been focused on down
It goes both ways. The main limitation here is the disk
Truth, ()and OVH server often income with 10G down but 250/500mbit up)
but still it is possible:
1) i also got luckily 10G (including upload too) by OVH
2) see his bench - there is very clearly visible that this is really 10G upload in his case
Good day and Goodbye