I can freelance graphics work, logo, banners, web design (in PSD). I can do HTML/CSS but I'm self-taught and hence not ub3r l337 when it comes to coding nor am I certified by any institution to do so. I can maybe as a consultant provide marketing strategies after understanding your business (I do that offline for local businesses) and yes, I am certified in that (Masters in Business Administration).
My current project involves reviving the Alumni association of my institute from where I pursued my Masters. Work done in the current project:
Getting the alumni portal ready (can share the link via PM)
Planning & executing different set of tasks/strategies to attract alumni (have to work with the student committee for this)
Organizing alumni events in the university
Doing anything which helps the institute connect with the alumni
I also invest in domains (flipping mostly) and real-estate (long term flipping). I don't know how it helps for a freelancer tag.
Regarding my graphics work, I do not have a portfolio up ready but if you want to see my work from 2009 or 2010 I can dig in my old HDD.
I had stopped doing freelancing publicly work due to lack of will. Making money was never an issue for me or rather I'd say I never did for the money I got in return for the work.
Maybe its time I take this up seriously.
I'll start off by doing public requests and maybe then I can get the tag? sounds fair I guess.
Fiverr and others are far from ideal sometimes!! And I believe in a small, very oriented community it could be worth at least a try...
Saying that and while I am technically a freelancer, I legally cannot be !
BlaZe said: not ub3r l337 when it comes to coding nor am I certified by any institution to do so
To be honest, being 'certified' in any way around programming is a negative signal to me, not a positive one You're much better off with recommendations from people.
The state of software development (and related) courses is awful. People learn exactly all the wrong things, and are made to believe by said courses that they are done learning...
I have some ideas based on all the feedback (which I really appreciate) to tighten this idea up a bit, I will update the rules today.
Essentially I will provide freelancer tags to registered companies or those with a known or proovable record of work.
For those that do not fit the above I will not issue a tag but instead encourage them to take on some smaller jobs here with a maximum value in order to create a track record to get a tag.
I will also layer the requests category further to make it more targeted.
I don’t expect it to be a significant part of the forum but if it ultimately ends up being a nothing part of the forum I will just merge it in to the *AAS (as a service) tag which will come in the future to simply allow related adverts.
joepie91 said: The state of software development (and related) courses is awful. People learn exactly all the wrong things, and are made to believe by said courses that they are done learning...
Not everyone who take coding courses become a good coder & vice versa.
I know a few friends who took IT courses that has very little knowledge about coding outside their books.
They have no passion for coder's self torture. hahahaha.....
@willie said:
Does tag require putting real name on the site?
+1. I don't apply for a Freelancer tag for two reasons, the first being I can't take on any work before Q2 2020 and the second being my (registered) company name includes my first and last name and while I don't mind potential customers knowing my name I certainly don't want everyone to know it.
I'm able to take on some work and obviously am ok with customers knowing my name, but would rather not have it on the site, especially on the search indexed part.
Well I would say if you cant give links to your business/portfolio in a public forum for work then you should probably not be taking work
I don't mean that to sound harsh but if you are only "playing at it" essentially then you can take on the smaller jobs, all the hosts here have transparency, people taking work generally or using it as a platform to earn need to do the same.
Nothing stopping you bidding for smaller jobs I suppose, but who knows this whole thing may come back to just a tag that is merged with a SAAS/PAAS etc tag (the name of which i don't know yet) and the market place removed.
@AnthonySmith said: Well I would say if you cant give links to your business/portfolio in a public forum for work then you should probably not be taking work
I understand your opinion and I'm fine with that - I simply won't apply for a tag. That said, one of the reasons I'd be hesitant putting my company name up in a public register like the one on LES is that my VAT number includes my social security number which makes it ridiculously easy to commit identity fraud. This issue is to be solved starting January 1st next year but it still makes me feel uneasy associating my forum profile with my actual name and (indirectly) my social security number, living address and what not. This is different for companies that are registered in a different legal form (e.g. the Dutch B.V.) but such legal form is not commonly found among freelancers due to tax disadvantages. These other legal forms are more commonly found among hosting companies hence the two don't always compare to each other as they won't have the disadvantage of disclosing their social security number nor personal information other than their name.
I can imagine regulations in other countries may raise similar concerns for some but then again - the option to not apply for a tag is always there.
@AnthonySmith said: Is your VAT number and the linked business and by extension you, now already public information?
Yes but it's not associated with my nickname anywhere. Hence, if someone on the internet dislikes anything @Solaire posts on the internet and wants to go after me he'd have no clue where to go whereas he would if my nickname would be associated with my name here in a register that is indexed by Google.
@Solaire said:
Yes but it's not associated with my nickname anywhere. Hence, if someone on the internet dislikes anything @Solaire posts on the internet and wants to go after me he'd have no clue where to go whereas he would if my nickname would be associated with my name here in a register that is indexed by Google.
Seems strangely familiar.
@AnthonySmith said:
Well in that case I would suggest you simply register a separate account for freelance work?
i have no objection to that.
Because, you know, a "new person" out of nowhere with no record of anything in the industry is really going to net you more than derision.
@AnthonySmith said: Well I would say if you cant give links to your business/portfolio in a public forum for work then you should probably not be taking work
I understand your opinion and I'm fine with that - I simply won't apply for a tag. That said, one of the reasons I'd be hesitant putting my company name up in a public register like the one on LES is that my VAT number includes my social security number which makes it ridiculously easy to commit identity fraud. This issue is to be solved starting January 1st next year but it still makes me feel uneasy associating my forum profile with my actual name and (indirectly) my social security number, living address and what not. This is different for companies that are registered in a different legal form (e.g. the Dutch B.V.) but such legal form is not commonly found among freelancers due to tax disadvantages. These other legal forms are more commonly found among hosting companies hence the two don't always compare to each other as they won't have the disadvantage of disclosing their social security number nor personal information other than their name.
I can imagine regulations in other countries may raise similar concerns for some but then again - the option to not apply for a tag is always there.
For what it's worth, technically speaking you don't need to announce your VAT number publicly, it just needs to be known to all of your customers and suppliers. Which means that you can most likely comply with that rule by handing it out to each prospective customer and supplier individually.
@AnthonySmith said: all the hosts here have transparency, people taking work generally or using it as a platform to earn need to do the same.
I don't think it's similar to hosting: hosts are required to have an ordering system too (or at least on LET they were). Unlike hosting, one doesn't hire a freelancer/consultant based purely on an LET offer. It's more like: contact the person privately, discuss the project and terms, and then decide. For that purpose having the person's name visible (at least to me) doesn't matter at all. Obviously I'd need the info in order to hire and pay them, but I can get it from them privately if things move forward.
For example, I don't know MikePT's name (maybe it is visible now) but I wouldn't have any issue with PM'ing him and opening a discussion if I had some work for him. I do know Joepie91's name but it doesn't matter at all to me that I know it.
For that matter, lots of people have "portfolios" on places like SO or Github under pseudonyms, and I think those sites have an "available for hire" tag people can set themselves. (I don't use those sites myself since they are too facebook-like for my preferences).
The freelancer tag’s primary purpose is to allow those that offer services not directly related to the hosting industry to post adverts.
If you are publicly offering services for payment here I am afraid I need to insist that people know who they are dealing with and I don’t think that is unfair of me to say.
In terms of the mini market place for work that is more of an experiment to judge interest over a few months, you are welcome to respond directly to requests there without a provider tag as per the rules.
Well it's up to you, but I would say that unlike hosting (where the customer is dealing with the host as soon as they press an order button), with a freelancer there is no dealing taking place (i.e. no funds or work being committed) until there have first been private discussions. So it still seems to me that any necessary disclosures can happen during the discussions.
In the case of someone offering software or SaaS products then ok, that is more like hosting. Custom development is really different. I've had total strangers approach me for it on irc, for example, and I don't use my name on irc.
@willie said:
Well it's up to you, but I would say that unlike hosting (where the customer is dealing with the host as soon as they press an order button), with a freelancer there is no dealing taking place (i.e. no funds or work being committed) until there have first been private discussions. So it still seems to me that any necessary disclosures can happen during the discussions.
yeah but as I said, there is nothing stopping you from taking on work here and dealing directly with the customer, its just that if you want to actively advertise your services you will need a freelancer tag.
Additionally I also said you could have a second account for that if you are worried about names being linked.
I don't see a problem.
Issue = Business info being linked to LET/B/S account | solution = second account
I guess the real issue is if you are a personal freelancer i.e. not registered business and you dont want your personal info out there you cant get a tag.
Let me have a think about that, while I agree that could be a problem I also have to consider the protection of the community.
@AnthonySmith said: Well I would say if you cant give links to your business/portfolio in a public forum for work then you should probably not be taking work
I understand your opinion and I'm fine with that - I simply won't apply for a tag. That said, one of the reasons I'd be hesitant putting my company name up in a public register like the one on LES is that my VAT number includes my social security number which makes it ridiculously easy to commit identity fraud. This issue is to be solved starting January 1st next year but it still makes me feel uneasy associating my forum profile with my actual name and (indirectly) my social security number, living address and what not. This is different for companies that are registered in a different legal form (e.g. the Dutch B.V.) but such legal form is not commonly found among freelancers due to tax disadvantages. These other legal forms are more commonly found among hosting companies hence the two don't always compare to each other as they won't have the disadvantage of disclosing their social security number nor personal information other than their name.
I can imagine regulations in other countries may raise similar concerns for some but then again - the option to not apply for a tag is always there.
Same here, my name and social security number is part registered company and VAT number.
Might change company type next year as the requirements for a ”real” registered company changes on Jan 1st.
@AnthonySmith said:
I guess the real issue is if you are a personal freelancer i.e. not registered business and you dont want your personal info out there you cant get a tag.
I'm a registered business but am personally liable for its debts, hence the link to my name. If anything, that's much more reliable than any other business structure as those don't generally come with personal liability.
@AnthonySmith said:
I guess the real issue is if you are a personal freelancer i.e. not registered business and you dont want your personal info out there you cant get a tag.
I'm a registered business but am personally liable for its debts, hence the link to my name. If anything, that's much more reliable than any other business structure as those don't generally come with personal liability.
Appreciate your reply . As I already pointed out - I don't mind much, I have a decent personal network and I won't be available before Q3 2020 anyway. I run a business next to being employed so I'm running my company mainly for work I do during evenings and weekends. Figured I'd spend time on fiddling around with new technologies anyway (as I enjoy doing so) and this actually brings in some money in addition to my employment.
That said, while having a company in a different EU country is perfectly legal, it does make things difficult when applying for a mortgage and has a few other drawbacks, it'd look phishy from the start since this is often abused for tax evasion and other crimes. I don't need this tag and won't apply for it anyway, just trying to be the voice for others that are in the same boat. Having a second account as pointed out by Anthony would work for me personally.
Unfortunately not yet
Dentistry is my passion
Give me a troll tag.
I can freelance graphics work, logo, banners, web design (in PSD). I can do HTML/CSS but I'm self-taught and hence not ub3r l337 when it comes to coding nor am I certified by any institution to do so. I can maybe as a consultant provide marketing strategies after understanding your business (I do that offline for local businesses) and yes, I am certified in that
(Masters in Business Administration).
My current project involves reviving the Alumni association of my institute from where I pursued my Masters. Work done in the current project:
I also invest in domains (flipping mostly) and real-estate (long term flipping). I don't know how it helps for a freelancer tag.
Regarding my graphics work, I do not have a portfolio up ready but if you want to see my work from 2009 or 2010 I can dig in my old HDD.
I had stopped doing freelancing publicly work due to lack of will. Making money was never an issue for me or rather I'd say I never did for the money I got in return for the work.
Maybe its time I take this up seriously.
I'll start off by doing public requests and maybe then I can get the tag? sounds fair I guess.
(PS: This post was more like an introduction XD)
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ok this is nice ide, we do one pay-off job directly.
and how to register freelance here? or we need submit something to proof or how about first time freelance?
well, i'm never become freelance before.
Fiverr and others are far from ideal sometimes!! And I believe in a small, very oriented community it could be worth at least a try...
Saying that and while I am technically a freelancer, I legally cannot be !
To be honest, being 'certified' in any way around programming is a negative signal to me, not a positive one
You're much better off with recommendations from people.
The state of software development (and related) courses is awful. People learn exactly all the wrong things, and are made to believe by said courses that they are done learning...
I have some ideas based on all the feedback (which I really appreciate) to tighten this idea up a bit, I will update the rules today.
Essentially I will provide freelancer tags to registered companies or those with a known or proovable record of work.
For those that do not fit the above I will not issue a tag but instead encourage them to take on some smaller jobs here with a maximum value in order to create a track record to get a tag.
I will also layer the requests category further to make it more targeted.
I don’t expect it to be a significant part of the forum but if it ultimately ends up being a nothing part of the forum I will just merge it in to the *AAS (as a service) tag which will come in the future to simply allow related adverts.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Not everyone who take coding courses become a good coder & vice versa.
I know a few friends who took IT courses that has very little knowledge about coding outside their books.
They have no passion for coder's self torture.
Does tag require putting real name on the site?
+1. I don't apply for a Freelancer tag for two reasons, the first being I can't take on any work before Q2 2020 and the second being my (registered) company name includes my first and last name and while I don't mind potential customers knowing my name I certainly don't want everyone to know it.
I'm able to take on some work and obviously am ok with customers knowing my name, but would rather not have it on the site, especially on the search indexed part.
Well I would say if you cant give links to your business/portfolio in a public forum for work then you should probably not be taking work
I don't mean that to sound harsh but if you are only "playing at it" essentially then you can take on the smaller jobs, all the hosts here have transparency, people taking work generally or using it as a platform to earn need to do the same.
Nothing stopping you bidding for smaller jobs I suppose, but who knows this whole thing may come back to just a tag that is merged with a SAAS/PAAS etc tag (the name of which i don't know yet) and the market place removed.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
I understand your opinion and I'm fine with that - I simply won't apply for a tag. That said, one of the reasons I'd be hesitant putting my company name up in a public register like the one on LES is that my VAT number includes my social security number which makes it ridiculously easy to commit identity fraud. This issue is to be solved starting January 1st next year but it still makes me feel uneasy associating my forum profile with my actual name and (indirectly) my social security number, living address and what not. This is different for companies that are registered in a different legal form (e.g. the Dutch B.V.) but such legal form is not commonly found among freelancers due to tax disadvantages. These other legal forms are more commonly found among hosting companies hence the two don't always compare to each other as they won't have the disadvantage of disclosing their social security number nor personal information other than their name.
I can imagine regulations in other countries may raise similar concerns for some but then again - the option to not apply for a tag is always there.
Is your VAT number and the linked business and by extension you, not currently already public information?
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Yes but it's not associated with my nickname anywhere. Hence, if someone on the internet dislikes anything @Solaire posts on the internet and wants to go after me he'd have no clue where to go whereas he would if my nickname would be associated with my name here in a register that is indexed by Google.
ah ok I see, legitimate concern.
Well in that case I would suggest you simply register a separate account for freelance work?
i have no objection to that.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Seems strangely familiar.
Because, you know, a "new person" out of nowhere with no record of anything in the industry is really going to net you more than derision.
My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.
For what it's worth, technically speaking you don't need to announce your VAT number publicly, it just needs to be known to all of your customers and suppliers. Which means that you can most likely comply with that rule by handing it out to each prospective customer and supplier individually.
I don't think it's similar to hosting: hosts are required to have an ordering system too (or at least on LET they were). Unlike hosting, one doesn't hire a freelancer/consultant based purely on an LET offer. It's more like: contact the person privately, discuss the project and terms, and then decide. For that purpose having the person's name visible (at least to me) doesn't matter at all. Obviously I'd need the info in order to hire and pay them, but I can get it from them privately if things move forward.
For example, I don't know MikePT's name (maybe it is visible now) but I wouldn't have any issue with PM'ing him and opening a discussion if I had some work for him. I do know Joepie91's name but it doesn't matter at all to me that I know it.
For that matter, lots of people have "portfolios" on places like SO or Github under pseudonyms, and I think those sites have an "available for hire" tag people can set themselves. (I don't use those sites myself since they are too facebook-like for my preferences).
The freelancer tag’s primary purpose is to allow those that offer services not directly related to the hosting industry to post adverts.
If you are publicly offering services for payment here I am afraid I need to insist that people know who they are dealing with and I don’t think that is unfair of me to say.
In terms of the mini market place for work that is more of an experiment to judge interest over a few months, you are welcome to respond directly to requests there without a provider tag as per the rules.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Well it's up to you, but I would say that unlike hosting (where the customer is dealing with the host as soon as they press an order button), with a freelancer there is no dealing taking place (i.e. no funds or work being committed) until there have first been private discussions. So it still seems to me that any necessary disclosures can happen during the discussions.
In the case of someone offering software or SaaS products then ok, that is more like hosting. Custom development is really different. I've had total strangers approach me for it on irc, for example, and I don't use my name on irc.
I thought we would be lancing for free... I even brought my own lance and horse...
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yeah but as I said, there is nothing stopping you from taking on work here and dealing directly with the customer, its just that if you want to actively advertise your services you will need a freelancer tag.
Additionally I also said you could have a second account for that if you are worried about names being linked.
I don't see a problem.
Issue = Business info being linked to LET/B/S account | solution = second account
I guess the real issue is if you are a personal freelancer i.e. not registered business and you dont want your personal info out there you cant get a tag.
Let me have a think about that, while I agree that could be a problem I also have to consider the protection of the community.
if anyone has a creative solution I am all ears.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Same here, my name and social security number is part registered company and VAT number.
Might change company type next year as the requirements for a ”real” registered company changes on Jan 1st.
My role on LES has become clearer with this thread.
I must push for trolls' rights.
♻ Amitz day is October 21.
♻ Join Nigh sect by adopting my avatar. Let us spread the joys of the end.
I'm a registered business but am personally liable for its debts, hence the link to my name. If anything, that's much more reliable than any other business structure as those don't generally come with personal liability.
I think the closest is sole trader in the UK and ”enskild firma” in Sweden (where I live)
@Solaire just in case NL business options do not fit your needs, it may be worth looking at other EU-Countries and the respective options. After all, as an EU-Citizen you are allowed to set up your own business (even as a sole trader) in any EU country, Iceland, Norway or Liechtenstein.
Have a look at:
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison, Uptime.is, Ympker's GitHub.
Appreciate your reply
. As I already pointed out - I don't mind much, I have a decent personal network and I won't be available before Q3 2020 anyway. I run a business next to being employed so I'm running my company mainly for work I do during evenings and weekends. Figured I'd spend time on fiddling around with new technologies anyway (as I enjoy doing so) and this actually brings in some money in addition to my employment.
That said, while having a company in a different EU country is perfectly legal, it does make things difficult when applying for a mortgage and has a few other drawbacks, it'd look phishy from the start since this is often abused for tax evasion and other crimes. I don't need this tag and won't apply for it anyway, just trying to be the voice for others that are in the same boat. Having a second account as pointed out by Anthony would work for me personally.