Brueggus' VPS flea market



  • vps03.v4    HostSolutions   02/01/2021      Oradea  CentOS 7    10 GB   2 GB    188.    44220   PARFUMURI-FEMEI-AS, RO


    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • @Mumbly said:
    I don't judge. Hobbies can be always a bit expensive no matter what you do or collect. At least he don't spend it on drugs :pensive:

    I'm pretty sure no-one ends up with that many idlers without being off their mams on something every BF/CM.

    Thanked by (1)ralf
  • @Brueggus said:

    @legendary said:
    284! Fck me. That must be the biggest idler collection out here. This is insanity. What's your monthly bill?

    I have no clue and I don't want to know, honestly.

    Denial makes everything better.

  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOG

    @Brueggus said:
    I'm not as disciplined as @yoursunny, unfortunately, and so I've piled up quite a lot of VPS over the years. And guess what? Most of them are idling.

    Recently I've discovered that there are other options to spend my money on and so I've decided to let them go. Some of them, at least. Maybe.

    Wanna adopt an idler or two?

    Here's a list of all services. Few remarks:

    • I've removed the IP addresses. If a service has an IPv4 ASN, it does have IPv4. If it doesn't, it doesn't. Same for IPv6. If the IPv6 ASN is 6939 or 212085, it's not native IPv6, but a tunnel.
    • The locations may be written in German. Try to translate them if there's some weird name.
    • Most of the services are paid annually. You may use the "order date" to figure out when they renew.

    Most of the services are LET/LEB/LES/Black Friday special offers. I used to have a self-imposed limit of $20/y per service which was lifted recently. The renewal prices are not included in the table, otherwise I would feel much worse about the money spent. If you're interested in specific services, feel free to ask and I'll happily look it up. Please ask in public.

    Few rules:

    • If possible, please check first if the provider allows service transfers. I only do service transfers in accordance with the respective providers. No shady account transfers.
    • Any transfer fees are paid by the receiving party.
    • Transfers are final and non-refundable.


    Detailed info about providers whose services I've used:
    BikeGremlin web-hosting reviews

  • @Brueggus
    No VPS in Reykjavik. Disappointed.

  • Are any of the virmach vps's, such as the ones at Dedipath, online? I might be interested if they are...

  • @Brueggus said:

    @jmgcaguicla said: Renewals for vps190 and vps226 please.

    I've created a Google Docs something and have added the renewals.

    Great, will pop a ticket in.

    Thanked by (1)Brueggus
  • Respekt, mein Lieber... :# <3

    Thanked by (2)Brueggus benz
  • servarica_haniservarica_hani Hosting ProviderOG

    Seems you had use case to have as many locations/networks as possible

    How do you manage them , I assume you use puppet or some other automation tool as there is no way you configure each manually

    Thanked by (1)nyamenk
  • :o

    renewal pls

  • I'm interested in the top one titled smokeping from Inception Hosting in London. Assuming they allow transfer and the renewal is something reasonable, I'd be up for it.

  • As much as I hoard, this guy is on a next level, the king of idler is here

    "Humanity is f*cked up" - Jay

  • FrankZFrankZ AdministratorModerator

    Can you please let me know renewal fees on vps91 Amsterdam, vps97 Los Angeles, vps101 Denver , vps232 San Jose. Thank you.

    LES • AboutDonateRulesSupport

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    how many CPUs on the 2GB ones?

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • how much is renewal fees for vps83 and vps 177 ?

  • That's a huge collection...
    Apart from the one already listed above, would you also be able to let me know the renewal fees for vps53 , vps110, and vps242?

  • Nice list you have there, I'm interested of renewal fees of these:

    • Vps10
    • Vps15
    • Vps17
    • Vps20
    • Vps21
    • Vps63
    • Vps86
    • Vps103
    • Vps107
    • Vps138
    • Vps148
    • Vps149
    • Vps180
    • Vps220
    • Vps229
    • Vps240
  • Bruges, just add renewal fees to your damn excel.

  • @legendary said:
    Bruges, just add renewal fees to your damn excel.

    It does make it less painful if you don't know how much money you exactly burned and will continue to burn.

  • @add_iT said:
    Ok, will wait then

    @Brueggus is this guy skipped the 16 GB Hosthatch ones? If yes, I want to reserve that VM.

    UpCloud free $25 through this aff link - Akamai, DigitalOcean and Vultr alternative, multiple location, IPv6.

  • Hi, interested in vps143 and vps220. What are the renewal fees?

  • @chimichurri said: May I ask what are the renewal prices for the following?

    Done. I'll keep the Servarica one though.

    @chimichurri said: Also, what would be your preferred payment method(s)?

    Paypal friends or SEPA bank transfer.

    @yoursunny said: This is so messed up.

    Very true - but took me a while to figure that out.

    @jtk said:
    But I need to go figure out which ones, if any, allow transfers. OK to follow up in a direct message?


    I'll pm anyone who has shown interest in taking over services. This thread is getting messy, so bear with me...

    I'm not sure about the VirMach services. Ticket responses have been extremely slow recently, so I'm not sure whether it's a good idea to try running service transfers now.

    Thanked by (2)chimichurri jtk - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->

  • @MS said: No VPS in Reykjavik. Disappointed.

    Me too. :(

    @vool said:
    Hi, interested in vps143 and vps220. What are the renewal fees?

    I'll keep those - sorry :(

    I won't offer transfers for the NAT services I have with mrVM, Gullo and Inception Hosting as the providers are barely making any money with them and most of the services are part of bundles so things may become complicated here.

    @Dazzle said:

    @add_iT said:
    Ok, will wait then

    @Brueggus is this guy skipped the 16 GB Hosthatch ones? If yes, I want to reserve that VM.

    You're no. 2 in the line now. ;) - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->

  • edited August 2022

    @Brueggus said:

    @vool said:
    Hi, interested in vps143 and vps220. What are the renewal fees?

    I'll keep those - sorry :(

    Could've filtered the list beforehand so people don't get their hopes up. :'(


    Thanked by (2)ehab Brueggus
  • atomiatomi OG
    edited August 2022


    • Vps91
    • Vps97
  • devdev OG
    edited August 2022

    Would like to take VPS01 or VPS97 if you are up for it

  • @rockinmusicgv said:
    Are any of the virmach vps's, such as the ones at Dedipath, online? I might be interested if they are...

    Most of them are, 2 or 3 aren't. Some of them have been auto-migrated to other locations. I planned on getting them sorted when the dust of Ryzen migration settles, but I'm no longer sure if that's going to happen.

    @servarica_hani said: Seems you had use case to have as many locations/networks as possible

    Yes, indeed. I wouldn't call that a use-case, though. :grin:

    How do you manage them , I assume you use puppet or some other automation tool as there is no way you configure each manually

    Mostly Ansible for provisioning, installing sw and updates. Borgmatic to backup them to my Mouse storage server ( <3 ) and LibreNMS for monitoring.

    @tridinebandim said: renewal pls

    Added. I'll keep vps134. :(

    @Erisa said: I'm interested in the top one titled smokeping from Inception Hosting in London.


    @FrankZ said: Can you please let me know renewal fees on vps91 Amsterdam, vps97 Los Angeles, vps101 Denver , vps232 San Jose. Thank you.

    Added. As stated above, I'm not really inclined to bug VirMach with service transfers currently...
    Could you double-check vps101? That one's not in Denver.

    @cybertech said: how many CPUs on the 2GB ones?

    Which servers exactly?

    @atomi said: I'm interested of renewal fees of these:

    I've added some of them, but I'm also going to keep some of them. :/

    Thanked by (2)servarica_hani dev - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->

  • @jmgcaguicla said: Could've filtered the list beforehand so people don't get their hopes up.

    I definitely should have done that and I'll go through the whole list again shortly. My apologies to anyone I disappointed :/

    @atomi said:

    • Vps91
    • Vps97

    @dev said:
    Would like to take VPS01 or VPS97 if you are up for it

    I'll open a ticket with VirMach and will let you know if I get any response.

    Thanked by (1)dev - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->

  • interested in


    depending on renewal costs of these bad boys of course :-)

  • vyasvyas OGRetired
    edited August 2022

    @Brueggus said:

    I'll open a ticket with VirMach and will let you know if I get any response.

    I would suggest holding off on all Virmach Xfers for now, for the below reason.

    A recent transfer situation that I am party to, Virmach reply was
    "It may take several weeks for the transfer"

    Or something to that effect.
    In the case that I state, both parties were aware, quoted amount paid to the original subscriber, who in turn paid the transfer fees to Virmach and raised the xfer request ticket. Three weeks have passed, no update. Mentioning this because not everyone may have that level of patscience (to quote Cociu).

    Focus on the ones that can be xferred with less complications first. Best wishes.

    Thanked by (1)chimichurri
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