Hahaa yeah, seriously, I sponsor this guys with the small VPS running shoutcast and perform all the setup for them so I want to avoid spending money that I lack, especially during Christmas, lots of gifts to buy...
Black Friday is ovah but Christmas is coming up - a year is such a long time to wait for @liteserver to drop a sweet deal ....
I wonder if @Ishaq might could break off a little something something in NL
Otherwise that $20 512 MB BuyVM slice in LU really does seem hard to beat
@HostDoc does some annual deals for 512 MB KVM - seems like lowest price currently would be £15 in Finland as per their flash sale page https://hostdochost.i.ng
and UltraVPS.eu has 512 MB KVM for €2/m (the "ultraKVM-15" with a 6 month contract) - reasonable enough but ... not for the OG El Cheapo budget I suppose - likewise I think I've also seen offer for 512 MB KVM for $25/y from CrownCloud, if I'm remembering correctly (?)
Perhaps @freerangecloud may have something suitable at lower price in new EU location ... (was it NL ?)
@uptime said:
I always learn something from these threads
Black Friday is ovah but Christmas is coming up - a year is such a long time to wait for @liteserver to drop a sweet deal ....
I wonder if @Ishaq might could break off a little something something in NL
Otherwise that $20 512 MB BuyVM slice in LU really does seem hard to beat
@HostDoc does some annual deals for 512 MB KVM - seems like lowest price currently would be £15 in Finland as per their flash sale page https://hostdochost.i.ng
and UltraVPS.eu has 512 MB KVM for €2/m (the "ultraKVM-15" with a 6 month contract) - reasonable enough but ... not for the OG el cheapo budget I suppose - likewise I think I've also seen offer for 512 MB KVM for $25/y from CrownCloud, if I'm remembering correctly (?)
Perhaps @freerangecloud may have something suitable at lower price in new EU location ... (was it NL ?)
AlphaVPS's CyberMonday deals still available. You may discuss the Traffic with them.
Yeah- good idea to ping alphavps - like I posted elsewhere
Ye it's also a choice, but I feel I need to contribute to @Francisco as he has helped this same radio during the fires we had in our city, so I'll go with him.
@seriesn has DE location
I smell some deals
"Humanity is f*cked up" - Jay
Sadly it's a bit steep for me, as I'm sponsoring this local radio, and runs a shoutcast server only. :P
Get a slice?
Francisco Solaire
Looking for something super cheap, like, CHEAP
Thanks for the kind mention, but I smell ElCheapo is back.
@MikePT check if @AnthonySmith got anything to spare?
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If uptime is somewhat of a concern I wouldn't go too cheap honestly. That said, have you considered a NAT box?
Hahaa yeah, seriously, I sponsor this guys with the small VPS running shoutcast and perform all the setup for them so I want to avoid spending money that I lack, especially during Christmas, lots of gifts to buy...
It's not mission critical, though I dislike NAT.
I always learn something from these threads
Black Friday is ovah but Christmas is coming up - a year is such a long time to wait for @liteserver to drop a sweet deal ....
I wonder if @Ishaq might could break off a little something something in NL
Otherwise that $20 512 MB BuyVM slice in LU really does seem hard to beat
@HostDoc does some annual deals for 512 MB KVM - seems like lowest price currently would be £15 in Finland as per their flash sale page https://hostdochost.i.ng
and UltraVPS.eu has 512 MB KVM for €2/m (the "ultraKVM-15" with a 6 month contract) - reasonable enough but ... not for the OG El Cheapo budget I suppose - likewise I think I've also seen offer for 512 MB KVM for $25/y from CrownCloud, if I'm remembering correctly (?)
Perhaps @freerangecloud may have something suitable at lower price in new EU location ... (was it NL ?)
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
Thanks mate, those options will suit just fine...
+1 for BuyVM @Francisco is not only a good hosting provider but a nice guy as well
Recommend: SmallWeb|BuyVM|Linode|RamNode
maybe this one?
21.85€ annually
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Grab your vmWare toblerone today.
AlphaVPS's CyberMonday deals still available. You may discuss the Traffic with them.
Action and Reaction in history
Thank you guys, can be closed, sent a message to @Francisco
Yeah- good idea to ping alphavps - like I posted elsewhere
VPS reviews and benchmarks |
Ye it's also a choice, but I feel I need to contribute to @Francisco as he has helped this same radio during the fires we had in our city, so I'll go with him.