servaRICA Dedicated Storage Servers (Gorilla and Panda)

This is the first time we offer fully dedicated servers
Those servers are Dell servers with brand new Enterprise Western Digital Ultrastar DC disks
The servers come with console access if you wish to install from your iso (you need to open a ticket for console as we didnt automate it yet)
Please share your feedback about these offers as we will do much more dedicated servers offers in the future
** Dedicated Storage servers **
1- Panda Dedicated Server
2x Intel Xeon E5-2630L V2
6 Cores 12 Threads Each
1x 1TB SSD
2x 16TB enterprise SATA disks
500mbps unmetered Bandwidth
1x IPv4
/64 IPv6 free on demand
69 USD$/month
Free Setup
For our other VPS offers please check (all plans except ipv6 and eagle plans are in stock )
About Us
servaRICA is VPS and dedicated server provider located in Montreal, Canada. We own our hardware and operate our own network and we are not reseller to any other company. We have been in business since 2010 (more than 10 years ago) .
The servers are hosted in our own datacenter suite in Montreal , Quebec , Canada
Looking glass:
Where can we find your Terms of Service/Legal documents:
TOS and AUP: are your accepted payment methods: We accept Paypal, Alipay, Credit Cards and Crypto currencies like (BTC , ETH etc)
what is the setup time for the servers
The servers already installed , it is just the usual order verification then the server is yoursDoes those servers come with IPMI
yes , you can reboot , boot etc from the control panelDoes those servers come with KVM (Console , VNC)
yes , but you need to open ticket for it as it is in private lan for security reasons so we will give you access by ticket
Please let us know what you think
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Have a storage vps and is good.
I think Serverica is the only provider not affected by current energy crisis!
My reliable providers : Ramnode : HostHatch : Serverica : InceptionHosting : AlphaVps : LittleCreekHosting : NexusBytes : Hostodo
Europe problem
They're close to several hydroelectric plants, probably fine for a while because of cheap power.
Not directly affected by Energy crisis but our main pain point is inflation
Our running cost went up 10% approx just due to inflation
For example we rent space and power from existing datacenter , the idea they handle the UPS , the generator , PDU and cooling, their invoice went up more than 8% in July due to inflation (this invoice include our rented space , power , cooling and all cross connects)
This invoice is a big chunk of our total cost
Add to that inflation affect everything else like shipping for hardware (shipping went almost 3x earlier this year but it is better now but still higher than before ) , salaries and many other small things here and there
But overall the increase on our cost is still manageable so we are not affected , I just hope this trend of 10% inflation per year will stop as it add up over time
Since it's mentioned in the title but not in the post: Gorilla seems to be an upgraded version of Panda. Same storage, but more processing power and RAM.
This is nice, a version with more drives would also be interesting.
I really hope to see this deal around in the coming years. I don't need it now, but if google drive ever deadpools I will need 2 of these to store all my 0's and 1's.
I'd jump at $30/month for half the RAM on one, but only because of my own arbitrary psychological limit.
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We plan to offer servers with 8x drives and 12x in the near future
but the disks will be less capacity as i dont think we will get many customers for 12x 16TB disks servers as it will be very expensive
I was thinking more like 4x or maybe 6x, enough for raid-6 to not burn too much of the space. Although, borg backup to one or your storage vps might be an alternative.
yeah my initial plan was to use 8x or 12x 6tb or 8tb disks servers
for example with 6tb x 12 you get 72tb raw space
the beauty of those solutions is that the amount of IO is not bad as 12 spinning disks can generate good IO specially if you use caching to ssd or arc in zfs
I find the option of cheap dedicated servers with many disks almost not existing in the market for some reason
Meh. Had 2 different services with them. Both extremely slow response from ssh. Currently have 2 1/2 months to go on a 2TB storage plan that is barely usable.
thats not normal
did you open any tickets
if yes send me the ticket ids in private
or just open a ticket and ask to be moved to new server
I think people mostly want raw capacity. More drives = more rack space, more power consumption, more separate bits of hardware to fail, etc. Better to use large drives, but enough for raid 6. Whenever the Hetzner SX line is refreshed they always go to bigger drives.
I see this is interesting as the use case for users is different that us
For us we prefer to have large number of disks in the array and we intentionally dont use too big disks to keep rebuilding time manageable
Good that you pointed this , will make sure to have both options available in the future (large number of disks with lower capacity and smaller number of disks with high capacity )
This being LES, I expect that for most of us, low cost dominates everything else.
I have two storage servers with them and I must say that they are very responsive even tough I beat the crap out of them and they are on the other side of the world from me.
Obvious shill
Uhhh, same shill
I am not affiliated with Servarica in any way, so please enlighten us how this is a shill?
I am the owner of servaRICA and I was trying to help identify the issue to fix it not sure what you mean here
Also we dont pay anybody to say positive things about us
we have been around for 10+ years and we rarely have any review exactly because we dont give intensives for reviews
Submitted a question to sales over a week ago, haven't gotten a reply yet. Hoping I get something soon, as these offers are really interesting
update me by pm or here of your ticket number or contact me directly with your question
I got the panda one. Lmk if you have any questions about it.
There's not much to say since it's a dedicated server. I haven't had downtime and there was a good selection of install images.