Witch CDN to choose?

in Help
So from the recent thread, I'm looking VPS for hosting my website(WHCMS, Support Panel, and main web), still under testing what to use .
So from this thread, as you understand I'm looking CDN. I'm using Cloudflare now but wanna change it and go with something 'premium'.
I've made some researches and I see quite good recommendations for BunnyCDN and the second option is Stackpath(that was connected with MaxCDN).
So wanna hear your recommendations, witch one is better? Maybe I'm missed, someone? I haven't used them both, so I'm like blind now.
P.S I'm not interested in Google CDN / Azure CDN / AWS...
Spaceberg.cc - Your favorite Seedbox provider!
+1 for BunnyCDN @BunnySpeed
(they had a great offer for BF- maybe Christmas Special deal is in the making?)
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Thank you!
I'm nub in CDN's and would like to ask you, what are the main differences between BunnyCDN and Cloudflare?
Spaceberg.cc - Your favorite Seedbox provider!
Bunnycdn is just CDN only static things are sent meanwhile cloudflare acts like DNS,proxy and CDN. Prices are different service is different it depende from what you need
Dentistry is my passion
That's why I'm asking! I'm not so good at this type of thing now.
I need, to best loading all around the world and 'bring down' latency. That's why I'm asking in which way I should go
Spaceberg.cc - Your favorite Seedbox provider!
BunnyCDN will give you better latency than cloudflare. To begin with, bunnycdn is likely faster than cloudflare CDN. Then, when you try to access anything that isn't cached on cloudflare, you first send the request to cloudflare, then cloudflare sends the request to your webserver, etc etc.
I used to be obsessed with speed and avoided cloudflare like the plague because it would be slightly slower. Nowadays I'm starting to change my mind though.
So if i will use BunnyCDN, i won't need to use Cloudflare. Correct?
Btw, what do you think about Amazon CloudFront? Maybe I should look at that one?
Spaceberg.cc - Your favorite Seedbox provider!
Start with BunnyCDN. They are cheap but performance is excellent. The team lead by Dejan are very responsive if you run into trouble.
First you should identify your needs. Do you need a lot of bandwidth, or you're just looking for better latency? Do you manage a streaming site, or a wordpress blog?
Then, you'd look to optimize for your usage case.
It's complicated. If your provider is a Cloudflare partner and can deploy Railgun, and if you can put those (free) Cloudflare workers to... work, eventually caching whole pages of your static blog, you're good to go I guess.
Cloudflare's CDN (and reverse proxy) may be well avoided for other reasons; their authoritative DNS service is possibly the best you can get with a "free" price tag as long as you don't have some specific requirements and/or choose to host your own nameservers.
Hey! Thank you for your answer. Atm no, there is not a lot of traffic that goes through my website. I'm hosting WHMCS + Support Panel + Main Web.
P.S What would be the best DNS service if we don't talk about the "free" tag? Quite awesome would be if there would a possibility to use own nameservers.
Spaceberg.cc - Your favorite Seedbox provider!
+1 for BunnyCDN, Transparent pricing, Great performance, Excellent support. Contacted them about an issue i was having that turned out it was an issue with their systems in the specific configuration i was trying to use with it, Fixed a few hours later and has been rock solid since.
Wow. some great answers overnight. Here is my take from a (still) newbie perspective.
I didn't use Cloudflare's CDN much so cannot comment on it. Cloudflare offers a bouquet of services - free with certain limitations: CDN, DNS, and the service launched in 2018 (alongwith WARP apps for mobile phones). Paid, but low prices: Domain registrar, and WARP+ etc. . They also have the premium services- image compressions etc. Finally, DDOS and setting rules specific for a site - e.g. turning off cache for a particular domain or subdomain 3 page rules are free.. Many in the "old country LET Forum" had reservations against Cloudflare DNS / domain registration. I recall that the CDN in the free tier was rather sluggish, and I had tried with CPanel. Not sure if it works/ how it works with DA- should not be too different. CF does get pretty pricey in the premium tier, though for daily use
BunnyCDN - I had tried the 7 or 10 day trial . I believe they do two things and two things right- storing and serving files. Storing: images and videos and documents - and serving them as required on website or app or on Social Media sites, etc.. There may be other options that I had not explored: sometime early next year plan to dive into the deep end of the BunnyCDN pool. In the BF/CM madness I skipped the BunnyCDN offer, but that is my miss.
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+1 for bunny im using for 15 wordpress websites hardly bill goes above 1 usd per month dirt cheap better than free CF
+1 for @BunnySpeed They printed a bunny I sent when I reported some broken links

This is a separate topic but I'd reply here, even if you you've been kindly asking via DM too, since I generally follow the "default to open" approach (and others may correct me or add something too)
When we talk about authoritative DNS (not: DNS resolvers, just authoritative DNS), latency isn't really that important if you aren't interested in short TTL and aren't updating your records frequently. You may host your own on some spare VPS you may have around, it isn't that complicated. Worst case scenario, a resolver on the other side of the globe may need 0.2 seconds to recheck your nameservers when the TTL on your record expires. This is assuming you haven't deployed anycast and you're going full low-end, obviously. Users typically query their resolver (e.g., not your nameservers.
If you host your own, you may configure e.g. GeoDNS to your liking; OTOH you'll have the burden to secure and monitor your nameserver's uptime, deploy DNSSEC from scratch, etc...
Since you're specifically asking for DNS services at cost:
And so on. Just check the providers on that DNSperf link.
What comes at cost is usually: Anycast, short TTL, GeoDNS, failover and monitoring.
Hope it helps
Anyone used cloudinary .com?
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Thank you! But from your experience, what would you recommend to me?
Spaceberg.cc - Your favorite Seedbox provider!
If you want "best loading all around the world and 'bring down' latency", assuming it's the root domain (main website), CloudFlare. You can upgrade the plan to premium one (Business), $200/month.
Using a CDN like BunnyCDN won't bring down the latency of root domain because you would need to use a subdomain.
I recommend you to use both of them, CloudFlare for the root domain and BunnyCDN for the static files (js, css, images, videos) on a subdomain. This way you can achieve low latency for both domain and subdomain and you get to use something premium.
Cloudinary is awesome. Image transformation is amazing. Publit. io (on a deal on AS currently) comes nowhere close but should get there in a couple of years. I think on LET there was someone offering similar service.
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Based on what you have said here and on the other thread, I assume your site is relatively new and doesn't have many visitors. People here are overestimating your needs. I have two recommendations for you.
Other DNS solutions would require a bit of effort to setup and unnecessary for your site with low traffic.
Likewise, I was DM'd, posting my response here for benefit of the wider audience
I haven't used the this service - but DNS Made Easy is recommended.
at $ 5 a month it's not a huge drain on the wallet.
Google also has the 'free' DNS but if you have reservations agains big brother Alphabet owning our life more than it already does, it can be skipped.
Not that I am leaning towards free, but most of the below do accept donations, so in a way paid:
You might want to look up the top three or four results:
p.s: I use Cloudflare - I also have 3 domains registered witH CF and they practically force you to use CF DNS.
For a couple of VPS'es I have google's as backup.
There was a discussion on LowEndTalk about Zilore:
LET- https://www.lowendtalk.com/discussion/comment/3064191#Comment_3064191
Zilore - https://zilore.com/en/blog/introducing-our-new-free-plan (paid is $ 5/ month as well)
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You're still asking about DNS, right? There isn't a one-size-fits-it-all solution, really. Most of the features a managed DNS solution may offer are often overlooked. I'd say your needs and expectations are more than covered with a Cloudflare's free account. That alone offers short TTL & anycast'd DNS for more records you may ask for, and DNSSEC management too (if your registrar supports DNSSEC). If you eventually decide to use their reverse-proxy and caching abilities you may try to cache the most you can at the edges with Cloudflare workers.
I do encourage you to explore and tinker yourself and prepare to rely on something that isn't Cloudflare. It may come in handy down the road
In all frankness I'd have expected you researched this stuff before hosting WHMCS + Support Panel...
Wait, that's their public dns resolver, not sure why you mix it with the other solutions... Google offers DNS hosting too as part of their cloud offering.
About "big brother" knowing stuff about you: your authoritative DNS records are meant to be publicly accessible anyway, what should be of concern here IMHO is getting an infra capable and willing to reliably serve DNS resolvers at large.
Yes, they enforce their own nameservers. I prefer to pay some cents more and retain the ability to manage DNS outside of my registrar; it has to be said that most CF users don't care
I use cloudflare for root domain and sometimes feel slow the website, low the response. Also use Bunny Cdn with subdomain (cdn.website...) this cdn good
ive already recommended bunnycdn but yall looking for free CDN this is good list : https://free-for.dev/#/?id=cdn-and-protection
BunnyCDN has worked great for us on a few client projects for the last year or so, specifically on static files and even videos; we've used a combination of cloudflare + bunnycdn as some have recommended before.
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