Pool regarding new service offer



  • A good example and sorry @jarland for picking on you lol but Mxroute are a well established company with a fantastic reputation by all accounts. I still wouldn't buy a lifetime with them, not because I think he'll be skipping through a meadow with all our cash, but because I want a service to earn my custom.

    That relationship works both ways, if I'm an absolute s-show of a client I want the option of a service to be able to not renew me without a sense of obligation weighing upon that decision. But realistically, I know once that tipping point is reached where that client has their fill and you're tired from years of success then it's harder to motivate yourself!

    I'm not saying Jar would be like that, it seems one of the most proportional lifetime services (limited in number) around but I'd still want to be able to vote with my wallet in 5 years time even if it costs me more in the long run!

    Sounds more Karen-ish than I wanted it to, but don't offer lifetime plans is my point it's not good for either party :)

    Thanked by (1)jarland
  • @chris said:
    A good example and sorry @jarland for picking on you lol but Mxroute are a well established company with a fantastic reputation by all accounts. I still wouldn't buy a lifetime with them, not because I think he'll be skipping through a meadow with all our cash, but because I want a service to earn my custom.

    That relationship works both ways, if I'm an absolute s-show of a client I want the option of a service to be able to not renew me without a sense of obligation weighing upon that decision. But realistically, I know once that tipping point is reached where that client has their fill and you're tired from years of success then it's harder to motivate yourself!

    I'm not saying Jar would be like that, it seems one of the most proportional lifetime services (limited in number) around but I'd still want to be able to vote with my wallet in 5 years time even if it costs me more in the long run!

    Sounds more Karen-ish than I wanted it to, but don't offer lifetime plans is my point it's not good for either party :)

    I think MXroute can be taken as a good example of lifetime offers used wisely.
    They can be a good alternative to bank loans (you don't pay interest, but you have customers "hangin" on you ever since).
    Also, it is best used for services that don't take up much tech. support time, and don't cost the provider a lot.

    Detailed info about providers whose services I've used:
    BikeGremlin web-hosting reviews

  • @bikegremlin said:

    @chris said:
    A good example and sorry @jarland for picking on you lol but Mxroute are a well established company with a fantastic reputation by all accounts. I still wouldn't buy a lifetime with them, not because I think he'll be skipping through a meadow with all our cash, but because I want a service to earn my custom.

    That relationship works both ways, if I'm an absolute s-show of a client I want the option of a service to be able to not renew me without a sense of obligation weighing upon that decision. But realistically, I know once that tipping point is reached where that client has their fill and you're tired from years of success then it's harder to motivate yourself!

    I'm not saying Jar would be like that, it seems one of the most proportional lifetime services (limited in number) around but I'd still want to be able to vote with my wallet in 5 years time even if it costs me more in the long run!

    Sounds more Karen-ish than I wanted it to, but don't offer lifetime plans is my point it's not good for either party :)

    I think MXroute can be taken as a good example of lifetime offers used wisely.
    They can be a good alternative to bank loans (you don't pay interest, but you have customers "hangin" on you ever since).
    Also, it is best used for services that don't take up much tech. support time, and don't cost the provider a lot.

    Oh yes, it's the only one I wouldn't run screaming away from that I've seen in recent times!

    However, I still disagree with them on a fundamental level! I do give charities free services and intend to continue them as long as I'm around! One Charity is coming up to 6 years with me now! Before I even offered hosting as a service! I can't imagine accepting payment in anything but the warm fuzzy feeling from being nice in exchange for a lifetime of my time for free though

  • jarlandjarland Hosting ProviderOG

    @chris said:
    A good example and sorry @jarland for picking on you lol but Mxroute are a well established company with a fantastic reputation by all accounts. I still wouldn't buy a lifetime with them, not because I think he'll be skipping through a meadow with all our cash, but because I want a service to earn my custom.

    That relationship works both ways, if I'm an absolute s-show of a client I want the option of a service to be able to not renew me without a sense of obligation weighing upon that decision. But realistically, I know once that tipping point is reached where that client has their fill and you're tired from years of success then it's harder to motivate yourself!

    I'm not saying Jar would be like that, it seems one of the most proportional lifetime services (limited in number) around but I'd still want to be able to vote with my wallet in 5 years time even if it costs me more in the long run!

    Sounds more Karen-ish than I wanted it to, but don't offer lifetime plans is my point it's not good for either party :)

    Nah that's fair. The good thing for me is if I stopped selling them today, never offered them again, I'd be fine. What bothers me is when a company needs lifetime service sales to keep the lights on. That's pretty much a "pump and dump" where I'd like to hand off MXroute from my death bed.

    Thanked by (2)chris bikegremlin

    Hate radiates from the source. If you look around and see it everywhere, it's coming from you.

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