Impact VPS/Shared ownership transfer to Impact Host (AlphaVPS sister company)

Got this in the mail today.

Hello [redacted],

Today is a bittersweet day for me. I am here to announce both an end of the old and a new beginning. I am announcing that Impact VPS and Impact Shared are being transferred to Impact Host Ltd. - a sister company of AlphaVPS and DA International Group Ltd. , Led by Alex Barakov and Vesko Vasilev.

Now I know whenever people hear "sale", "transfer" or "acquisition" people naturally feel nervous - and that's completely normal! Will things change, will it lose its soul, etc. ? I am here to assure you that this won't be the case here. It's understandable to be skeptical about all acquisitions, but in fact, the people behind this transfer aren't new to Impact VPS at all. I have been working with these people since even before Impact VPS existed. They have ran the night time (US) support for us since the beginning of the brand and have been handling the day to day operations for the last 2 and a half years already. They are not new to this business and have the same passion that I have had for it.

When I first thought of exiting the industry back in the summer of 2019, Alex and Vesko were the first people I've reached out to, as I know the brand and customers would be treated right with them and that they have the needed experience to grow it from here. With this transfer, they are finally empowered to make the improvements my lack of time has held them back from doing. More locations (Europe?!), hardware refreshes, software upgrades (the end of the vz6 era is near). There are many things that have been held back by my time being occupied, and them being limited in terms of responsibilities until now and I can't wait to see where it goes from here - because you, the customer, deserve better.

Important Information worth noting:

  • Your services are not being migrated, they are staying on the same hardware in the same locations, in the same brand. Additional and upgraded hardware is being added to the mix. Network upgrades are already happening!
  • Your IP address is not changing, although, at some point in the future, there may be renumbering of certain services.
  • The people answering support requests aren't changing, but new support team members will be onboarded shortly
  • The base pricing is staying the same
  • Big changes in terms of the platform are coming shortly (OpenVZ6 being retired is just an example)

Web hosting has been a passion of mine for quite a long time. I started my first business in the industry during high school which fueled my interest into a major in college. From there I turned the major into a career. Hopefully, this won't be the last I see some of you, though maybe you will see my other esports venture around sometime.

If you have any questions at all about the change feel free to open a ticket in the support system and we
will get an answer for you as soon as we can.
Another email will follow, with further information from the company, introductions, and plans for the not so distant future.

Alex Wacker
Subnet Labs LLC

Thanked by (1)uptime


  • souensouen OG
    edited February 2020

    To comment, I've had shared hosting with Subnet Labs for a few years now, great support. Maybe a few people will remember them from that other forum. They used to run nice resource bundle deals if I recall correctly.

    I wish the Subnet Labs founder all the best in the next ventures. Hello to the new ownership. :)

  • WSSWSS Retired

    Straight Wacker.

    Good luck, Alex.

    My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.

  • Alphavps is a well known provider in our community and being as their customer I haven't found any issues till now.

    I hope this news would be a sweetpot.

  • mikhomikho AdministratorHosting ProviderOG
  • Smart acquisition.

  • AlexBarakovAlexBarakov Hosting Provider

    Hello guys!

    Although it's my first post in this forum, I've been a long-time lurker and I feel like it's finally time to join up the discussions!

    This has been in the works since the summer of 2019 and a lot of things are ahead of us! The overall feedback post this announcement has been very positive which makes me genuinely happy! A lot of new hardware is being racked up in SEA, DAL and NYC and some exciting new things are planned. For those who are wondering - ImpactVPS will run as a separate brand and legal entity than AlphaVPS. There are absolutely no plans for merge. We'll be looking into growing the brand from now on, however, we still have a lot of work to do - mainly the platform migration to vz7. As you can guess - virtual resource pools are not as straight forward as single VMs, but we pretty much have this figured out by now, migrations to the new platform are fully automized and will begin in the nearest future. There will be plan refreshes as well as new product lines, once we finish up with the technical part of the things, as it's the higher priority right now!

  • why is it called "sister company", not brother ?

    yes i don't know how to english

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