The time has come - LES new admin



  • @AnthonySmith said:
    Just woke up, with one eye open I just want to say you are all a massive disappointment to me, not 1 person nominates Jbiloh, not 1....


    you mean @not_jbiloh ?

  • @Mason said: My approach (if elected) would be to form a leadership team, where as a group we'd discuss what direction to take the forum and divvy up the workload and responsibilities to get us there. Any large decisions impacting the users of LES or the site itself would be put up for vote within the team rather than being at the sole discretion of a single individual.

    I really like this idea. I would love to be a part of the leadership team if the community will have me :)

  • XenicXenic OG
    edited February 2021

    I would nominate @mikho because he is a good & kind provider. He's i think also a good technician, and he was i think one of the first LES Listed Providers. ??

    Greetings from 🇩🇪 North Rhine-Westphalia, Xenic.

  • MasonMason AdministratorOG

    Going to nominate @mikho as well. He's supported (pre-green forum) LES from the beginning, has been a part of the low end community for forever, and is a competent admin.

    Head Janitor @ LES • AboutRulesSupportDonate

  • mikhomikho AdministratorHosting ProviderOG

    I’ve been quiet the last few days due to starting up my new company. Man, it is alot of paperwork and contact with instances that not always are so fast in communication.

    First, a thank you to the ones who has mentioned and nominated me. That shows that I’m doing something right, earning your trust.

    This place feels like the good old LET days, with friendly discussions, the occasional banter. But never have I’ve seen a thread being derailed (that much) or users (on purpose?) acting in bad faith against other users.

    As this place grows, I’m sure that the administration, and development of this site will be to much for one person to handle.
    Unless it is considered a job by that person with little to none other interest of the world outside.

    As @AnthonySmith has mentioned before, to avoid the same future as LET did when LEA passed on the torch.
    I suggest that there is not a single person that should continue leading this site, it should be a team of 2 or more. Working together, but with different areas as their responsibility.

    All should be able to cover for the others in case of vacations (I know @AnthonySmith will love his) or other emergencies.

    That way, they can take turns on being, as @Lee said;

    being a caretaker admin.

    while the other(s) adds value to the development of the site.

    @Mason said:
    The time commitment is really the biggest factor that has me a bit uneasy.

    I know this feeling way to well. When I went back to being a consultant, I had to change what I would prioritize during the day.
    Having the burden to be able to report what I’ve done during my 8 hour workday. That puts some stress on you, especially when you have to do some emergency work for someone else in the middle.

    Well, my intentions are that after April 9th, my last day at work as an employee, will be able to spend more time on the things I love.
    I won’t promise that I will/can spend as much time as @AnthonySmith. Since this is his baby.

    This was a long rambling text, written on the ”thinking throne”.

    My nomination (or rather a suggestion to the community) is to elect a team. Not a single person.

    I also suggest that @AnthonySmith stays on as a ”silent” administrator for awhile.
    To evalute the elected admins, to measure how well they can work together.

    That way, the administrative team can change if the chemistry between them is no good.

    /The end .... until next post.

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    I nominate @seriesn because he can be counted upon as reliably fair, generous, and helpful to everyone.

    I would have nominated @vyas and @Ympker and @Mason. All three make major contributions to LES. It seems the first two already have stepped aside. So I, too, nominate @Mason. :)

    Sincere thanks to those who nominated me! In order possibly to avoid the need to run the election specified in the rules, I ask my supporters to join me in supporting @Mason. I also ask all others whose names continue to remain in contention to join me in supporting @Mason.

    Best wishes and kindest regards from New York City and Mexico's Sonoran Desert! ??????️

    Thanked by (5)Mason seriesn Ympker vyas Asim
  • ehabehab Content Writer

    @Aaron said:

    i'd prefer you first to be a provider soon one day :)

  • @Mason:

    My approach (if elected) would be to form a leadership team, where as a group we'd discuss what direction to take the forum and divvy up the workload and responsibilities to get us there. Any large decisions impacting the users of LES or the site itself would be put up for vote within the team rather than being at the sole discretion of a single individual. I'd make every effort to continue along the path Ant has set LES on and would hope he stays on as a "senior advisor" of sorts to bounce ideas off of from time to time.

    I totally agree with this. You got to have more than one benevolent dictator to run a forum. Especially if you want the community to grow. Maybe you even need two administrators, which is what @mikho says. It’s in the interest of the community that power is divided among more people.

    However, there should be one or two people making the final call.

    Thanked by (3)mikho Mason FrankZ
  • jarlandjarland Hosting ProviderOG

    @AnthonySmith said:

    @Nekki said:

    @AnthonySmith said:
    Just woke up, with one eye open I just want to say you are all a massive disappointment to me, not 1 person nominates Jbiloh, not 1....


    It’s pointless unless @jarland is also looking to transfer control of HostedBalls, so that the three pieces of the triforce can be reunited and LET returned to its former glory.

    Interesting idea, I am game. @jarland ?

    Would entertain the thought but only on the condition of adoption of this:

    Even when it's unpopular and pisses people off.

    Thanked by (3)bikegremlin Nekki FrankZ

    Hate radiates from the source. If you look around and see it everywhere, it's coming from you.

  • @jarland said:
    Would entertain the thought but only on the condition of adoption of this:

    The number of clicks reveals a lot.

    I have no objection unless push-ups end up in congress.

    Thanked by (2)jarland Not_Oles

    Webhosting24 aff best VPS; ServerFactory aff best VDS; Cloudie best ASN; Huel aff best brotein.

  • My nominations, if the individuals are interested and will consider the role:

    Why: great record of welcoming and helping other members on multiple forums, sharing knowledge in tutorials or wiki. Years of solid moderation.

    Why: active member with moderating experience. The YABS logo contest was a fun way to get people participating and the forum could benefit from new ideas to engage the community.

    Why: regular contributor, adept event organiser who knows how to get a community excited and puts in a lot of effort to keep events running smoothly.

    Honourable mentions, because the community has more than 3 capable candidates, and sorry if I miss other names:

    Why: experienced moderator, keeps on top of bugs and incidents happening, attentive to detail.

    Why: the fact this thread exists and he is offering to stepping aside for successors shows a willingness to listen to community feedback (on this occasion or others), and following through on his word. For being frank about his intentions, strengths and limitations. These are characteristics of good leadership. Then there is the time invested in setting up the forum. I would nominate for a 2nd term, but if he would like a holiday and have someone take over for a while, I understand and wish him well.

  • @souen said:
    My nominations, if the individuals are interested and will consider the role:

    Why: great record of welcoming and helping other members on multiple forums, sharing knowledge in tutorials or wiki. Years of solid moderation.

    Why: active member with moderating experience. The YABS logo contest was a fun way to get people participating and the forum could benefit from new ideas to engage the community.

    Why: regular contributor, adept event organiser who knows how to get a community excited and puts in a lot of effort to keep events running smoothly.

    Honourable mentions, because the community has more than 3 capable candidates, and sorry if I miss other names:

    Why: experienced moderator, keeps on top of bugs and incidents happening, attentive to detail.

    Why: the fact this thread exists and he is offering to stepping aside for successors shows a willingness to listen to community feedback (on this occasion or others), and following through on his word. For being frank about his intentions, strengths and limitations. These are characteristics of good leadership. Then there is the time invested in setting up the forum. I would nominate for a 2nd term, but if he would like a holiday and have someone take over for a while, I understand and wish him well.

    I like to take myself out of the pool. I simply do not have the time anymore. Sorry.

    I'll a vote for @mason and @FAT32 and a single vote for the dynamic duo of them both.

    Hey teamacc. You're a dick. (c) Jon Biloh, 2020.

  • edited February 2021

    If we wait any longer, we all are suggested as admin :)

    Can't we do something with automation? For example, a report button, if pressed by 10 user oid, then the post or reaction would be automaticaly set on hold/not seen anymore, and send for review by whoever).

    Would help alot and saves alot of time, it also helps to determine what the general public finds acceptable or not.

    Because the current flag function is kinda work intensive for an admin I think, and only works when there has been admin interference.

  • In my personal opinion a smarter move would be to select some people which could have a different admin role . A board members may be so the forum would not depend from 1 or 2 persons. So it could not be influenced by them in any way. Is the very best option in my eyes . I am not saying that i do not believe in any particular member but i think that being an admin would take lot of power in the hands so it is better solution to share the power between different members who could do positive things for our community. Let s say. @AnthonySmith should be one of the members to provide extra security and after that whoever the community selects to be ¨active¨ admin and another admin for check the providers etc. Probably with 4-5 persons would be far enough .

    Dentistry is my passion

  • @jarland said:

    @AnthonySmith said:

    @Nekki said:

    @AnthonySmith said:
    Just woke up, with one eye open I just want to say you are all a massive disappointment to me, not 1 person nominates Jbiloh, not 1....


    It’s pointless unless @jarland is also looking to transfer control of HostedBalls, so that the three pieces of the triforce can be reunited and LET returned to its former glory.

    Interesting idea, I am game. @jarland ?

    Would entertain the thought but only on the condition of adoption of this:

    Even when it's unpopular and pisses people off.


    Let’s get the family back together!

    Thanked by (2)jarland FrankZ
  • InceptionHostingInceptionHosting Hosting ProviderOG

    looks like we have all the nominations we are likely to get, I will give it to the end of the day for any last-minute ones, then close this down, assess and contact the nominee's and make a poll of some description.

    I will probably have to make a new user group for those that have been registered for 7+ days and only allow that group to vote just to rule out any shinaniganery

    I will add my own nominations to the poll, almost all are covered by the community anyway.

    Thanked by (1)Asim
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • I nominate @mikho. A nice, helpful guy that seems pretty calm and relaxed even when dealing with stupidity, something that will come in handy I am sure.
    I also nominate @seriesn. The guy would die for anyone he considers family, so if LES becomes hes family he would never allow it to fail or take harm in any way.

    I support the idea of a small team rather then a single admin. But if we all can decide on a single admin right now, I am sure that admin can take the idea of a team and implement it if needed.

    Thanked by (2)mikho seriesn
  • I'm finding it hard to nominate a specific person from this community. All of you folks are upstanding in your conduct and great to interact with from my perspective. I think if I had to pick a specific, individual person, I feel @Mason is best suited for this role as he doesn't have any stakes in a particular hosting company. That being said I feel making a few other folks admins or super mods would be a good idea. I don't think the burden of managing this place should fall on a single person. Perhaps @mikho, @seriesn, or @jarland would be willing to step into those roles (I'll admit, I haven't had the time to go through all the responses here yet).

    My wildcard vote goes to @yoursunny because his posts always crack me up. Lova ya man. :lol:

    Thanked by (3)yoursunny seriesn Mew

    Cheap dedis are my drug, and I'm too far gone to turn back.

  • @CamoYoshi said:
    I'm finding it hard to nominate a specific person from this community. All of you folks are upstanding in your conduct and great to interact with from my perspective. I think if I had to pick a specific, individual person, I feel @Mason is best suited for this role as he doesn't have any stakes in a particular hosting company.

    Exactly this. Therefore I nominate @Mason , but also @AnthonySmith and @mikho .

  • ehabehab Content Writer

    if @FAT32 becomes admin he will have the power of the universe and will go nuts ... nothing against this great guy, just my comment.

    Thanked by (1)yoursunny
  • @ehab said:
    if @FAT32 becomes admin he will have the power of the universe and will go nuts ... nothing against this great guy, just my comment.

    You ok, hun?

  • ehabehab Content Writer
    edited February 2021

    @Nekki :) all good from my side, i can do with +4 hours in my day but eventually will get there.
    How about you? long time no directly speak, hopefully all in good health.
    Thanks for asking and i am happy you are here :)

  • NekkiNekki OG
    edited February 2021

    @jarland said: Would entertain the thought but only on the condition of adoption of this:

    Even when it's unpopular and pisses people off.

    Why are we not talking more about this. @jarland's willing to get the band back together, @AnthonySmith said he'd consider. Biloh would bite their hands off to halt the drop in page views. Why not seriously consider it, under the joint stewardship of all three forum owners?

  • AbdullahAbdullah Hosting ProviderOG

    @Nekki said:

    @jarland said: Would entertain the thought but only on the condition of adoption of this:

    Even when it's unpopular and pisses people off.

    Why are we not talking more about this. @jarland's willing to get the band back together, @AnthonySmith said he'd consider. Biloh would bite their hands off to halt the drop in page views. Why not seriously consider getting the band back together, under the joint stewardship of all three forum owners?

    That would be harder than expected, but seems worth the effort trying :)

  • @Abdullah said: That would be harder than expected, but seems worth the effort trying

    Gotta be worth the discussion. And if Biloh is an ass about it, we have a forum war to end all forums wars. Literally everyone wins.

    Thanked by (1)yoursunny
  • InceptionHostingInceptionHosting Hosting ProviderOG
    edited February 2021

    @Nekki said:

    @Abdullah said: That would be harder than expected, but seems worth the effort trying

    Gotta be worth the discussion. And if Biloh is an ass about it, we have a forum war to end all forums wars. Literally everyone wins.

    Spread the genes apart.

    I would be prepared to have the conversation but the reality is that right now Jon holds all the majority of the marbles and as such his line is probably a million miles away from mine he would need to be prepared to also hand over complete control to a community elected admin.

    So just in case anyone thought I was serious I was not really serious.

    Thanked by (1)Abdullah
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @AnthonySmith said: I would be prepared to have the conversation but the reality is that right now Jon holds all the majority of the marbles and as such his line is probably a million miles away from mine he would need to be prepared to also hand over complete control to a community elected admin.

    I'm not sure he holds as many marbles as you think. He must be getting slightly desperate if he's PM'ing members asking them what he has to do to get them back. Also, if he genuinely wants to make LET better, I don't know why he'd object to a community elected admin. He still gets his page views.

    Thanked by (1)Abdullah
  • jarlandjarland Hosting ProviderOG
    edited February 2021

    @Nekki said: I'm not sure he holds as many marbles as you think. He must be getting slightly desperate if he's PM'ing members asking them what he has to do to get them back. Also, if he genuinely wants to make LET better, I don't know why he'd object to a community elected admin. He still gets his page views.

    All I wanted was for the trash to stop piling up at my door. Go on Facebook and make a comment on a politician's post. Go on Reddit and comment on a politics sub. Then wait a few minutes and try to do anything other than see your notifications fill up with rage and hate. Doesn't matter who you are, what you said, or why you said it. Here comes the hate train. There is no ideology excluded. That's what the internet has become, and pretending to be so strong that you can constantly consume it without it taking a toll is just another lie people tell themselves to try to cope with it.

    I wanted my time on hosting related forums to be free of it. Not just politics, but the piling on and personal hate that just doesn't belong. LET isn't as bad as it used to be on that note, and I still think my impact toward that was lasting, but in the end the hate got to me and I wanted an out. Call it a safe space if you will, everyone needs one. I think we can have them on the internet too, shouldn't have to be "power up the machine for a barrage of hate, power it down to get some peace from it."

    So I made my safe space. I'll spend more time anywhere else that ends up being that too :)

    In before the hate starts for saying this lol

    Hate radiates from the source. If you look around and see it everywhere, it's coming from you.

  • InceptionHostingInceptionHosting Hosting ProviderOG

    @Nekki said:

    @AnthonySmith said: I would be prepared to have the conversation but the reality is that right now Jon holds all the majority of the marbles and as such his line is probably a million miles away from mine he would need to be prepared to also hand over complete control to a community elected admin.

    I'm not sure he holds as many marbles as you think. He must be getting slightly desperate if he's PM'ing members asking them what he has to do to get them back. Also, if he genuinely wants to make LET better, I don't know why he'd object to a community elected admin. He still gets his page views.

    Because it is his income source now, a pretty significant one, he would have to give that up. he simply would never do that.
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • NekkiNekki OG
    edited February 2021

    @AnthonySmith said:

    @Nekki said:

    @AnthonySmith said: I would be prepared to have the conversation but the reality is that right now Jon holds all the majority of the marbles and as such his line is probably a million miles away from mine he would need to be prepared to also hand over complete control to a community elected admin.

    I'm not sure he holds as many marbles as you think. He must be getting slightly desperate if he's PM'ing members asking them what he has to do to get them back. Also, if he genuinely wants to make LET better, I don't know why he'd object to a community elected admin. He still gets his page views.

    Because it is his income source now, a pretty significant one, he would have to give that up. he simply would never do that.

    He'd just be sharing the pie, but the pie would be bigger.

    And I assume no-one gives a fuck about LEB, so he can keep that.

This discussion has been closed.