[mrvm.net] First ever node is closing

mikhomikho AdministratorHosting ProviderOG

Just sent out this email---->
Posting it here as well to reach as many as possible.

Will try to move along with the move away from OVZ6 ......

Good Afternoon,

You are receiving this email because you have service on the first node that mrvm ever owned. The Internal IPv4 starts with 172.16.0.X.

The time has now come to decommission the old OVZ6 node and move to a new OVZ7 node.

There are multiple advantages doing this.
• OVZ6 is running on an old CentOS6 node which is end-of-life and only security related updates are installed.
• newer kernel
• more up2date templates available
• Docker support
• And more …..

As there are to many problems after a migration from OVZ6 to OVZ7, the only way to move forward is to terminate your old instance and then create a new instance n the new node.

There will be a new IPv4 and IPv6 subnet assigned to your new instance, please make a note of the new details when the instance has been installed.

Please let me know, via ticket, as soon as you are ready with your backups and are ready to be moved over to the new node.

The migration will start at the latest on July 7th. Make sure you have saved all your valuable files before that date.



  • mikhomikho AdministratorHosting ProviderOG
  • @mikho said: OVZ6 is running on an old CentOS6 node which is end-of-life and only security related updates are installed.

    isn't C6 EOL'ed and no more patches are being done at all?

    Which location is this out of curiousity?

  • mikhomikho AdministratorHosting ProviderOG

    @skorous yes and this is an old node in DE.

  • @mikho said:
    Will try to move along with the move away from OVZ6 ......

    Hi, not asking for a roadmap, but do you have a wishful time-plan for the remaining OVZ6 nodes.

    Was minded to switch a couple of Ubuntu 16 instances to something supported, simply because 16.04 went EOL last month, but will hang fire if things are going to change sometime over the summer/autumn, as I'm not running anything there with any real security/privacy aspect.

    Thanked by (1)yoursunny
  • mikhomikho AdministratorHosting ProviderOG
    edited May 2021

    @cochon said:

    @mikho said:
    Will try to move along with the move away from OVZ6 ......

    Hi, not asking for a roadmap, but do you have a wishful time-plan for the remaining OVZ6 nodes.

    Was minded to switch a couple of Ubuntu 16 instances to something supported, simply because 16.04 went EOL last month, but will hang fire if things are going to change sometime over the summer/autumn, as I'm not running anything there with any real security/privacy aspect.

    Open a ticket regarding the locations you have. Some already have OVZ7 alternatives.

    Thanked by (1)cochon
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent Writer
  • the future is near

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