Pagebuilders posts are in the same category as KVM partition resizing post.
It requires some "strategical" thinking, but I'd recommend figuring out the main categories and the sub-categories for the blog section's main menu, then sorting all the content within those. Sort of a logical division of topics.
With the idea: when there are 856 posts, one can more easily find those of interest, depending on the topic.
@AnthonySmith said:
yep fair point, I will have a think about some top levels.
You will most likely have hit and miss. Some rearrangement will probably come over time (so make each article's link be irrelevant of its category). But it helps - at least in my opinion.
My attempts (two completely separate topics, but principle is the same):
Not perfect, but for me at least, it helps when I wish to find "that article on this topic I remember having written" without using the search.
As for the search - I like the way Google Custom Search works. Gives back articles that answer the query best (if such articles exist). Better than any other search I've tried (with WordPress in this case).
Where is budget for this coming from? What amount of publishing exclusivity would you want? I'm a strong Python coder with good knowledge of a few specialized topics, and interest in learning a few other topics. It has occurred to me that deciding to write a tutorial would be a good way to collect the relevant knowledge about a topic I want to learn, and turn it into tested recipes.
Any requests for Python-related topics? Some other languages too, though not PHP.
@willie initially my own pocket until I start charging for ads, they are free right now, everything is negotiable, ultimately if I can pay what you ask and see value I will go ahead.
Thanks. I'd feel more comfortable if you posted what you expected to pay. I also wouldn't feel right about taking your money before the site is generating revenue. And if you want exclusive use of the materials, then I'd have to charge way more than I think of as LES budgeting, though I might be wrong about that.
I've written a lot of web scrapers in Python using Beautiful Soup (html parsing package). Does that sound like a good topic for a tutorial?
@willie everyone has a rate, I don’t want to take anyones work for granted so what it is worth to you is what it is worth, I would need to judge that and justify the cost/benefit.
The idea is is not to teach someone that knows Perl how to do something in Perl though, it is to take a starting point of I can login to a VPS and install Perl to I did something in Perl, to demystify things for people and to break down barriers to entry.
While I understand what you mean by exclusive rights, I don’t really understand the context why would anyone want duplicate content it’s bad for ranking, it’s bad for the internet, if you are saying you would like to be able to resell it elsewhere or post it on your own blog then that is fine but the terms of that would seriously impact its worth and value.
I am not made of money, I am also not rejecting anyone’s ideas if they come with a price/quote, it may just mean that it is a yes let’s do it but it will have to wait for some revenue to come in which is what I have said to a few people.
Again just for extra clarity in the first instance I am really looking for the from nothing to something type articles, if they are popular amounts the community then I will ask for a part 2, 3, 4 etc.
@AnthonySmith said: The idea is is not to teach someone that knows Perl how to do something in Perl though, it is to take a starting point of I can login to a VPS and install Perl to I did something in Perl, to demystify things for people and to break down barriers to entry.
I see, so this wouldn't really be a coding guide then: I figure anyone using (e.g.) a scraping tutorial already has to know some basic coding, and to do that they must already be ok on installing Python. It's still ok, it just means scraping isn't a great topic but I can probably think of something else.
How about a Nextcloud and Nextcloud Talk installation guide? I'm currently using Nextcloud on a Vultr instance because of their 1-click installer, but I'd like to figure out how to install it myself (I tried it at first and enough stuff went wrong that I shrugged and used Vultr), and then I could write it up. I was interested in Jitsi Meet as an alternative to Nextcloud Talk, but it appears to be more resource intensive at the server side.
I'm finally a little bit squeamish about the non-transparency of payment amounts. Like if you and I work out a mutually acceptable amount for a project, and somebody else agrees on a project of comparable difficulty, and then it turns out I'm getting paid 5x as much as the other person for comparable work, it doesn't really seem fair.
Regarding exclusivity: hmm, I'd like to be able to host a copy on my own site, but my site is non-commercial and not search indexed (I have disallow: * in robots.txt) so it wouldn't interfere with your SEO. Does that work for you?
@willie I think Perl from nothing to something sounds better it is a lot more interactive with the opportunity for the community to ask questions and dictate where the next parts go.
The issue with nextcloud is that there already exists 100 guides on installing and configuring it and it’s a very copy paste process and does not really teach anything, unless you have an idea for an angle on it I am not seeing.
Regarding payment amount, I know where you live so I expect your rate to be among the highest because that is just how it is in your part of the world, I am not going to be insulted by a high amount, I don’t want to set a rate because the truth is what is worth your time is not the same number for someone in England, Bulgaria, India, Ukraine etc, if I sat a rate then it automatically excludes a huge grouping of people up or down the scale.
If you are really struggling to find a rate I suggest you consider how long it will take in hours, take your current or last annual salary amount, divide that by 1950 (avg working hours per year) times that number by the amount of hours it will take then double it.
So example if you think it will take 5 hours, you earn 60,000 usd, then divide by 1950 you earn 30.76 usd per hour, times that by 5 gives you 153.8, times that by 2 because this is essentially overtime and things always take longer than anyone actually thinks and we arrive at 307.60
At the same time I appreciate that may mean a lot less in some other parts of the world but it is still double what they might get paid and this is a side gig and frankly not a hard one, it is just sharing some of what they might know already.
A lot of people have offered to do articles for free and while I appreciate it I am less likely to use those ones and the truth is I expect it to drive traffic to the site in the long run so it has a value, a lot of people have PM’ed me asking for $500 for something I could personally bang out in less than an hour guaranteed, professors in top flight universities could only dream of earning 500 an hour even freelance, so again that is unlikely to happen.
I just ask people be realistic and relative, I am not going to be insulted, either I can pay and it is worth it or I can’t nothing spoiling, if I can’t afford it but it is worth it, I may ask for community buy in, if it is worth it I am sure it can be raised.
I hope that explains why I am not setting a standard rate, additionally Perl vs css vs html5 vs MySQL vs kernel config 101 vs mail server setup done right vs round robin dns vs bind vs loops in shell scripts vs rest api are all different skill sets that in turn will add a rate of their own.
Ok fair enough, I didn't realize there were so many nextcloud guides, particularly for nextcloud talk (voice/video chat). I guess I should find one. I had crappy luck a year or so ago but maybe it is better now. Here are a few other ideas:
Setting up an html5 video livestream using ffmpeg and icecast. I had to do this a couple years ago and it was poorly documented at that time, so it took some trial and error. It has come up in some LET threads so I think there would be some interest in a writeup. I have no idea if the existing docs are better now though, and it's possible that some browser flakiness that I had to work around isn't so bad any more. Otherwise those workarounds would be part of the tutorial.
Twilio voice call management (spam filter, whitelists, maybe setting up the management script on some high availability service like Cloudflare Workers or on VPS through an anycast system). I'm trying to figure out how to do this for my own use right now: the Twilio docs are quite good for their side, but they have nothing about setting up the user scripts. They tend to assume simple web hosting but I'm uncomfortable with that because outages would mess up my phone service, so I'd want some kind of HA scheme. I haven't checked what tutorials are available for this. Alternatively maybe I could offer this as a service. My driving application: rent Twilio phone number and give that out as my contact number. Management script subscribes to a robocall blacklist service. It rejects any incoming calls from blacklisted numbers, passes through any from whitelisted numbers, and answers all other calls with "press 6 to speak to Willie", putting the call through if they press 6 (that should stop most robocalls while not hassling human callers too much). I desperately need this for my own use because of the robocalls I get. I can't go by pure whitelisting because I do have to receive calls from new numbers sometimes. Ideally this could include contact syncing with mobile devices. (Note: I'm writing some of this down here as a self-reminder).
High availability for general purpose web sites (per above), but only if I don't have to muck with Wordpress for the purpose.
I'm open to other suggestions including for coding
At the risk of over complicating things.
In addition to monetary compensation, suggested other options could be : (not all might be practical )
a. Credits from provider (s)
b. Donation to charity of choice
c. Barter
I am totally in favour of charging for original content. But with the world economies becoming more insular, and compliance and fees becoming a pain in the rear end, alternative ways find flavour...
@willie yes all good ideas, what I need when you settle on one is for you to PM me with a plan/idea which covers what the entry point is to follow what you plan to write i.e. what level of experience is required and what level you expect people to be at once they have finished, this is all about removing barriers to entry for people.
@vyas I am completely open to all ideas, many people have offered to do stuff for free, that makes me less comfortable, I would rather at least be giving someone $50 because I do expect people to be accountable after it is published to answer questions or make corrections/clarifications.
There is nothing worse than trying to follow an online guide, hitting a snag, seeing 20 other people in the comments hit the same snag and no comment from the author.
thought i add it here: I can offer $15 for a script or detailed instruction how to build alpine virtual kernel + iSCSI packages and produce an installable iso. and if Ant, see this good he might offer the same here.
@ehab said:
thought i add it here: I can offer $15 for a script or detailed instruction how to build alpine virtual kernel + iSCSI packages and produce an installable iso. and if Ant, see this good he might offer the same here.
I apologise, I have read that 3 times and only understand half of it, could you try again?
what i meant to say is i can offer $15 for a write up either a readme or a script to build a custom alpine image based on the "Virtual" distribution found in but must include iSCSI module + packages. The result should be an iso file.
This could be a good addition to this section and i am pushing you to add the pay same $15 thus author gets $30 in total.
if still not clear give me your phone number would love to chat one day
what i meant to say is i can offer $15 for a write up either a readme or a script to build a custom alpine image based on the "Virtual" distribution found in but must include iSCSI module + packages. The result should be an iso file.
This could be a good addition to this section and i am pushing you to add the pay same $15 thus author gets $30 in total.
if still not clear give me your phone number would love to chat one day
Ok a bounty may be the way to go, I will add $35 to bump it up to $50
Hi, and hello to the community. Since 'm new as well.
Arrive here cuz all the stuff I'm doing now, and see this post.
Indeed I can put my grain of sand into all this.
I made a installation script for servers. It works on Centos so far. Using a custom iso of kickstart.
It may sound simple but there's a lot of missing data related to the automatic server installation.
Among other things the script does:
0- Make installation with vnc for remote supervision if needed
1- Assign default static ip address
2- Assign default root password, and ssh
3- Do a clean core server installation,without all core junk.
3- Create a custom partition schema, detecting multiple disk, asking if want to use raid.
4- depending on disk space, selection, ask for services as webserver, ftp or database
5- In disk partition schema create separate areas, with specific fstab flags for it. Assign spaces based on free percentages and the amount services selected.
6- A few other things by default like install webmin, harden basic hardware access/sysctl/modprobe blacklist stuff, and others.
The basic concept is, install a server as fast as possible with basic security to end up with a secure installation , ready to go online, and start customize other services (samba, cache, email, proxy, dns, etc...). Ideal for testing labs, virtual (including vmware installation) or production servers, where start working is required as soon as possible.
Available in centos 7, testing centos 8.
Database optimization MariaDB/MySQL.
There's a lot of scripts who run and give plenty information about what to do, but in real life, nobody knows if put more numbers or less, based on their hardware capacity, usage.
I made a custom my.cnf who I adapt based on needs. In it there's more than needs to regular usage, plus more.
Basic harden system for CentOS
Including core modules, linux kernel, network, firewall, physical access to hardware protection, dos & ddos basic protection.
Several basic services installation and requirement for 2020.
Including installation, security, users, tweak, improvements, permits, dependencies (our endless pain), etc... for MariaDB + tweak, PureFTP (using databases for auth users), webservers (Apache + cache), Samba share, remote admin (Webmin), and few others.
That's it. It may looks like not much, but is what I have.
How about someone doing a (growing) guide to tech?
There are so many "frameworks" touted around today that it's bewildering; what do they all do? Someone mentioned Docker but there are a heap more. Off the top of my head, there's composer, lavarel, ansible, heck the list goes on.
Any takers?
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Pagebuilders posts are in the same category as KVM partition resizing post.
It requires some "strategical" thinking, but I'd recommend figuring out the main categories and the sub-categories for the blog section's main menu, then sorting all the content within those. Sort of a logical division of topics.
With the idea: when there are 856 posts, one can more easily find those of interest, depending on the topic.
Detailed info about providers whose services I've used:
BikeGremlin web-hosting reviews
yep fair point, I will have a think about some top levels.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
You will most likely have hit and miss. Some rearrangement will probably come over time (so make each article's link be irrelevant of its category). But it helps - at least in my opinion.
My attempts (two completely separate topics, but principle is the same):
Not perfect, but for me at least, it helps when I wish to find "that article on this topic I remember having written" without using the search.
As for the search - I like the way Google Custom Search works. Gives back articles that answer the query best (if such articles exist). Better than any other search I've tried (with WordPress in this case).
Detailed info about providers whose services I've used:
BikeGremlin web-hosting reviews
Where is budget for this coming from? What amount of publishing exclusivity would you want? I'm a strong Python coder with good knowledge of a few specialized topics, and interest in learning a few other topics. It has occurred to me that deciding to write a tutorial would be a good way to collect the relevant knowledge about a topic I want to learn, and turn it into tested recipes.
Any requests for Python-related topics? Some other languages too, though not PHP.
@willie initially my own pocket until I start charging for ads, they are free right now, everything is negotiable, ultimately if I can pay what you ask and see value I will go ahead.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Thanks. I'd feel more comfortable if you posted what you expected to pay. I also wouldn't feel right about taking your money before the site is generating revenue. And if you want exclusive use of the materials, then I'd have to charge way more than I think of as LES budgeting, though I might be wrong about that.
I've written a lot of web scrapers in Python using Beautiful Soup (html parsing package). Does that sound like a good topic for a tutorial?
@willie everyone has a rate, I don’t want to take anyones work for granted so what it is worth to you is what it is worth, I would need to judge that and justify the cost/benefit.
The idea is is not to teach someone that knows Perl how to do something in Perl though, it is to take a starting point of I can login to a VPS and install Perl to I did something in Perl, to demystify things for people and to break down barriers to entry.
While I understand what you mean by exclusive rights, I don’t really understand the context why would anyone want duplicate content
it’s bad for ranking, it’s bad for the internet, if you are saying you would like to be able to resell it elsewhere or post it on your own blog then that is fine but the terms of that would seriously impact its worth and value.
I am not made of money, I am also not rejecting anyone’s ideas if they come with a price/quote, it may just mean that it is a yes let’s do it but it will have to wait for some revenue to come in which is what I have said to a few people.
Again just for extra clarity in the first instance I am really looking for the from nothing to something type articles, if they are popular amounts the community then I will ask for a part 2, 3, 4 etc.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
I see, so this wouldn't really be a coding guide then: I figure anyone using (e.g.) a scraping tutorial already has to know some basic coding, and to do that they must already be ok on installing Python. It's still ok, it just means scraping isn't a great topic but I can probably think of something else.
How about a Nextcloud and Nextcloud Talk installation guide? I'm currently using Nextcloud on a Vultr instance because of their 1-click installer, but I'd like to figure out how to install it myself (I tried it at first and enough stuff went wrong that I shrugged and used Vultr), and then I could write it up. I was interested in Jitsi Meet as an alternative to Nextcloud Talk, but it appears to be more resource intensive at the server side.
I'm finally a little bit squeamish about the non-transparency of payment amounts. Like if you and I work out a mutually acceptable amount for a project, and somebody else agrees on a project of comparable difficulty, and then it turns out I'm getting paid 5x as much as the other person for comparable work, it doesn't really seem fair.
Regarding exclusivity: hmm, I'd like to be able to host a copy on my own site, but my site is non-commercial and not search indexed (I have disallow: * in robots.txt) so it wouldn't interfere with your SEO. Does that work for you?
@willie I think Perl from nothing to something sounds better it is a lot more interactive with the opportunity for the community to ask questions and dictate where the next parts go.
The issue with nextcloud is that there already exists 100 guides on installing and configuring it and it’s a very copy paste process and does not really teach anything, unless you have an idea for an angle on it I am not seeing.
Regarding payment amount, I know where you live so I expect your rate to be among the highest because that is just how it is in your part of the world, I am not going to be insulted by a high amount, I don’t want to set a rate because the truth is what is worth your time is not the same number for someone in England, Bulgaria, India, Ukraine etc, if I sat a rate then it automatically excludes a huge grouping of people up or down the scale.
If you are really struggling to find a rate I suggest you consider how long it will take in hours, take your current or last annual salary amount, divide that by 1950 (avg working hours per year) times that number by the amount of hours it will take then double it.
So example if you think it will take 5 hours, you earn 60,000 usd, then divide by 1950 you earn 30.76 usd per hour, times that by 5 gives you 153.8, times that by 2 because this is essentially overtime
and things always take longer than anyone actually thinks and we arrive at 307.60
At the same time I appreciate that may mean a lot less in some other parts of the world but it is still double what they might get paid and this is a side gig and frankly not a hard one, it is just sharing some of what they might know already.
A lot of people have offered to do articles for free and while I appreciate it I am less likely to use those ones and the truth is I expect it to drive traffic to the site in the long run so it has a value, a lot of people have PM’ed me asking for $500 for something I could personally bang out in less than an hour guaranteed, professors in top flight universities could only dream of earning 500 an hour even freelance, so again that is unlikely to happen.
I just ask people be realistic and relative, I am not going to be insulted, either I can pay and it is worth it or I can’t nothing spoiling, if I can’t afford it but it is worth it, I may ask for community buy in, if it is worth it I am sure it can be raised.
I hope that explains why I am not setting a standard rate, additionally Perl vs css vs html5 vs MySQL vs kernel config 101 vs mail server setup done right vs round robin dns vs bind vs loops in shell scripts vs rest api are all different skill sets that in turn will add a rate of their own.
So really, just what ever you would be happy with
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Ok fair enough, I didn't realize there were so many nextcloud guides, particularly for nextcloud talk (voice/video chat). I guess I should find one. I had crappy luck a year or so ago but maybe it is better now. Here are a few other ideas:
At the risk of over complicating things.
In addition to monetary compensation, suggested other options could be : (not all might be practical )
a. Credits from provider (s)
b. Donation to charity of choice
c. Barter
I am totally in favour of charging for original content. But with the world economies becoming more insular, and compliance and fees becoming a pain in the rear end, alternative ways find flavour...
VPS reviews and benchmarks |
@willie yes all good ideas, what I need when you settle on one is for you to PM me with a plan/idea which covers what the entry point is to follow what you plan to write i.e. what level of experience is required and what level you expect people to be at once they have finished, this is all about removing barriers to entry for people.
@vyas I am completely open to all ideas, many people have offered to do stuff for free, that makes me less comfortable, I would rather at least be giving someone $50 because I do expect people to be accountable after it is published to answer questions or make corrections/clarifications.
There is nothing worse than trying to follow an online guide, hitting a snag, seeing 20 other people in the comments hit the same snag and no comment from the author.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
If you have any specific ideas, I'd be more than willing to write a few tutorials for LES.
plenty of ideas from this post: forward
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
thought i add it here: I can offer $15 for a script or detailed instruction how to build alpine virtual kernel + iSCSI packages and produce an installable iso. and if Ant, see this good he might offer the same here.
I apologise, I have read that 3 times and only understand half of it, could you try again?
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
sorry for crashing it like that. It started here
what i meant to say is i can offer $15 for a write up either a readme or a script to build a custom alpine image based on the "Virtual" distribution found in but must include iSCSI module + packages. The result should be an iso file.
This could be a good addition to this section and i am pushing you to add the pay same $15 thus author gets $30 in total.
if still not clear give me your phone number would love to chat one day
Ok a bounty may be the way to go, I will add $35 to bump it up to $50
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Thanks Ant, if no one does then i will have to do it one day just have them as credits from you
"the $35 that is"
Hi, and hello to the community. Since 'm new as well.
Arrive here cuz all the stuff I'm doing now, and see this post.
Indeed I can put my grain of sand into all this.
I made a installation script for servers. It works on Centos so far. Using a custom iso of kickstart.
It may sound simple but there's a lot of missing data related to the automatic server installation.
Among other things the script does:
0- Make installation with vnc for remote supervision if needed
1- Assign default static ip address
2- Assign default root password, and ssh
3- Do a clean core server installation,without all core junk.
3- Create a custom partition schema, detecting multiple disk, asking if want to use raid.
4- depending on disk space, selection, ask for services as webserver, ftp or database
5- In disk partition schema create separate areas, with specific fstab flags for it. Assign spaces based on free percentages and the amount services selected.
6- A few other things by default like install webmin, harden basic hardware access/sysctl/modprobe blacklist stuff, and others.
The basic concept is, install a server as fast as possible with basic security to end up with a secure installation , ready to go online, and start customize other services (samba, cache, email, proxy, dns, etc...). Ideal for testing labs, virtual (including vmware installation) or production servers, where start working is required as soon as possible.
Available in centos 7, testing centos 8.
Database optimization MariaDB/MySQL.
There's a lot of scripts who run and give plenty information about what to do, but in real life, nobody knows if put more numbers or less, based on their hardware capacity, usage.
I made a custom my.cnf who I adapt based on needs. In it there's more than needs to regular usage, plus more.
Basic harden system for CentOS
Including core modules, linux kernel, network, firewall, physical access to hardware protection, dos & ddos basic protection.
Several basic services installation and requirement for 2020.
Including installation, security, users, tweak, improvements, permits, dependencies (our endless pain), etc... for MariaDB + tweak, PureFTP (using databases for auth users), webservers (Apache + cache), Samba share, remote admin (Webmin), and few others.
That's it. It may looks like not much, but is what I have.
If something looks missing, welcome ask.
I posted three how-to articles on proxy servers in the TECHNICAL section.
How about someone doing a (growing) guide to tech?
There are so many "frameworks" touted around today that it's bewildering; what do they all do? Someone mentioned Docker but there are a heap more. Off the top of my head, there's composer, lavarel, ansible, heck the list goes on.
Any takers?
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
How about a simplified guideline or checklist to see if a host offering services is a scam-host?
From what I see on LET, most people do not know the tell-tale signs of a scam host (including me apparently since I got scammed twice).
Most of you here have more experience and knowledge that you can contribute to creating a checklist that will be true for most cases. - Server admins cheat codes