Nvidia buys ARM from Softbank for $40 Billion!
This won't affect Apple's move to ARM at all since they have a perpetual license, but still.
Personally I expect to see Microsoft try to push ARM again with both Microsoft and Apple going full walled garden for even desktop PC apps.
The minute I start to see Apple fuck with brew
is the day I put my mac up for sale and move to Linux.
Its similar situation when AMD bought ATi. Now the market will shift again.. Poor intel..
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Different market segments tho. Intel (nor AMD for that matter) don't have anything to pit against the LP market against ARM and vise versa.
I'm the 85%. Also Elon likes memes hence he's an idiot.
I guess everyone will go risc-v now
I through Apple only have perpetual license of ARMv8?
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Unless Nvidia go mad, no one will give up what they've built, and people are more likely to use things that are well maintained by big companies.
This is not a deal that can be completed in a short period of time, and Apple can't be ignorant of it. I'm guessing that Apple's switch to ARM, Nvidia, was a big part of the push. Never thought of Intel as a possible failure, 14nm+++++++++++++++ is the best 14nm, and 14nm has a huge market.
Action and Reaction in history
An excellent move by Nvidia.
Now Intel - after many years as a defacto monopolist - has two real competitors.
Don't think this is a good thing for tech in general. Nvidia can't even get their linux drivers right after a decade let alone keep a independent chip platform independent.
Hoping RISC V takes off
I'm really afraid of the walled garden scenario too. This will happen, for sure
Unless Nvidia do something super stupid, and a(multi) super-brand take over and lead the RISC-V project. ARM's inertia is so strong that it's difficult for companies that follow him to turn.
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Its not that they cant get them right, they just dont care.
I'm the 85%. Also Elon likes memes hence he's an idiot.
Up 8.13% during market open
Every body here is talking about RISC V but, nvidia has to really really fuck up like intel at 14 nm times 1000 for RISC V to become a competitor....
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Good luck getting FOSS firmwares and drives
For my hobbies, definitely turning to RISC-V.
RISC V is gonna slaughter everything in in sight. Watch.
Chinese companies are embracing RISC V and throwing billions at chip manufacturing to get away from US dependence. They just poached a bunch of TSMC engineers.
Intel is great...but no way they can compete against a 14 trillion GDP country that has made this a strategic goal
They're also working on x86 chips too though. That's catching up very fast on the nm generations too
The end is clearly nigh.
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Intel is powered by the whole GDP of the world which include that 14 trillion, and the US have siphoning ability to attract talented peoples.
Don't want to talk too much about politic in this forum, so I deleted the essay I already type.
My 2 cents: RISC-V would have taken decades to mature. As RISC-V faces political risks, it will only become more difficult to glow.
Note that RISC-V is under BSD, it can be close-source.
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I love open platforms but anything made by china is a big no
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The Force is strong with this one,
Even in India as, The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) which is an Indian autonomous scientific society, operating under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology is hooked.
Back to abaccus it is then. You'd be hard pressed to find something not made by china these days. (Though whether TSMC counts as Chinese is another matter)
Yeah Intel is in a decent position too. I don't see them hanging on to it though. Not unless the US dramatically changes it's economic approach - i.e. starts throwing massive amount of taxpayer money at intel. Even a well run company can't compete against a bottomless pit of taxpayer money.
Would have thought it would be worth more
I am not going to persuade and prove my point. Just to point out it could be another space race. In any aspect of semiconductors, the investment is very very huge and it takes time.
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Let Me Fix That for You
Haha I did allude to that issue in an earlier comment but decided not to dive into that mess....