What do you think of this idea for the forum (Open offer posts)

in General
What do you think about the idea of allowing every host to have an open offer post of their own?
For example https://talk.lowendspirit.com/discussion/1891/make-your-own-offer-what-do-you-want-be-specific-open-deal
Hosts can run it in any way they want, the host cannot directly post any specific offers they may simply respond to requests.
Hosts will always have edit rights of the original post. I may also see if I can add links to the Open Offer posts on the host list/index here: https://talk.lowendspirit.com/discussion/92/les-hosting-provider-register
Thoughts from hosts and the wider community in general?
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Thanked by (1)vpsgeek3333
Any way to hide them from the front page? I say that because what you are going to end up with is a group of offer threads always at the top I suspect and that would be annoying?
Perhaps the host could offer some examples, so that the requests would be based on their specialities? Otherwise, a free for all would get very messy, very quickly, in my opinion.
Definitely Agree. It is nice idea to get feedback from the community when your creativity is low.
Get some hosting at https://drserver.net .
It would be a crazy number of threads with 50 providers. It is not bad idea but may be thw ay to do it should be another way
Dentistry is my passion
Yeah, i can just set them to sink.
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You think: https://talk.lowendspirit.com/discussion/1891/make-your-own-offer-what-do-you-want-be-specific-open-deal is messy? seems to be well respected so far.
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Yeah as @Lee suggested they would need to be hidden or at least quickly dropped/sunk from the main forum so that replies did not bump them up.
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Based on the response to your post I think it's a good idea. Although people do tend to ask for custom requests on providers offers.
If the posts are set to sink I suggest a new category or an index on the side bar like "Exclusive Deals" so we can look for these posts.
Everybody knows who you are and that you won't entertain unrealistic requests, but if a deadpool host shows up, that would be a very messy thread. Also, like everybody says, it should probably be set to sink more quickly than usual.
Perhaps a new category for this kind of thread? Perhaps something like Offers on request.
And, yes, let them sink, and perhaps hide them from non-members.
Also, perhaps a new rule saying that a provider can start a new offers-on-request thread every (say) 90 days. (Given that the previous thread would have sunk a lot by then.)
(Just some suggestions)
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Do I like the idea? Yes. Kinda like an open market place.
But do I think it would be a cumbersome thread to manage and maintain? Yes.
Would it be great for customers/consumers? Yes.
Can it be set to sink after 24 hours or so? Otherwise, we will endup with infinite number of bumpy threads.
Also an idea, maybe instead of letting each host run the same type of build a plan deal, maybe a monthly "LES" special day thread where XYZ hosts can participate in one thread and customers can request what they want within that one thread and from their desired host, who voluntarily chose to take part in the monthly deal thread and not just random "Make me an offer" post.
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
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Well in terms of management of the post as hosts will have edit access maybe even mod access the their posts if I can work orotund the gdpr aspects the you will be able to maintain an index on the main post for example.
The feedback here reminds me of something else that I have been thinking about for a while which is that maybe I should have all offer posts sink after 24 hours anyway.
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Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
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Just spitballing. What about an open offer thread per category rather than per provider? Web hosting open offers.. Virtual server open offers... dedi open offers etc. Realistically if 50 hosts did open a thread how many would actually get a custom request?
Aye. And would prevent requestors from having to "shop around" and post the same request in 50 different threads.
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i like it because it gives a chance of give and take between the provider and shopper.
Interesting yet obvious idea @SmallWeb maybe that works better
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I was going to suggest the same thing @SmallWeb
In addition, a request thread as opposed to a provider thread encourages competition which would (in theory) benefit the end user.
I also feel like this method helps to level the playing field between larger and smaller providers. It isn't necessarily the provider with the best equipment and the best offers that is going to get the sale, but the provider that is willing to bend and compromise to the desires of the end user.
I agree to most of the part besides this. Negotiation should always be a two way communication. Otherwise, you will be stuck in an abusive relationship, that only ends with a nasty divorce or death.
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
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Yup, simplest ideas are the best. Creates a competitive thread, people can request something, any provider can bid.
There is nothing wrong with compromise in a situation.

Compromising yourself in a situation is another matter entirely.
I got vmauction.com for sale. If anyone is interested.
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
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Sounds interesting. As has been mentioned it might be a good way to get feedback on offers as well as working out what people are actually looking for.
Probably wouldn't want that indexed though I imagine
+1 for this great idea by Ant the great!
Recommend: MyRoot.PW|BuyVM|Inception Hosting|Prometeus
nice idea Sir +1
Personally I don’t mind if it is indexed, other hosts?
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Wouldn't mind but wouldn't opt for it.
I like the idea, but how about adding another dimension to it; have people suggest the price for their own package?
This can work in two ways; potential customers can state their budget and at the same time, hosts might be able to adjust the pricing in their advantage as well, as they know which price the potential customer has in mind. Sorta like @hostworld did a while back
Yeah I mean I was half expecting that anyway tbh
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