Black Friday Offer Index.



  • ehabehab Content Writer

    LEts see if @Abdullah get my wallet out?

    Thanked by (1)bdl
  • AbdullahAbdullah Hosting ProviderOG

    @ehab said:
    LEts see if @Abdullah get my wallet out?

    Will be tough...we got those Finland Ryzens too!

  • InceptionHostingInceptionHosting Hosting ProviderOG

    @ehab said:
    LEts see if @Abdullah get my wallet out?

    I bet you have it locked away, inside a freezer in a block of ice to protect yourself.

    Thanked by (1)Abdullah
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • ehabehab Content Writer

    ohhhh this year has been hard adjusting between bills/hobby projects.. really i can't/shouldn't get something i have no use for. u know...

  • Where are the deals Abdullah ;)

  • @Abdullah Deals before you sleep :#

  • ehabehab Content Writer
    edited November 2020

    guess paypal is saying

  • If you are looking for HostHatch deals you need to tag @hosthatch. This handle is for Abdullah from WebHorizon.

  • So, let's see who drops some offers first. @Abdullah or @hosthatch.

    ...or will @cociu appear out of nowhere? Who knows... - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->

  • ehabehab Content Writer

    @RapToN comeon Where are the Flash LES offers?

  • Hoping @exception0x876 would drop something awesome aside from the one currently running in the website.

    Perhaps something from LA? With further 50% off? :smiley:

  • @ehab said:
    @RapToN comeon Where are the Flash LES offers?

    Only few hours of Black Friday left in this time zone...

  • ehabehab Content Writer

    @lesbitso said:

    not 100% sure but he might drop by and put on something.

  • Going to bed, somebody wake me up if any worthy "black thing" appears.

  • ehabehab Content Writer

    @PHP_Backend said:

    don't you wanna wait for @Abdullah offers?

  • @ehab said:

    @PHP_Backend said:

    don't you wanna wait for @Abdullah offers?

    Its already way past midnight :( May the fittest person get the deal.

  • ehabehab Content Writer

    sweet dreams PHP_Backend

    Thanked by (1)PHP_Backend
  • InceptionHostingInceptionHosting Hosting ProviderOG

    Flash Sale: 50% off + double disk!

    Coupon Code: BF2020-2GB-SSD-Cached (5 uses only)

    UK - London - KVM - SSD Cached

    • 4 CPU Cores (Equal Share) - E5v4
    • 2 GB Ram DDR4
    • 80 GB SSD Cached Disk space - 8 disk Enterprise SAS Raid 10
    • 2000 GB Bandwidth @ 1 gbit (shared) - DDOS Protected
    • 1 x IPv4 address
    • 1 x /64 IPv6
    • Free direct admin

    Order Link:

    Price with coupon code:

    • €7.50 /3 months
    • €15 /6 months
    • €30 /year
    Thanked by (3)ehab Freek Asim
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • ehabehab Content Writer

    Ant, Double Ram?

    Thanked by (1)casadebamburojo
  • InceptionHostingInceptionHosting Hosting ProviderOG

    @ehab said:
    Ant, Double Ram?

    I cant do that sorry :)
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @ehab said:
    Ant, Double Ram?

    I think this request is too much already, but I support it 100%! :smiley:

  • ehabehab Content Writer

    i don't mind if only RAM was x2 and disk normal ... but he isn't drinking so oo

    Thanked by (1)Falzo
  • @SpeedBus Stop lurking! What's your contribution for Black Friday?

    Thanked by (2)SpeedBus MaxKVM - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->

  • ehabehab Content Writer
    edited November 2020

    finally i got

  • InceptionHostingInceptionHosting Hosting ProviderOG

    probably should have just started a flash sales thread
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • SpeedBusSpeedBus Hosting ProviderOG

    @Brueggus said:
    @SpeedBus Stop lurking! What's your contribution for Black Friday?

    hehe I need to think about something new, probably will have something up by/on Monday hopefully :sweat_smile:

    Thanked by (1)Brueggus

    CrownCloud - Internet Services | Los Angeles, California | Frankfurt, Germany | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Atlanta, Georgia | Miami, Florida

  • edited November 2020

    @ehab you still awake? @hosthatch is bringing on BF over at the other place.

    NVMe deals:
    Available in: Amsterdam, Stockholm, Los Angeles, Zurich, Oslo, Vienna, Warsaw, London, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Sydney (Hong Kong, Madrid and Milan can be pre-ordered, but delivery will be by December 31st).

    1 CPU core (12.5% dedicated, burstable up to 100%)
    2 GB RAM
    20 GB RAID-10 NVMe
    2 TB bandwidth (500 GB in Hong Kong and Sydney)
    $15 per year
    2 CPU core (50% dedicated, burstable up to 200%)
    8 GB RAM 
    40 GB RAID-10 NVMe
    5 TB bandwidth (1 TB in Hong Kong and Sydney)
    $30 per year
    3 CPU core (100% dedicated, burstable up to 300%)
    16 GB RAM
    80 GB RAID-10 NVMe
    10 TB bandwidth (1.5 TB in Hong Kong and Sydney)
    $60 per year

    like ... just crazy.

    Thanked by (1)ehab
  • ehabehab Content Writer


    This is the 2nd and last for tonight i ordered 3 CPU core ..

    hopefully they also enable cpu pass through ..

    -talking about crazy - terrahost - i think he's smoking something and laughing .... lets see when his boss meets him Monday lol

    Thanked by (1)Falzo
  • ehabehab Content Writer

    time for bed .... good night and have fun "don't spend too much" :D

    Thanked by (1)Falzo
  • edited November 2020

    @Falzo said:
    @ehab you still awake? @hosthatch is bringing on BF over at the other place.

    NVMe deals:
    Available in: Amsterdam, Stockholm, Los Angeles, Zurich, Oslo, Vienna, Warsaw, London, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Sydney (Hong Kong, Madrid and Milan can be pre-ordered, but delivery will be by December 31st).

    1 CPU core (12.5% dedicated, burstable up to 100%)
    > 2 GB RAM
    > 20 GB RAID-10 NVMe
    > 2 TB bandwidth (500 GB in Hong Kong and Sydney)
    > $15 per year
    > 2 CPU core (50% dedicated, burstable up to 200%)
    > 8 GB RAM 
    > 40 GB RAID-10 NVMe
    > 5 TB bandwidth (1 TB in Hong Kong and Sydney)
    > $30 per year
    > 3 CPU core (100% dedicated, burstable up to 300%)
    > 16 GB RAM
    > 80 GB RAID-10 NVMe
    > 10 TB bandwidth (1.5 TB in Hong Kong and Sydney)
    > $60 per year

    like ... just crazy.

    Any link? Interested in the Hong Kong and Sydney one.
    EDIT: Found it. Search for "Black Friday 2020 - NVMe and Storage deals - deploy worldwide".

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