BLACKEST FRIDAY SALE! -- Unlimited Bandwidth! -- Over 50% OFF -- Lifetime Discount! is proud to be offering it's BLACKEST OF BLACK FRIDAY SPECIALS!
This year’s Black Friday special offers a lifetime discount with a ridiculously low price on a specially configured dedicated unmetered 10gbps server — savings of more than 50% off!
This server starts with powerful Dual 14-Core Intel Xeon E5 processors, 128GB Ram, and an impressive array of 8x 1.6TB Intel Enterprise SSDs with Hardware RAID for maximum data protection and performance.
With 10gbps unmetered bandwidth (20g upgrade available), you can use one hundred percent of the maximum port speed 24/7 at one low flat rate. This means our 10gbps servers can transfer an extraordinary 3,300tb / mo of data!
Additional IP addresses and even extra bandwidth can be added upon ordering.
This Server really is capable of doing anything you want, at an impressively low price.
BUT Get in quick because this offer won’t be around forever!
Black Friday Monster Server!
Dual E5-2680v4
128gb RAM
8x 1.6tb Intel Enterprise Sata SSD
Hardware raid + Cachevault
10gbps Unmetered Bandwidth
/29 IPv4
Normally $1,583 /mo Now just $699 / mo!
Order Here:
Order Black Friday Monster Server!
Need something different? Contact sales [at] for details on our entire lineup of servers!
What are customers like you saying about I/O FLOOD?
Our feedback speaks for itself:
“If you need a solid server, I don't think you can go wrong with Gabriel and I/O Flood. Their services are excellent, and raise the bar of what I've come to expect from unmanaged dedicated server providers.”
“Gabe and ioflood continue to impress. The performance of the server is exceptional. Customer service is out of this world. I strongly recommend this company to anyone. Overall rating a strong 10/10.”
"You guys are really awesome. The fast response and knowledgable and helpful staff is just great. Keep up the good work!"
-- Ethan B
Our Feedback speaks for itself, but don't just take our word for it!
You can read more kind words from satisfied customers just like yourself on our website:
Black Friday Monster Server!
Dual E5-2680v4
128gb RAM
8x 1.6tb Intel Enterprise Sata SSD
Hardware raid + Cachevault
10gbps Unmetered Bandwidth
/29 IPv4
Normally $1,583 /mo Now just $699 / mo!
Order Here:
Order Black Friday Monster Server!
Why Choose I/O Flood?
I/O FLOOD exists to help entrepreneurs start and grow successful small businesses. We do this by championing the use of the best tools for the job, by treating people fairly, and by providing high impact help. We just happen to rent servers.
See some of the benefits your hosting business can enjoy by hosting with I/O FLOOD:
- I/O FLOOD is run by real systems administrators. We love servers, and we love bandwidth. We promise to treat your server like it was our own.
- No resellers, no middlemen, no nonsense. We own our own servers and run our own network, and wouldn't have it any other way.
- Unmanaged doesn't have to mean unhelpful. Our experts are happy to assist you with the occasional problem or special request.
- Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you're not happy, we'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.
Black Friday Monster Server!
Dual E5-2680v4
128gb RAM
8x 1.6tb Intel Enterprise Sata SSD
Hardware raid + Cachevault
10gbps Unmetered Bandwidth
/29 IPv4
Normally $1,583 /mo Now just $699 / mo!
Order Here:
Order Black Friday Monster Server!
Need something different? Contact sales [at] for details on our entire lineup of servers!
Test IP:
Test URL: [url][/url]
Terms of Service:
All servers are located in one of our private cages at the PhoenixNap datacenter in Phoenix, AZ.
We accept payments in both Paypal and Credit Card.
To ask us any questions, please email (sales [at]
Or contact us directly:
email: sales [at]
twitter: @ioflood
- I/O FLOOD exists to help entrepreneurs start and grow successful small businesses.
- We do this by using the best tools for the job, by treating people fairly, and by providing high impact help.
- We just happen to rent servers.
Raid vs. Backups - Keeping Data Safe!
In the rush to get by with daily life, often we don’t think much about how our data is stored. But as anyone who has experienced a hard drive failure can tell you, once you’ve lost your data, you wish you had done something to keep it safe to begin with. So often times, we will be asked, in order to keep data safe, should we keep backups, or should we have RAID?
** Want to know more about our Network? Check out our latest carrier upgrades!**
Here at we are continually looking to improve the performance and reliability of our network for you, our dedicated server customers. So today we’re happy to announce new carrier and network upgrades. These upgrades improve both our upstream internet provider connectivity and the internal network that your servers connect to. You can read our latest updates here:
Black Friday Monster Server!
Dual E5-2680v4
128gb RAM
8x 1.6tb Intel Enterprise Sata SSD
Hardware raid + Cachevault
10gbps Unmetered Bandwidth
/29 IPv4
Normally $1,583 /mo Now just $699 / mo!
Order Here:
Order Black Friday Monster Server!
Need something different? Contact sales [at] for details on our entire lineup of servers!