ColoCrossing learned over the weekend that a former client notified his customers that he was shutting down their service today, Monday, December 9. ColoCrossing had provided dedicated servers which were used to host this client’s content, and the content of this client’s customers. To help customers impacted by this former client, ColoCrossing is keeping the servers active for the next ten days so impacted sites can move their data to other providers. We will provide more information as it is available.
So you posted 84 offers for the same client in 100 days on LEB? And had no idea about it all? @Nick, I know you as a nice guy, but who are you trying to make fun of with that utter bullshit?
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
If @Nick was innocent & disagreed with what his masters have been doing for years then he would have resigned long ago & have been working for a reputable datacenter. He is as much piece of shit as Biloh, Fabozzi & others
LOL, Where is Dr. Mike when you need him? He would be having a field day with this.
He has to be lurking around somewhere, I can just feel it. I didn't realize he was the one that popped up on Hostballs to announce the purchase of CC by Deluxe. Thought he was retired for good, guess he is just hiding away in the shadows instead.
Maybe he is like Beatle Juice and if I mention him enough times he will appear out of the darkness.
If @Nick was innocent & disagreed with what his masters have been doing for years then he would have resigned long ago & have been working for a reputable datacenter. He is as much piece of shit as Biloh, Fabozzi & others
I don't know @Nick myself, but I wouldn't refer to him as a piece of shit just like that. Granted, he might be contributing to this one way or another but for all we know resignation is not an option under personal circumstances, and like all of us he has to put food on the table.
We're considered a friendly community so I'd appreciate it if you could rephrase your post.
@vpsgeek - hey, please go easy there sparky! You might be right, I wouldn't really presume to say so much at this point either way. But ... maybe better to play nice and see how the discussion goes? Just my 2 cents ...
If @Nick was innocent & disagreed with what his masters have been doing for years then he would have resigned long ago & have been working for a reputable datacenter. He is as much piece of shit as Biloh, Fabozzi & others
I wouldn't say that he is 100% innocent. What I meant by my post was that he is just one guy in CC who was told to take the blame because I know, for a fact, that there are several people who are above Nick in CC corporate structure.
From what I understand, @Nick mostly manages the day-to-day business at ChicagoVPS, which (if true) doesn't place him high enough on the totem pole to be (even partly) responsible for all of those freshly deadpooled CC providers. (But I may be mistaken.)
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
anyway, my guess is that this is just cover fire, to draw our attention from the lead, the web designer, i would continue to focus on that, not on the 10 free days
If @Nick was innocent & disagreed with what his masters have been doing for years then he would have resigned long ago & have been working for a reputable datacenter. He is as much piece of shit as Biloh, Fabozzi & others
I don't know @Nick myself, but I wouldn't refer to him as a piece of shit just like that. Granted, he might be contributing to this one way or another but for all we know resignation is not an option under personal circumstances, and like all of us he has to put food on the table.
We're considered a friendly community so I'd appreciate it if you could rephrase your post.
I have been through thick & thin of life, I have seen times when there didn't use to be a single penny in my purse for many days, sometimes months. But even during that time I refused to be frontman of a DDoS booter operation (which had income of thousands per month at that time & earns much more now) & several other shady things related to hosting as well as other industries. So to me he is a piece of shit like his bosses & will remain so.
about Nick, he could act ok, but remember he is the PR guy, so its normal they act in this way, if you are polite it does not mean you're a good person, anyway, as of current there is still no proof CC is directly involved, we just have a lead with the designer, thats it, he can lead to more for sure if not, we can forget about it, move on, and wait for the next incident
and about the message, i guess you did not get the edit, he posted the same message as on LET but with an additional 'I was advised to forward this along', he posted here to let us know they're watching, anyway, to me it seemed like a subtle threat, but thats just me, advised by who? for which purpose?
@AnthonySmith said:
To my mind it can only be a number of things, I am not saying all, but just some ideas in my head.
you just got comfortable at the place, you know its a bit dodgy but you enjoy the banter and that is more important to you than the fact that people are being ripped off, you know you are part of the problem but old habits die hard, kind of like quitting smoking or rather the idea of it but you never do, I put myself in this bracket I suppose for the past year or so anyway.
you just dont care, as in you feel so detached from the reality of the machine you are feeding you just cant care because your own entertainment and use for the place simply overshadows any of the bullshit.
Thanks for sharing that perspective and articulating your anguish! From my own point of view, there is still a bit more to it - which I'm not entirely inclined to try to spell out in so many words right here right now ... but I do believe that you might enjoy a more nuanced appreciation of the motivation and conscious intent at some point going forward.
Also of course, for the lulz ...
The attitudes you described above do tend to ring true with me as well though
@AnthonySmith said:
Anyone seen any invoices or payment confirmations from people who paid one of these deadpooled companies? that may provide some sort of clue?
nothing yet, but we can ask for sure the new guy that lost 16 dollars @WJN
I doubt Nick has had any personal hand in any of this bullshit, and I can't find a reason to blame him directly for my few dollars lost - I learned to not use CC bases stuff (other than Virmach, which still raises above).
@tgl said:
3 guys in a basement does not mean corporate
@AnthonySmith said:
Anyone seen any invoices or payment confirmations from people who paid one of these deadpooled companies? that may provide some sort of clue?
I have a few paid invoices from my shameful moments of weakness, what details would help?
@AnthonySmith said:
Anyone seen any invoices or payment confirmations from people who paid one of these deadpooled companies? that may provide some sort of clue?
I have a few paid invoices from my shameful moments of weakness, what details would help?
What is the mechanism to complain to SEC? Since DLX is listed, do the local laws in US allow complaint to be made that merits an investigation? that would bring the focus on the issue to a whole new level. Does it require one of the (past) customers/ someone who is based locally?
Most CXOs would shit in their pants if their share prices dropped even by 1 cent because of such complaints. Not to mention hours of legal/ consultant hours/pr effort at Corporate Rates. If the subsidiary is running a sham/ scam, let the parent bleed for it, things will get cleaned up faster.
@vyas said:
What is the mechanism to complain to SEC?
Deluxe is more than happy to throw their customers under the bus at any given moment if it helps them save face- after all, they print checks. Literally print checks, in TYOOL 2019. They'd probably hasten to offload any purchases with a black eye until they're able to reclaim at least what they paid for it. I highly doubt they'll drop CC anytime soon, since their bread and butter is still based on 1970s technology.
You'd possibly do better trying to get the IP space revoked upstream, and that shit will never happen. Last I recall, it was owned, non-portable, and unlikely to change anytime soon. Good luck.
@vyas - currently and for the foreseeable future, I personally would not bank on any effective enforcement from regulatory / law enforcement at the federal level in the USA ("regulatory capture" has been a thing here for a long time, but increasingly so lately).
on the other hand, the state of New York may be more inclined to take a closer look - prosecutors and public interest advocates looking for the magic combination of a newsworthy case, entirely unsympathetic defendants, and just maybe a chance to do the right thing ... Seems like a long shot to me but I'm guessing that might be the most fruitful venue if someone were to shake a few trees at the state level there.
And New York is pretty well versed in dealing with financial fraud - mostly from the securities industry, ie boiler room pump and dump schemes - but there would seem to be some close parallels in the ongoing (alleged) LEB exit scams - and there's always a sloppy paper trail and half-assed cooked books to work a case with, ammirite?
(on a tangential note - I dropped a suggestion in @dahartigan's PSA thread on the old forum that Krebs on Security might find some joy in pulling a few threads on the CC sweater - as I believe CC has been mentioned there before in relation to the usual suspect stuff such as booters, spam, phishing, etc ...)
As far as Deluxe goes - it might make sense to first work their system a bit through their internal channels (look for contacts in their compliance, maybe PR, probably not legal departments). Always best to be polite, professional, and succinct - but let them know there is a serious problem in one of their subsidiaries - perhaps a pre-existing condition that may have been missed when they were doing their due dilligence prior to the acquisition. At the very least it will establish a paper trail - maybe also put them on notice that they are to preserve all relevant evidence in case of regulatory or legal proceedings. That seems like the most likely way get the right kind of attention from the people there who may be in a better position to put their foot down on biloh, fabozzi & company - for surely Deluxe would prefer not to have this hassle in their castle. Ain't nobody got time for that penny-ante pissant bullshit ...
Thought came to mind from a recent case in which a (former/disgruntled?) employee of US subsidiary of Infosys complained to SEC about unethical practices of the company. Stock price tanked in both India and US. Later it was found out that the complaint included things like "CEO travels to his home in Mumbai every weekend, company pays for air fare + cab)". Over a period of time, price came back to normal P/E ration levels. In the meantime, punters profited, media had a balls with news cycles and airtime, enlightened ones on LInkedIn and elsewhere became gurus and preachers on ethics, and now all is forgotten.
That was the impact of a complaint by a singe person (or a small group) on a listed company.
I will repeat one more time. ColoCrossing is now owned by a company whose primary focus is printing checks for consumers with Garfield on it. Even if CC gets hit on super-hard, it's really not going to affect them, because they bought this turdboat, rather than created it. It'll hurt the employees of CC, but nobody of any consequence higher upstream. Other than giving a great warning to avoid LET, the flash in the pan is pretty much over for now. Hopefully it'll provide a good Google search for folks interested in lower-end VPS and dedicated services, and they'll think twice before they jump at a $4/mo HVH box with 4G ram and 4vCPU (at 32Mhz) on an old EIDE Maxtor in RAID0.
I'm not suggesting to let it go, but nobody who deserves to will be smacked around by continuing to push this upstream will be. That's just how it works.
I will repeat one more time. ColoCrossing is now owned by a company whose primary focus is printing checks for consumers with Garfield on it. Even if CC gets hit on super-hard, it's really not going to affect them, because they bought this turdboat, rather than created it. It'll hurt the employees of CC, but nobody of any consequence higher upstream. Other than giving a great warning to avoid LET, the flash in the pan is pretty much over for now. Hopefully it'll provide a good Google search for folks interested in lower-end VPS and dedicated services, and they'll think twice before they jump at a $4/mo HVH box with 4G ram and 4vCPU (at 32Mhz) on an old EIDE Maxtor in RAID0.
I'm not suggesting to let it go, but nobody who deserves to will be smacked around by continuing to push this upstream will be. That's just how it works.
Yup, agreed.
Was not suggesting we pursue the course or justifying its merits, just highlighting the origin of the idea.
And now I want a Maxtor EIDE. Been ages since I last had one.
Edit: Damn you, you show me the wrong toys.
So you posted 84 offers for the same client in 100 days on LEB? And had no idea about it all?
@Nick, I know you as a nice guy, but who are you trying to make fun of with that utter bullshit?
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
I wouldn't blame Nick. He is simply doing what he is told. He's just another middleman who was told to take the blame.
♻ Amitz day is October 21.
♻ Join Nigh sect by adopting my avatar. Let us spread the joys of the end.
@deank @Amitz
If @Nick was innocent & disagreed with what his masters have been doing for years then he would have resigned long ago & have been working for a reputable datacenter. He is as much piece of shit as Biloh, Fabozzi & others
Recommend: SmallWeb|BuyVM|Linode|RamNode
LOL, Where is Dr. Mike when you need him? He would be having a field day with this.
He has to be lurking around somewhere, I can just feel it. I didn't realize he was the one that popped up on Hostballs to announce the purchase of CC by Deluxe. Thought he was retired for good, guess he is just hiding away in the shadows instead.
Maybe he is like Beatle Juice and if I mention him enough times he will appear out of the darkness.
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I don't know @Nick myself, but I wouldn't refer to him as a piece of shit just like that. Granted, he might be contributing to this one way or another but for all we know resignation is not an option under personal circumstances, and like all of us he has to put food on the table.
We're considered a friendly community so I'd appreciate it if you could rephrase your post.
@vpsgeek - hey, please go easy there sparky! You might be right, I wouldn't really presume to say so much at this point either way. But ... maybe better to play nice and see how the discussion goes? Just my 2 cents ...
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
I wouldn't say that he is 100% innocent. What I meant by my post was that he is just one guy in CC who was told to take the blame because I know, for a fact, that there are several people who are above Nick in CC corporate structure.
♻ Amitz day is October 21.
♻ Join Nigh sect by adopting my avatar. Let us spread the joys of the end.
3 guys in a basement does not mean corporate
From what I understand, @Nick mostly manages the day-to-day business at ChicagoVPS, which (if true) doesn't place him high enough on the totem pole to be (even partly) responsible for all of those freshly deadpooled CC providers. (But I may be mistaken.)
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
anyway, my guess is that this is just cover fire, to draw our attention from the lead, the web designer, i would continue to focus on that, not on the 10 free days
I have been through thick & thin of life, I have seen times when there didn't use to be a single penny in my purse for many days, sometimes months. But even during that time I refused to be frontman of a DDoS booter operation (which had income of thousands per month at that time & earns much more now) & several other shady things related to hosting as well as other industries. So to me he is a piece of shit like his bosses & will remain so.
Recommend: SmallWeb|BuyVM|Linode|RamNode
guys, if the name is ColonCrossing, its normal for them to be pieces of shit
about Nick, he could act ok, but remember he is the PR guy, so its normal they act in this way, if you are polite it does not mean you're a good person, anyway, as of current there is still no proof CC is directly involved, we just have a lead with the designer, thats it, he can lead to more for sure if not, we can forget about it, move on, and wait for the next incident
and about the message, i guess you did not get the edit, he posted the same message as on LET but with an additional 'I was advised to forward this along', he posted here to let us know they're watching, anyway, to me it seemed like a subtle threat, but thats just me, advised by who? for which purpose?
Thanks for sharing that perspective and articulating your anguish! From my own point of view, there is still a bit more to it - which I'm not entirely inclined to try to spell out in so many words right here right now ... but I do believe that you might enjoy a more nuanced appreciation of the motivation and conscious intent at some point going forward.
Also of course, for the lulz ...
The attitudes you described above do tend to ring true with me as well though
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
Anyone seen any invoices or payment confirmations from people who paid one of these deadpooled companies? that may provide some sort of clue?
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
nothing yet, but we can ask for sure the new guy that lost 16 dollars @WJN
@vpsgeek SoMe PeOpLe JuSt WaNt To EaT.
I doubt Nick has had any personal hand in any of this bullshit, and I can't find a reason to blame him directly for my few dollars lost - I learned to not use CC bases stuff (other than Virmach, which still raises above).
Not without the cup. Naturally.
My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.
I have a few paid invoices from my shameful moments of weakness, what details would help?
Get the best deal on your next VPS or Shared/Reseller hosting from - The original aff garden.
PayPal name, email & address of the payee perhaps
Recommend: SmallWeb|BuyVM|Linode|RamNode
a certain Master_Bo volunteered the following teaser back on the old forum:
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
What is the mechanism to complain to SEC? Since DLX is listed, do the local laws in US allow complaint to be made that merits an investigation? that would bring the focus on the issue to a whole new level. Does it require one of the (past) customers/ someone who is based locally?
Most CXOs would shit in their pants if their share prices dropped even by 1 cent because of such complaints. Not to mention hours of legal/ consultant hours/pr effort at Corporate Rates. If the subsidiary is running a sham/ scam, let the parent bleed for it, things will get cleaned up faster.
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Deluxe is more than happy to throw their customers under the bus at any given moment if it helps them save face- after all, they print checks. Literally print checks, in TYOOL 2019. They'd probably hasten to offload any purchases with a black eye until they're able to reclaim at least what they paid for it. I highly doubt they'll drop CC anytime soon, since their bread and butter is still based on 1970s technology.
You'd possibly do better trying to get the IP space revoked upstream, and that shit will never happen. Last I recall, it was owned, non-portable, and unlikely to change anytime soon. Good luck.
My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.
@vyas - currently and for the foreseeable future, I personally would not bank on any effective enforcement from regulatory / law enforcement at the federal level in the USA ("regulatory capture" has been a thing here for a long time, but increasingly so lately).
on the other hand, the state of New York may be more inclined to take a closer look - prosecutors and public interest advocates looking for the magic combination of a newsworthy case, entirely unsympathetic defendants, and just maybe a chance to do the right thing ... Seems like a long shot to me but I'm guessing that might be the most fruitful venue if someone were to shake a few trees at the state level there.
And New York is pretty well versed in dealing with financial fraud - mostly from the securities industry, ie boiler room pump and dump schemes - but there would seem to be some close parallels in the ongoing (alleged) LEB exit scams - and there's always a sloppy paper trail and half-assed cooked books to work a case with, ammirite?
(on a tangential note - I dropped a suggestion in @dahartigan
's PSA thread on the old forum that Krebs on Security might find some joy in pulling a few threads on the CC sweater - as I believe CC has been mentioned there before in relation to the usual suspect stuff such as booters, spam, phishing, etc ...)As far as Deluxe goes - it might make sense to first work their system a bit through their internal channels (look for contacts in their compliance, maybe PR, probably not legal departments). Always best to be polite, professional, and succinct - but let them know there is a serious problem in one of their subsidiaries - perhaps a pre-existing condition that may have been missed when they were doing their due dilligence prior to the acquisition. At the very least it will establish a paper trail - maybe also put them on notice that they are to preserve all relevant evidence in case of regulatory or legal proceedings. That seems like the most likely way get the right kind of attention from the people there who may be in a better position to put their foot down on biloh, fabozzi & company - for surely Deluxe would prefer not to have this hassle in their castle. Ain't nobody got time for that penny-ante pissant bullshit ...
I can haz changes are coming now? Lol.
HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
Interesting insights @WSS @uptime.
Thought came to mind from a recent case in which a (former/disgruntled?) employee of US subsidiary of Infosys complained to SEC about unethical practices of the company. Stock price tanked in both India and US. Later it was found out that the complaint included things like "CEO travels to his home in Mumbai every weekend, company pays for air fare + cab)". Over a period of time, price came back to normal P/E ration levels. In the meantime, punters profited, media had a balls with news cycles and airtime, enlightened ones on LInkedIn and elsewhere became gurus and preachers on ethics, and now all is forgotten.
That was the impact of a complaint by a singe person (or a small group) on a listed company.
Maybe I need a stronger cup of coffee.
Edit: Dog walk interruption priority
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I will repeat one more time. ColoCrossing is now owned by a company whose primary focus is printing checks for consumers with Garfield on it. Even if CC gets hit on super-hard, it's really not going to affect them, because they bought this turdboat, rather than created it. It'll hurt the employees of CC, but nobody of any consequence higher upstream. Other than giving a great warning to avoid LET, the flash in the pan is pretty much over for now. Hopefully it'll provide a good Google search for folks interested in lower-end VPS and dedicated services, and they'll think twice before they jump at a $4/mo HVH box with 4G ram and 4vCPU (at 32Mhz) on an old EIDE Maxtor in RAID0.
I'm not suggesting to let it go, but nobody who deserves to will be smacked around by continuing to push this upstream will be. That's just how it works.
My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.
Yup, agreed.
Was not suggesting we pursue the course or justifying its merits, just highlighting the origin of the idea.
And now I want a Maxtor EIDE. Been ages since I last had one.
Edit: Damn you, you show me the wrong toys.
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Internet witch-hunts do not traditionally end well guys
Anyone try the office of Attorney General of Minnesota?
Deluxe is operating in that state, after all.
The all seeing eye sees everything...
Thanks guys.
All hail our accidental saviour : cpanel price hike.
Posted about Arch hosting closure in Cest Pit.
Mods feel free to move it here if accurate and related to the thread.
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