You Choose Our Name
Tough decision. Our (eventual) goal is to make a forum that can compete with WebHostingTalk forum.
Which is the best domain to use?
Thanks sincerely
Best Forum Name?
- Best Forum Name?15 votes
- HostBoards.com46.67%
-  0.00%
-  0.00%
- WebhostingBoard.com53.33%
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Thanked by (1)Ganonk
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I mean, I don't want to rain down on you but the day of the forum is gone for hosting. Sure you can have more niche boards like this one but WHT has had its time and it knows it. Good luck with it though.
Also, is yours?
We sincerely appreciate the feedback @Lee. Would you say Facebook & Reddit will take over 80% or more from the forums?
Not all the domains are owned by the same person as we are a collective that owns the forum and we're seeking more owners to join us. There is a $400 "Buy-in" to join the Cooperative, see:
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Who are you, and what is your experience in the industry?
/addVoteOption "BoatyMcBoardFace"
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Interested in hearing how you plan on doing that more than the name, based on the PMs you sent me offering to buy this place you don’t like to listen much or pay much attention to what is right in front of your face so for your own sake I would like you to either stop trolling or stop wasting your own time and money.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
So don't do it. I mean, if choosing a domain name is a 'tough decision' for which you need the advice of some random people what would running a webhosting forum be?
how about stop taking innocent peoples' $400 to do nothing
was just what i was wondering out loud.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
The forum is live, having been started in 2004 (with different name for first few years). So I ran it with the help of 10 Moderators for 13 years.
The database was hacked in 2017 to the point that I believed it to be unrecoverable as you can see in the 2018 capture on
Last week I found a miracle worker database specialist who was able to recover most of the database. Some of the posts from its last year's was lost permanently.
My point is that I have 13 years of running the Host Boards Forum to prove my dedication & capability.
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I'm not trying to troll anyone Sir but want to respect your wishes. LowEndSpirit is your forum (along with Mason & Mikho). If you don't want this topic here I ask you to kindly delete it.
I would indeed like to purchase LowEndSpirit as I believe it is an incredibly nice forum, very well run. I estimate the value of LowEndSpirit to be more than I can afford to pay and thus the reason I submitted to you a "backup" offer as my offer was lower than the value of your forum but included the provision that you, Mason, and Mikho would remain 3 out of 10 owners of this forum in the new Hosting Cooperative.
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Yeah, you lost my attention right there. As far as that other site that some of your suggested domains point to. There is nothing more that I hate in hosting than scammy BS affiliate top host websites. All fake reviews and always the top affiliate payouts at the top such as Bluehost and HostGator focussed on. Likely never even used far less reviewed.
honest feedback wanted?
communities only grow if the place has something to offer to the real audience. what exactly is it, your place offers for everyone who is not looking to just place their uninteresting overpriced seo shit everywhere?
best of luck anyway ;-)
This is proving my point
you don't pay any attention to what anyone tells you or what is right in front of you, it is not my forum, I have told you that, it was incredibly public and there was a big announcement. even after telling you that specifically you still talk to me like I own it and try to buy it..
So I am going to go for trolling because I can't believe it is possible for you to genuinely think I still own the forum, or you have a tendency to only read what you want to read which is equally as ridiculous.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
50% - 50%
I agree with you 100% and I have no control over that site which is under a different owner.
I have personal control over,, and which do not lead to the TopWebHosts site we both hate.
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I apologize to you then. I assumed incorrectly that you, Mason & Mikho were three equal owners of LowEndSpirit.
Please let me make sure I understand then, LowEndSpirit will never be for sale because it's owned by the entire community of members?
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LET was built out of the passion of one guy for low-end systems by someone who had a genuine interest. LES was built by someone with a genuine interest in hosting and a desire to break away from what wasn't good at LET. That is what made them popular plus neither had a financial focus.
If you had the focus and intent you would pick a name, build a site and get going.
It just seems that all you are interested in is your co-op and financial gain. Your co-op link suggest what it is going to do and it is all about money, so you are building around that.
All I see is eventually create a forum to match WHT then eventually create something at and eventually do other things.
Stop posting at forums asking what you should do. Do it! Then come and say "look what I have done, please join, get involved".
You have a co-op, yet have no clear vision, making little to no progress and want $400 to be a part of that.
I don't think you are trolling but seeing the threads you make here and at LET it just seems clear you have no experience in what you are trying to achieve so are procrastinating around forums trying to find out what to do and how to move forward.
Ok, ignore what I said above, really, just fuck off now.
What were the issues with LET that caused LowEndSpirit to be created?
Were Hostballs and VPSBoard created for those same reasons?
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If you have 13 years experience with hosting forums then surely you would know what was happening with the ‘competition’ wouldn’t you?
@Offshore_Solutions Head over to LET, send mister Biloh a PM. I'm sure he will sell for the right price. He's a deal maker. Ya know.
he's gonna just leave his "backup offer" at the door
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
I had been browsing the LET and LES forums for some time but never understood what went on behind the scenes.
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It is 1st April joke? You could always buy any forum at the right price. 1million for user and afterwards we could go in any another website so think about the right offer
Inflation is coming bitcoins are accepted
Dentistry is my passion
@Mason @mikho
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
@Offshore_Solutions pardon me being naïve - in the US, how can one member of a coop unilaterally decide to give 3 shares away- like you proposed above? Have you made other promises to those developing the web panel and billing software for the coop?
We've set our goal at 10 total owners but right now it's just 2 of us. He's in on all decisions. Nothing is unilaterally done. The Cooperative offer was posted just 2 days ago on March 30th so it's early yet.
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The end is nigh.
♻ Amitz day is October 21.
♻ Join Nigh sect by adopting my avatar. Let us spread the joys of the end.
So, a vote prior to entity formulation. Thus in reality you proposed - 3 shares to LET, 1 to you and 1 to the partner, and 5 that actually front money - or do some of those go to the "developer". So that leaves 2 grand for the control panel theme and the billing panel. And of course 50 bucks for a data center. By the way- where is the nearest fiber to the proposed data center and whats the cost of installing to the data center from its nearest connectivity point
Where is my 1 000 000 euros ? If you pay in advance a such amount directly to the users you could make lot of money after that . Free idea not buying in idea
Dentistry is my passion
The proposed 10 owners would all contribute so we'd have $400 x 10 = $4,000 held in our Cooperative account administered by the attorney.
We were going to reduce the buy-in for Mikho, Mason and Anthony because of the very valuable LowEndSpirit (but they're not selling so it's a moot point).
There's a lot to do before a datacenter could be implemented and no decision to move forward on that until all 10 propsed owners are in place to vote on that proposal.
The Developer of the theme has quoted us under $2K as it's only a theme that is far less work than a fork. This theme would require us to pay the Developer 50 Euros update each time ispconfig releases a new version. Our theme would need it's version updated at those times.
What other value added benefits could a Cooperative provide that you might like?
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