Contabo says Hello from Singapore!
Just sharing this.
Special Deal for Limited Time Only!
Being the first to order a VPS in Singapore comes with an extra bonus: We are waiving the Setup Fee for the first 1000 orders. Be quick, we expect to sell out in a matter of hours!
For the VPS, the RAM is dedicated or shared?
OnePoundEmail (aff link)
32TB traffic 0.0
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
any YABS?
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
I see 100 MBPs in order form
VPS reviews and benchmarks |
I guess that's because 100 Mbit/s works out to basically 32 TB per month, but the port speeds are faster than 100 Mbit/s for all plans (or at least that's what their website says) - so you could theoretically push a constant 200 Mbit/s and hit the bandwidth cap after (roughly) 15 days.
Discord: Decicus#0001
Really wish they offered something around 4TB bandwidth for 4-5$.
Even OVH couldn’t make that much transfer happen. That’s insane.
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Get one and resell NAT VPS?
"Humanity is f*cked up" - Jay
Couldn't have suggested better
Perhaps it can be parked under EntryBytes?
For domain registrations, create an account at Dynadot (ref) and spend $9.99 within 48 hours to receive $5 DynaDollars!
Looking for cost-effective Managed/Anycast/DDoS-Protected/Geo DNS Services? Try ClouDNS (aff).
Fair, provided 100 MBPs is constant. Unless there is the word "guaranteed" mentioned in the TOS which I haven't read yet so cannot comment further
VPS reviews and benchmarks |
😂. Nah I will leave NAT to the pros @mikho and @Abdullah
If they are truly allowing folks to push 32TB for that little, kudos to them man. Seriously. Time to read hostloc. See ya 🔜
Nexus Bytes Ryzen Powered NVMe VPS | NYC|Miami|LA|London|Netherlands| Singapore|Tokyo
Storage VPS | LiteSpeed Powered Web Hosting + SSH access | Switcher Special |
Those specs and that price, that is INSANE.
I'll stick with what I've got in Singapore for now....
Exactly, CRAZY pricing for that bandwidth and SSD in Singapore.
Not jumping to them now, but that pricing beats ovh.
Is NAT Prince @Abdullah going to try Contabo's Singapore location?
anyone can do a monster bench? their disk Io seems too limited?
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
200 Mbit/s is good enough compare to OVH 250 Mbit/s, but I doubt 32TB. Just ordered and wait
Here you go, bros
Disk i/o seem not SSD speed
just wanted to say
thinking, my OVZ NAT SG location has been not very stable (as I accept)... I'm all for improving the experience..ppl won't prefer another migration.
Disk IO is limited too 100MB/s until you contact support, probably because of abusers ¯_(ツ)_/¯. Just make a ticket and tell them about the IO speeds and they should later be at normal SATA SSD speeds.
Wow that is quite bad for SGP to India.
Just one + random test, maybe another neighborhood doing the same, and depend on destination server. IO Disk is my concern, I did many i/o testing but disk speed is still low.
thanks, i will contact them
they should be improving their routing gradually..
anyone manage to get their IO limits lifted?
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
This. This comes up in basically any Contabo Thread. Just open a ticket/contact them to solve this
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison,, Ympker's GitHub.
Contabo takes the lead!!
PeekaBoo at
(Not affiliated with the Russian Handyhost Website in any way.)
Took one, let's see
I bought a vps from them, the location is Singapore. Disk I / O is too low