FastestVPN Lifetime Deal 12$ is back (5 Devices), 9$ 2 devices, 16,60$ 15 devices
Official website with 15 multi-logins:
Coupon: SPECIAL2020
Comes to 16,60$
If you only need 2 devices use code "VIP40" and buy for 9$ at:
If you only need 5 devices use code "VIP40" and buy for 12$ at:
Just did a Speedtest using IKEV2 with and without VPN. Can't complain at this price point.
Results (first place is without VPN, second place with VPN)
Without VPN:
are they a reseller?
They are most likely reselling PureVPN (just like Ivacy does, too). That being said it is still good value for the money you pay.
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison,, Ympker's GitHub.
Only a few hours left
FastestVPN: Lifetime Subscription (15 Devices)
By: FastestVPN
We are currently acquiring your license for this product. Please check back soon.
Meanwhile, you can get Keepsolid 5-device lifetime deal from stacksocial for $39, and get $30 stacksocial store credit.
good find!
And "Avail" 2TB storage for 2 years from Internxt
Edit 1
... and the upsell begins
Mac App REview

... Meanwhile.. IVacy is offering:
5 years VPN + 5 years storage
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How long does acquiring license take?
@ympker I faced issue with as well
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Still waiting for StackSocial offer on Ivacy.
1) Just ignore the upsell. I think they are trying to sell a "Pro" version with even faster servers sometimes lol.
2) The app rating doesn't really look much better on android (3,8/5) and their apps are known to be buggy, overall. I mostly just use plain IKEV2 windows integrated or their ovpn config files
3) I am afraid that I never was happy with Ivacys speed. They are awesome for unblocking streams because their browser extension supports so many different ones but their mobile app is/was super buggy and speeds are way below FastestVPN for me. For whatever reason I barely get more than 10-15 mbits with Ivacy servers even though both companies are likely reselling PureVPN.
What problem with are you referring to?
Did you buy on the official website or Stacksocial? I can only speak for Stacksocial since I bought mine there. I think it was a matter of minutes for me. Some ppl reported in other VPN threads with Stacksocial deals that they had to wait 1-2 days for Keepsolid/FastestVPN. Not sure on what factors this depends on.
@Jounouchi what do you plan on using Ivacy for? It is great for unblocking streams but the speeds I get with them are far below FastestVPN or any other VPN I have (Windscribe, Keepsolid..) for that matter. Ivacy has also been excempted from (I think) all coupon codes on Stacksocial for quite a while now. Not sure if discount comes back. At 40$ I would much rather recommend you to grab Keepsolid
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison,, Ympker's GitHub.
Below is how I see last part of op. No images
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@Ympker I am looking for a Taiwan server location VPN and both FastestVPN and Keepsolid doesn't have the location.
This is "pro version":
No LTD available for that one. Just ignore the upsell
Please read:
In their comparison table it seems like some streaming services are only available in Pro version. I chatted with them a while ago since they also advertise this on Stacksocial and their website for the regular version and they confirmed to me that this was only marketing for the pro version. The standard version also includes this. Pro only has extra servers. I posted a screenshot of the chat conversation on one of the older FastestVPN threads on either of the green forums. Cant find it rn. So only advantage of pro is 30 more locations (apparently) and "high speed servers" and app split tunelling with a buggy app I dont use, so...
@Jounouchi ah, okay. That makes sense then. Yeah, Ivacy is the Purevpn reseller with most locations iirc. Just dont expect speedy performance.
@vyas that's weird. I see them
Did you resort to anotjer image service then?
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison,, Ympker's GitHub.
Hello, has anyone encountered an issue with FastestVPN whereby the are unable to connect using their ovpn udp files? The windows app does not work either. I have only had luck with the browser extensions.
Stacksocial sucks and I’ll never use them again
@Ympker Can you check the torrenting servers and show what they are? I care about the openvpn configuration only.
They change the server hostname/config once jn a while. Make sure you got the latest ovpn files from them.
I don't see any servers marked as "Torrenting" servers in their app.
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison,, Ympker's GitHub.
Any specific node? Don't use it extensively myself, but grabbed one as a useful gadget to keep in the toolbox. A few randomly picked end nodes seems to connect OK from vanilla Windows OVPN client.
For me it also usually worked without problems. One day, some US OVPN file didn't work anymore, so I re-downloaded them and then it worked.
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison,, Ympker's GitHub.
It's very strange. On their website they boast that they have several torrenting servers. Could you please show a screenshot of available locations? I am very interested in Russia because it is not in Keepsolid.
FASTEST VPN browser extension uses http proxy with your user name and password as auth, meaning that these are transported in clear text. So, don't use.
You can find all locations here:
About torrenting servers you could always contact their support
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison,, Ympker's GitHub.
As if someone is interested, you can torrent using any server in the EU.
Well I contacted customer service and they themselves couldn't figure out what is wrong. I checked the openvpn logs and it says auth failure however the username/password is correct. I tried changing passwords a few times but no luck. I was able to login into the web account manager and all apps so not sure what happened.
I asked for a refund and they processed it but it will take 15 days.
Fair enough. Too bad it didn't work out for you. Didn't have any problems with ovpn. Then again, when I bought it, it was even less developed than it was now and I bought it with the mindset of it being a long term investion "if it starts being usable after 3 years and, as a PureVPN reseller, slowly adapts all/most its' features, that's all I need" :P
I also got WS/Keepsolid Lifetime, so I was in no way dependent on FastestVPN to work out of the box. Yet, for me it did work so far, which is nice
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison,, Ympker's GitHub.
Confirmed. I got into same issue, it always says wrong u/p.
Got this offer, no problems. Promo code is no good, but I got 2 devices lifetime for $15
Does this work for hulu? Thinking of installing this on a Firestick
They have this:
But you can also ask support, I guess. They should know. I would assume you had to connect to USA-Streaming Server.
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison,, Ympker's GitHub.
Sounds more like a problem with the OVPN client, does it pop up the dialog box to ask for username/pass? Mine does on Windows but is an older client version than yours.
Easiest solution might be to drop your credentials into a file in the config folder (2 lines for user then pass) and change all the config file lines 'auth-user-pass' to 'auth-user-pass fvpn-credentials.txt' so it reads them directly from the file without needing to prompt for them.
I had tried that but still got the same auth error. I also tried OpenVPN Connect and logs also show auth error.