[mrVM] - Bundle TopUP * or * 6 x 256MB VPS for $18 p/YEAR! * or * 3 x 256MB for $9 !! ONLY 20 availa



  • mikhomikho AdministratorHosting ProviderOG

    @htgy said:

    @AlSwearengen said:
    All bundles gone.

    Christmas gone.

    Have to regroup for New Years Eve. ?

  • @mikho said:

    @htgy said:

    @AlSwearengen said:
    All bundles gone.

    Christmas gone.

    Have to regroup for New Years Eve. ?

    Any new location for New Year?

  • @mikho said:
    Have to regroup for New Years Eve. ?

    If you are going to regroup please sort out the install and make an image consistent across all sites specifically for these NAT instances.

  • mikhomikho AdministratorHosting ProviderOG

    @msatt said:

    @mikho said:
    Have to regroup for New Years Eve. ?

    If you are going to regroup please sort out the install and make an image consistent across all sites specifically for these NAT instances.

    There are many things on the TODO list, I'm going thru it as fast as I can.

  • Just wondering if any chance of an Alpine linux template getting added?

  • mikhomikho AdministratorHosting ProviderOG

    @tetech said:
    Just wondering if any chance of an Alpine linux template getting added?

    Most likely not.
    Not until its an official release from OpenVZ/Virtuozzo

    Thanked by (1)tetech
  • edited December 2019

    @mikho , I know support is limited on NAT vps, but can you look into my ticket please?

    Not until its an official release from OpenVZ/Virtuozzo

    So I can assume, We aren't going to get CentOS 8 template either?

  • mikhomikho AdministratorHosting ProviderOG

    @PHP_Backend said:
    @mikho , I know support is limited on NAT vps, but can you look into my ticket please?

    Not until its an official release from OpenVZ/Virtuozzo

    So I can assume, We aren't going to get CentOS 8 template either?

    ticket ID?

  • edited December 2019

    @mikho said:
    ticket ID?


  • flipsflips OG
    edited December 2019

    @PHP_Backend said:
    So I can assume, We aren't going to get CentOS 8 template either?

    I tried upgrading from CentOS 7 to 8 on a couple of NAT VPSes. That worked without issues. (Not entirely straightforward procedure as you're switching from yum to dnf.)

  • mikhomikho AdministratorHosting ProviderOG

    @PHP_Backend said:

    @mikho said:
    ticket ID?


    It was answered 30 minutes ago.

  • @flips said:
    I tried upgrading from CentOS 7 to 8 on a couple of NAT VPSes. That worked without issues. (Not entirely straightforward procedure as you're switching from yum to dnf.)

    I use fedora often, so I think I can handle dnf issue. I know google has lots, but can you share the documentation you did follow?

    @mikho said:
    It was answered 30 minutes ago.

    Thanks, man. so far, loving your server.

    Thanked by (1)mikho
  • @PHP_Backend said:

    @flips said:
    I tried upgrading from CentOS 7 to 8 on a couple of NAT VPSes. That worked without issues. (Not entirely straightforward procedure as you're switching from yum to dnf.)

    I use fedora often, so I think I can handle dnf issue. I know google has lots, but can you share the documentation you did follow?

    I wish I could, but I just googled (or actually DuckDuckGo'ed) "centos 7 to 8 upgrade" or something like that, and found at least two articles outlining a pretty similar procedure. (Something like yum update, adding EPEL, installing DNF, some dnf check command, adding/changing to centos 8 repo, dnf update, reboot.)

    Thanked by (1)PHP_Backend
  • mikhomikho AdministratorHosting ProviderOG

    @flips said:

    @PHP_Backend said:

    @flips said:
    I tried upgrading from CentOS 7 to 8 on a couple of NAT VPSes. That worked without issues. (Not entirely straightforward procedure as you're switching from yum to dnf.)

    I use fedora often, so I think I can handle dnf issue. I know google has lots, but can you share the documentation you did follow?

    I wish I could, but I just googled (or actually DuckDuckGo'ed) "centos 7 to 8 upgrade" or something like that, and found at least two articles outlining a pretty similar procedure. (Something like yum update, adding EPEL, installing DNF, some dnf check command, adding/changing to centos 8 repo, dnf update, reboot.)

    If you are willing to strip it down to a minimal image, I can create a template file from it and save it for everyone to use.

    Thanked by (1)PHP_Backend
  • flipsflips OG
    edited December 2019

    @mikho said:
    If you are willing to strip it down to a minimal image, I can create a template file from it and save it for everyone to use.

    I'm quite willing, but unable to comply, as:

    1. I don't have any CentOS running anymore, after testing was done, I went back to Debian
    2. I never really figured out a neat way to strip down CentOS/RHEL/Fedora to minimal. (On Debian I'd use deborphan, apt autoremove and apt purge.)


  • mikhomikho AdministratorHosting ProviderOG

    Offer still open to anyone willing to try. ;)

    Thanked by (3)flips htgy kokkez
  • @mikho said:
    Offer still open to anyone willing to try. ;)

    Could you please check ticket #734202?

  • @mikho said:
    Offer still open to anyone willing to try. ;)

    If you lend me a VM with 1 GB of swap for a day, I can most likely make you an Alpine template.

  • @mikho said:
    If you are willing to strip it down to a minimal image, I can create a template file from it and save it for everyone to use.

    I would like to help (I am already running CentOS 8 on other VM) but I am not familiar with this "strip down" process. Some Guide/Link would be great.

  • @mikho - I have a couple of extra NAT VMs (128MB, paid for with ~80 days left) that I am more than happy to donate for a good cause to @tetech (or anyone else) to help with templates and other such use cases.

    Is it possible to either (a) transfer my VPS to them for them to use or (b) cancel the VPS and you just give them what they need for some time as per your convenience?

    Thanked by (1)PHP_Backend
  • mikhomikho AdministratorHosting ProviderOG

    @PHP_Backend said:

    @mikho said:
    If you are willing to strip it down to a minimal image, I can create a template file from it and save it for everyone to use.

    I would like to help (I am already running CentOS 8 on other VM) but I am not familiar with this "strip down" process. Some Guide/Link would be great.

    Removing all not needed services, only run what is absolutly neccesary, bring down the memory usage, clean all caches.

    Here is a link to get you started: https://talk.lowendspirit.com/discussion/292/what-do-you-want-to-see-in-a-minimal-template-openvz-7

    Thanked by (1)PHP_Backend
  • mikhomikho AdministratorHosting ProviderOG

    @tetech said:

    @mikho said:
    Offer still open to anyone willing to try. ;)

    If you lend me a VM with 1 GB of swap for a day, I can most likely make you an Alpine template.

    Thing is, the template is built from that VM.
    If there is swap, it will created for every VM that uses that template thereafter.

    So, my question is; do you really need it?
    Would it be possible to run it with only 128mb later on (no swap)? If the answer is no, then there is no point in wasting time.
    As I wont give 1gb swap to everyone.

    I can transfer the VM to @tetech if there will be progress.

    Thanked by (1)nullnothere
  • @mikho said:

    @tetech said:

    @mikho said:
    Offer still open to anyone willing to try. ;)

    If you lend me a VM with 1 GB of swap for a day, I can most likely make you an Alpine template.

    Thing is, the template is built from that VM.
    If there is swap, it will created for every VM that uses that template thereafter.

    So, my question is; do you really need it?
    Would it be possible to run it with only 128mb later on (no swap)? If the answer is no, then there is no point in wasting time.
    As I wont give 1gb swap to everyone.

    I can transfer the VM to @tetech if there will be progress.

    Understood. It would be better to have 3 x 3 GB ploop devices than swap actually. They are only needed temporarily. That is, allocate them, I'll start with a CentOS template and convert it to Alpine, shut the container down, and then you can remove the 2 additional ploop devices and make a template. I guess that is feasible?

    After conversion the resource requirement is low. This is on one of my KVM's (so it includes kernel).
    # free -m
    total used free shared buff/cache available
    Mem: 988 61 878 0 48 831
    Swap: 0 0 0

    Can probably be done without the extra ploops if necessary, but would be easier to have some breathing room. Anyway, I'd either fly or fail quickly.

  • @mikho Just going though and setting up all of the NATs and find that the OVZ7 instances are not providing the option in Virtualizor to enable Fuse or NFS. It is available in Bulgaria (OVZ6).

  • @mikho said: Offer still open to anyone willing to try. ;)

    To me it says "Bundle Unavailable", I have tried the Europe bundle. I bought a NAT256 (IT-MIL) 2 days ago, but it has not yet provisioned. I would ask if it could be converted to the Europe bundle, adding the difference. But if already sold out i'll wait for the provision.

  • edited December 2019

    @flips, @mikho Completed upgrading to centOS 8 just now. Went totally smooth..... until I run uname -sr
    Linux 3.10.0-957.12.2.vz7.86.2
    .... What ?? kernel didn't update. Wasted half hour trying to find the issue, then it hit my mind.. openVZ. I guess I am using KVM for too long. :p
    Guys what to do now? How can I use updated kernel? Does it mean, mikho needs to upgrade the "shared kernel" too?

  • Did the bundle have a name?
    Or you just call it > @PHP_Backend said:

    @flips, @mikho Completed upgrading to centOS 8 just now. Went totally smooth..... until I run uname -sr
    Linux 3.10.0-957.12.2.vz7.86.2
    .... What ?? kernel didn't update. Wasted half hour trying to find the issue, then it hit my mind.. openVZ. I guess I am using KVM for too long. :p
    Guys what to do now? How can I use updated kernel? Does it mean, mikho needs to upgrade the "shared kernel" too?

    Openvz7 means 3.10 forever untill EOL.

    Thanked by (1)PHP_Backend

    Action and Reaction in history

  • @elliotc said:
    Openvz7 means 3.10 forever untill EOL.

    ahh, case closed then.

  • Interesting ... I know it's a shared kernel, but in Debian 10 uname reports 4.19, so it fakes it somehow ... :)

  • edited January 2020

    Has anyone who bought a NAT VPS in Romania managed to get IPv6 working in their VPS?
    I'm wondering if it's just me or a general issue.

    dnscry.pt - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? -> https://microlxc.net/

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