Looking for a part-time job on weekends



  • skorupionskorupion Services Provider

    @Ympker said:

    @lentro said:

    @FrankZ said: 17 year old

    Do not underestimate the power of us young people! I started selling web hosting on servers I had bought on eBay to friends when I was 13. Took out a loan for $25k at 15. I'm not much older now, and neither are the people I work with, but we do some amazing things (in my opinion, haha).

    @skorupion said: Also got a offer from @lentro and honesly I feel like his company is a good starting point of my journey.

    Woohoo! Not a traditional offer (basically a small amount of money to do whatever you want — handle support, write articles, develop software, whatever...), and we'll still have to video call to iron out specifics. But super happy to see that you're psyched!

    ~ Jonathan @ TensorDock

    That's awesome! Glad you were able to offer @skorupion an opportunity and, even better, an environment to grow in :)

    You probably remember from when I told you how I got into tech a while ago when we had a longer chat, but I also started selling (game-)servers and hosting services as a teenager :D Heck, I surely sold myself short, but in the end I was working with 2-3 good friends from a forum, who joined the project and I am sure we learned lots along the way. I wouldn't want to trade these experiences and this time for no money.

    @skorupion all the best for your future endeavours :) I am genuinely happy you were able to find a job. Now you probably won't have to do Crello anymore haha

    Cheers and a hooray for our awesome community members! :)

    Honestly, I'd never do any of this without you guys! Thanks soooo much, I just love this community!

    Also with crello, it'd be a good break from this, so might still do it we will see!

    Once again thanks sooo much to y'all and see ya hopefully soon!

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • @Mason said:

    @willie said: @Mason can you let this guy answer a few LES tickets or something?

    Possibly. @skorupion - aside from sysadmin type stuff, how's your coding chops? Any PHP or web development experience? May have some development work that could be done on the site that we could pass your way.

    @Neoon said: What? How do I suppose do know.

    I think @willie was suggesting that maybe there's some sysadmin opportunities for nanokvm/microlxc that he could assist with.

    Ah, well, there is not really any sys admin work to do.
    Most of it would be coding, in terms of adding features to the Panel.

    In this case it would be PHP.

  • skorupionskorupion Services Provider

    @Neoon said:

    @Mason said:

    @willie said: @Mason can you let this guy answer a few LES tickets or something?

    Possibly. @skorupion - aside from sysadmin type stuff, how's your coding chops? Any PHP or web development experience? May have some development work that could be done on the site that we could pass your way.

    @Neoon said: What? How do I suppose do know.

    I think @willie was suggesting that maybe there's some sysadmin opportunities for nanokvm/microlxc that he could assist with.

    Ah, well, there is not really any sys admin work to do.
    Most of it would be coding, in terms of adding features to the Panel.

    In this case it would be PHP.

    Ye have some things to do with Tensordock so not really needed anymore, but thanks for the offer!

    Thanked by (3)lentro Ympker Neoon
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