Random WordPress Bits- June 2022
Hello all,
I have been reading a lot (rather, quite a lot) for some our new podcast shows- and this afternoon caught up with some WP news. I thought 2 or 3 items were noteworthy - thought of posting them here.
WP- Godaddy flame war in the making:
https://wptavern.com/matt-mullenweg-identifies-godaddy-as-a-parasitic-company-and-an-existential-threat-to-wordpress-futureWP specialist shops facing tough times?
elementor aid off 15% staff, WP Lift on the block for sale.WP.org encouraging theme developers to use locally hosted fonts.
Gut n Berg stuff
And btw- I think Gutenburg is an acquired taste. I still find it clunky, but the native WP support for blocks is increasing and now! I spent a lot of time tinkering around with themes - 2020 and 2021; and I like them more than I ever did. Found some great tutorials and resources on customizing these themes. Will post links later- still compiling.
But in the meantime,
look up
Prologe theme by roughpixels. Gives 90 + pagespeed on mobile un-optimized.
GoDaddy's Go Theme is also cool . 90 + again.
and Twentig plugin for customizing 2020/ 2021 themes. (Also 2022, but I am yet to experiment with Full site editing). Lovely templates. Give 89-90 un-optimized on mobile on pagespeed.
Bottomline: using either Prologe theme (based off 2020 theme) or Twentig, I am ready to move my blog away from WP theme + plugin + block customizer, yadaa yada...
Was originally planning to move to ClasssicPress with custom 2015 theme, but Prologe works well on CP (install on WP 5.7, then use the CP plugin to 'upgrade' to WP 4.9 aka CP 1.4.4)
Twentig: https://wordpress.org/plugins/twentig/
p.s: look up the Block pattern directory- many of them are part of core Gutenburg now- else it's a matter of copy + paste. No need for pagebuilders IMO.
p.p.s: All my testing over the past week was done mostly on Limitless hosting Singapore shared. I think only once I got alert that the CPU resources had been exceed. Otherwise, the site and DA back end were quite snappy. Not so much for the DE location. Overall mighty impressed with service. Kudos @Lampard
Interesting quote from the Mullenweg rant
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Would be convenient if future theme best practices included a checkbox in theme options to "download and host all used fonts locally and remove google fonts references" as an aio gdpr solution
I'd also rather use cdn (e.g. Coollabs or Bunny CDN GDPR fonts), but guess that local fonts are the future.
In general, GDPR really sucks for development as often enough, not only with fonts, devs tend to import smth from cdn (bootstrap/jsdelivr..) and it allows for quick mockups and dummy sites. Hating GDPR the way it is rn is an understatement. But, oh well :P
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