Upgrading the MyRootPW Webhosting Plans

SGrafSGraf Hosting ProviderServices Provider
edited August 2022 in Offers

Its finally time to upgrade the Hosting Plans for MyRootPW. Both new and existing clients can now enjoy the next revision of the web-hosting plans.

All-Plans: The storage-quota has been increased.
Regular and Large Plans: MySql and Postgres Database counts have been increased.

★★★ Web-Hosting Plans ★★★

5 GB 10 GB SSD Storage
100 GB Traffic
• 5 User Accounts
• 1 MySQL Database
• Free SSL (Letsencrypt)
• Host 1 Website
• Location: USA or NL or AT
=> Order: 10 Euro / Year

15 GB 25 GB SSD Storage
250 GB Traffic
• 10 User Accounts
3 5 MySQL Databases
1 5 Postgres Databases
• Free SSL (Letsencrypt)
• Host 5 Websites
• Location: USA or NL or AT
=> Order: 20 Euro / Year

30 GB 50 GB SSD Storage
500 GB Traffic
• 25 User Accounts
5 10 MySQL Databases
5 10 Postgres Database
• Free SSL (Letsencrypt)
• Host 10 Websites
• Location: USA or NL or AT
=> Order: 40 Euro / Year

All prices excl. VAT if applicable.

Enjoy :)

MyRoot.PW ★ Dedicated Servers ★ LIR-Services ★ Web-Hosting ★
★ Locations: Austria + Netherlands + USA ★ [email protected]

Thanked by (3)vpsgeek3333 Ympker flips


  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent Writer
  • I feel offended at seeing the plan names being "small", "regular", and "large".

    What defines "regular"? What is a regular? Is it medium? Is it middle? What is it? Regular as in being straight? But this place is called the Lesbian. Regular has no ducking place for such a normal? word.

    Ban OP! He is sizist! sexist! nighist!

    Thanked by (1)webcraft

    ♻ Amitz day is October 21.
    ♻ Join Nigh sect by adopting my avatar. Let us spread the joys of the end.

  • ehabehab Content Writer

    @deank said:
    I feel offended at seeing the plan names being "small", "regular", and "large".

    i know you like them large.

  • SGrafSGraf Hosting ProviderServices Provider

    @deank said:
    I feel offended at seeing the plan names being "small", "regular", and "large".

    What defines "regular"? What is a regular? Is it medium? Is it middle? What is it? Regular as in being straight? But this place is called the Lesbian. Regular has no ducking place for such a normal? word.

    Your feedback is noted. Thank you.

    MyRoot.PW ★ Dedicated Servers ★ LIR-Services ★ Web-Hosting ★
    ★ Locations: Austria + Netherlands + USA ★ [email protected]

  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent Writer
    edited August 2022

    @deank said:
    I feel offended at seeing the plan names being "small", "regular", and "large".

    What defines "regular"? What is a regular? Is it medium? Is it middle? What is it? Regular as in being straight?

  • Good stuff! :) :+1:
    Got a test IP/LG?
    (The one in knowledge base for Vienna didn't work.) :#

  • Nice Sgraf 😁

  • SGrafSGraf Hosting ProviderServices Provider

    @flips said:
    Good stuff! :) :+1:
    Got a test IP/LG?
    (The one in knowledge base for Vienna didn't work.) :#

    currently reworking the lookinglass. If you want, send a dm - let me know the location you are interested in.... i'll provide you with a test-ip. Plus i can run some traceroutes for you (so you can get a more clear picutre of the potential path also towards your destination)

    Thanked by (1)flips

    MyRoot.PW ★ Dedicated Servers ★ LIR-Services ★ Web-Hosting ★
    ★ Locations: Austria + Netherlands + USA ★ [email protected]

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