Is this code safe to run?

Being a noob when it comes to these things, I suppose it doesn't hurt to ask (and that it's OK to be cautious and skeptical).

Are these below-listed two pieces of code safe to run on a WordPress website?
It's a code made by buymeacoffee platform (similar to Patreon - my review).

Floating widget code:

<script data-name="BMC-Widget" data-cfasync="false" src="" data-id="reljas-id" data-description="Support me on Buy me a coffee!" data-message="" data-color="#FF813F" data-position="Right" data-x_margin="18" data-y_margin="18"></script>

This code returns the following error when clicked upon, shown on the frontent, with a browser console tool (F12):

This other code is for a (nicely designed) support button - and it doesn't return any "errors" in the console:

<script type="text/javascript" src="" data-name="bmc-button" data-slug="reljas-id" data-color="#FFDD00" data-emoji="🍺" data-font="Cookie" data-text="Buy me a beer" data-outline-color="#000000" data-font-color="#000000" data-coffee-color="#ffffff" ></script>

Detailed info about providers whose services I've used:
BikeGremlin web-hosting reviews


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