Recommendations for British Gifts?
Anyone from UK - London Area here?
My aunt is visiting Milton Keynes area for a few days from Boston... What are some must have British Gifts she can bring for me and SO...
Something which one would not find easily in the USA and can be readily available in stores/ shipped to Milton Keynes, UK before Nov 22...
Heard that Tea/ chocolates (no eggs/ no gelatin) / Christmas decor is top notch?
Thanks in advance!!
Tea would also be ironically interesting, considering Boston…
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You can try Diipoo, Oppai mouse pad or dakimakura.
Brittons love fish & chips also tea as well, which they call it 'chaa', according to all those English class books we red.
Just ask yourself a question: What gift would impress Philomena Cunk?

And you'll find your answer.
And remember, it's not color, it is colour, it's not neighbor, it's neighbour and it's not a yard it's a garden and it's not a mile, it's one point something kilometeurs, etc...
PS: And it's not humor it's humour, Monty Python.

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And Jaffa Cakes.
Did you know they do Jaffa Donuts now?
I saw those, wasn't sure if they'd be awesome or disappointing (so I bought some Tunnocks Teacakes instead).
I think what we're all ignoring here is that someone is flying across an entire ocean to go to ... Milton Keynes?!
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Milton Keynes is a bit crap really, commiserations to your aunt! Hopefully she'll get to escape and see somewhere nice while she's in the UK! But if she can't go far and has a spare day and likes computers and/or codebreaking, then I'd highly recommend a visit to Bletchley Park. It is a bit niche though!
If you're after tea, then the main iconic brand is Whittard's. They do have a store in MK apparently. I've bought these for people I'm visiting when going abroad, and they've always been received well. I think Taylor's is probably well known too, but to me it seems less special (but maybe just because my mum used to drink it at home). I should add that I don't really drink tea myself.
If the gifts are just for you, then you should probably just let her enjoy her trip and not put a burden on her to go shopping for you! Just buy any old random chocolate bar and it'll taste better than that stuff you have in the US!
It does seem a bit mental. I’ve only been there twice myself - once to the Bowl when I worked the bar at a Metallica gig and another when the M1 was closed northbound and we had to detour through MK to get round the closure.
Cadbury Creme Eggs, Tunnock's Tea Cakes and Irn Bru - yes, some aren't British
Which of those aren’t British?
Best gift I ever received from the UK were two record albums by T Rex, Electric Warrior and The Slider.
Of course you can find them on YouTube these days so I probably didn't help you any with that suggestion.
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How her surname pronounces? Kunk or Cunk? Outstanding British accent. "Disgosting" what a pearl.
Cunk is a pure-bred Bolton-ite.
jellied eels
For some reason I read GIFs
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I was thinking some Scots make take offense to the the latter two being labelled as British
Last I checked, the majority of Scots voted to remain in Britain.
Bwhahaha, so true. But, again, I love tea!!
Marmite, looks interesting... Never tried it. Any particular brand you can recommend?
nice................. seems it contain eggs... Sigh... that will be a problem...
My aunts family is there... So, yeh....
Of course, she will be visiting other places... But, still, family always calls. Will suggest the Bletchley Park
Will check Whittards/ Taylors...Thanks
Hahahaha yeh - but she insisted if I wanted something from there
Ohhhh, love these... we get them in States too
Thanks all!
As I said, most biscuits/ cakes contain eggs.. which are a no no for me... Sigh...
Not sure if there are any particular vegan based cookies/ macrons/ cakes which someone may have tried?
The Scottish are British, as Scotland is in Great Britain, which is part of the British Isles.
They may, at some unspecified point in the future, choose to no longer be part of the United Kingdom, but that won’t stop them being British.
Don’t buy random supermarket-brand yeast extract or Vegemite. They’re not the same.
Black pudding if I may suggest.
Mince pies and Christmas pudding
Middle isle in Lidl/Aldi or a trip to Home Bargains/B&M should be suffice 😉
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Depending on how strict your egg restriction is, Twiglets.
(they don't contain egg but do have an allergen warning because their factory uses egg and they're paranoid about cross contamination)
Oh man, last Christmas my Sainsbury's had massively overstocked and were selling the 500g massive cans for about 19p each. I must have bought about 80 or so. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but trust me it's not. The temptation to just eat them all day long is too hard to resist.