**DEADPOOL** NVMeNetworks Has Left The Building

Since the the original LES exclusive offer thread was not open to the public, or indexed by Google, I am moving the NVMeNetworks deadpool related comments to this thread so they are available to all who search for them in the future.
I have also added my it's an official deadpool meme below with the dates they were a provider here at LES.
Thanked by (10)AuroraZero beanman109 vish localhost Caxen bikegremlin someTom beagle Ganonk AlwaysSkint
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@NVMeNetworks seems both the virtfusion panel and vps are offline?
I'm not even surprised anymore, it's pretty much a given that this service is going to be offline twice a week at this point.
ytdl.pro - Free to use Youtube-DL Cloud Downloader
They migrated to a Xeon server with an hour's notice. Due to the size of the VMs, it's taking ages to move over apparently.
Ahhh nothing better than buying a 5950x VPS & having it migrated with no notice to a Xeon.
ytdl.pro - Free to use Youtube-DL Cloud Downloader
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
Has anybody bought this on anything other than a monthly term ?
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@NVMeNetworks seems both the virtfusion panel and vps are offline?> @Hostaris said:
seems no any notification, and ticket also no reply
Yes I did for some stupid ass reason.
Edit: whoops talking wrong plan, I have the 1 core - 1 GB ram on a yearly purchase.
ytdl.pro - Free to use Youtube-DL Cloud Downloader
Wishing you every success.
Message from Discord:
With deepest sadness I would like to say NVMe is up for sale I will fix all issues just waiting for the move to complete then it will be buyable the price will not be cheap as it does create profit + 300 Clients, I simply just don't have time to put into this as I've been ill and now I've got a few issues at home I need to deal with (not good things) private message me if interested.
You will get
Ownership of Company name
Full WebHosting Logins
Hetzner Logins
All Advertising logins
All Art work included
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where it posted?
Their official Discord. You can submit a ticket to request an invitation link.
my vps still can't be connected, although the VirtFusion panel can access now, and the vps show as RUNNING

Is it already summer?
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They have a public Chinese Telegram channel.
Telegram: @offical_nvmenetworks
this has gotta be one of the fastest rug pull ever
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Waiting for @FrankZ to:
Webhosting24 aff best VPS; ServerFactory aff best VDS; Cloudie best ASN; Huel aff best brotein.
I think the guy couldn't deal with Hetzner's prices.
Moving to 10 Gbit/s, then back to 1 Gbit/s...Then cancelling within 14 days and "move" to xeon
Spaceberg.cc - Your favorite Seedbox provider!
i don't recommend that
Stay away from deadpoolers.
Are any VMs back up yet or are all VMs still down ?
If anyone has a VM up please let me know CPU model.
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VMs are still down - CPU should be Intel Xeon W-2145. Not confirmed though.
stop trying to host using Hetzner.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
I remember when I did a benchmark on our 5900X and it got more than Hetzner's 5950x bench
VM show as up in panel, but network unreachable, VNC can connect, the CPU is still 5950x
Confirming the same here, VPS has no network connection but can be booted & accessed through VNC, still currently 5950x but offline in all aspects other than VNC.
ytdl.pro - Free to use Youtube-DL Cloud Downloader
Too much to fast and this is what happens.
Slow and steady and stop with greed.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
Exactly what happened with Kubbur if you remember them.
No BGP announcement (that reaches most Tier-1 ISPs), so no Internet connection.
Webhosting24 aff best VPS; ServerFactory aff best VDS; Cloudie best ASN; Huel aff best brotein.
The owner has dipped anyway, VMs are up but only for backups.
Happens to a lot of providers anymore. We all make mistakes but it takes someone with character to admit them and try to fix them.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"