Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
@havoc said: Yes please. Google analytics tells me most of my traffic comes from the US, so yeah don't really want an atlantic ocean worth of latency between server and reader base
We are actually exploring options about when and if we will open another location. But you know how we are. We like to keep our cards close to our chest. --Katie
How about Tulsa? Google has a DC in the area, so you know, Google likes it.
It's been awhile since I've spent much time in the Sooner state, and I think the last time I was there, I got a speeding ticket. But way back when, my parents were stationed at Fort Sill, so a lot of my earliest memories are from there.
I'll pass your feedback about the Oklahoma/Tulsa business development team. --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
There's now an Epyc Rome (32 core, EPYC 7502P) server! Decent pricing at €119/m with 128GB ram though there is the usual reviled €119 setup fee, and there's no storage so you have to add that on (but on the plus side you get to pick your own config). I guess it refreshes the old 7402P server. STH review. It's outside of LES pricing and too big for most of us, but what a cool box.
Interestingly, the cpu costs a bit more than the newer 64 core Threadripper 3990X (the Epyc has higher memory capacity) so it would be great to also see a new high end (32 or 64 core; the benefit of the 3990X over the 32 core but higher clocked 3970X is not that great) Threadripper offering.
Meh, can't edit the above any more: I got confused, the 7502P costs a little more than the 3970X does (around 2200 USD vs 2000 USD, I think). The 3990X is much more, 3900 USD ("$1 per X") and is only worth it for some specific workloads.
@Hetzner_OL said:
It's been awhile since I've spent much time in the Sooner state, and I think the last time I was there, I got a speeding ticket. But way back when, my parents were stationed at Fort Sill, so a lot of my earliest memories are from there.
A link to Oklahoma was unexpected.
So you're saying you can't come back to OK because there might be a bench warrant?
I've spent some time at Fort Sill training and in the area. The Wichita Mountains are one of the more scenic parts of Oklahoma. They have lots of wildlife and good hiking.
I'll pass your feedback about the Oklahoma/Tulsa business development team. --Katie
@FlamingSpaceJunk said:
So you're saying you can't come back to OK because there might be a bench warrant?
Exactly JK
@FlamingSpaceJunk said:
I've spent some time at Fort Sill training and in the area. The Wichita Mountains are one of the more scenic parts of Oklahoma. They have lots of wildlife and good hiking.
We got re-stationed when I was 4, so I only have some vauge memories, most of them just on base, sadly. One of those memories is of my dad running past our base housing with the troups singing "Dancing Queen". He knew my brother and I liked the song, so he had the guys sing it for us.
Has anyone else had a chance to try out the AX161? (Just curious to hear what you think of it.) --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
@Hetzner_OL said: Has anyone else had a chance to try out the AX161? (Just curious to hear what you think of it.) --Katie
If you can offer it on Hetzner Cloud I'll be happy to try it for an hour . Scaleway has the older Epyc 7402P on their hourly cloud (bare metal even) and I might give that a try sometime too, but it's less interesting than the new Epycs.
NC frequently rolls out new vers. I can't update and follow its every step timely. Now I am with ver 15. Hetzner will keep updating and always stay with the latest ver?
I guess so. I think the AX160 included some NVMe disks while with the AX161 you have to pay extra for those. I don't remember if the prices were similar. The 7502P is a lot faster from what I hear though. Neither one is a low end server and as such, rather than going into conniptions about setup fees, the users are more likely to just factor them into their total costs. It will be interesting to see if 7401P's start showing up in serverbidding. There are already some Ryzen 1700X there, though they are on the expensive side, considering.
The AX161 is definitely an attractive offer for those with uses for such large servers. I want one once in a while, but it's too expensive to leave idling most of the time. Hey Katie, any chance of letting some of us LES folks play around with an AX161 a little bit, to run some benches and the like? If it's in too high demand for that though, I understand .
Before the whole pandemic stuff started, we had been planning a bigger campaign for this model, including a longer interview with a member of our product development team. This model's flexibility with adding RAM modules was part of that interview.
But as things progressed, we thought it would be best to just quietly launch the product, so we didn't publish the interview. --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
@aRNoLD said:
NC frequently rolls out new vers. I can't update and follow its every step timely. Now I am with ver 15. Hetzner will keep updating and always stay with the latest ver?
Is "NC" here NextCloud? Our team will update the our NextCloud-based product Storage Share as soon as possible. There is always a bit of a delay with newer versions so that our team can test it first. For more information, please write a support request. -Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
@Mr_Tom said: This isn't the one that was recently available with no setup was it?
I think that was the AX160 (EPYC 7401P) being cleared out.
Exactly. The AX160 was the "older" model and did not have a setup fee to try to encourage more sales before we could release the newer generation, the AX161. Now that the AX160 is no longer part of the "new" line-up, you'll likely start to see it soon on the Server Auction. --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
@willie said: Hey Katie, any chance of letting some of us LES folks play around with an AX161 a little bit, to run some benches and the like? If it's in too high demand for that though, I understand
I don't think that we've ever really done something like this, and I don't think we're likely to. However, what about using a server like this for a short time in exchange for writing tutorials for our Hetzner Community...? Again, we've never really done something like this, so I am just talking about possible idea - not a concrete offer. I am really not sure if my supervisor would approve it. But I know that we are trying to encourage users to create more articles for the tutorials, so he'd probably be more likely to approve it. In this case, we would be sponsoring you in exchange for an agreed upon number of tutorials. If you think you might be interested, write to us at [email protected]. It would be good if you could give us an example of your writing and any ideas for tutorials that you could potentially write. (Again this is just an idea. My supervisor would still need to approve it.) --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
That's an interesting idea with the tutorials. Ideally the tutorial would be about something that really uses the capabilities of the machine. I'll see if I can think of anything.
I hope you are all staying safe there. The US is handling the virus situation absolutely terribly. Those of you who don't have to physically be at work (e.g. data center ops) should be working from home so I hope you are doing that.
@aRNoLD said:
NC frequently rolls out new vers. I can't update and follow its every step timely. Now I am with ver 15. Hetzner will keep updating and always stay with the latest ver?
Is "NC" here NextCloud? Our team will update the our NextCloud-based product Storage Share as soon as possible. There is always a bit of a delay with newer versions so that our team can test it first. For more information, please write a support request. -Katie
Thank you, Katie. Yes, I refer to NextCloud.
I did a self-hosting job with my own machine, from ver 13, if my memory is correct.
Actually, I think some sort of 'delay' would be a wise decision and reliable practice as there are always some bugs/glitches associated with NextCloud new releases which I've experienced a few times.
I'm sorry, but if this is a reference to a joke or something, I think it has gone over my head.
@aRNoLD said:
Actually, I think some sort of 'delay' would be a wise decision and reliable practice as there are always some bugs/glitches associated with NextCloud new releases which I've experienced a few times.
Right, that's the same way our Storage Share team thinks as well. --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
I'm sorry, but if this is a reference to a joke or something, I think it has gone over my head.
@aRNoLD said:
Actually, I think some sort of 'delay' would be a wise decision and reliable practice as there are always some bugs/glitches associated with NextCloud new releases which I've experienced a few times.
Right, that's the same way our Storage Share team thinks as well. --Katie
Ignore it, it's just a tired old joke from another provider.
Hetzner is prem.....
BillingServ - Easy, simple, and hassle-free online invoicing solution. Contact us today.
BaseServ Certified to ISO/IEC 27001:2013
Welcome, Helena!
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
You may not leave us. We will find you. We will bring you back. Welcome to Helena, our new -meat- member!
My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.
I'm not going anywhere permanently. I'll still be around and procrastinate stay up-to-date on industry news here on LES.
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
How about Tulsa?
Google has a DC in the area, so you know, Google likes it.
Yep. That would work - nice & central so ~20ms to everywhere in US.
It's been awhile since I've spent much time in the Sooner state, and I think the last time I was there, I got a speeding ticket.
But way back when, my parents were stationed at Fort Sill, so a lot of my earliest memories are from there.
I'll pass your feedback about the Oklahoma/Tulsa business development team.
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
Whoa, I didn't notice this before:
There's now an Epyc Rome (32 core, EPYC 7502P) server! Decent pricing at €119/m with 128GB ram though there is the usual reviled €119 setup fee, and there's no storage so you have to add that on (but on the plus side you get to pick your own config). I guess it refreshes the old 7402P server. STH review. It's outside of LES pricing and too big for most of us, but what a cool box.
Interestingly, the cpu costs a bit more than the newer 64 core Threadripper 3990X (the Epyc has higher memory capacity) so it would be great to also see a new high end (32 or 64 core; the benefit of the 3990X over the 32 core but higher clocked 3970X is not that great) Threadripper offering.
Meh, can't edit the above any more: I got confused, the 7502P costs a little more than the 3970X does (around 2200 USD vs 2000 USD, I think). The 3990X is much more, 3900 USD ("$1 per X") and is only worth it for some specific workloads.
A link to Oklahoma was unexpected.
So you're saying you can't come back to OK because there might be a bench warrant?
I've spent some time at Fort Sill training and in the area. The Wichita Mountains are one of the more scenic parts of Oklahoma. They have lots of wildlife and good hiking.
We got re-stationed when I was 4, so I only have some vauge memories, most of them just on base, sadly. One of those memories is of my dad running past our base housing with the troups singing "Dancing Queen". He knew my brother and I liked the song, so he had the guys sing it for us.
Has anyone else had a chance to try out the AX161? (Just curious to hear what you think of it.) --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
That would be a fun config to play with.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Hetzner seems to keep it almost secret that you can upgrade that machine all the way to 1TB, by adding 64GB modules per here:
would have been a good option for but sadly the license fee would be another $4608 p/year haha.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
If you can offer it on Hetzner Cloud I'll be happy to try it for an hour
. Scaleway has the older Epyc 7402P on their hourly cloud (bare metal even) and I might give that a try sometime too, but it's less interesting than the new Epycs.
NC frequently rolls out new vers. I can't update and follow its every step timely. Now I am with ver 15. Hetzner will keep updating and always stay with the latest ver?
This isn't the one that was recently available with no setup was it? I looked at that one recently but didn't take the plunge.
I think that was the AX160 (EPYC 7401P) being cleared out.
Sounds about right. Still seemed a good package though.
I guess so. I think the AX160 included some NVMe disks while with the AX161 you have to pay extra for those. I don't remember if the prices were similar. The 7502P is a lot faster from what I hear though. Neither one is a low end server and as such, rather than going into conniptions about setup fees, the users are more likely to just factor them into their total costs. It will be interesting to see if 7401P's start showing up in serverbidding. There are already some Ryzen 1700X there, though they are on the expensive side, considering.
The AX161 is definitely an attractive offer for those with uses for such large servers. I want one once in a while, but it's too expensive to leave idling most of the time. Hey Katie, any chance of letting some of us LES folks play around with an AX161 a little bit, to run some benches and the like? If it's in too high demand for that though, I understand
Before the whole pandemic stuff started, we had been planning a bigger campaign for this model, including a longer interview with a member of our product development team. This model's flexibility with adding RAM modules was part of that interview.
But as things progressed, we thought it would be best to just quietly launch the product, so we didn't publish the interview. --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
Is "NC" here NextCloud? Our team will update the our NextCloud-based product Storage Share as soon as possible. There is always a bit of a delay with newer versions so that our team can test it first. For more information, please write a support request. -Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
Exactly. The AX160 was the "older" model and did not have a setup fee to try to encourage more sales before we could release the newer generation, the AX161. Now that the AX160 is no longer part of the "new" line-up, you'll likely start to see it soon on the Server Auction. --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
I don't think that we've ever really done something like this, and I don't think we're likely to. However, what about using a server like this for a short time in exchange for writing tutorials for our Hetzner Community...? Again, we've never really done something like this, so I am just talking about possible idea - not a concrete offer. I am really not sure if my supervisor would approve it. But I know that we are trying to encourage users to create more articles for the tutorials, so he'd probably be more likely to approve it. In this case, we would be sponsoring you in exchange for an agreed upon number of tutorials. If you think you might be interested, write to us at [email protected]. It would be good if you could give us an example of your writing and any ideas for tutorials that you could potentially write. (Again this is just an idea. My supervisor would still need to approve it.) --Katie
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
That's an interesting idea with the tutorials. Ideally the tutorial would be about something that really uses the capabilities of the machine. I'll see if I can think of anything.
I hope you are all staying safe there. The US is handling the virus situation absolutely terribly. Those of you who don't have to physically be at work (e.g. data center ops) should be working from home so I hope you are doing that.
Thank you, Katie. Yes, I refer to NextCloud.
I did a self-hosting job with my own machine, from ver 13, if my memory is correct.
Actually, I think some sort of 'delay' would be a wise decision and reliable practice as there are always some bugs/glitches associated with NextCloud new releases which I've experienced a few times.
i like sisters.
I'm sorry, but if this is a reference to a joke or something, I think it has gone over my head.
Right, that's the same way our Storage Share team thinks as well.
We're Katie and Lea and we'll do our best to answer questions you have about Hetzner Online. We and not our employer are responsible for any horrible puns and dated cultural references.
Maybe try to grow up a bit? If growing up a bit is too difficult, then minimally: keep that on the other forum.
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
Ignore it, it's just a tired old joke from another provider.