Cloudflare Access wildcard logic change

In case you are using Cloudflare Zero Trust with wildcards, and have missed this note from the company:
You are receiving this email because your account has an Access Application with a wildcard definition that will begin to cover more URL combinations. We are updating our wildcard behavior in Cloudflare Access for wildcards at the end of a path not following a slash character (e.g.*). If no action is taken before April 20th, 2023, an Access login screen will be presented for additional path combinations.
Current Access Application behavior*
.Change impact
After April 20th, 2023 at 20:00 UTC, all three path combinations will be covered by Access. If you would like to exempt specific paths from Access, a Bypass policy can be configured.How to identify impacted Access Applications
To identify which Access Applications will be impacted by this change, please open the Zero Trust Dashboard, navigate to Access→Applications and search for the * character. This will highlight any applications that may require modification.
I consider this to be the logical way the wildcard should work - as it should have been from the start.
I've updated my Cloudflare Zero Trust article - as this wildcard function was one of my complaints.
Detailed info about providers whose services I've used:
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Relevant blog entry for further reference:
May I know why you choose to use ZeroTrust instead of masking your login page with Wordpress security plugin?
Like site.tld/mysecretaccess for backend.
Deny access to wp-login and wp-admin with htaccess,
Or even whitelist access to WP backend only to your own IP.
That's a good and reasonable question. The short answer is: layers.
This protection acts before the visitor even reaches the hosting server (so it wont even "bother" it if it's a bot).
For more details on my security approach & philosophy, I wrote several articles:
How to secure a WordPress website
Domain and website security
Detailed info about providers whose services I've used:
BikeGremlin web-hosting reviews