Hello I'm Kadim1998
I'm from Iraq
my hobbies is fix phone and computer
I'm interest is play around with vm and try new os
I know this server from a friend call Ngoc
Here my ed25519 key
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIB4zs+BRik8VEt6gFsObmqZxt1wiDMcGeqnOedTV+rW1 eddsa-key-20230502
You guys are welcome to enjoy the i9-9900K server with 128 GB RAM for a little while. How long? A few days to a few weeks. At least for now, you two guys are the only people using the server.
On the i9-9900K you both are members of the kvm group and also the sudo group. The server is running Debian sid. The setup is very similar to the i9-13900. You should feel free to install whatever additional software you want as long as it is "white hat."
Please don't worry about breaking the server. It's easy to reinstall. Reboots sometimes need a power interrupt. If you reboot the server and it doesn't come back up, just let me know.
If you want to try LXC or giving each KVM its own IPv4 port forwards or IPv6 addresses, the i9-9900K needs additional configuration. We can do the additional configuration if you want.
I prefer open source software, so, if you install Windows or other closed source software for a brief test, please wipe it as soon as you are finished testing.
Your accounts on the i9-13900 are still going, so you are welcome to continue using the i9-13900 throughout.
Please continue to post here about what you are doing and about any questions. Hope you have fun on the i9-9900K! And on the i9-13900!
@yqua I added your key to the root account. If you want a user account, please feel free to make it.
Other guys, do you want to be on the i9-9900K? I am not sure what I want to do about additional users, but we will see what happens if anybody asks.
Have a good evening, guys! Best wishes!
I can tell you everything is working,as i know, but i was thinking whats my password then no more because i found out it's on my home folder, this is what i got
I'm back!
I haven't sent any post here since a few days ago because I'm busy with studies.
But hey, I just got PROXMOX VE working!
Later I will try to run a VM in it.
[@Not_Oles said]: I just got another server with 128GB of RAM, so more memory based installs might be possible on the other server. It doesn't have anyone using it yet besides me. It's an i9-9900K, so the processor is maybe only half as fast as this i9-13900 server for some tasks, but it has double the RAM. If you want to try it, let me know.
Oh that's nice! Maybe I can get access to this server too?
Hi @Not_Oles
Can I have sudo access
Because I wanna run qemu in the background but it need ssh connection 24/7 and I don’t wanna have laptop on for 24/7 thank
@NgocNguyen8372 said:
Hi @Not_Oles
Can I have sudo access
Because I wanna run qemu in the background but it need ssh connection 24/7 and I don’t wanna have laptop on for 24/7 thank
You don't need sudo access for that. You could, for example, run qemu inside a screen session.
You can find more information about screen here: https://linux.die.net/man/1/screen
@NgocNguyen8372 said:
Hi @Not_Oles
Can I have sudo access
Because I wanna run qemu in the background but it need ssh connection 24/7 and I don’t wanna have laptop on for 24/7 thank
You don't need sudo access for that. You could, for example, run qemu inside a screen session.
You can find more information about screen here: https://linux.die.net/man/1/screen
Oh ok thank I didn’t know that it my first time using linux ssh
Hi @Not_Oles so about the question "What the game I ran and how much people were playing" I was playing gta v the time you saw the graph was I installing it and it is true it takes a lot of CPU and ram to install once it finished I opened it only for 1 minute for testing purposes to see if it would handle it and it did work very smoothly but lags for me as my internet as for the how many people there was only me who was testing it other then my friend was connected to it at the same time using rdpwrapper and he was monitoring the test again am very sorry also if you saw me using a lot of resources it wont be for long here is my ssh key btw
@Kadim1998 said:
Hello I'm Kadim1998
I'm from Iraq
my hobbies is fix phone and computer
I'm interest is play around with vm and try new os
I know this server from a friend call Ngoc
Here my ed25519 key
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIB4zs+BRik8VEt6gFsObmqZxt1wiDMcGeqnOedTV+rW1 eddsa-key-20230502
HI @Kadim1998! Thanks for your message! Welcome to LES! Welcome to MetalVPS! Is your friend Ngoc the same person as our wonderful @NgocNguyen8372? May I please ask, "Where did you guys meet each other?" Thanks again! Tom
@Exinjh said: Oh, so I'll search another server like MetalVPS.
Hi @Exinjh! Maybe there might be additional options to consider besides leaving?
It seems that nobody here wants to speak up in your favor! That's sad! But, there might be ways to improve the situation. For example, you could participate more here at LES, both in this thread and elsewhere. I am sure that everyone here would be interested to know more about you and more about what you are doing on the server. For example, what OS are you using inside your VM? What version? What software are you running inside your VM's OS? How are things going inside your VM? Are you accomplishing your goal for your VM?
Want to talk a little about France? A little about other countries? 🌎🌍 What languages do you know besides French and English? Where / how did you learn such great English?
What do you do for work? If you are still a student, what's your most interesting course this semester? Why?
What do you think about the server overview that I just posted? Is the server healthy? Could I have used different commands to give people a better overview? Can you think of any other way that the server could be improved?
Have you answered anyone else's questions here in our thread? Have you replied to anyone else's posts? It might seem like there is nothing here for you except a free VM that you can grab and squeeze to the max. How could people here get to know the great guy that you really are?
Whatever you decide, I send you good wishes for the future!
You guys are welcome to enjoy the i9-9900K server with 128 GB RAM for a little while. How long? A few days to a few weeks. At least for now, you two guys are the only people using the server.
On the i9-9900K you both are members of the kvm group and also the sudo group. The server is running Debian sid. The setup is very similar to the i9-13900. You should feel free to install whatever additional software you want as long as it is "white hat."
Please don't worry about breaking the server. It's easy to reinstall. Reboots sometimes need a power interrupt. If you reboot the server and it doesn't come back up, just let me know.
If you want to try LXC or giving each KVM its own IPv4 port forwards or IPv6 addresses, the i9-9900K needs additional configuration. We can do the additional configuration if you want.
I prefer open source software, so, if you install Windows or other closed source software for a brief test, please wipe it as soon as you are finished testing.
Your accounts on the i9-13900 are still going, so you are welcome to continue using the i9-13900 throughout.
Please continue to post here about what you are doing and about any questions. Hope you have fun on the i9-9900K! And on the i9-13900!
@yqua I added your key to the root account. If you want a user account, please feel free to make it.
Other guys, do you want to be on the i9-9900K? I am not sure what I want to do about additional users, but we will see what happens if anybody asks.
Have a good evening, guys! Best wishes!
I can tell you everything is working,as i know, but i was thinking whats my password then no more because i found out it's on my home folder, this is what i got
@Kadim1998 said:
Hello I'm Kadim1998
I'm from Iraq
my hobbies is fix phone and computer
I'm interest is play around with vm and try new os
I know this server from a friend call Ngoc
Here my ed25519 key
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIB4zs+BRik8VEt6gFsObmqZxt1wiDMcGeqnOedTV+rW1 eddsa-key-20230502
HI @Kadim1998! Thanks for your message! Welcome to LES! Welcome to MetalVPS! Is your friend Ngoc the same person as our wonderful @NgocNguyen8372? May I please ask, "Where did you guys meet each other?" Thanks again! Tom
Yes, the new server, or another server might become available to you. 🤔
You seem like a great guy, and I notice that you haven't caused us any trouble. On the other hand, we haven't heard much about what you are doing on the server. Do you have any tips for those of us who know less than you? Do you have any questions or any . . . anything?
How do you feel about trying to become more active here in our thread? Maybe you could start becoming more active by telling us more about what you are doing today on the server? Besides what you are doing right now, what would you add or change if you had sudo? What would be the reasons which support your changes? Any disadvantages we might want to consider?
Thanks for this post! It's appreciated! It's great to hear from you!
@itsmepaddi said:
I'm back!
I haven't sent any post here since a few days ago because I'm busy with studies.
But hey, I just got PROXMOX VE working!
[screenshot was here]
Later I will try to run a VM in it.
[@Not_Oles said]: I just got another server with 128GB of RAM, so more memory based installs might be possible on the other server. It doesn't have anyone using it yet besides me. It's an i9-9900K, so the processor is maybe only half as fast as this i9-13900 server for some tasks, but it has double the RAM. If you want to try it, let me know.
Oh that's nice! Maybe I can get access to this server too?
Want to share a little bit about your studies? What subjects? What especially interesting things did you learn about those subjects? You don't have to talk about your studies unless you want to share. It's okay either way.
It's super cool that you got Proxmox working! Congrats! 🤩 We all will be following along to see if you can get VMs working inside your Proxmox. Getting the VMs going can be a little tricky so don't worry if you don't make it all the way through right away.
You didn't give any reason for why you need access to the other server. Remember, the discussion about the new server started when we were talking about memory resident VMs that somebody wanted to try? And I asked about trying the memory resident VMs on the new server because it has 128GB of RAM?
I am not saying, "No." Just asking for your reason.
By the way, I saw your nice comment over at Nodeseek. I haven't had a chance to reply there yet. But I am delighted to thank you both here and also there!
@Kadim1998 said:
Hello I'm Kadim1998
I'm from Iraq
my hobbies is fix phone and computer
I'm interest is play around with vm and try new os
I know this server from a friend call Ngoc
Here my ed25519 key
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIB4zs+BRik8VEt6gFsObmqZxt1wiDMcGeqnOedTV+rW1 eddsa-key-20230502
HI @Kadim1998! Thanks for your message! Welcome to LES! Welcome to MetalVPS! Is your friend Ngoc the same person as our wonderful @NgocNguyen8372? May I please ask, "Where did you guys meet each other?" Thanks again! Tom
Yes it my friend Ngoc Nguyen
We meet each other online in 2021
@NgocNguyen8372 said:
Hi @Not_Oles
Can I have sudo access
Because I wanna run qemu in the background but it need ssh connection 24/7 and I don’t wanna have laptop on for 24/7 thank
@NgocNguyen8372 said:
Hi @Not_Oles
Can I have sudo access
Because I wanna run qemu in the background but it need ssh connection 24/7 and I don’t wanna have laptop on for 24/7 thank
You don't need sudo access for that. You could, for example, run qemu inside a screen session.
You can find more information about screen here: https://linux.die.net/man/1/screen
@ralf said:
Also check if nohup solves your problem.
Besides screen, and nohup, there also is tmux. These three are very different approaches to solving the 24/7 connection problem you mentioned. nohup is old, old, old, simple, and does the job. nohup comes from back in the days of telephone modem connections: "no hang up." screen is, I think, part of the GNU "copyleft" family including the emacs editor and friends. tmux has a more permissive ISC license. A lot of vi guys like tmux.
Special thanks to @ralf for mentioning nohup! @ralf gets a gold star! 🌟
The storage is about to run out...
Delete your unused files when you don't need them.
Thanks for this @itsmepaddi! We can see about maybe deleting a few unused accounts or maybe wiping and reinstalling the server. Right now we still have about 638 GB, about the same as a few hours ago, and maybe a little more than the 569 GB this morning. Thanks to the guys who removed some files to make more space!
root@fsn ~ # date; df -h .
Wed May 3 02:27:07 AM UTC 2023
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md4 3.4T 2.6T 638G 81% /
root@fsn ~ #
Can anybody who wants to use substantial, additional file space please speak up in advance? Thanks!
Special thanks to @itsmepaddi for helping watch the server and for speaking up about disk space! Extra special thanks to @itsmepaddi for posting the terminal output showing the remaining space.
@NotRealZeyad said:
Hi @Not_Oles so about the question "What the game I ran and how much people were playing" I was playing gta v the time you saw the graph was I installing it and it is true it takes a lot of CPU and ram to install once it finished I opened it only for 1 minute for testing purposes to see if it would handle it and it did work very smoothly but lags for me as my internet as for the how many people there was only me who was testing it other then my friend was connected to it at the same time using rdpwrapper and he was monitoring the test again am very sorry also if you saw me using a lot of resources it wont be for long here is my ssh key btw
@NodeSeek用户123 How are you doing? I want to make sure you receive any help that you need.
@NgocNguyen8372@Kadim1998 Thanks for your messages! I am going to provision Kadim's account as soon as I get a chance. Please allow me some extra time because I am slow. 🐢 Thanks very much!
@NotRealZeyad said:
Hi @Not_Oles so about the question "What the game I ran and how much people were playing" I was playing gta v the time you saw the graph was I installing it and it is true it takes a lot of CPU and ram to install once it finished I opened it only for 1 minute for testing purposes to see if it would handle it and it did work very smoothly but lags for me as my internet as for the how many people there was only me who was testing it other then my friend was connected to it at the same time using rdpwrapper and he was monitoring the test again am very sorry also if you saw me using a lot of resources it wont be for long here is my ssh key btw
@terrorgen said:
I don't think playing games on the machine is a good use for the free resource (I mean, what have you actually learned?)
So, no.
I'm puzzled anyway how anyone could even try to run games on a server or rather a VM without a real GPU. (We don't have GPU passthrough or a real vGPU setup on MetalVPS, the GPU emulated/virtualized by QEMU shouldn't be good enough for that).
For anybody who might be interested, please see https://packages.debian.org/sid/ovmf.
Hello I'm Kadim1998
I'm from Iraq
my hobbies is fix phone and computer
I'm interest is play around with vm and try new os
I know this server from a friend call Ngoc
Here my ed25519 key
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIB4zs+BRik8VEt6gFsObmqZxt1wiDMcGeqnOedTV+rW1 eddsa-key-20230502
Oh, so I'll search another server like MetalVPS.
I can tell you everything is working,as i know, but i was thinking whats my password then no more because i found out it's on my home folder, this is what i got
dinopotato@i9:~$ cat password
dinopotato@i9:~$ ls
dinopotato@i9:~$ sudo whoami
dinopotato@i9:~$ neofetch
OS: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) x86_64
Host: B360 HD3P-LM
Kernel: 6.1.0-8-amd64
Uptime: 4 hours, 59 mins
Packages: 592 (dpkg)
Shell: bash 5.2.15
Terminal: /dev/pts/1
CPU: Intel i9-9900K (16) @ 5.000GHz
GPU: Intel CoffeeLake-S GT2 [UHD Graphics 630]
Memory: 309MiB / 128722MiB
I also want to try QEMU-KVM in UEFI (because i know normal qemu use Legacy) and try Kali Linux and Proxmox
Hi, @Not_Oles Can I also get access to the new server or no?
I'm back!

I haven't sent any post here since a few days ago because I'm busy with studies.
But hey, I just got PROXMOX VE working!
Later I will try to run a VM in it.
Oh that's nice! Maybe I can get access to this server too?
Hi @Not_Oles
Can I have sudo access
Because I wanna run qemu in the background but it need ssh connection 24/7 and I don’t wanna have laptop on for 24/7 thank
You don't need sudo access for that. You could, for example, run qemu inside a screen session.
You can find more information about screen here: https://linux.die.net/man/1/screen
Oh ok thank I didn’t know that it my first time using linux ssh
Also check if
solves your problem.The storage is about to run out...
Delete your unused files when you don't need them.
Hi @Not_Oles so about the question "What the game I ran and how much people were playing" I was playing gta v the time you saw the graph was I installing it and it is true it takes a lot of CPU and ram to install once it finished I opened it only for 1 minute for testing purposes to see if it would handle it and it did work very smoothly but lags for me as my internet as for the how many people there was only me who was testing it other then my friend was connected to it at the same time using rdpwrapper and he was monitoring the test again am very sorry also if you saw me using a lot of resources it wont be for long here is my ssh key btw
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBUp/JhS4fx3Ht9SSaZaeC/OGP9vGwZ31j+Kwakh
I think Not_Oles have something busy,he didnt read my dm tho
Sorry! I am slow! Please allow me a little extra time. I do try to ensure that everyone receives a reply. Best wishes! Tom
HI @Kadim1998! Thanks for your message! Welcome to LES! Welcome to MetalVPS! Is your friend Ngoc the same person as our wonderful @NgocNguyen8372? May I please ask, "Where did you guys meet each other?" Thanks again! Tom
Here's a peek at what's happening on the server at the moment:
Hi @Exinjh! Maybe there might be additional options to consider besides leaving?
It seems that nobody here wants to speak up in your favor! That's sad!
But, there might be ways to improve the situation. For example, you could participate more here at LES, both in this thread and elsewhere. I am sure that everyone here would be interested to know more about you and more about what you are doing on the server. For example, what OS are you using inside your VM? What version? What software are you running inside your VM's OS? How are things going inside your VM? Are you accomplishing your goal for your VM?
Want to talk a little about France? A little about other countries? 🌎🌍 What languages do you know besides French and English? Where / how did you learn such great English?
What do you do for work? If you are still a student, what's your most interesting course this semester? Why?
What do you think about the server overview that I just posted? Is the server healthy? Could I have used different commands to give people a better overview? Can you think of any other way that the server could be improved?
Have you answered anyone else's questions here in our thread? Have you replied to anyone else's posts? It might seem like there is nothing here for you except a free VM that you can grab and squeeze to the max. How could people here get to know the great guy that you really are?
Whatever you decide, I send you good wishes for the future!
Hi @dinopotato!
That was really funny about the password.
Better than "redacted". ✨
Glad you are able to log in and also to use
on the new server. Thanks for letting us know!Best wishes!
I meet him online
Hi @RtedPro!
Yes, the new server, or another server might become available to you. 🤔
You seem like a great guy, and I notice that you haven't caused us any trouble. On the other hand, we haven't heard much about what you are doing on the server. Do you have any tips for those of us who know less than you? Do you have any questions or any . . . anything?
How do you feel about trying to become more active here in our thread? Maybe you could start becoming more active by telling us more about what you are doing today on the server? Besides what you are doing right now, what would you add or change if you had
? What would be the reasons which support your changes? Any disadvantages we might want to consider?Thanks for this post! It's appreciated! It's great to hear from you!
Best wishes!
Hi @itsmepaddi!
Thanks for your message!
Want to share a little bit about your studies? What subjects? What especially interesting things did you learn about those subjects? You don't have to talk about your studies unless you want to share. It's okay either way.
It's super cool that you got Proxmox working! Congrats! 🤩 We all will be following along to see if you can get VMs working inside your Proxmox. Getting the VMs going can be a little tricky so don't worry if you don't make it all the way through right away.
You didn't give any reason for why you need access to the other server. Remember, the discussion about the new server started when we were talking about memory resident VMs that somebody wanted to try? And I asked about trying the memory resident VMs on the new server because it has 128GB of RAM?
I am not saying, "No." Just asking for your reason.
By the way, I saw your nice comment over at Nodeseek. I haven't had a chance to reply there yet. But I am delighted to thank you both here and also there!
Best wishes!
Yes it my friend Ngoc Nguyen
We meet each other online in 2021
, andnohup
, there also istmux
. These three are very different approaches to solving the 24/7 connection problem you mentioned.nohup
is old, old, old, simple, and does the job.nohup
comes from back in the days of telephone modem connections: "no hang up."screen
is, I think, part of the GNU "copyleft" family including theemacs
editor and friends.tmux
has a more permissive ISC license. A lot ofvi
guys liketmux
.Special thanks to @ralf for mentioning
! @ralf gets a gold star! 🌟MetalVPS
Thanks for this @itsmepaddi! We can see about maybe deleting a few unused accounts or maybe wiping and reinstalling the server. Right now we still have about 638 GB, about the same as a few hours ago, and maybe a little more than the 569 GB this morning. Thanks to the guys who removed some files to make more space!
Can anybody who wants to use substantial, additional file space please speak up in advance? Thanks!
Special thanks to @itsmepaddi for helping watch the server and for speaking up about disk space!
Extra special thanks to @itsmepaddi for posting the terminal output showing the remaining space.
Just repeating this. Hopefully nobody will miss it! Does anyone care to comment on a wipe plus reinstall?
Thanks for your message! I appreciate your kindly answering my question.
Does anyone want to speak up for @NotRealZeyad? Should his paused MetalVPS account be reinstated because of his contributions to our community?
@NodeSeek用户123 How are you doing?
I want to make sure you receive any help that you need. 
@NgocNguyen8372 @Kadim1998 Thanks for your messages! I am going to provision Kadim's account as soon as I get a chance. Please allow me some extra time because I am slow. 🐢 Thanks very much!
I don't think playing games on the machine is a good use for the free resource (I mean, what have you actually learned?)
So, no.
The all seeing eye sees everything...
I can help people to get rdpwrapper working
I'm puzzled anyway how anyone could even try to run games on a server or rather a VM without a real GPU. (We don't have GPU passthrough or a real vGPU setup on MetalVPS, the GPU emulated/virtualized by QEMU shouldn't be good enough for that).