FREE cPanel NVME Hosting (EU)

BarkwebBarkweb Hosting Provider
edited March 2020 in Free Offers and Stuff

Greetings LES Community

I'm looking for some avid cPanel testers to help with the latest colocation in Germany (within Hetzner Falkenstein) this is a brand new site for us, I'm keen to get user feedback on our cPanel hosting in this location to help us tweak the servers before we roll it out to our customer base.

In return for your help / feedback I'll provide the following for as long as you require the account, and in time I'll provide an upgrade path if you need more space.

AMD Ryzen
1 x cPanel Account
1 GB NVMe Webspace
1 x Hosted Domain (you provide)
2 x Databases (MySQL)
5 x Email Accounts (300 Messages per hour)
150 GB Bandwidth
Daily Backups

These are FREE, there is no charge!

No SSH Access, No Bots, No Spam, No Porn, No IRC, No Mining - Nothing Illegal Either otherwise the account will just be terminated.

There is no signup link, as I'm not running the risk of accounts being sold, so if you feel you can help then send me a PM with a working email address, name and the domain you wish to use. I'll fire back details ? to login and how to provide feedback within the internal changelog.

Thanks in advance - stay safe!


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