@Jab said:
But please fix the Purchase button, it's ugly, can't see shit, need some contrast - just steal the button above design.
Thanks! https://i.imgur.com/sPyXAml.png
@VirMach said: what location we should send the first one to (not Tokyo.)
Los Angeles! Seattle! San Jose! Any location near Tokyo
@haynhat said:
Anyone has servers working on LAXA009 ? The node is currently locked for more than 2 days (not mentioned in the Network Status)
Yes, I have a VM on node LAXA009. It has also be showing locked in the billing panel, which as noted there means it is under going maintenance. Mine has been up and down over the last couple of days. Currently it has been up for the last 15+ hours.
@haynhat said:
Anyone has servers working on LAXA009 ? The node is currently locked for more than 2 days (not mentioned in the Network Status)
Yes, I have a VM on node LAXA009. It has also be showing locked in the billing panel, which as noted there means it is under going maintenance. Mine has been up and down over the last couple of days. Currently it has been up for the last 15+ hours.
Elapsed Time
15 Hours 19 Mins 40 Secs
54 Mins 0 Secs
28 Mins 0 Secs
17 Hours 56 Mins 0 Secs
8 Hours 20 Mins 0 Secs
9 Hours 0 Secs
162 Days 21 Hours 24 Mins 59 Secs
Time is US Central Standard Time
Thank you, @FrankZ. Mine are now up too.
Seem you have server on almost nodes :-)
@FrankZ said: Yes, I have a VM on node LAXA009. It has also be showing locked in the billing panel, which as noted there means it is under going maintenance. Mine has been up and down over the last couple of days. Currently it has been up for the last 15+ hours.
Leaving it locked for a little while longer before I call it "stable enough" and unlock controls.
@VirMach sorry for ask again and again, since got no any reply, but it's the last, please just repy Yes or No, I will tell my friend and don't ask anymore.
My friend ordered this plan at Tokyo before, should have 3GB RAM, but when you recently created it at LA, only have 2GB RAM, will you honor the 3GB RAM or not? thank you.
IIRC VirMach said earlier that they made a change to new purchases of this plan and it now only comes with 2GB RAM when it is deployed. He also said that for purchases made before, when the plan had 3GB RAM, he would honor that but the extra RAM needs to be added manually. Let me try to find the comment so as to find out if you need to ticket for the extra RAM.
@FrankZ said: @hotsnow - Unless I am misreading the VirMach statement I would close the other ticket and make a priority ticket mentioning the RAM issue in the title.
@Virmach can we make priority ticket mentioning the RAM issue? thanks
@Virmach can we make priority ticket mentioning the RAM issue? thanks
A lot may change on it when released (already thinking about lowering bandwidth amounts or some kind of clear fair use speed cap.) Let me know what location we should send the first one to (not Tokyo.) Disk is currently planned to be RAID1 (enterprise Gen3 7.68TB.) Processor is currently planned to be Epyc 7452 (2.35GHz.) IPv4 may or may not be included at base price. SolusVM may or may not be used.
The idea is lower disk amount, slower disk, slower processor, and just a boatload of RAM at a hyper-competitive price.
(edit) These are at MSRP. I wrote out a long since-deleted (or never posted) message about possibly being able to hit $15 a year special on the base plan (which was actually the 4GB about a week ago.)
Looks interesting... definitely worth a buy when it comes out.... location, I prefer the US east coast... NY preferred
Would love to see the missing 64gb on the slider
Also, the slider is not very intuitive on dark mode on mobile.
I am running out of disk space on my mostly 'static files' VPS - 1 core, 1 GB RAM, 35GB disk. I could move my shit to bigger one... but those have 3+ cores and it it will total waste to host static files there... so I guess I am buying another one when we get "NOT Black Friday sale" ?
EDIT: Wait, I expected this years ago and bought some crazy thing on BF few years ago - 52GB disk, 512 MB RAM, 524 GB bandwidth - totally enough for my mostly 'static files' via CDN... But do I really want to move this shit for extra 17GB or disk?!
@LinuxWinMAC said: @VirMachMy vps traffic abnormal problem has been solved, thank you for your timely handling, I finally dare to start my vps! 😂
There is a new problem. This vps was assigned 2 ipv6 addresses before, but now the second one is invalid. The traffic problem is probably caused by this ip address. I don’t know if it can be fixed?
2022-12-12 08:48 | 146.9 GB of 500 GB Used / 353.1 GB Free
2022-12-12 21:15 | 156.93 GB of 500 GB Used / 343.07 GB Free
2022-12-13 18:25 | 156.93 GB of 500 GB Used / 343.07 GB Free
@VirMach All issues have been resolved and I have closed ticket #496617. Thanks again!
@FrankZ said: @deafness - Please click the "Management" button on the left menu shown in your screen shot above. When the next left menu appears, click "VPS Control Panel". That should open SolusVM, if the VM still shows offline in SolusVM, you can attempt to restart it. If it shows "unavailable" please report the Node name here.
@FrankZ No, it does not work. When I click on the control panel, it shows the picture below
Contabo replacement only if ticket E.T.A was 1 working day rather than 1 week
Okay so I've thought about bandwidth levels a little bit more, and it's going to change to this instead:
100Mbps = 32TB.
So it'll be 100Mbps Unmetered (32TB) and then a "full speed" (10-20Gbps) amount based on 100/10,000 = 1/100th of 1Gbps or 3.2TB (also known as 10%.) So what this means is we'll basically just do 10Gbps fair use, give 32TB for that plan for example, but reserve the right to cap it to 100Mbps after 10% usage. Depending on what software we use we'll most likely only want to measure outgoing only (incoming will be unmetered, otherwise we'll double the figures, so 3.2TB = 6.4TB.)
This also will scale with cost instead of RAM amount. Rounded off a bit to look nicer. This means:
Short version for BW: it means 48GB, 64GB, and 96GB plans have their bandwidth reduced a bit and we just defined the "fair use" part for the bandwidth levels.
I added a Fair Use Guidelines section which basically covers the level of overprovisioning. Short version is that IPv4 will basically be dedicated unless otherwise noted, it covers the bandwidth amounts I mentioned above, disk space is currently planned LVM but may be thin LVM, physical RAM will be oversold 2:1 ratio, and CPU will be oversold about 8:1 ratio. Seems to be "industry standard" for these type of plans and we'll of course manage it responsibly and cut it off early if alerts go off.
Everything is technically worked out to where we can lock everything off at about half the amount, as in 0 oversold RAM, and 4:1 ratio for CPU instead, and we don't take a loss (still profitable.) So anything in between that and max is just extra profit and will be done cautiously as a bonus.
@Flying_Chinaman said:
Los Angeles! Seattle! San Jose! Any location near Tokyo
I might actually end up doing Tokyo first just to see what worst case scenario of this build ends up looking like for us. But if we do any specials for it, I'll be sure to advertise it per the 10% fair use. So for example, a "special" version of 2GB plan might look like:
$2/MO $30/2YR 2GB RAM 15GB RAID10 NVMe
200GB @ 10Gbps / 2TB @ 6.4Mbps (Perhaps a forced selection, but then we might just add like 1TB @ 1Gbps option too.) 1 Core @ 25% Special fair use 1 IPv4 & /64 or /48 IPv6
Might as well make this post longer...
Also means probably for same theoretical Tokyo special that may or may not exist:
@Flying_Chinaman said: Contabo replacement only if ticket E.T.A was 1 working day rather than 1 week
Working on finally resolving this. As always not required but would be extremely helpful if people stopped making like 3 tickets for their $1.50 pending order.
ETA around December 30th it looks like for everything to be normal again.
(edit) And yes this is very much aimed toward being a Contabo replacement and I want to make sure people understand this. It means similarly oversold but we're going to obviously try our best to make it better. As in, more idlers!
@FrankZ said: @deafness - Please click the "Management" button on the left menu shown in your screen shot above. When the next left menu appears, click "VPS Control Panel". That should open SolusVM, if the VM still shows offline in SolusVM, you can attempt to restart it. If it shows "unavailable" please report the Node name here.
@FrankZ No, it does not work. When I click on the control panel, it shows the picture below
Looks like another issue, if you used the button and it broke make sure to mention that in ticket
@VirMach said: I kind of want to do Singapore and Minneapolis.
UK? Somewhere, anywhere - London, Manchester, Aberdeen (that'd be a major coup!)
Here I'll list of all the locations I've thought about, but it's definitely not going to go as fast as we want and we definitely have to end up skipping some of these locations until things get back on track.
North America:
Las Vegas
Hawaii (just so I can keep going to Hawaii to power cycle servers)
Europe/Middle East:
Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Dubai, or Bucharest
London/Dublin/Manchester or somewhere in France (Isle of Man would be cool.)
Madrid/Lisbon (Gibraltar would be cooler.)
South of the Equator:
Anywhere. Currently F5'ing but honestly Sydney/Johannesburg/Sao Paulo all seem like they'd be pretty abysmal the more I look into it. Sydney was the closest "winner" except I don't know how I'd feel about ever having to fly to Australia. Maybe New Zealand. (edit) Perhaps some smaller island version of this like New Caledonia would be cool and it could be called our "French" location.
Maybe: (But too close to an existing location.)
Vancouver, Ashburn, Vancouver
Maybe: (But meh.)
Oregon or Idaho
Kansas City
Oklahoma City/Tulsa
Maybe: (It'd just be cool to have but probably not a good idea, an extension of my Hawaii dreams.)
Costa Rica/Puerto Rico/Bahamas (Even worse version of this with less use cases: Bermuda.)
Hong Kong
Kochi/Kerala (India)
Maybe: (Haven't really thought of it but maybe this is the ultimate mediocre for everyone location.)
@VirMach said: I kind of want to do Singapore and Minneapolis.
UK? Somewhere, anywhere - London, Manchester, Aberdeen (that'd be a major coup!)
Here I'll list of all the locations I've thought about, but it's definitely not going to go as fast as we want and we definitely have to end up skipping some of these locations until things get back on track.
North America:
* Minneapolis
* Toronto
* Las Vegas
* Hawaii (just so I can keep going to Hawaii to power cycle servers)
* Singapore
Europe/Middle East:
* Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Dubai, or Bucharest
* Zurich/Bern/Geneva
* London/Dublin/Manchester or somewhere in France (Isle of Man would be cool.)
* Stockholm
* Madrid/Lisbon (Gibraltar would be cooler.)
South of the Equator:
* Anywhere. Currently F5'ing but honestly Sydney/Johannesburg/Sao Paulo all seem like they'd be pretty abysmal the more I look into it. Sydney was the closest "winner" except I don't know how I'd feel about ever having to fly to Australia. Maybe New Zealand.
Maybe: (But too close to an existing location.)
* Vancouver, Ashburn, Vancouver
Maybe: (But meh.)
* Oregon or Idaho
* Kansas City
* Oklahoma City/Tulsa
* Houston/Austin
* Utah
Maybe: (It'd just be cool to have but probably not a good idea, an extension of my Hawaii dreams.)
* Costa Rica/Puerto Rico/Bahamas (Even worse version of this with less use cases: Bermuda.)
* Ukraine/Russia/Georgia/Kazakhstan
* Hong Kong
* Kochi/Kerala (India)
* Malta/Ibiza
* Iceland
I miss my UrPad Iceland server. Man that was a good server.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
@VirMach said: South of the Equator:
* Anywhere. Currently F5'ing but honestly Sydney/Johannesburg/Sao Paulo all seem like they'd be pretty abysmal the more I look into it. Sydney was the closest "winner" except I don't know how I'd feel about ever having to fly to Australia. Maybe New Zealand. (edit) Perhaps some smaller island version of this like New Caledonia would be cool and it could be called our "French" location.
@AuroraZero said: I miss my UrPad Iceland server. Man that was a good server.
If there's any recommendations for serious datcenters there it could be a reality assuming the whole lower power costs thing they have going there if it hasn't been "ruined" by an influx of crypto stuff (aka retaliatory regulations.) Since we could just ship off super beefy stuff there.
This is just me making a wild guess though but I'm assuming Iceland would be one of those places where the citizens have access to 1Gbps fiber for like $20-50 a month but 1Gbps at a datacenter might cost $5,000 a month.
@VirMach said: South of the Equator:
* Anywhere. Currently F5'ing but honestly Sydney/Johannesburg/Sao Paulo all seem like they'd be pretty abysmal the more I look into it. Sydney was the closest "winner" except I don't know how I'd feel about ever having to fly to Australia. Maybe New Zealand. (edit) Perhaps some smaller island version of this like New Caledonia would be cool and it could be called our "French" location.
@AuroraZero said: I miss my UrPad Iceland server. Man that was a good server.
If there's any recommendations for serious datcenters there it could be a reality assuming the whole lower power costs thing they have going there if it hasn't been "ruined" by an influx of crypto stuff (aka retaliatory regulations.) Since we could just ship off super beefy stuff there.
This is just me making a wild guess though but I'm assuming Iceland would be one of those places where the citizens have access to 1Gbps fiber for like $20-50 a month but 1Gbps at a datacenter might cost $5,000 a month.
Sorry no idea man. I just remember the server was in Iceland. Never really looked into coloing anything there. I would imagine as you said though.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
You'd please a lot of folks, with an "off-shore" location i.e. Hawaii, isle of Man, Guernsey, Cook Islands, Malta, Fuerteventura.
You may even get a lot of new recruits, for hands-on approach!
@AlwaysSkint said:
You'd please a lot of folks, with an "off-shore" location i.e. Hawaii, isle of Man, Guernsey, Cook Islands, Malta, Fuerteventura.
You may even get a lot of new recruits, for hands-on approach!
I'm kind of liking this idea, probably until I see the prices. It's too late I have to commit now, I'm the proud owner of VPShore.com and islev.ps (not to be confused with v.ps.) Actually just kidding I didn't register islev.ps even though iSlev sounds kind of cool, we don't have the kind of budget for $59 a year domains but I did also grab isle.host to add to my C-tier list of domains we'll never use. Then later we'll buy the PREMIUM (apparently) domain hostisle.com for $2500 because it sounds/looks like hostile and register some shady company name like Hostile Host Pty for our ASN because it'd match all the abuse reports we have to end up dealing with and make it easier for company to blanket blocklist.
Spain --> Canary Islands instead.
France --> New Caledonia instead.
UK --> Isle of Man & Gibraltar instead (I can't pronounce Guernsey or maybe don't like how it comes out so we'll skip that.)
Okay like only 90% of that was a joke, we'll see how far the other 10% gets us.
@VirMach said: I can't pronounce Guernsey or maybe don't like how it comes out..
Maybe Jersey is more appropriate, given how frrreezing it is here, this week!
Guernsey sounds very like girning - a Scottish word for a teething, whining bairn (baby).
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
@VirMach said: I added a Fair Use Guidelines section which basically covers the level of overprovisioning. Short version is that IPv4 will basically be dedicated unless otherwise noted, it covers the bandwidth amounts I mentioned above, disk space is currently planned LVM but may be thin LVM, physical RAM will be oversold 2:1 ratio, and CPU will be oversold about 8:1 ratio. Seems to be "industry standard" for these type of plans and we'll of course manage it responsibly and cut it off early if alerts go off.
Fined by me with the CPU oversell and bandwidth cap if the price was fair enough.
But oversell mem and dik is a new level even for VirmArch
Frankly, oversell memory is a recipe for disaster, guest OS always tend to fully occupy allocated memory as preload cache.
Knew memory in OVZ can be oversell, yet that's KVM right?
Disk oversell 50% initially, serious? I'd rather purchase secondhand older nvme like Kingston PCI3.0 to cut cost. Guess you will do both
No more 2 years commitment for an experimental oversell plan. BRING BACK ANNUAL BILL Only wonna pay biannually for storage plan and GCV EPYC 6666
Hope my remain days at VirmArch does not end up like the early-stage CloudCone and shitty PacificRack.
@VirMach said: I don't know how I'd feel about ever having to fly to Australia. Maybe New Zealand.
How do you feel about 17 or 18 hour non-stop flights? Plus connections if you're not on the west coast. There's also 19 or 20 hour flights from Dallas.
@VirMach said: I kind of want to do Singapore and Minneapolis.
UK? Somewhere, anywhere - London, Manchester, Aberdeen (that'd be a major coup!)
Here I'll list of all the locations I've thought about, but it's definitely not going to go as fast as we want and we definitely have to end up skipping some of these locations until things get back on track.
North America:
Las Vegas
Hawaii (just so I can keep going to Hawaii to power cycle servers)
Europe/Middle East:
Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Dubai, or Bucharest
London/Dublin/Manchester or somewhere in France (Isle of Man would be cool.)
Madrid/Lisbon (Gibraltar would be cooler.)
South of the Equator:
Anywhere. Currently F5'ing but honestly Sydney/Johannesburg/Sao Paulo all seem like they'd be pretty abysmal the more I look into it. Sydney was the closest "winner" except I don't know how I'd feel about ever having to fly to Australia. Maybe New Zealand. (edit) Perhaps some smaller island version of this like New Caledonia would be cool and it could be called our "French" location.
Maybe: (But too close to an existing location.)
Vancouver, Ashburn, Vancouver
Maybe: (But meh.)
Oregon or Idaho
Kansas City
Oklahoma City/Tulsa
Maybe: (It'd just be cool to have but probably not a good idea, an extension of my Hawaii dreams.)
Costa Rica/Puerto Rico/Bahamas (Even worse version of this with less use cases: Bermuda.)
Hong Kong
Kochi/Kerala (India)
Maybe: (Haven't really thought of it but maybe this is the ultimate mediocre for everyone location.)
+1 for Dubai, Singapore.
+1000 for Kochi. I'm from Kochi.
Los Angeles! Seattle! San Jose! Any location near Tokyo
Yo, join our premium masochist club
Anyone has servers working on LAXA009 ? The node is currently locked for more than 2 days (not mentioned in the Network Status)
Yes, I have a VM on node LAXA009. It has also be showing locked in the billing panel, which as noted there means it is under going maintenance. Mine has been up and down over the last couple of days. Currently it has been up for the last 15+ hours.
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Thank you, @FrankZ. Mine are now up too.
Seem you have server on almost nodes :-)
Will you consider SGP as a new location?
Leaving it locked for a little while longer before I call it "stable enough" and unlock controls.
@Virmach can we make priority ticket mentioning the RAM issue? thanks
Looks interesting... definitely worth a buy when it comes out.... location, I prefer the US east coast... NY preferred
Would love to see the missing 64gb on the slider
Also, the slider is not very intuitive on dark mode on mobile.
Contabo replacement only if ticket E.T.A was 1 working day rather than 1 week
Yo, join our premium masochist club
First world problem:
I am running out of disk space on my mostly 'static files' VPS - 1 core, 1 GB RAM, 35GB disk. I could move my shit to bigger one... but those have 3+ cores and it it will total waste to host static files there... so I guess I am buying another one when we get "NOT Black Friday sale"
EDIT: Wait, I expected this years ago and bought some crazy thing on BF few years ago - 52GB disk, 512 MB RAM, 524 GB bandwidth - totally enough for my mostly 'static files' via CDN... But do I really want to move this shit for extra 17GB or disk?!
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
@VirMach All issues have been resolved and I have closed ticket #496617. Thanks again!
@FrankZ No, it does not work. When I click on the control panel, it shows the picture below
Okay so I've thought about bandwidth levels a little bit more, and it's going to change to this instead:
So it'll be 100Mbps Unmetered (32TB) and then a "full speed" (10-20Gbps) amount based on 100/10,000 = 1/100th of 1Gbps or 3.2TB (also known as 10%.) So what this means is we'll basically just do 10Gbps fair use, give 32TB for that plan for example, but reserve the right to cap it to 100Mbps after 10% usage. Depending on what software we use we'll most likely only want to measure outgoing only (incoming will be unmetered, otherwise we'll double the figures, so 3.2TB = 6.4TB.)
This also will scale with cost instead of RAM amount. Rounded off a bit to look nicer. This means:
Short version for BW: it means 48GB, 64GB, and 96GB plans have their bandwidth reduced a bit and we just defined the "fair use" part for the bandwidth levels.
I added a Fair Use Guidelines section which basically covers the level of overprovisioning. Short version is that IPv4 will basically be dedicated unless otherwise noted, it covers the bandwidth amounts I mentioned above, disk space is currently planned LVM but may be thin LVM, physical RAM will be oversold 2:1 ratio, and CPU will be oversold about 8:1 ratio. Seems to be "industry standard" for these type of plans and we'll of course manage it responsibly and cut it off early if alerts go off.
Everything is technically worked out to where we can lock everything off at about half the amount, as in 0 oversold RAM, and 4:1 ratio for CPU instead, and we don't take a loss (still profitable.) So anything in between that and max is just extra profit and will be done cautiously as a bonus.
I might actually end up doing Tokyo first just to see what worst case scenario of this build ends up looking like for us. But if we do any specials for it, I'll be sure to advertise it per the 10% fair use. So for example, a "special" version of 2GB plan might look like:
$2/MO $30/2YR
200GB @ 10Gbps / 2TB @ 6.4Mbps (Perhaps a forced selection, but then we might just add like 1TB @ 1Gbps option too.)
1 Core @ 25% Special fair use
1 IPv4 & /64 or /48 IPv6
Might as well make this post longer...
Also means probably for same theoretical Tokyo special that may or may not exist:
Probably no setup fee unless it gets annoying.
Working on finally resolving this. As always not required but would be extremely helpful if people stopped making like 3 tickets for their $1.50 pending order.
ETA around December 30th it looks like for everything to be normal again.
(edit) And yes this is very much aimed toward being a Contabo replacement and I want to make sure people understand this. It means similarly oversold but we're going to obviously try our best to make it better. As in, more idlers!
Looks like another issue, if you used the button and it broke make sure to mention that in ticket
Yes. I kind of want to do Singapore and Minneapolis.
UK? Somewhere, anywhere - London, Manchester, Aberdeen (that'd be a major coup!)
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Here I'll list of all the locations I've thought about, but it's definitely not going to go as fast as we want and we definitely have to end up skipping some of these locations until things get back on track.
North America:
Europe/Middle East:
South of the Equator:
Maybe: (But too close to an existing location.)
Maybe: (But meh.)
Maybe: (It'd just be cool to have but probably not a good idea, an extension of my Hawaii dreams.)
Maybe: (Haven't really thought of it but maybe this is the ultimate mediocre for everyone location.)
I miss my UrPad Iceland server. Man that was a good server.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
We have South Pole Colocation.
You get 100% off if you reserve a whole rack.
Webhosting24 aff best VPS; ServerFactory aff best VDS; Cloudie best ASN; Huel aff best brotein.
If there's any recommendations for serious datcenters there it could be a reality assuming the whole lower power costs thing they have going there if it hasn't been "ruined" by an influx of crypto stuff (aka retaliatory regulations.) Since we could just ship off super beefy stuff there.
This is just me making a wild guess though but I'm assuming Iceland would be one of those places where the citizens have access to 1Gbps fiber for like $20-50 a month but 1Gbps at a datacenter might cost $5,000 a month.
Sorry but we're going to have to go with a more serious south pole hosting such as a US astronomy research center.
Preparing the 882 page whitepaper for them as we speak on why we need colocation there.
Sorry no idea man. I just remember the server was in Iceland. Never really looked into coloing anything there. I would imagine as you said though.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
You'd please a lot of folks, with an "off-shore" location i.e. Hawaii, isle of Man, Guernsey, Cook Islands, Malta, Fuerteventura.
You may even get a lot of new recruits, for hands-on approach!
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
I'm kind of liking this idea, probably until I see the prices. It's too late I have to commit now, I'm the proud owner of VPShore.com and islev.ps (not to be confused with v.ps.) Actually just kidding I didn't register islev.ps even though iSlev sounds kind of cool, we don't have the kind of budget for $59 a year domains but I did also grab isle.host to add to my C-tier list of domains we'll never use. Then later we'll buy the PREMIUM (apparently) domain hostisle.com for $2500 because it sounds/looks like hostile and register some shady company name like Hostile Host Pty for our ASN because it'd match all the abuse reports we have to end up dealing with and make it easier for company to blanket blocklist.
Spain --> Canary Islands instead.
France --> New Caledonia instead.
UK --> Isle of Man & Gibraltar instead (I can't pronounce Guernsey or maybe don't like how it comes out so we'll skip that.)
Okay like only 90% of that was a joke, we'll see how far the other 10% gets us.
are the TYO maintenance still taking place or have they been completed already?
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Maybe Jersey is more appropriate, given how frrreezing it is here, this week!
Guernsey sounds very like girning - a Scottish word for a teething, whining bairn (baby).
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Fined by me with the CPU oversell and bandwidth cap if the price was fair enough.
But oversell mem and dik is a new level even for VirmArch
No more 2 years commitment for an experimental oversell plan. BRING BACK ANNUAL BILL
Only wonna pay biannually for storage plan and GCV EPYC 6666
Hope my remain days at VirmArch does not end up like the early-stage CloudCone and shitty PacificRack.
The promised land for Flying Chinaman, also not near Seattle at all
bring back customization
Yo, join our premium masochist club
@VirMach said: I don't know how I'd feel about ever having to fly to Australia. Maybe New Zealand.
How do you feel about 17 or 18 hour non-stop flights? Plus connections if you're not on the west coast. There's also 19 or 20 hour flights from Dallas.
+1 for Dubai, Singapore.
+1000 for Kochi. I'm from Kochi.
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