@TeYroX said:
Taking whole businesses few hours after Subs leaving from Discord.. not very well move.
We have not ‘taken’ the business. They still own everything and we owned the domain beforehand. We are within our rights to take that domain back whenever we felt it. After he publicly accused us of hijacking his domain via email we felt we needed to.
Additionally - he had told a friend in direct messages quote on quote ‘it needs to die or someone take over… if I take over… will be bad’ this lead us to believe he wouldn’t come back.
@TheDP said:
I don't usually swear but what twisted fuckery is this
I am trying to piece this together in my mind and thus the shaking my head part.
This is some highschool fuckery shit.
Just can't grasp all the players and what shit is being pulled or has been pulled.
All I do know is I am glad I am staying far, far away.
lmao this. HS tier drama.
I also can't comprehend why would you leave your discord server BEFORE everything settled down.
fuck I wouldn't place my nth backup server under this kind of management. good luck for anyone trying to pull a refund, trust your guts and suck on deeznutz
Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.
@Advin Please take over NVMeNetworks, you can migrate clients to https://advinservers.com. Sub S (Blake) have clients email addresses, and even domain nvmenetworks.com if possible.
You can connect him by discord id: Subs#2675 , telegram: https://t.me/Subs8095 , lowendsprint: @NVMeNetworks
For domain registrations, create an account at Dynadot (ref) and spend $9.99 within 48 hours to receive $5 DynaDollars! Looking for cost-effective Managed/Anycast/DDoS-Protected/Geo DNS Services? Try ClouDNS (aff).
I have no rep here so feel free to ignore me if it bothers you. But to be honest @Hostaris has been great so far (yes I have a VPS from them) and despite their young age they are very mature when it comes to customer service, almost over enthusiast when I compare to more traditional providers. I think that tendency has got them somehow mixed in this also.
The domain/website thing was a bit weird, maybe they should have just taken the site down without that manifest and keep helping people migrate over to other providers. Other than that, it seems their intentions were good (I know they're trying to get new customers themselves while at it but isn't everybody..)
@warmingforg said: @Advin Please take over NVMeNetworks, you can migrate clients to https://advinservers.com. Sub S (Blake) have clients email addresses, and even domain nvmenetworks.com if possible.
You can connect him by discord id: Subs#2675 , telegram: https://t.me/Subs8095 , lowendsprint: @NVMeNetworks
I think I've said this in a previous reply but I already contacted them and took a look at the clients, products, finances, etc. For now, it's just not worth it for me.
Most the products are dollar per month VPS's, which are impossible to make profitable because of the IPv4 cost alone. I'd also have to honor the yearly deals, and the custom packages (which are also, unprofitable).
Then factor in that I have to manually migrate each and every dollar VPS to my infrastructure, while dealing with the backlash and dealing with massive amounts of unhappy customers.
I don't think this is something I'm ready to take on for now I feel like it I were to step in, it would result in way more backlash towards me from unhappy customers, and it's not worth the time.
FroCDN Files - Anonymously upload up to 15GB per file for free with unlimited bandwidth. FroCDN Paste - Paste text to share with others, fork of Hastebin. Also completely free to use.
@Nekki said:
How do NVMEs have networks? Makes no sense.
In 2019, a subcontractor to one of our medical divisions (1177 - a call center where you can speak to a nurse instead of going to the hospital) managed to expose 2,7 million recorded calls onto the Internet.
Then and there, a famous quote was created
”Vi vet inte när det hände, men troligtvis har någon under en uppdatering helt enkelt stoppat in en internetsladd i hårddisken. Då fick den en ip-adress, och då var det fritt fram”
google translate gives this translation
We don't know when it happened, but most likely someone during an update simply inserted an internet cable into the hard drive. Then it got an IP address, and then it was free to go
@Nekki said:
How do NVMEs have networks? Makes no sense.
In 2019, a subcontractor to one of our medical divisions (1177 - a call center where you can speak to a nurse instead of going to the hospital) managed to expose 2,7 million recorded calls onto the Internet.
Then and there, a famous quote was created
”Vi vet inte när det hände, men troligtvis har någon under en uppdatering helt enkelt stoppat in en internetsladd i hårddisken. Då fick den en ip-adress, och då var det fritt fram”
google translate gives this translation
We don't know when it happened, but most likely someone during an update simply inserted an internet cable into the hard drive. Then it got an IP address, and then it was free to go
@Nekki said:
How do NVMEs have networks? Makes no sense.
In 2019, a subcontractor to one of our medical divisions (1177 - a call center where you can speak to a nurse instead of going to the hospital) managed to expose 2,7 million recorded calls onto the Internet.
Then and there, a famous quote was created
”Vi vet inte när det hände, men troligtvis har någon under en uppdatering helt enkelt stoppat in en internetsladd i hårddisken. Då fick den en ip-adress, och då var det fritt fram”
google translate gives this translation
We don't know when it happened, but most likely someone during an update simply inserted an internet cable into the hard drive. Then it got an IP address, and then it was free to go
Ah yes, the 1177 incident. In a followup interview, they gave this explanation:
Ordinary people couldn't do it, but those who can do this kind of thing could do some kind of special command move and sneak in the back way.
We still use the terms "internet cable", "it got an ip" or "special command move" as jokes at work when we try to explain why something went wrong.
@Nekki said:
How do NVMEs have networks? Makes no sense.
In 2019, a subcontractor to one of our medical divisions (1177 - a call center where you can speak to a nurse instead of going to the hospital) managed to expose 2,7 million recorded calls onto the Internet.
Then and there, a famous quote was created
”Vi vet inte när det hände, men troligtvis har någon under en uppdatering helt enkelt stoppat in en internetsladd i hårddisken. Då fick den en ip-adress, och då var det fritt fram”
google translate gives this translation
We don't know when it happened, but most likely someone during an update simply inserted an internet cable into the hard drive. Then it got an IP address, and then it was free to go
Ah yes, the 1177 incident. In a followup interview, they gave this explanation:
Ordinary people couldn't do it, but those who can do this kind of thing could do some kind of special command move and sneak in the back way.
We still use the terms "internet cable", "it got an ip" or "special command move" as jokes at work when we try to explain why something went wrong.
Where I worked we actually did put an ”internet” cable into a hard drive.
And put it on display.
@Nekki said:
How do NVMEs have networks? Makes no sense.
And yet they're "fighting" over the name
We are not fighting over the name. We reclaimed that domain in the sense that Blake wasn't using it anymore as we had clear evidence he did not want to come back. If he would like to have that domain back, by all means, he can. But it's crossing a line when he emails from WHMCS stating that we've 'hijacked' his domain and I would like for this to be rectified.
Looks as if they've forcefully canceled everything they have as my access dropped and the IPs are not pingable.
@covent said:
I have no rep here so feel free to ignore me if it bothers you. But to be honest @Hostaris has been great so far (yes I have a VPS from them) and despite their young age they are very mature when it comes to customer service, almost over enthusiast when I compare to more traditional providers. I think that tendency has got them somehow mixed in this also.
The domain/website thing was a bit weird, maybe they should have just taken the site down without that manifest and keep helping people migrate over to other providers. Other than that, it seems their intentions were good (I know they're trying to get new customers themselves while at it but isn't everybody..)
Thank you, it is nice to know that there are some considerate people here. While I admit the move with the domain was a tad strange - at the time (3AM in the morning), I felt I had to as he had already emailed his clients stating that the domain has been stolen and many of NVMe's clients/past-clients are also a client of Hostaris so we had to clear up the misinformation.
@Justiceserv said:
So... the only affiliation between hostaris and nvmenetwork is domain ownership...? Or am I missing something
On the 18th we requested access to infrastructure from Samuel C (not to be confused with my colleague Samuel B ) as Blake appeared to have disappeared. We did this because we had numerous clients requesting that we migrate their images for them. Before that date, the only affiliation we had was via Discord. We had been given "roles" in their server. In no way, shape, or form is Hostaris affiliated with NVMeNetworks. It was simply a personal affiliation, one that shouldn't be linked with business. Hostaris' management is entirely different from NVMeNetworks. We own our hardware, @covent has explained and many of our other clients would say the same, our customer service is excellent and we try our best to make our clients satisfied. We did not expect this to drag out so far as we genuinely thought Blake was not coming back, as stated above, if he would like to message me about the domain I am open for conversation.
@Nekki said:
How do NVMEs have networks? Makes no sense.
And yet they're "fighting" over the name
We are not fighting over the name. We reclaimed that domain in the sense that Blake wasn't using it anymore as we had clear evidence he did not want to come back. If he would like to have that domain back, by all means, he can. But it's crossing a line when he emails from WHMCS stating that we've 'hijacked' his domain and I would like for this to be rectified.
Looks as if they've forcefully canceled everything they have as my access dropped and the IPs are not pingable.
@covent said:
I have no rep here so feel free to ignore me if it bothers you. But to be honest @Hostaris has been great so far (yes I have a VPS from them) and despite their young age they are very mature when it comes to customer service, almost over enthusiast when I compare to more traditional providers. I think that tendency has got them somehow mixed in this also.
The domain/website thing was a bit weird, maybe they should have just taken the site down without that manifest and keep helping people migrate over to other providers. Other than that, it seems their intentions were good (I know they're trying to get new customers themselves while at it but isn't everybody..)
Thank you, it is nice to know that there are some considerate people here. While I admit the move with the domain was a tad strange - at the time (3AM in the morning), I felt I had to as he had already emailed his clients stating that the domain has been stolen and many of NVMe's clients/past-clients are also a client of Hostaris so we had to clear up the misinformation.
@Justiceserv said:
So... the only affiliation between hostaris and nvmenetwork is domain ownership...? Or am I missing something
On the 18th we requested access to infrastructure from Samuel C (not to be confused with my colleague Samuel B ) as Blake appeared to have disappeared. We did this because we had numerous clients requesting that we migrate their images for them. Before that date, the only affiliation we had was via Discord. We had been given "roles" in their server. In no way, shape, or form is Hostaris affiliated with NVMeNetworks. It was simply a personal affiliation, one that shouldn't be linked with business. Hostaris' management is entirely different from NVMeNetworks. We own our hardware, @covent has explained and many of our other clients would say the same, our customer service is excellent and we try our best to make our clients satisfied. We did not expect this to drag out so far as we genuinely thought Blake was not coming back, as stated above, if he would like to message me about the domain I am open for conversation.
If the domain hadn’t been ‘hijacked’ why would he need to send an email stating it had? By then reclaiming the domain you pretty much did the one thing that could prove what they’re saying to be true.
Also reclaiming the domain within such as short time just because some clients were asking about migration and he looked like he was out seems a bit rash, as is having someone else provide access to the systems of an unrelated business. 🤷♂️
@Nekki said:
How do NVMEs have networks? Makes no sense.
And yet they're "fighting" over the name
We are not fighting over the name. We reclaimed that domain in the sense that Blake wasn't using it anymore as we had clear evidence he did not want to come back. If he would like to have that domain back, by all means, he can. But it's crossing a line when he emails from WHMCS stating that we've 'hijacked' his domain and I would like for this to be rectified.
Looks as if they've forcefully canceled everything they have as my access dropped and the IPs are not pingable.
@covent said:
I have no rep here so feel free to ignore me if it bothers you. But to be honest @Hostaris has been great so far (yes I have a VPS from them) and despite their young age they are very mature when it comes to customer service, almost over enthusiast when I compare to more traditional providers. I think that tendency has got them somehow mixed in this also.
The domain/website thing was a bit weird, maybe they should have just taken the site down without that manifest and keep helping people migrate over to other providers. Other than that, it seems their intentions were good (I know they're trying to get new customers themselves while at it but isn't everybody..)
Thank you, it is nice to know that there are some considerate people here. While I admit the move with the domain was a tad strange - at the time (3AM in the morning), I felt I had to as he had already emailed his clients stating that the domain has been stolen and many of NVMe's clients/past-clients are also a client of Hostaris so we had to clear up the misinformation.
@Justiceserv said:
So... the only affiliation between hostaris and nvmenetwork is domain ownership...? Or am I missing something
On the 18th we requested access to infrastructure from Samuel C (not to be confused with my colleague Samuel B ) as Blake appeared to have disappeared. We did this because we had numerous clients requesting that we migrate their images for them. Before that date, the only affiliation we had was via Discord. We had been given "roles" in their server. In no way, shape, or form is Hostaris affiliated with NVMeNetworks. It was simply a personal affiliation, one that shouldn't be linked with business. Hostaris' management is entirely different from NVMeNetworks. We own our hardware, @covent has explained and many of our other clients would say the same, our customer service is excellent and we try our best to make our clients satisfied. We did not expect this to drag out so far as we genuinely thought Blake was not coming back, as stated above, if he would like to message me about the domain I am open for conversation.
If the domain hadn’t been ‘hijacked’ why would he need to send an email stating it had? By then reclaiming the domain you pretty much did the one thing that could prove what they’re saying to be true.
Also reclaiming the domain within such as short time just because some clients were asking about migration and he looked like he was out seems a bit rash, as is having someone else provide access to the systems of an unrelated business. 🤷♂️
We originally owned the domain, we had evidence of him telling multiple people that NVMeNetworks has to die and if he takes over it will be bad. We were 100% certain at the time that he was not coming back whatsoever. I personally think he is still not coming back as this is just a jealousy stunt because his company isn't doing well. This is obviously my own opinion so don't quote it.
Additionally - he had told a friend in direct messages quote on quote ‘it needs to die or someone take over… if I take over… will be bad’ this lead us to believe he wouldn’t come back.
or dm here
lmao this. HS tier drama.
I also can't comprehend why would you leave your discord server BEFORE everything settled down.
fuck I wouldn't place my nth backup server under this kind of management. good luck for anyone trying to pull a refund, trust your guts and suck on deeznutz
Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.
Why does everyone keep mentioning “discord”? The real “discord is right here !
High Q drama 🎭 🎭
VPS reviews and benchmarks |
drama on LES is worth 100x more than on OGF
damn i ran out of popcorn
@ElonBezos Got your back bud, my last act before going to bed.
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Frankz and Mason!!"
@Advin Please take over NVMeNetworks, you can migrate clients to https://advinservers.com. Sub S (Blake) have clients email addresses, and even domain
if possible.You can connect him by discord id:
, telegram:https://t.me/Subs8095
, lowendsprint:@NVMeNetworks
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Do any of the apes running these companies have a past running minecraft servers/companies?
Because boy does this smell like some minecraft summerhost shite.
You mean a winter host shit show!
Active lurker nothing more nothing less, want to discuss something? i am all ears!
So basically, kids hanging out on discord decided to become CEOs.
How do NVMEs have networks? Makes no sense.
And yet they're "fighting" over the name
For domain registrations, create an account at Dynadot (ref) and spend $9.99 within 48 hours to receive $5 DynaDollars!
Looking for cost-effective Managed/Anycast/DDoS-Protected/Geo DNS Services? Try ClouDNS (aff).
Virtfusion panel down again
I have no rep here so feel free to ignore me if it bothers you. But to be honest @Hostaris has been great so far (yes I have a VPS from them) and despite their young age they are very mature when it comes to customer service, almost over enthusiast when I compare to more traditional providers. I think that tendency has got them somehow mixed in this also.
The domain/website thing was a bit weird, maybe they should have just taken the site down without that manifest and keep helping people migrate over to other providers. Other than that, it seems their intentions were good (I know they're trying to get new customers themselves while at it but isn't everybody..)
I think I've said this in a previous reply but I already contacted them and took a look at the clients, products, finances, etc. For now, it's just not worth it for me.
Most the products are dollar per month VPS's, which are impossible to make profitable because of the IPv4 cost alone. I'd also have to honor the yearly deals, and the custom packages (which are also, unprofitable).
Then factor in that I have to manually migrate each and every dollar VPS to my infrastructure, while dealing with the backlash and dealing with massive amounts of unhappy customers.
I don't think this is something I'm ready to take on for now
I feel like it I were to step in, it would result in way more backlash towards me from unhappy customers, and it's not worth the time.
FroCDN Files - Anonymously upload up to 15GB per file for free with unlimited bandwidth. FroCDN Paste - Paste text to share with others, fork of Hastebin. Also completely free to use.
Yes, was called MCFREEHOSTING LTD.
OnePoundEmail (aff link)
th3 3nd 1s n1ght
In 2019, a subcontractor to one of our medical divisions (1177 - a call center where you can speak to a nurse instead of going to the hospital) managed to expose 2,7 million recorded calls onto the Internet.
Then and there, a famous quote was created
google translate gives this translation
PoE to SATA adapter.
So... the only affiliation between hostaris and nvmenetwork is domain ownership...? Or am I missing something
Yeah, you're missing step 2 😝
Chris on https://hostingforums.net/
Ah yes, the 1177 incident. In a followup interview, they gave this explanation:
We still use the terms "internet cable", "it got an ip" or "special command move" as jokes at work when we try to explain why something went wrong.
Where I worked we actually did put an ”internet” cable into a hard drive.
And put it on display.
-- 24 hours later --
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
I don’t feel owning a domain means I’m associated with them. Namecheap could own my domain - doesn’t mean I work with them.
Tell me about it just a lier dw opening a £2000 dispute with Sam his own problem now.
I've tried to handle this the best I can - never been in this type of situation before. We got dragged into this. Gotta cut me some slack
We are not fighting over the name. We reclaimed that domain in the sense that Blake wasn't using it anymore as we had clear evidence he did not want to come back. If he would like to have that domain back, by all means, he can. But it's crossing a line when he emails from WHMCS stating that we've 'hijacked' his domain and I would like for this to be rectified.
Looks as if they've forcefully canceled everything they have as my access dropped and the IPs are not pingable.
Thank you, it is nice to know that there are some considerate people here. While I admit the move with the domain was a tad strange - at the time (3AM in the morning), I felt I had to as he had already emailed his clients stating that the domain has been stolen and many of NVMe's clients/past-clients are also a client of Hostaris so we had to clear up the misinformation.
On the 18th we requested access to infrastructure from Samuel C (not to be confused with my colleague Samuel B ) as Blake appeared to have disappeared. We did this because we had numerous clients requesting that we migrate their images for them. Before that date, the only affiliation we had was via Discord. We had been given "roles" in their server. In no way, shape, or form is Hostaris affiliated with NVMeNetworks. It was simply a personal affiliation, one that shouldn't be linked with business. Hostaris' management is entirely different from NVMeNetworks. We own our hardware, @covent has explained and many of our other clients would say the same, our customer service is excellent and we try our best to make our clients satisfied. We did not expect this to drag out so far as we genuinely thought Blake was not coming back, as stated above, if he would like to message me about the domain I am open for conversation.
If the domain hadn’t been ‘hijacked’ why would he need to send an email stating it had? By then reclaiming the domain you pretty much did the one thing that could prove what they’re saying to be true.
Also reclaiming the domain within such as short time just because some clients were asking about migration and he looked like he was out seems a bit rash, as is having someone else provide access to the systems of an unrelated business. 🤷♂️
We originally owned the domain, we had evidence of him telling multiple people that NVMeNetworks has to die and if he takes over it will be bad. We were 100% certain at the time that he was not coming back whatsoever. I personally think he is still not coming back as this is just a jealousy stunt because his company isn't doing well. This is obviously my own opinion so don't quote it.