@Not_Oles what's up?
And what happened to my MetalVPS Account?
Did u Created?
Or Did u Forgot?
And I'm 13 Years Old.
I Like Using VPSes With QEMU And Linux, Its Cool Man!
OK, Bye!
Have a Nice Day!
@EfeeUser said: @Not_Oles also i have a good linux experience like debian, fedora, alpine linux and QEMU
I also create a Windows VPS in MetalVPS if u give it.
and my ssh key:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGsfERa5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302
I want you to have a nice day!
Hi @EfeeUser! Thanks for yet another request. I don't want to be unkind to you or to anyone. But, maybe you might be what sometimes is called "too pushy." Every time you repeat your request, I get confused because I don't know how to explain my feelings tactfully. Too many requests! Too much "entitlement" for a free service. In my confused mind, I put off replying to your request. A brief moment passes, and then we see still another request. All this is too much! Please stop for a while. Please contribute to LES by posting helpful, interesting comments in other threads and by starting new, interesting, and relevant threads. When time has passed, we will see what happens. I hope you have a nice day as well! Best wishes! Tom
I am writing to express my deepest apologies for the inconvenience caused due to my forgetfulness. As you may know,I deeply regret to inform you that I have forgotten the passphrase for my key, which has made it impossible for me to log in.😭😭😭
After researching online, I have come to understand that the only solution to this problem is to generate a new key pair. However, I am not entirely sure if my understanding is correct. Would I need to provide a new ssh-ed25519 key and have you delete/recreate the old VPS? Here is my new ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPNnK+sbUmMJyhrvJgBMWYDkJ+WZjLBHq+28z9GnoY4v
I realize that this mistake is purely my fault and I take full responsibility for my actions. As a beginner in this field, I still have much to learn and many mistakes to make. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me and guide me through this process.🥺🥺🥺
Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter.🫡
Congrats on getting Apache2 working! That's the beginning of your great future on the web!
I'm especially grateful that you posted the systemctl status output. I like to see command line stuff. I am also grateful that you are using Ubuntu, which is Open Source. I like to see MetalVPS users running Open Source!
It will be great to see how you do with OpenVPN and with Proxmox. Please continue to keep us updated as you progress!
@dough said:
Some server resources will be used for installing gentoo in a vm. Sorry for anything bad happening
Please share with us the PID of the Gentoo qemu instance. Thanks!
PID for the longest running qemu instance (of the gentoo install) (for now) at 15:54 in Romanian time is 1221767
I know that im using quite a lot of ram (10gigs) and quite a bit of processing power but thats kinda required if you want to compile gentoo smoothly so :shrug:
EDIT: Oh wow, thats a lot of processing power that its using
Some people like to joke about Gentoo never finishing compiling. But Gentoo does finish, or, at least it used to finish. I enjoyed using Gentoo! Did your compile finish, or did you kill it?
I really, really appreciate your using Open Source software like Gentoo here on our server! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Thank you for using MetalVPS!
@NotRealZeyad said:
Hey @Not_Oles Can you please change my ssh key to ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOFQmGObRXJDh4ghN1NlrrxFWHW5PKBg8ByUAJ8WsuCy as I forgot to save my private key also I sent another post of requesting but you did not reply.
I am slow. Sorry, I need to thank you for your patience, thank you! I appreciate your giving me extra time. Best wishes!
@Exinjh said: Yo, I've got Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 2016 working in MetalVPS! I'll test performance of my VM (if I allocated so many ram, I can decrease it)
Thanks for your report and for the screenshot! I think everything is okay for now. But when you are done testing, maybe decrease the resources you are using to not more than actually needed. Give the other guys a chance!
@EfeeUser said: @Not_Oles what's up?
And what happened to my MetalVPS Account?
Did u Created?
Or Did u Forgot?
And I'm 13 Years Old.
I Like Using VPSes With QEMU And Linux, Its Cool Man!
OK, Bye!
Have a Nice Day!
Looks like the reboot went okay. @dinopotato's VPSes automagically restarted. Gives him a chance to post about how he set up autoboot if he wants to share. Congrats @dinopotato!
@Not_Oles said:
Looks like the reboot went okay. @dinopotato's VPSes automagically restarted. Gives him a chance to post about how he set up autoboot if he wants to share. Congrats @dinopotato!
i have no ideas about this lol
i just saw the message about restart and i wait unti
@Not_Oles said:
Looks like the reboot went okay. @dinopotato's VPSes automagically restarted. Gives him a chance to post about how he set up autoboot if he wants to share. Congrats @dinopotato!
i have no ideas about this lol
i just saw the message about restart and i wait unti
Haha, shows how wrong I can be! And maybe how slow I can be too! I guess @dinopotato must have logged in ahead of me after the reboot. Friendly greetings!
Thank you so much for adding my new key! I just tried to log in and I am happy to report that everything now works okay. I really appreciate your help and support in getting me set up on the server.
Thank you so much for adding my new key! I just tried to log in and I am happy to report that everything now works okay. I really appreciate your help and support in getting me set up on the server.
Thanks for your report! Additionally, I do appreciate your being so polite! Please proceed confidently. Please do not hesitate to post your questions. The wonderful guys here at LES will be delighted to help you! Plus, please do not hesitate to post your successes, both large and small. Everyone will be delighted to hear about your successes! Best wishes!
Hi @Not_Oles
I want to get MetalVPS for Server Hosting
SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMXxrJ2226g8KPky2Zg1PEjjIsRUXF/aI9+HGun5tkdv eddsa-key-20230429
@SySSamin said:
Hi @Not_Oles
I want to get MetalVPS for Server Hosting
SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMXxrJ2226g8KPky2Zg1PEjjIsRUXF/aI9+HGun5tkdv eddsa-key-20230429
Hello SysSamin,
can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you want to use MetalVPS for?
I'm helping @Not_Oles out with MetalVPS, as an volunteer system administrator, due to the increase in users.
@Not_Oles said:
Looks like the reboot went okay. @dinopotato's VPSes automagically restarted. Gives him a chance to post about how he set up autoboot if he wants to share. Congrats @dinopotato!
i have no ideas about this lol
i just saw the message about restart and i wait unti
Haha, shows how wrong I can be! And maybe how slow I can be too! I guess @dinopotato must have logged in ahead of me after the reboot. Friendly greetings!
FWIW, I'd usually add a @reboot cron job to the user's crontab that then runs the desired command in a screen session (tmux would probably also work), so I can attach to it later on.
@Not_Oles said:
Looks like the reboot went okay. @dinopotato's VPSes automagically restarted. Gives him a chance to post about how he set up autoboot if he wants to share. Congrats @dinopotato!
@Not_Oles said:
Looks like the reboot went okay. @dinopotato's VPSes automagically restarted. Gives him a chance to post about how he set up autoboot if he wants to share. Congrats @dinopotato!
virsh autostart $VMNAME
This would not work in this case because libvirt is not installed.
@Not_Oles I am kinda an idiot and made you set the new public key to the old one sorry for wasting a lot of time the actual new key is AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGaBSZZxofHNojkMp09VE+lWpjOUvxpiaZtMM0h6uWfu again sorry for wasting a lot of time I can sometimes be stupid I made sure this time the private and public keys match
@NotRealZeyad said: @Not_Oles I am kinda an idiot and made you set the new public key to the old one sorry for wasting a lot of time the actual new key is AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGaBSZZxofHNojkMp09VE+lWpjOUvxpiaZtMM0h6uWfu again sorry for wasting a lot of time I can sometimes be stupid I made sure this time the private and public keys match
Hi @NotRealZeyad ,
I added the new key for you. You can remove the old one yourself from .ssh/authorized_keys if you don't need it anymore.
thanks for your reply , streaming will be m3u8 videos for audience on twitter with 30fps 1080p max.
you can check telegram channel for this purpose
@NotRealZeyad said: @Not_Oles I am kinda an idiot and made you set the new public key to the old one sorry for wasting a lot of time the actual new key is AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGaBSZZxofHNojkMp09VE+lWpjOUvxpiaZtMM0h6uWfu again sorry for wasting a lot of time I can sometimes be stupid I made sure this time the private and public keys match
Hi @NotRealZeyad ,
I added the new key for you. You can remove the old one yourself from .ssh/authorized_keys if you don't need it anymore.
@officialysm said: @Not_Oles
thanks for your reply , streaming will be m3u8 videos for audience on twitter with 30fps 1080p max.
you can check telegram channel for this purpose
I took a look at the Telegram channel, it looks like you are restreaming football games. Am I seeing this correctly? If so, do you have permission from the rights holders to do this?
@NotRealZeyad said: @Not_Oles I am kinda an idiot and made you set the new public key to the old one sorry for wasting a lot of time the actual new key is AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGaBSZZxofHNojkMp09VE+lWpjOUvxpiaZtMM0h6uWfu again sorry for wasting a lot of time I can sometimes be stupid I made sure this time the private and public keys match
Hi @NotRealZeyad ,
I added the new key for you. You can remove the old one yourself from .ssh/authorized_keys if you don't need it anymore.
Ok are you Not Oles helper?
Yes, due to the increased number of users, I am helping Not_Oles out with MetalVPS as a volunteer.
@NotRealZeyad said: @Not_Oles I am kinda an idiot and made you set the new public key to the old one sorry for wasting a lot of time the actual new key is AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGaBSZZxofHNojkMp09VE+lWpjOUvxpiaZtMM0h6uWfu again sorry for wasting a lot of time I can sometimes be stupid I made sure this time the private and public keys match
Hi @NotRealZeyad ,
I added the new key for you. You can remove the old one yourself from .ssh/authorized_keys if you don't need it anymore.
Ok are you Not Oles helper?
Yes, due to the increased number of users, I am helping Not_Oles out with MetalVPS as a volunteer.
currently am trying to login but it gives me an error of permission denied public key even tho I made sure the public key is correct
@Not_Oles what's up?
And what happened to my MetalVPS Account?
Did u Created?
Or Did u Forgot?
And I'm 13 Years Old.
I Like Using VPSes With QEMU And Linux, Its Cool Man!
OK, Bye!
Have a Nice Day!
Take high dose B-complex vitamins for deeper yellow.
Do you have a script that you use and recommend? Thanks!
I would highly suggest hetrix monitoring. You can setup email/telegram and much more alerts on different parameters like CPU, RAM, Network usage etc.
The Ultimate Speedtest Script | Get Instant Alerts on new LES/LET deals on Telegram
Active and helpful on LES? Come grab a free VPS! - FreeVPS.org | How to Apply
Hi @EfeeUser! Thanks for yet another request. I don't want to be unkind to you or to anyone. But, maybe you might be what sometimes is called "too pushy." Every time you repeat your request, I get confused because I don't know how to explain my feelings tactfully. Too many requests! Too much "entitlement" for a free service. In my confused mind, I put off replying to your request. A brief moment passes, and then we see still another request. All this is too much! Please stop for a while. Please contribute to LES by posting helpful, interesting comments in other threads and by starting new, interesting, and relevant threads. When time has passed, we will see what happens. I hope you have a nice day as well! Best wishes! Tom
Hi @NodeSeek用户123 !
I added your new key. Please try to log in now and please let us know whether everything now works okay. Please have fun on the server.
Hi @itsmepaddi!
Congrats on getting Apache2 working! That's the beginning of your great future on the web!
I'm especially grateful that you posted the
I am also grateful that you are using Ubuntu, which is Open Source. I like to see MetalVPS users running Open Source!
systemctl status
output. I like to see command line stuff.It will be great to see how you do with OpenVPN and with Proxmox. Please continue to keep us updated as you progress!
Best wishes!
1221767 seems to be gone now:
Some people like to joke about Gentoo never finishing compiling.
But Gentoo does finish, or, at least it used to finish. I enjoyed using Gentoo! Did your compile finish, or did you kill it? 
I really, really appreciate your using Open Source software like Gentoo here on our server! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Thank you for using MetalVPS!
Hi @officialysm !
Welcome to LES! Welcome to MetalVPS!
Sounds like pretty heavy usage, and I wonder about the latency from Egypt. But we can try. What is the subject of your livestream?
I appreciate that OBS Studio seems to be Open Source. I haven't used it. How would you set it up?
Do you have anything already online that we can see?
Thanks for your request! More soon!
I am slow. Sorry, I need to thank you for your patience, thank you! I appreciate your giving me extra time. Best wishes!
Sure! I will decrease my resources!
Hi @EfeeUser! Please see https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/comment/137362/#Comment_137362 Thanks! Best wishes!
Hi Guys! We need a reboot for a new kernel and also new qemu. So, rebooting in maybe about half an hour? Thanks!
Looks like the reboot went okay. @dinopotato's VPSes automagically restarted.
Gives him a chance to post about how he set up autoboot if he wants to share. Congrats @dinopotato!
i have no ideas about this lol
i just saw the message about restart and i wait unti
Haha, shows how wrong I can be! And maybe how slow I can be too! I guess @dinopotato must have logged in ahead of me after the reboot.
Friendly greetings!
Dear Tom,
Thank you so much for adding my new key! I just tried to log in and I am happy to report that everything now works okay. I really appreciate your help and support in getting me set up on the server.
Best regards,
Thanks for your report! Additionally, I do appreciate your being so polite! Please proceed confidently. Please do not hesitate to post your questions. The wonderful guys here at LES will be delighted to help you! Plus, please do not hesitate to post your successes, both large and small. Everyone will be delighted to hear about your successes! Best wishes!
No, I usually write up my own scripts... I'll look around and let you know if I find something good.
Somik.org - Server admins cheat codes
Hi @Not_Oles
I want to get MetalVPS for Server Hosting
SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMXxrJ2226g8KPky2Zg1PEjjIsRUXF/aI9+HGun5tkdv eddsa-key-20230429
Hello SysSamin,
can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you want to use MetalVPS for?
I'm helping @Not_Oles out with MetalVPS, as an volunteer system administrator, due to the increase in users.
FWIW, I'd usually add a
cron job to the user's crontab that then runs the desired command in ascreen
session (tmux
would probably also work), so I can attach to it later on.virsh autostart $VMNAME
This would not work in this case because libvirt is not installed.
@Not_Oles I am kinda an idiot and made you set the new public key to the old one sorry for wasting a lot of time the actual new key is AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGaBSZZxofHNojkMp09VE+lWpjOUvxpiaZtMM0h6uWfu again sorry for wasting a lot of time I can sometimes be stupid I made sure this time the private and public keys match
Hi @NotRealZeyad ,
I added the new key for you. You can remove the old one yourself from .ssh/authorized_keys if you don't need it anymore.
thanks for your reply , streaming will be m3u8 videos for audience on twitter with 30fps 1080p max.
you can check telegram channel for this purpose
Ok are you Not Oles helper?
Hi @officialysm ,
I took a look at the Telegram channel, it looks like you are restreaming football games. Am I seeing this correctly? If so, do you have permission from the rights holders to do this?
Yes, due to the increased number of users, I am helping Not_Oles out with MetalVPS as a volunteer.
currently am trying to login but it gives me an error of permission denied public key even tho I made sure the public key is correct