Hello @Not_Oles
I just have problem with my PC, its always crash and I did reset it without save the keys, can you change my public keys?, i also make one key in my phone beware its broken again so can you add 2 ssh key?
Sorry so much because I can make you bored
First SSH Key:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIA2sWwXTRniuAzKho/3KeE4M5OMVz7DJ4Ilaj6irjja/ eddsa-key-20230426
Second SSH Key:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIgu1NOqMNI7YLdgZRxNyWK1/Jkf6nxjsPoYXdvqoq17
Again sorry so much because I make you tired about this and thanks for helping me!
You can add me in discord: dinokhoa#5002
hi, I want to try creating KVM virtual machines, learn more about QEMU.
my ssh key: st1gKujox302a5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302a5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302
@dinopotato said:
Hello @Not_Oles
I just have problem with my PC, its always crash and I did reset it without save the keys, can you change my public keys?, i also make one key in my phone beware its broken again so can you add 2 ssh key?
Sorry so much because I can make you bored
First SSH Key:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIA2sWwXTRniuAzKho/3KeE4M5OMVz7DJ4Ilaj6irjja/ eddsa-key-20230426
Second SSH Key:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIgu1NOqMNI7YLdgZRxNyWK1/Jkf6nxjsPoYXdvqoq17
Again sorry so much because I make you tired about this and thanks for helping me!
You can add me in discord: dinokhoa#5002
Hi Dino!
I added the two new keys to your account. You can remove the two old keys.
Honestly, I am really happy to help you! Things happen! So it's nice that you say you are sorry as a form of politeness, but you really didn't do anything bad.
I tried to send you a friend request on Discord, but the request failed. Discord said to check the spelling and the capitalization. Just so you know, Discord isn't faster for me than posting here.
@EfeeUser said:
hi, I want to try creating KVM virtual machines, learn more about QEMU.
my ssh key: st1gKujox302a5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302a5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302
Hi @EfeeUser! Thanks for your post here in the MetalVPS thread! Welcome to LES! Could you please introduce yourself? I am sure everyone will be interested to get to know you! Please tell us who and where you are, about your computer science / electrical engineering / other education, your experience, and what you want to do on the server. I hope you enjoy your visits here to LES! It is a great group of guys! Best wishes! Tom
@EfeeUser said:
hi, I want to try creating KVM virtual machines, learn more about QEMU.
my ssh key: st1gKujox302a5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302a5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302
Hi @EfeeUser! Thanks for your post here in the MetalVPS thread! Welcome to LES! Could you please introduce yourself? I am sure everyone will be interested to get to know you! Please tell us who and where you are, about your computer science / electrical engineering / other education, your experience, and what you want to do on the server. I hope you enjoy your visits here to LES! It is a great group of guys! Best wishes! Tom
I want to use qemu for hosting OS's in the VPS! And sorry about for ssh key, the ssh key is: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGsfERa5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302
@EfeeUser said:
hi, I want to try creating KVM virtual machines, learn more about QEMU.
my ssh key: st1gKujox302a5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302a5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302
Hi @EfeeUser! Thanks for your post here in the MetalVPS thread! Welcome to LES! Could you please introduce yourself? I am sure everyone will be interested to get to know you! Please tell us who and where you are, about your computer science / electrical engineering / other education, your experience, and what you want to do on the server. I hope you enjoy your visits here to LES! It is a great group of guys! Best wishes! Tom
I want to use qemu for hosting OS's in the VPS! And sorry about for ssh key, the ssh key is: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGsfERa5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302
Hi again @EfeeUser! Do you have anything you want to add to your introduction? We would be delighted to get to know you a little better! Thank you! Best wishes! Tom
@EfeeUser said:
hi, I want to try creating KVM virtual machines, learn more about QEMU.
my ssh key: st1gKujox302a5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302a5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302
Hi @EfeeUser! Thanks for your post here in the MetalVPS thread! Welcome to LES! Could you please introduce yourself? I am sure everyone will be interested to get to know you! Please tell us who and where you are, about your computer science / electrical engineering / other education, your experience, and what you want to do on the server. I hope you enjoy your visits here to LES! It is a great group of guys! Best wishes! Tom
I want to use qemu for hosting OS's in the VPS! And sorry about for ssh key, the ssh key is: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGsfERa5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302
Hi again @EfeeUser! Do you have anything you want to add to your introduction? We would be delighted to get to know you a little better! Thank you! Best wishes! Tom
I want to use the VPS for Host VPS for my discord bots 😃
@EfeeUser said:
hi, I want to try creating KVM virtual machines, learn more about QEMU.
my ssh key: st1gKujox302a5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302a5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302
Hi @EfeeUser! Thanks for your post here in the MetalVPS thread! Welcome to LES! Could you please introduce yourself? I am sure everyone will be interested to get to know you! Please tell us who and where you are, about your computer science / electrical engineering / other education, your experience, and what you want to do on the server. I hope you enjoy your visits here to LES! It is a great group of guys! Best wishes! Tom
I want to use qemu for hosting OS's in the VPS! And sorry about for ssh key, the ssh key is: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGsfERa5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302
Hi again @EfeeUser! Do you have anything you want to add to your introduction? We would be delighted to get to know you a little better! Thank you! Best wishes! Tom
I want to use the VPS for Host VPS for my discord bots 😃
Hi @EfeeUser! Soon! We all look forward to getting to know you better. I will keep trying to give you a MetalVPS account!
It's wonderful to see you here at LES! Thank you for joining LES and also for your interest in MetalVPS!
I'm sure that everyone here would love to know you better. Maybe you could share a little about yourself? Who are you? Where are you? How did you find MetalVPS? How did you find LES? Have you ever tried ssh before? What Operating Sustem would you be using to connect to MetAlVPS?
It's wonderful to see you here at LES! Thank you for joining LES and also for your interest in MetalVPS!
I'm sure that everyone here would love to know you better. Maybe you could share a little about yourself? Who are you? Where are you? How did you find MetalVPS? How did you find LES? Have you ever tried ssh before? What Operating Sustem would you be using to connect to MetAlVPS?
Best wishes!
So I am Zeyad and from the US, I found MetalVPS from my friends' discord server where they share RDPS, and MetalVPS is mostly used there to share. I found LES from the MetalVPS website. I never used ssh it's my first time interacting with this stuff I use PuTTY for the key generation. I would like Windows to be on it, but my friends from my discord server said that normally it would be running on Debian Linux and they used Qemu to make it to Windows. If you can already have Windows pre-installed on it, it would be amazing. If you can't it's ok I can use Qemu to convert it to Windows.
And thank you for making MetalVPS a thing! here is my ssh key again ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOFQmGObRXJDh4ghN1NlrrxFWHW5PKBg8ByUAJ8WsuCy eddsa-key-20230426
It's wonderful to see you here at LES! Thank you for joining LES and also for your interest in MetalVPS!
I'm sure that everyone here would love to know you better. Maybe you could share a little about yourself? Who are you? Where are you? How did you find MetalVPS? How did you find LES? Have you ever tried ssh before? What Operating Sustem would you be using to connect to MetAlVPS?
Best wishes!
So I am Zeyad and from the US, I found MetalVPS from my friends' discord server where they share RDPS, and MetalVPS is mostly used there to share. I found LES from the MetalVPS website. I never used ssh it's my first time interacting with this stuff I use PuTTY for the key generation. I would like Windows to be on it, but my friends from my discord server said that normally it would be running on Debian Linux and they used Qemu to make it to Windows. If you can already have Windows pre-installed on it, it would be amazing. If you can't it's ok I can use Qemu to convert it to Windows.
And thank you for making MetalVPS a thing! here is my ssh key again ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOFQmGObRXJDh4ghN1NlrrxFWHW5PKBg8ByUAJ8WsuCy eddsa-key-20230426
Also I miss understood the question of what will I be using to connect I will be using windows
My nickname is Cryo and I am a newbie JS developer, I want to try metal vps to test out LXC containers and want to try out how environments/containers in MetalVPS. I want to also see the qemu and test this monster out as well! I would love to get to experience this and get to know these things better. I am from the USA.
SSH Key is "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINdEdnFoNCd7vnvnPvxFpnxwk+US5zLlUK+9fCs1ea8N".
It's wonderful to see you here at LES! Thank you for joining LES and also for your interest in MetalVPS!
I'm sure that everyone here would love to know you better. Maybe you could share a little about yourself? Who are you? Where are you? How did you find MetalVPS? How did you find LES? Have you ever tried ssh before? What Operating Sustem would you be using to connect to MetAlVPS?
Best wishes!
So I am Zeyad and from the US, I found MetalVPS from my friends' discord server where they share RDPS, and MetalVPS is mostly used there to share. I found LES from the MetalVPS website. I never used ssh it's my first time interacting with this stuff I use PuTTY for the key generation. I would like Windows to be on it, but my friends from my discord server said that normally it would be running on Debian Linux and they used Qemu to make it to Windows. If you can already have Windows pre-installed on it, it would be amazing. If you can't it's ok I can use Qemu to convert it to Windows.
And thank you for making MetalVPS a thing! here is my ssh key again ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOFQmGObRXJDh4ghN1NlrrxFWHW5PKBg8ByUAJ8WsuCy eddsa-key-20230426
Hi Zeyad!
Thanks for trying to do a good job answering my questions! I made a server account for you. Welcome to MetalVPS! Please try something like ssh [email protected] -p 42365.
You will get into the server's Debian OS. From there, as you said, you can make a Qemu instance running Windows. Sorry I have not yet set up a pre-installed Windows. I imagine you will face some challenges as a beginner, but there are guys here with lots of experience who can provide any help you need.
So, please go ahead, have fun, and let us know all about what's happening.
It is great to have you on the server!
Kind regards,
P.S. Your friend's Discord server sounds like fun. Could I please have an invitation? Or maybe somebody could add me ( Not_Oles#5467 )? Thanks!
My nickname is Cryo and I am a newbie JS developer, I want to try metal vps to test out LXC containers and want to try out how environments/containers in MetalVPS. I want to also see the qemu and test this monster out as well! I would love to get to experience this and get to know these things better. I am from the USA.
SSH Key is "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINdEdnFoNCd7vnvnPvxFpnxwk+US5zLlUK+9fCs1ea8N".
Also I would like my server os to be debian aswell
My nickname is Cryo and I am a newbie JS developer, I want to try metal vps to test out LXC containers and want to try out how environments/containers in MetalVPS. I want to also see the qemu and test this monster out as well! I would love to get to experience this and get to know these things better. I am from the USA.
SSH Key is "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINdEdnFoNCd7vnvnPvxFpnxwk+US5zLlUK+9fCs1ea8N".
Thanks for your enthusiasm for MetalVPS! I appreciate your posts here in the thread and also your PMs.
May I please ask, where are you in the US? How did you find out about LES and about MetalVPS?
Also, since you are interested in Javascript, I can't resist wondering what your answer would be to the question in my signature, "So is our future going to be bun.js or deno.js 2? Or something else?"
My nickname is Cryo and I am a newbie JS developer, I want to try metal vps to test out LXC containers and want to try out how environments/containers in MetalVPS. I want to also see the qemu and test this monster out as well! I would love to get to experience this and get to know these things better. I am from the USA.
SSH Key is "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINdEdnFoNCd7vnvnPvxFpnxwk+US5zLlUK+9fCs1ea8N".
Thanks for your enthusiasm for MetalVPS! I appreciate your posts here in the thread and also your PMs.
May I please ask, where are you in the US? How did you find out about LES and about MetalVPS?
Also, since you are interested in Javascript, I can't resist wondering what your answer would be to the question in my signature, "So is our future going to be bun.js or deno.js 2? Or something else?"
Best wishes!
Hi! i am in north carolina in the US! I found LES by some of my friends and found metal vps from one of the posts. I wanted to see out and try what this may be like.
For your javascript question thats a tricky one. Maybe node.js
My nickname is Cryo and I am a newbie JS developer, I want to try metal vps to test out LXC containers and want to try out how environments/containers in MetalVPS. I want to also see the qemu and test this monster out as well! I would love to get to experience this and get to know these things better. I am from the USA.
SSH Key is "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINdEdnFoNCd7vnvnPvxFpnxwk+US5zLlUK+9fCs1ea8N".
Thanks for your enthusiasm for MetalVPS! I appreciate your posts here in the thread and also your PMs.
May I please ask, where are you in the US? How did you find out about LES and about MetalVPS?
Also, since you are interested in Javascript, I can't resist wondering what your answer would be to the question in my signature, "So is our future going to be bun.js or deno.js 2? Or something else?"
Best wishes!
Hi! i am in north carolina in the US! I found LES by some of my friends and found metal vps from one of the posts. I wanted to see out and try what this may be like.
For your javascript question thats a tricky one. Maybe node.js
Hi Cryo!
Can you please post the output of mtr -r fsn.metalvps.com ? Also, please tell me the IP you are coming from, because I want to run the mtr the other way back to you.
My nickname is Cryo and I am a newbie JS developer, I want to try metal vps to test out LXC containers and want to try out how environments/containers in MetalVPS. I want to also see the qemu and test this monster out as well! I would love to get to experience this and get to know these things better. I am from the USA.
SSH Key is "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINdEdnFoNCd7vnvnPvxFpnxwk+US5zLlUK+9fCs1ea8N".
Thanks for your enthusiasm for MetalVPS! I appreciate your posts here in the thread and also your PMs.
May I please ask, where are you in the US? How did you find out about LES and about MetalVPS?
Also, since you are interested in Javascript, I can't resist wondering what your answer would be to the question in my signature, "So is our future going to be bun.js or deno.js 2? Or something else?"
Best wishes!
Hi! i am in north carolina in the US! I found LES by some of my friends and found metal vps from one of the posts. I wanted to see out and try what this may be like.
For your javascript question thats a tricky one. Maybe node.js
Hi Cryo!
Can you please post the output of mtr -r fsn.metalvps.com ? Also, please tell me the IP you are coming from, because I want to run the mtr the other way back to you.
My nickname is Cryo and I am a newbie JS developer, I want to try metal vps to test out LXC containers and want to try out how environments/containers in MetalVPS. I want to also see the qemu and test this monster out as well! I would love to get to experience this and get to know these things better. I am from the USA.
SSH Key is "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINdEdnFoNCd7vnvnPvxFpnxwk+US5zLlUK+9fCs1ea8N".
Thanks for your enthusiasm for MetalVPS! I appreciate your posts here in the thread and also your PMs.
May I please ask, where are you in the US? How did you find out about LES and about MetalVPS?
Also, since you are interested in Javascript, I can't resist wondering what your answer would be to the question in my signature, "So is our future going to be bun.js or deno.js 2? Or something else?"
Best wishes!
Hi! i am in north carolina in the US! I found LES by some of my friends and found metal vps from one of the posts. I wanted to see out and try what this may be like.
For your javascript question thats a tricky one. Maybe node.js
Hi Cryo!
Can you please post the output of mtr -r fsn.metalvps.com ? Also, please tell me the IP you are coming from, because I want to run the mtr the other way back to you.
My nickname is Cryo and I am a newbie JS developer, I want to try metal vps to test out LXC containers and want to try out how environments/containers in MetalVPS. I want to also see the qemu and test this monster out as well! I would love to get to experience this and get to know these things better. I am from the USA.
SSH Key is "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINdEdnFoNCd7vnvnPvxFpnxwk+US5zLlUK+9fCs1ea8N".
Thanks for your enthusiasm for MetalVPS! I appreciate your posts here in the thread and also your PMs.
May I please ask, where are you in the US? How did you find out about LES and about MetalVPS?
Also, since you are interested in Javascript, I can't resist wondering what your answer would be to the question in my signature, "So is our future going to be bun.js or deno.js 2? Or something else?"
Best wishes!
Hi! i am in north carolina in the US! I found LES by some of my friends and found metal vps from one of the posts. I wanted to see out and try what this may be like.
For your javascript question thats a tricky one. Maybe node.js
Hi Cryo!
Can you please post the output of mtr -r fsn.metalvps.com ? Also, please tell me the IP you are coming from, because I want to run the mtr the other way back to you.
My nickname is Cryo and I am a newbie JS developer, I want to try metal vps to test out LXC containers and want to try out how environments/containers in MetalVPS. I want to also see the qemu and test this monster out as well! I would love to get to experience this and get to know these things better. I am from the USA.
SSH Key is "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINdEdnFoNCd7vnvnPvxFpnxwk+US5zLlUK+9fCs1ea8N".
Thanks for your enthusiasm for MetalVPS! I appreciate your posts here in the thread and also your PMs.
May I please ask, where are you in the US? How did you find out about LES and about MetalVPS?
Also, since you are interested in Javascript, I can't resist wondering what your answer would be to the question in my signature, "So is our future going to be bun.js or deno.js 2? Or something else?"
Best wishes!
Hi! i am in north carolina in the US! I found LES by some of my friends and found metal vps from one of the posts. I wanted to see out and try what this may be like.
For your javascript question thats a tricky one. Maybe node.js
Hi Cryo!
Can you please post the output of mtr -r fsn.metalvps.com ? Also, please tell me the IP you are coming from, because I want to run the mtr the other way back to you.
Im being waiting for VPS but u dont send ip or skmething else in messages or here
This is ssh key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGsfERa5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302
@EfeeUser said:
Im being waiting for VPS but u dont send ip or skmething else in messages or here
This is ssh key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGsfERa5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302
Hi @EfeeUser! Please continue participating in the discussions here at LES. We all look forward to getting to know you better. When you have some activity here at LES, I hope to be able to give you a MetalVPS account. I will keep trying! I hope you will keep trying too! Best wishes! Tom
@EfeeUser said:
Im being waiting for VPS but u dont send ip or skmething else in messages or here
This is ssh key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGsfERa5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302
Hi @EfeeUser! Please continue participating in the discussions here at LES. We all look forward to getting to know you better. When you have some activity here at LES, I hope to be able to give you a MetalVPS account. I will keep trying! I hope you will keep trying too! Best wishes! Tom
OK, I'll Be Waiting For Account But, Give The ssh access in Messages.
You Can Add Me In Discord Everytime,
My Discord: Efee#9163
Hello @Not_Oles
I just have problem with my PC, its always crash and I did reset it without save the keys, can you change my public keys?, i also make one key in my phone beware its broken again so can you add 2 ssh key?
Sorry so much because I can make you bored
First SSH Key:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIA2sWwXTRniuAzKho/3KeE4M5OMVz7DJ4Ilaj6irjja/ eddsa-key-20230426
Second SSH Key:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIgu1NOqMNI7YLdgZRxNyWK1/Jkf6nxjsPoYXdvqoq17
Again sorry so much because I make you tired about this and thanks for helping me!
You can add me in discord: dinokhoa#5002
hi, I want to try creating KVM virtual machines, learn more about QEMU.
my ssh key: st1gKujox302a5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302a5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302
Hi Dino!
I added the two new keys to your account. You can remove the two old keys.
Honestly, I am really happy to help you! Things happen! So it's nice that you say you are sorry as a form of politeness, but you really didn't do anything bad.
I tried to send you a friend request on Discord, but the request failed. Discord said to check the spelling and the capitalization. Just so you know, Discord isn't faster for me than posting here.
Please continue to have fun on the server!
I misread.
Sounds great! Congrats! 🤩
Do you want to describe the details of your webserver setup for us?
Hi @ruikno!
Thanks for trying to help! But there is no need for you to worry!
@itsmepaddi is a great guy and a friend to all of us here! Could you please explain why you think @itsmepaddi might be abusing?
Best wishes and kindest regards,
Hi @EfeeUser! Thanks for your post here in the MetalVPS thread! Welcome to LES! Could you please introduce yourself? I am sure everyone will be interested to get to know you! Please tell us who and where you are, about your computer science / electrical engineering / other education, your experience, and what you want to do on the server. I hope you enjoy your visits here to LES! It is a great group of guys! Best wishes! Tom
I want to use qemu for hosting OS's in the VPS! And sorry about for ssh key, the ssh key is: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGsfERa5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302
Hi again @EfeeUser! Do you have anything you want to add to your introduction? We would be delighted to get to know you a little better! Thank you! Best wishes! Tom
I want to use the VPS for Host VPS for my discord bots 😃
Hey, @Not_Oles I really appreciate the work you do for people, I would like to tryout your work my self here is my ssh key:
Aswell I am new to this kind of stuff so I would like to learn about the ssh keys and these stuff.
Hi @EfeeUser! Soon! We all look forward to getting to know you better. I will keep trying to give you a MetalVPS account!
Hi @NotRealZeyad!
It's wonderful to see you here at LES! Thank you for joining LES and also for your interest in MetalVPS!
I'm sure that everyone here would love to know you better. Maybe you could share a little about yourself? Who are you? Where are you? How did you find MetalVPS? How did you find LES? Have you ever tried ssh before? What Operating Sustem would you be using to connect to MetAlVPS?
Best wishes!
So I am Zeyad and from the US, I found MetalVPS from my friends' discord server where they share RDPS, and MetalVPS is mostly used there to share. I found LES from the MetalVPS website. I never used ssh it's my first time interacting with this stuff I use PuTTY for the key generation. I would like Windows to be on it, but my friends from my discord server said that normally it would be running on Debian Linux and they used Qemu to make it to Windows. If you can already have Windows pre-installed on it, it would be amazing. If you can't it's ok I can use Qemu to convert it to Windows.
And thank you for making MetalVPS a thing! here is my ssh key again ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOFQmGObRXJDh4ghN1NlrrxFWHW5PKBg8ByUAJ8WsuCy eddsa-key-20230426
Also I miss understood the question of what will I be using to connect I will be using windows
Hi! I would love to test this out!
My nickname is Cryo and I am a newbie JS developer, I want to try metal vps to test out LXC containers and want to try out how environments/containers in MetalVPS. I want to also see the qemu and test this monster out as well! I would love to get to experience this and get to know these things better. I am from the USA.
SSH Key is "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINdEdnFoNCd7vnvnPvxFpnxwk+US5zLlUK+9fCs1ea8N".
Hi Zeyad!
Thanks for trying to do a good job answering my questions! I made a server account for you. Welcome to MetalVPS! Please try something like
ssh [email protected] -p 42365
.You will get into the server's Debian OS. From there, as you said, you can make a Qemu instance running Windows. Sorry I have not yet set up a pre-installed Windows. I imagine you will face some challenges as a beginner, but there are guys here with lots of experience who can provide any help you need.
So, please go ahead, have fun, and let us know all about what's happening.
It is great to have you on the server!
Kind regards,
P.S. Your friend's Discord server sounds like fun. Could I please have an invitation? Or maybe somebody could add me ( Not_Oles#5467 )? Thanks!
Hi @cryotheslayer!
Thanks for your enthusiasm for MetalVPS! I appreciate your posts here in the thread and also your PMs.
May I please ask, where are you in the US? How did you find out about LES and about MetalVPS?
Also, since you are interested in Javascript, I can't resist wondering what your answer would be to the question in my signature, "So is our future going to be bun.js or deno.js 2? Or something else?"
Best wishes!
Hi! i am in north carolina in the US! I found LES by some of my friends and found metal vps from one of the posts. I wanted to see out and try what this may be like.
For your javascript question thats a tricky one. Maybe node.js
Hi Cryo!
Can you please post the output of
mtr -r fsn.metalvps.com
? Also, please tell me the IP you are coming from, because I want to run the mtr the other way back to you.Thanks!
Hi! Do you mind if i sent this in your PMS?
That's okay. Thanks!
Done
Im being waiting for VPS but u dont send ip or skmething else in messages or here
This is ssh key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGsfERa5YdG/YS0oV/SdDcncgf+fKtrkut1gKujox302
Hi @EfeeUser! Please continue participating in the discussions here at LES. We all look forward to getting to know you better. When you have some activity here at LES, I hope to be able to give you a MetalVPS account. I will keep trying! I hope you will keep trying too! Best wishes! Tom
OK, I'll Be Waiting For Account But, Give The ssh access in Messages.
You Can Add Me In Discord Everytime,
My Discord: Efee#9163
Nope but i think it's preinstalled with Python