@Exinjh said:
Guys, who reading this. Please, answer my question: Should Not_Oles restore my account? Again, sorry for abusing the VPS.
Sorry if it took me too long to answer, I was browsing through the comments and just found your restore request.
Yes, your account should be restored.
Should mine also be restored?
@itsmepaddi Thanks for speaking up! It's always good to be generous and kind! @Exinjh@NotRealZeyad I continue to consider reinstating your accounts. @NgocNguyen8372 and @Kadim1998 I am thinking about you guys too. I hope to do the best for everyone. Thank you very much!
Also, you did not say much about @dinopotato's question "What kind of VM are you using?" Maybe you could have said something about which OS you are using and what software you are running? Maybe you could have said something about what you are trying to accomplish here at MetalVPS?
You also seemed to have at least four screen sessions open, some from a couple of days ago. Are you forgetting to close your old acreen sessions?
When I asked you and your friend Kadim where you guys met, you both said "online."
I agree that people's privacy is important, but, nevertheless, maybe you guys could have been a bit more specific?
Honestly, it is concerning that you took more resources than the amount to which you had agreed after having been called out by @dinopotato for using the server too heavily. Nobody forced you to agree to @dinopotato's request, but you agreed. Then you took more than the agreed amount! Moreover, it seems you might not want to share details about what you are doing on the server.
I think someone could use even more resources than you originally were using when @dinopotato spoke up. I think, if someone asked here about some specific project or test that he wanted to run, probably everyone would want to be supportive. On the other hand, maybe the guys who take and take, silently, deserve less support from our community?
I suspended your MetalVPS account for awhile so we all can take a moment to think about what happened and how best to proceed. I apologize for the inconvenience. I will keep trying to reinstate your account and to add an account for your friend @Kadim1998.
@iamvinh123 said: Memory-based/RAM-based installation of Windows 11
The thing requires only 8GB RAM
Yes! In the second image that you posted I see "SVBus Virtual Hard Disk SCSI RAM Device."
Excellent! 🤩 What's next?
Now that you had a chance to try this, @itsmepaddi wanted to get on the second server. Would you, @iamvinh123 and @dinopotato, want @itsmepaddi to join you on the second server? If yes, one of you can please make an account on the second server for @itsmepaddi. And please give him membership in the sudo and kvm groups. Or else it's also okay to ask me to make the account.
Maybe MetalVPS might be on its way to becoming self-administered? 😸
I'll add him to the new server
Maybe MetalVPS is becoming self-administered
@iamvinh123 said: Memory-based/RAM-based installation of Windows 11
The thing requires only 8GB RAM
Yes! In the second image that you posted I see "SVBus Virtual Hard Disk SCSI RAM Device."
Excellent! 🤩 What's next?
Now that you had a chance to try this, @itsmepaddi wanted to get on the second server. Would you, @iamvinh123 and @dinopotato, want @itsmepaddi to join you on the second server? If yes, one of you can please make an account on the second server for @itsmepaddi. And please give him membership in the sudo and kvm groups. Or else it's also okay to ask me to make the account.
Maybe MetalVPS might be on its way to becoming self-administered? 😸
I'll add him to the new server
Maybe MetalVPS is becoming self-administered
root@i9 /home/itsmepaddi # ls -alR
total 28
drwx------ 3 itsmepaddi itsmepaddi 4096 May 4 05:19 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 May 4 05:16 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 itsmepaddi itsmepaddi 220 May 4 05:16 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r-- 1 itsmepaddi itsmepaddi 3526 May 4 05:16 .bashrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 itsmepaddi itsmepaddi 0 May 4 05:16 .cloud-locale-test.skip
-rw------- 1 itsmepaddi itsmepaddi 17 May 4 05:17 password
-rw-r--r-- 1 itsmepaddi itsmepaddi 807 May 4 05:16 .profile
drwx------ 2 itsmepaddi itsmepaddi 4096 May 4 05:20 .ssh
total 12
drwx------ 2 itsmepaddi itsmepaddi 4096 May 4 05:20 .
drwx------ 3 itsmepaddi itsmepaddi 4096 May 4 05:19 ..
-rw------- 1 itsmepaddi itsmepaddi 100 May 4 05:20 authorized_keys
root@i9 /home/itsmepaddi # cat .ssh/authorized_keys
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIH1AJ0O0J9IrWbGK0eJ6o/4+K8tXOH7uCafQ4djYTB8r eddsa-key-20230419
@Not_Oles said: You do not have to use KVM. But, typically, without KVM, the performance is very significantly slower. I am unaware of additional ways to use Qemu. Probably there are additional ways.
In fact, when I asked ChatGPT what KVM is, it introduced me to the process of creating virtual machines with KVM, that is, configuring virtual machines through virt-manager or virsh command line tools. However, it seems that our node does not have virt-manager or virsh command line tools installed, so I was confused about this. Later I learned that KVM technology is often a means to assist other virtualization technologies, and it is not necessary to directly use it to create virtual machines. My doubts were also dispelled. (◕‿◕)
@Not_Oles said: For completeness, you do not have to use Qemu at all. It's possible just to work on the node itself. Working directly on the node should be faster than Qemu with KVM and and much faster than Qemu without KVM. Working directly on the node is also faster than using LXC.
Yes, you are right, working directly on the node will be faster, but I do not have root privileges on the node, and many of the things I want to do require root privileges. So I am looking to create a faster VM so that I can use root privileges in the VM. It would be even better if this VM could have a decent graphical interface. This is the original intention of my seeking a solution to connect to the virtual machine with lower latency.
@Not_Oles said: I haven't used Docker very much. From @yoursunny I heard that adding people to the docker group is equivalent to giving them root on the server. If you Google search "docker group privilege escalation" there seems to be a lot of information available
Haha, I have to say, I haven't really configured and used Docker myself. I only saw that many projects on GitHub can run on Docker. I think Docker is a popular and practical technology. Out of curiosity, I made this request to you. I don't know if there is a way to run Docker without directly using root privileges. Thank you for your suggestion. I have been reading some articles on "docker group privilege escalation". When I find the answer, I will let you know. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
@Not_Oles said: I have been waiting for someone to ask about LXC. So far, no one has spoken up about LXC. There are additional configuration steps needed on the node before LXC can function. Maybe someone will want to help get LXC going.
Compared to Docker, I am afraid I am more unfamiliar with LXC. Hope someone will want to help get LXC going.(:3 」∠)
Thank you for your patient answers. Have a nice day too!⭐
@Not_Oles said: When I put the above link for xlog.app into Google Translate, I was shown an error page which said something like "Can't translate this page." The error message was accompanied by an image which seemed to be a dog with it's leg tied. I got most of the translation by copying the text off the page and pasting it into Google Translate. I wonder why Google Translate does not work with xlog.app.
@Not_Oles said: Thank you for identifying yourself as a beginner and then reinforcing your self-identification by taking beginner steps such as your use of netstat together with awk.
In fact, I am indeed a beginner! I am just trying to review my thoughts as clearly as possible. I don't want to be confused about this article in a few months, but want it to become my quick reference guide, and the same for others.
@Not_Oles said: When I previously was offering here at LES the Alpine Linux server at HE FMT there were a few Chinese guys whose contributions seemed outstanding to me. These outstanding contributions were what motivated me to try making a Nodeseek account and offering this over there. Now I have learned a lot from the Chinese guys both here at LES and over at our neighboring Nodeseek forum.
Yes, indeed there are many generous and skilled people on Nodeseek forum who are willing to help.(Like Just纱世里,he is a great forum administrator) .I like LES and nodeseek equally.
@Not_Oles said: I wonder what might be your next step on the server. If you expect to continue.
Hmm...I haven't tried Spice yet. I want to understand Docker first before trying Spice.
I am a freshman student. I feel that my C language is not good, although it is enough to cope with the exams. But I have not really put C language into practice for a project. I just memorized the knowledge, but I am still unfamiliar with it, including the Java I am learning now. I am confused and worried. Thank you for mentioning this issue. I hope you can give me some advice!
As for wenyanwen (classical Chinese literature) and guwen (ancient prose), and because I chose the software engineering major, so my wenyanwen and guwen have not continued to study after high school. I dare not say that I am very good at it, but I may still remember some basic common sense.
@Not_Oles said: Now that I might know one Chinese character (刀, dāo, knife, dollar (informal)), what should be my next character to learn? More generally, by what method should I select additional characters to try to learn?
I am very happy to know your interest in learning Chinese. I still remember when we were young, we first learned "拼音" when we learned Chinese. Learning Pinyin enables us to spell Chinese characters, similar to phonetic symbols in English. Then we will learn "偏旁与部首“(radicals and components). Radicals and components help us understand the same/similar meanings of some Chinese characters, similar to "roots", "prefixes" and "suffixes" in English. As for the order of Chinese characters to learn,seriously, I recommend looking at primary school or even kindergarten Chinese textbooks. They usually mark "Pinyin" which will help you pronounce. And the characters that appear in primary school/kindergarten Chinese textbooks are often the most basic and commonly used, aren't they?
I can't click either of the links. Last i checked, double dash (--) are invalid for domain/subdomains and my browser refuse to recognize that as a valid URL.
I can't click either of the links. Last i checked, double dash (--) are invalid for domain/subdomains and my browser refuse to recognize that as a valid URL.
I mean this part xn--j28h
I guess you are using the Firefox browser, right? I have tested it on Edge and Chrome and it can be opened, but on Firefox, as you said, it cannot be recognized as a website. Even redirection does not work. It is said that this is because the link contains non-standard Unicode characters (such as "xn--j28h-1963"). In addition to using another browser to access, I may not have a better solution. If you find a better way, please let me know. Thank you for your attention.😊
😁Thanks! In fact, at that time I didn't think of what ID to take, I just used the browser's phrase filler casually. I thought that non-letters and numbers were illegal, but I didn't expect they can really be used.🤣
@NodeSeek用户123 said:
I guess you are using the Firefox browser, right?
Yep, as firefox has better ads/tracking blocking while chrome is trying to remove support for ad-blockers...
@NodeSeek用户123 said:
In addition to using another browser to access, I may not have a better solution. If you find a better way, please let me know. Thank you for your attention.😊
Using a web proxy works. Just used one of the freely available online web proxy like: https://www.proxysite.com/
@somik said: Yep, as firefox has better ads/tracking blocking while chrome is trying to remove support for ad-blockers...
Yes, I heard that many programmers like to use Firefox because Firefox does a good job in privacy protection, ad tracking interception and so on.
I have also thought about switching to Firefox, but habits are hard to change. If someday they really delete support for ad blockers, I would be happy to use Firefox...
@itsmepaddi said: I want to try the new server because I would like to test how the performance of the new server is, and I want to compare it with the current 64GB RAM MetalVPS server.
I asked the guys already on the server to please add you. Any problems, please just let me know.
Hi @Kadim1998! Sorry, I am slow. I was about to add your key when the questions arose about server usage by our friend @NgocNguyen8372. Now I am confused. May I please ask about your intended use of the server?
Do you want to use a VM or do you want to work directly on the node?
If you want to use a VM, what OS will run on the VM and what will that OS be doing?
By the way, do you want to add anything more about where online you met @NgocNguyen8372?
Thanks for helping me clear my confusion! Best wishes!
How can this single server accommodate you while still allowing reasonable use by other neighbors? Don't you really need your own, personal dedicated server?
@itsmepaddi said: I want to try the new server because I would like to test how the performance of the new server is, and I want to compare it with the current 64GB RAM MetalVPS server.
I asked the guys already on the server to please add you. Any problems, please just let me know.
Yes, the new server, or another server might become available to you. 🤔
You seem like a great guy, and I notice that you haven't caused us any trouble. On the other hand, we haven't heard much about what you are doing on the server. Do you have any tips for those of us who know less than you? Do you have any questions or any . . . anything?
How do you feel about trying to become more active here in our thread? Maybe you could start becoming more active by telling us more about what you are doing today on the server? Besides what you are doing right now, what would you add or change if you had sudo? What would be the reasons which support your changes? Any disadvantages we might want to consider?
Thanks for this post! It's appreciated! It's great to hear from you!
Best wishes!
Hi, @Not_Oles
Q: Do you have any tips for those of us who know less than you?
Q: How do you feel about trying to become more active here in our thread?
probably good and maybe will become active here
Q: Besides what you are doing right now
uh you writed this message when i was sleeping so nothing
Q: what would you add or change if you had sudo?
only add probably when i find intresting things on the internet
Q:What would be the reasons which support your changes?
I do not understand, if it is ok.
Q: Any disadvantages we might want to consider?
I dont think so
It sounds like you might not need sudo until after you find "an interesting thing" to change. 🚵
@itsmepaddi said: I want to try the new server because I would like to test how the performance of the new server is, and I want to compare it with the current 64GB RAM MetalVPS server.
I asked the guys already on the server to please add you. Any problems, please just let me know.
Yes, the new server, or another server might become available to you. 🤔
You seem like a great guy, and I notice that you haven't caused us any trouble. On the other hand, we haven't heard much about what you are doing on the server. Do you have any tips for those of us who know less than you? Do you have any questions or any . . . anything?
How do you feel about trying to become more active here in our thread? Maybe you could start becoming more active by telling us more about what you are doing today on the server? Besides what you are doing right now, what would you add or change if you had sudo? What would be the reasons which support your changes? Any disadvantages we might want to consider?
Thanks for this post! It's appreciated! It's great to hear from you!
Best wishes!
Hi, @Not_Oles
Q: Do you have any tips for those of us who know less than you?
Q: How do you feel about trying to become more active here in our thread?
probably good and maybe will become active here
Q: Besides what you are doing right now
uh you writed this message when i was sleeping so nothing
Q: what would you add or change if you had sudo?
only add probably when i find intresting things on the internet
Q:What would be the reasons which support your changes?
I do not understand, if it is ok.
Q: Any disadvantages we might want to consider?
I dont think so
It sounds like you might not need sudo until after you find "an interesting thing" to change. 🚵
Best wishes and kindest regards,
Hi, @Not_Oles
I have a question, but you only sayed this " It sounds like you might not need sudo until after you find "an interesting thing" to change. 🚵" do you mean that i wont be getting access?
@itsmepaddi said: I want to try the new server because I would like to test how the performance of the new server is, and I want to compare it with the current 64GB RAM MetalVPS server.
I asked the guys already on the server to please add you. Any problems, please just let me know.
Yes, the new server, or another server might become available to you. 🤔
You seem like a great guy, and I notice that you haven't caused us any trouble. On the other hand, we haven't heard much about what you are doing on the server. Do you have any tips for those of us who know less than you? Do you have any questions or any . . . anything?
How do you feel about trying to become more active here in our thread? Maybe you could start becoming more active by telling us more about what you are doing today on the server? Besides what you are doing right now, what would you add or change if you had sudo? What would be the reasons which support your changes? Any disadvantages we might want to consider?
Thanks for this post! It's appreciated! It's great to hear from you!
Best wishes!
Hi, @Not_Oles
Q: Do you have any tips for those of us who know less than you?
Q: How do you feel about trying to become more active here in our thread?
probably good and maybe will become active here
Q: Besides what you are doing right now
uh you writed this message when i was sleeping so nothing
Q: what would you add or change if you had sudo?
only add probably when i find intresting things on the internet
Q:What would be the reasons which support your changes?
I do not understand, if it is ok.
Q: Any disadvantages we might want to consider?
I dont think so
It sounds like you might not need sudo until after you find "an interesting thing" to change. 🚵
Best wishes and kindest regards,
Hi, @Not_Oles
I have a question, but you only sayed this " It sounds like you might not need sudo until after you find "an interesting thing" to change. 🚵" do you mean that i wont be getting access?
I am not saying no. I am not excluding yes.
Please continue to contribute to this thread. Please post your progress and your questions. Everyone here wants to know about what you are doing on the server. So, please feel free to tell us more when you have time. Good things happen when the time is right. Thank you for your patience!
@itsmepaddi said: I want to try the new server because I would like to test how the performance of the new server is, and I want to compare it with the current 64GB RAM MetalVPS server.
I asked the guys already on the server to please add you. Any problems, please just let me know.
Yes, the new server, or another server might become available to you. 🤔
You seem like a great guy, and I notice that you haven't caused us any trouble. On the other hand, we haven't heard much about what you are doing on the server. Do you have any tips for those of us who know less than you? Do you have any questions or any . . . anything?
How do you feel about trying to become more active here in our thread? Maybe you could start becoming more active by telling us more about what you are doing today on the server? Besides what you are doing right now, what would you add or change if you had sudo? What would be the reasons which support your changes? Any disadvantages we might want to consider?
Thanks for this post! It's appreciated! It's great to hear from you!
Best wishes!
Hi, @Not_Oles
Q: Do you have any tips for those of us who know less than you?
Q: How do you feel about trying to become more active here in our thread?
probably good and maybe will become active here
Q: Besides what you are doing right now
uh you writed this message when i was sleeping so nothing
Q: what would you add or change if you had sudo?
only add probably when i find intresting things on the internet
Q:What would be the reasons which support your changes?
I do not understand, if it is ok.
Q: Any disadvantages we might want to consider?
I dont think so
It sounds like you might not need sudo until after you find "an interesting thing" to change. 🚵
Best wishes and kindest regards,
Hi, @Not_Oles
I have a question, but you only sayed this " It sounds like you might not need sudo until after you find "an interesting thing" to change. 🚵" do you mean that i wont be getting access?
I am not saying no. I am not excluding yes.
Please continue to contribute to this thread. Please post your progress and your questions. Everyone here wants to know about what you are doing on the server. So, please feel free to tell us more when you have time. Good things happen when the time is right. Thank you for your patience!
@terrorgen said:
I don't think playing games on the machine is a good use for the free resource (I mean, what have you actually learned?)
So, no.
I'm puzzled anyway how anyone could even try to run games on a server or rather a VM without a real GPU. (We don't have GPU passthrough or a real vGPU setup on MetalVPS, the GPU emulated/virtualized by QEMU shouldn't be good enough for that).
There have been a few guys running games, but nobody seems to have responded to @Yqua. I myself have never learned much about graphics, so I would be interested to hear further comments. Thanks!
Hello !
I want an account! I want to learning about creating LXC and KVM VPS.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAID5RbpgYRMnfXPjhcdmaUI8VniRgvkv5jvHfnjg5TnQ1 v32@V32-PC
@itsmepaddi Thanks for speaking up! It's always good to be generous and kind! @Exinjh @NotRealZeyad I continue to consider reinstating your accounts. @NgocNguyen8372 and @Kadim1998 I am thinking about you guys too. I hope to do the best for everyone.
Thank you very much!
I was running VMware on it
Also did the server dead or something because I can’t access to it
@Not_Oles@dinopotato,Thank you for your interest in my blog. This is the correct link:
Interestingly, my incorrect link differed from this correct link by only one "-" and I really don't know how I made that mistake at the time.🤣
Somik.org - Server admins cheat codes
I'll add him to the new server
Maybe MetalVPS is becoming self-administered
I was running windows 11
I wanna upgrade every single windows 10 beta build
I only use 1 VM
In fact, when I asked ChatGPT what KVM is, it introduced me to the process of creating virtual machines with KVM, that is, configuring virtual machines through virt-manager or virsh command line tools. However, it seems that our node does not have virt-manager or virsh command line tools installed, so I was confused about this. Later I learned that KVM technology is often a means to assist other virtualization technologies, and it is not necessary to directly use it to create virtual machines. My doubts were also dispelled. (◕‿◕)
Yes, you are right, working directly on the node will be faster, but I do not have root privileges on the node, and many of the things I want to do require root privileges. So I am looking to create a faster VM so that I can use root privileges in the VM. It would be even better if this VM could have a decent graphical interface. This is the original intention of my seeking a solution to connect to the virtual machine with lower latency.
Haha, I have to say, I haven't really configured and used Docker myself. I only saw that many projects on GitHub can run on Docker. I think Docker is a popular and practical technology. Out of curiosity, I made this request to you. I don't know if there is a way to run Docker without directly using root privileges. Thank you for your suggestion. I have been reading some articles on "docker group privilege escalation". When I find the answer, I will let you know. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
Compared to Docker, I am afraid I am more unfamiliar with LXC. Hope someone will want to help get LXC going.(:3 」∠)
Thank you for your patient answers. Have a nice day too!⭐
@NodeSeek用户123 nice username on LES
OK, the reason is simple, because I posted the wrong link again.
Incorrect link:
Correct link:
Because the incorrect link was only missing a "-" compared to the correct link, I didn't notice this error. This is the first time I have written a blog, and it is also the first time I have used xlog.app. Because I am not familiar with it, I have posted the wrong link twice in a row before. Thanks to the kind @FrankZ who helped me correct the error. At that time, I swore to him that there was no error. As a result, this third error still came.
In short, I am glad to know that you are interested in this little blog, but in fact, I have translated all the content into English and posted it in the comment section (that's the one!).
btw: There is no new content in the blog, just a better layout.
In fact, I am indeed a beginner! I am just trying to review my thoughts as clearly as possible. I don't want to be confused about this article in a few months, but want it to become my quick reference guide, and the same for others.
Yes, indeed there are many generous and skilled people on Nodeseek forum who are willing to help.(Like Just纱世里,he is a great forum administrator) .I like LES and nodeseek equally.
Hmm...I haven't tried Spice yet. I want to understand Docker first before trying Spice.
I am a freshman student. I feel that my C language is not good, although it is enough to cope with the exams. But I have not really put C language into practice for a project. I just memorized the knowledge, but I am still unfamiliar with it, including the Java I am learning now. I am confused and worried. Thank you for mentioning this issue. I hope you can give me some advice!
As for wenyanwen (classical Chinese literature) and guwen (ancient prose), and because I chose the software engineering major, so my wenyanwen and guwen have not continued to study after high school. I dare not say that I am very good at it, but I may still remember some basic common sense.
I am very happy to know your interest in learning Chinese. I still remember when we were young, we first learned "拼音" when we learned Chinese. Learning Pinyin enables us to spell Chinese characters, similar to phonetic symbols in English. Then we will learn "偏旁与部首“(radicals and components). Radicals and components help us understand the same/similar meanings of some Chinese characters, similar to "roots", "prefixes" and "suffixes" in English. As for the order of Chinese characters to learn,seriously, I recommend looking at primary school or even kindergarten Chinese textbooks. They usually mark "Pinyin" which will help you pronounce. And the characters that appear in primary school/kindergarten Chinese textbooks are often the most basic and commonly used, aren't they?
? Helo When will my key be added
I can't click either of the links. Last i checked, double dash (--) are invalid for domain/subdomains and my browser refuse to recognize that as a valid URL.
I mean this part
Somik.org - Server admins cheat codes
I guess you are using the Firefox browser, right? I have tested it on Edge and Chrome and it can be opened, but on Firefox, as you said, it cannot be recognized as a website. Even redirection does not work. It is said that this is because the link contains non-standard Unicode characters (such as "xn--j28h-1963"). In addition to using another browser to access, I may not have a better solution. If you find a better way, please let me know. Thank you for your attention.😊
😁Thanks! In fact, at that time I didn't think of what ID to take, I just used the browser's phrase filler casually. I thought that non-letters and numbers were illegal, but I didn't expect they can really be used.🤣
Yep, as firefox has better ads/tracking blocking while chrome is trying to remove support for ad-blockers...
Using a web proxy works. Just used one of the freely available online web proxy like: https://www.proxysite.com/
Somik.org - Server admins cheat codes
Yes, I heard that many programmers like to use Firefox because Firefox does a good job in privacy protection, ad tracking interception and so on.
I have also thought about switching to Firefox, but habits are hard to change. If someday they really delete support for ad blockers, I would be happy to use Firefox...
Wow!😮 I didn't know there was such a website before. You have opened my eyes widely today. I can't wait to experience it! 🤩
Hi @Not_Oles didnt you miss my request?
@Not_Oles When will my account be reinstated?
your account suspended, did you read the comment
I don't know anything about Windows any more. I haven't used it for years. Sorry, I have to ask more questions because I am clueless.™
How many Windows 10 beta builds are there?
Why did you want to upgrade all of the Windows 10 beta builds?
What is involved in upgrading a Windows 10 beta build? How much bandwidth and CPU are required to upgrade a Windows 10 beta build?
What is your Linux experience?
Would you be interested in continuing on the server with Linux and without Windows?
Thanks very much!
Looking forward to your reply! 
Hi @Kadim1998! Sorry, I am slow. I was about to add your key when the questions arose about server usage by our friend @NgocNguyen8372. Now I am confused. May I please ask about your intended use of the server?
Do you want to use a VM or do you want to work directly on the node?
If you want to use a VM, what OS will run on the VM and what will that OS be doing?
By the way, do you want to add anything more about where online you met @NgocNguyen8372?
Thanks for helping me clear my confusion!
Best wishes! 
How can this single server accommodate you while still allowing reasonable use by other neighbors? Don't you really need your own, personal dedicated server?
Hi @RtedPro!
It sounds like you might not need
until after you find "an interesting thing" to change. 🚵Best wishes and kindest regards,
Hi, @Not_Oles
I have a question, but you only sayed this " It sounds like you might not need
until after you find "an interesting thing" to change. 🚵" do you mean that i wont be getting access?I am not saying no.
I am not excluding yes. 
Please continue to contribute to this thread. Please post your progress and your questions. Everyone here wants to know about what you are doing on the server. So, please feel free to tell us more when you have time. Good things happen when the time is right. Thank you for your patience!
Ill Try Doing That.
He's maybe not not saying maybe, or maybe not.
There have been a few guys running games, but nobody seems to have responded to @Yqua. I myself have never learned much about graphics, so I would be interested to hear further comments. Thanks!
Hello !
I want an account! I want to learning about creating LXC and KVM VPS.
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