@Vovan32 said:
Hello !
I want an account! I want to learning about creating LXC and KVM VPS.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAID5RbpgYRMnfXPjhcdmaUI8VniRgvkv5jvHfnjg5TnQ1 v32@V32-PC
Hi @Vovan32! Welcome to LES! Welcome to MetalVPS! Could you please read through this thread again? Could you please find the questions we usually ask new members? Then please post again answering our usual questions. We look forward to hearing from you again soon! Thanks!
Hi @Kadim1998! Sorry, I am slow. I was about to add your key when the questions arose about server usage by our friend @NgocNguyen8372. Now I am confused. May I please ask about your intended use of the server?
Do you want to use a VM or do you want to work directly on the node?
If you want to use a VM, what OS will run on the VM and what will that OS be doing?
By the way, do you want to add anything more about where online you met @NgocNguyen8372?
Thanks for helping me clear my confusion! Best wishes!
I will download a default Ubuntu system in order to obtain powers, and then I will do a small hosting opengamepanel and to try playing servers such as Minecraft
I will be very careful in using resources and not affecting others
As for my friend, when I met him two years ago, I was making Azure accounts, and he did not want just an account, but rather he wanted to be a partner, so we became friends
How can this single server accommodate you while still allowing reasonable use by other neighbors? Don't you really need your own, personal dedicated server?
I do need a personal but I will try not to use powerful resources
it is very hard to find a server with such good specs as metalvps
Hi @Kadim1998! Sorry, I am slow. I was about to add your key when the questions arose about server usage by our friend @NgocNguyen8372. Now I am confused. May I please ask about your intended use of the server?
Do you want to use a VM or do you want to work directly on the node?
If you want to use a VM, what OS will run on the VM and what will that OS be doing?
By the way, do you want to add anything more about where online you met @NgocNguyen8372?
Thanks for helping me clear my confusion! Best wishes!
I will download a default Ubuntu system in order to obtain powers, and then I will do a small hosting opengamepanel and to try playing servers such as Minecraft
I will be very careful in using resources and not affecting others
As for my friend, when I met him two years ago, I was making Azure accounts, and he did not want just an account, but rather he wanted to be a partner, so we became friends
Dear Friend Kadim!
What do you think about what our friend @yqua said concerning graphics capabilities?
How can this single server accommodate you while still allowing reasonable use by other neighbors? Don't you really need your own, personal dedicated server?
I do need a personal but I will try not to use powerful resources
it is very hard to find a server with such good specs as metalvps
May I please ask, What do you think about what @yqua said about graphics?
Hi @Kadim1998! Sorry, I am slow. I was about to add your key when the questions arose about server usage by our friend @NgocNguyen8372. Now I am confused. May I please ask about your intended use of the server?
Do you want to use a VM or do you want to work directly on the node?
If you want to use a VM, what OS will run on the VM and what will that OS be doing?
By the way, do you want to add anything more about where online you met @NgocNguyen8372?
Thanks for helping me clear my confusion! Best wishes!
I will download a default Ubuntu system in order to obtain powers, and then I will do a small hosting opengamepanel and to try playing servers such as Minecraft
I will be very careful in using resources and not affecting others
As for my friend, when I met him two years ago, I was making Azure accounts, and he did not want just an account, but rather he wanted to be a partner, so we became friends
Dear Friend Kadim!
What do you think about what our friend @yqua said concerning graphics capabilities?
How can this single server accommodate you while still allowing reasonable use by other neighbors? Don't you really need your own, personal dedicated server?
I do need a personal but I will try not to use powerful resources
it is very hard to find a server with such good specs as metalvps
May I please ask, What do you think about what @yqua said about graphics?
I did not pay attention to his question well. Anyway, all I want is to do something small on the server and under the lines, and I will be careful not to affect others. If you allow me to get the special experience, I will be happy. You can monitor my resources throughout the day. If you find one of the resources is high, you have the right to delete the account. I will not be lost from that, thank you
Hi @Kadim1998! Sorry, I am slow. I was about to add your key when the questions arose about server usage by our friend @NgocNguyen8372. Now I am confused. May I please ask about your intended use of the server?
Do you want to use a VM or do you want to work directly on the node?
If you want to use a VM, what OS will run on the VM and what will that OS be doing?
By the way, do you want to add anything more about where online you met @NgocNguyen8372?
Thanks for helping me clear my confusion! Best wishes!
I will download a default Ubuntu system in order to obtain powers, and then I will do a small hosting opengamepanel and to try playing servers such as Minecraft
I will be very careful in using resources and not affecting others
As for my friend, when I met him two years ago, I was making Azure accounts, and he did not want just an account, but rather he wanted to be a partner, so we became friends
Dear Friend Kadim!
What do you think about what our friend @yqua said concerning graphics capabilities?
Best wishes!
Do you know what an open game panel ?
Sorry, I don't know about OpenGamePanel. I was just looking at the website for the first time.
Hi @Kadim1998! Sorry, I am slow. I was about to add your key when the questions arose about server usage by our friend @NgocNguyen8372. Now I am confused. May I please ask about your intended use of the server?
Do you want to use a VM or do you want to work directly on the node?
If you want to use a VM, what OS will run on the VM and what will that OS be doing?
By the way, do you want to add anything more about where online you met @NgocNguyen8372?
Thanks for helping me clear my confusion! Best wishes!
I will download a default Ubuntu system in order to obtain powers, and then I will do a small hosting opengamepanel and to try playing servers such as Minecraft
I will be very careful in using resources and not affecting others
As for my friend, when I met him two years ago, I was making Azure accounts, and he did not want just an account, but rather he wanted to be a partner, so we became friends
Dear Friend Kadim!
What do you think about what our friend @yqua said concerning graphics capabilities?
Best wishes!
Do you know what an open game panel ?
Sorry, I don't know about OpenGamePanel. I was just looking at the website for the first time.
No problem, the matter is simple and we are all friends, and there may not be some obvious things, and I understand that you want to know it, and this is your right. It is your right to know what is going on with your server or what is being used. I understand the matter, so I will be happy if you agree to my experience. Thank you again. I wish you best wishes
I'm going to sleep now, the time in my country is 12 midnight, so it's time to sleep
It is a simple panel for making game servers and can be fully controlled in terms of resources and other beautiful things. It may consume a lot of resources if many servers are created inside it, but it will not start anything if only one server is made inside it. So I will install it on a default system because I do not have enough powers to download some of the add-ons and commands that you install
How can this single server accommodate you while still allowing reasonable use by other neighbors? Don't you really need your own, personal dedicated server?
I do need a personal but I will try not to use powerful resources
it is very hard to find a server with such good specs as metalvps
May I please ask, What do you think about what @yqua said about graphics?
I did not pay attention to his question well. Anyway, all I want is to do something small on the server and under the lines, and I will be careful not to affect others. If you allow me to get the special experience, I will be happy. You can monitor my resources throughout the day. If you find one of the resources is high, you have the right to delete the account. I will not be lost from that, thank you
Sorry, I do not understand. Please help me by explaining how to count the server resources used when you say "all I want to do is something small."
What OS do you want to run? (Ubuntu)
What applications will run on the OS? (opengamepanel)
What additional applications are prerequisites? (web server, php, java, games themselves including Minecraft and others)
How can this single server accommodate you while still allowing reasonable use by other neighbors? Don't you really need your own, personal dedicated server?
I do need a personal but I will try not to use powerful resources
it is very hard to find a server with such good specs as metalvps
May I please ask, What do you think about what @yqua said about graphics?
Sorry if am not in touch but I really don't know what yqua said please quote it to me.
How can this single server accommodate you while still allowing reasonable use by other neighbors? Don't you really need your own, personal dedicated server?
I do need a personal but I will try not to use powerful resources
it is very hard to find a server with such good specs as metalvps
May I please ask, What do you think about what @yqua said about graphics?
I did not pay attention to his question well. Anyway, all I want is to do something small on the server and under the lines, and I will be careful not to affect others. If you allow me to get the special experience, I will be happy. You can monitor my resources throughout the day. If you find one of the resources is high, you have the right to delete the account. I will not be lost from that, thank you
Sorry, I do not understand. Please help me by explaining how to count the server resources used when you say "all I want to do is something small."
What OS do you want to run?
What applications will run on the OS? (opengamepanel)
What additional applications are prerequisites? (web server, java, games themselves)
How many cores?
How much RAM?
How much disk?
How much bandwidth?
For how long?
How often?
The opengamepanel can be installed on several systems, even Windows or Linux I prefer to use the Ubuntu system
I will specify the resources of the operating system in a standard and good way, for example, Aram. I need than 2 gigabytes in relation to the hard disk. I will not need more than 30 gigabytes. Either in relation to the processor 1 or two cores will be sufficient.
This game board needs a few tools in order to operate, and you can see what this board needs in order to work through its official website. It is enough just to write the name of the board in the search, and it is opengmaepanel
How can this single server accommodate you while still allowing reasonable use by other neighbors? Don't you really need your own, personal dedicated server?
I do need a personal but I will try not to use powerful resources
it is very hard to find a server with such good specs as metalvps
May I please ask, What do you think about what @yqua said about graphics?
Sorry if am not in touch but I really don't know what yqua said please quote it to me.
How can this single server accommodate you while still allowing reasonable use by other neighbors? Don't you really need your own, personal dedicated server?
I do need a personal but I will try not to use powerful resources
it is very hard to find a server with such good specs as metalvps
May I please ask, What do you think about what @yqua said about graphics?
Sorry if am not in touch but I really don't know what yqua said please quote it to me.
normally I wouldn't use it for gaming if it did have a GPU I wouldn't even try the gta v test was a just a testing purposes to see if it would run and it did it was not made for mainly to play I would use metalvps for projects I need a VM you would tell me to run it on my host but my host isn't that powerful for vms and my internet is not good so
@Kadim1998 said: This game board needs a few tools in order to operate, and you can see what this board needs in order to work through its official website. It is enough just to write the name of the board in the search, and it is opengmaepanel
Thanks for suggesting that I study the opengamepanel website. Yes, I really should do that, even though it might take a while. Please allow me extra time because I am slow. Thank you for your patience!
@NotRealZeyad said: the gta v test was a just a testing purposes to see if it would run and it did
Excellent that your gta v test succeeded! I am thankful that your use of MetalVPS has been successful so far. I will continue to consider restoring your account. I wish I could say more about the time schedule for the restoration. In the future, besides restoring your MetalVPS account, I hope your local machine could be replaced with something stronger and that your internet connection could be improved. I will keep these important factors in mind. Always I wish you the best! Kind regards, Tom
@NotRealZeyad said: the gta v test was a just a testing purposes to see if it would run and it did
Excellent that your gta v test succeeded! I am thankful that your use of MetalVPS has been successful so far. I will continue to consider restoring your account. I wish I could say more about the time schedule for the restoration. In the future, besides restoring your MetalVPS account, I hope your local machine could be replaced with something stronger and that your internet connection could be improved. I will keep these important factors in mind. Always I wish you the best! Kind regards, Tom
Were you the only one using the account and all the VMs on VMware?
I was running windows 11
I wanna upgrade every single windows 10 beta build
I only use 1 VM
I don't know anything about Windows any more. I haven't used it for years. Sorry, I have to ask more questions because I am clueless.™
How many Windows 10 beta builds are there?
Why did you want to upgrade all of the Windows 10 beta builds?
What is involved in upgrading a Windows 10 beta build? How much bandwidth and CPU are required to upgrade a Windows 10 beta build?
What is your Linux experience?
Would you be interested in continuing on the server with Linux and without Windows?
Thanks very much! Looking forward to your reply!
I think i can answer 3 question for you
1. How many Windows 10 beta builds are there?
There are 15 Official Build (include Long Term Service Channel a.k.a LTSC), in the first Windows 10 (1507) there are 18 Dev build and Prerelease, so 15 Windows build official (1507,1511,1607,...,22H2) * 18 DEV and Prerelease= 270 builds
i think there are 270 build total because i dont care about Windows didnt release yet
2. Why did you want to upgrade all of the Windows 10 beta builds?
I think it's just for fun, he loves windows so he do that
3. How much bandwidth and CPU are required to upgrade a Windows 10 beta build?
There is no stress for CPU to run 100%, CPU just run around 30% or even 15% for it
But about bandwidth, there are 270 builds right? 270 build * 3.5 gb for each file= 945 GB!!
(My numbers can be wrong pls forgive me lol)
How can this single server accommodate you while still allowing reasonable use by other neighbors? Don't you really need your own, personal dedicated server?
I do need a personal but I will try not to use powerful resources
it is very hard to find a server with such good specs as metalvps
May I please ask, What do you think about what @yqua said about graphics?
Sorry if am not in touch but I really don't know what yqua said please quote it to me.
normally I wouldn't use it for gaming if it did have a GPU I wouldn't even try the gta v test was a just a testing purposes to see if it would run and it did it was not made for mainly to play I would use metalvps for projects I need a VM you would tell me to run it on my host but my host isn't that powerful for vms and my internet is not good so
How can this single server accommodate you while still allowing reasonable use by other neighbors? Don't you really need your own, personal dedicated server?
I do need a personal but I will try not to use powerful resources
it is very hard to find a server with such good specs as metalvps
May I please ask, What do you think about what @yqua said about graphics?
Sorry if am not in touch but I really don't know what yqua said please quote it to me.
normally I wouldn't use it for gaming if it did have a GPU I wouldn't even try the gta v test was a just a testing purposes to see if it would run and it did it was not made for mainly to play I would use metalvps for projects I need a VM you would tell me to run it on my host but my host isn't that powerful for vms and my internet is not good so
bro play gta 5 on CPU?
I said for testing purposes in fact it actually ran good if I had that PC IRL I would get full 60 fps its just my internet
How can this single server accommodate you while still allowing reasonable use by other neighbors? Don't you really need your own, personal dedicated server?
I do need a personal but I will try not to use powerful resources
it is very hard to find a server with such good specs as metalvps
May I please ask, What do you think about what @yqua said about graphics?
Sorry if am not in touch but I really don't know what yqua said please quote it to me.
normally I wouldn't use it for gaming if it did have a GPU I wouldn't even try the gta v test was a just a testing purposes to see if it would run and it did it was not made for mainly to play I would use metalvps for projects I need a VM you would tell me to run it on my host but my host isn't that powerful for vms and my internet is not good so
bro play gta 5 on CPU?
I said for testing purposes in fact it actually ran good if I had that PC IRL I would get full 60 fps its just my internet
How can this single server accommodate you while still allowing reasonable use by other neighbors? Don't you really need your own, personal dedicated server?
I do need a personal but I will try not to use powerful resources
it is very hard to find a server with such good specs as metalvps
May I please ask, What do you think about what @yqua said about graphics?
Sorry if am not in touch but I really don't know what yqua said please quote it to me.
normally I wouldn't use it for gaming if it did have a GPU I wouldn't even try the gta v test was a just a testing purposes to see if it would run and it did it was not made for mainly to play I would use metalvps for projects I need a VM you would tell me to run it on my host but my host isn't that powerful for vms and my internet is not good so
bro play gta 5 on CPU?
I said for testing purposes in fact it actually ran good if I had that PC IRL I would get full 60 fps its just my internet
Were you the only one using the account and all the VMs on VMware?
I was running windows 11
I wanna upgrade every single windows 10 beta build
I only use 1 VM
I don't know anything about Windows any more. I haven't used it for years. Sorry, I have to ask more questions because I am clueless.™
How many Windows 10 beta builds are there?
Why did you want to upgrade all of the Windows 10 beta builds?
What is involved in upgrading a Windows 10 beta build? How much bandwidth and CPU are required to upgrade a Windows 10 beta build?
What is your Linux experience?
Would you be interested in continuing on the server with Linux and without Windows?
Thanks very much! Looking forward to your reply!
1.There are like 59 build of windows 10
2. I love to see a history of windows 10
3. Using VMware. Having 4GB ram and 4vcpu
4. Probably little bit
5. Idk
@Exinjh said:
Guys, who reading this. Please, answer my question: Should Not_Oles restore my account? Again, sorry for abusing the VPS.
Sorry if it took me too long to answer, I was browsing through the comments and just found your restore request.
Yes, your account should be restored.
Should mine also be restored?
@itsmepaddi Thanks for speaking up! It's always good to be generous and kind! @Exinjh@NotRealZeyad I continue to consider reinstating your accounts. @NgocNguyen8372 and @Kadim1998 I am thinking about you guys too. I hope to do the best for everyone. Thank you very much!
It looks like @NotRealZeyad and @Exinjh might have decided to stick around as friends here in our thread. Yaaay! I reinstated their accounts. I also reinstated @NgocNguyen8372 and added a new account for @Kadim1998.
Right now we are a little short on disk space. So please take it easy. Sometime soon we can wipe and reset the server or at least delete a couple of the suspended accounts belonging to people who seem to have left.
root@fsn ~ # date; df -h .
Fri May 5 12:36:20 AM UTC 2023
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md4 3.4T 2.8T 431G 87% /
root@fsn ~ #
@Exinjh Would you kindly send me a PM about who you really are, where you really are, what you are running on the server, and what you are trying to accomplish. It's fine to joke around, but, really, if you want to keep your account, it's time to play it straight.
The way to run something heavy for awhile is to post here in this thread about what you are doing and why, how much resources will be needed, and when and for how long. Really short tests (a couple of minutes) might be okay if you aren't sure and need to check resource consumption.
I don't want MetalVPS to be a place where nobody can run anything because the server will be ruined for the other 499 users. I don't want MetalVPS to have super low limits on everything for everybody all the time. Hopefully MetalVPS can have a real sense of freedom -- if we talk with each other and share generously with careful planning.
Welcome back to the reinstated guys and welcome to @Kadim1998! @Kadim1998, please check the stuff I have been saying repeatedly to new users. I think you have enough experience that you will be okay without the standard welcome message, but, if you have any trouble or questions, please ask. Welcome to MetalVPS!
Hello again! Just wondering whether now might be a good time for everyone to make a current backup. Don't forget to test your backups so that you know you can restore from them. Best wishes!
He is not Oles when he is @Not_Oles. Just like Zeyad is not real. @NotRealZeyad
Olé olé
Hi @Vovan32! Welcome to LES! Welcome to MetalVPS! Could you please read through this thread again? Could you please find the questions we usually ask new members? Then please post again answering our usual questions. We look forward to hearing from you again soon! Thanks!
I will download a default Ubuntu system in order to obtain powers, and then I will do a small hosting opengamepanel and to try playing servers such as Minecraft
I will be very careful in using resources and not affecting others
As for my friend, when I met him two years ago, I was making Azure accounts, and he did not want just an account, but rather he wanted to be a partner, so we became friends
I do need a personal but I will try not to use powerful resources
it is very hard to find a server with such good specs as metalvps
Dear Friend Kadim!
What do you think about what our friend @yqua said concerning graphics capabilities?
Best wishes!
Yes, I understand what you are saying. You mean to run games, but I will not run games, but a game server
May I please ask, What do you think about what @yqua said about graphics?
Do you know what an open game panel ?
I did not pay attention to his question well. Anyway, all I want is to do something small on the server and under the lines, and I will be careful not to affect others. If you allow me to get the special experience, I will be happy. You can monitor my resources throughout the day. If you find one of the resources is high, you have the right to delete the account. I will not be lost from that, thank you
Sorry, I don't know about OpenGamePanel. I was just looking at the website for the first time.
No problem, the matter is simple and we are all friends, and there may not be some obvious things, and I understand that you want to know it, and this is your right. It is your right to know what is going on with your server or what is being used. I understand the matter, so I will be happy if you agree to my experience. Thank you again. I wish you best wishes
I'm going to sleep now, the time in my country is 12 midnight, so it's time to sleep
It is a simple panel for making game servers and can be fully controlled in terms of resources and other beautiful things. It may consume a lot of resources if many servers are created inside it, but it will not start anything if only one server is made inside it. So I will install it on a default system because I do not have enough powers to download some of the add-ons and commands that you install
Sorry, I do not understand. Please help me by explaining how to count the server resources used when you say "all I want to do is something small."
Excellent! Hope you have a good sleep! If you have time tomorrow, perhaps you can reply to my questions about the resources you would need.
Thank you!
Sorry if am not in touch but I really don't know what yqua said please quote it to me.
The opengamepanel can be installed on several systems, even Windows or Linux I prefer to use the Ubuntu system
I will specify the resources of the operating system in a standard and good way, for example, Aram. I need than 2 gigabytes in relation to the hard disk. I will not need more than 30 gigabytes. Either in relation to the processor 1 or two cores will be sufficient.
This game board needs a few tools in order to operate, and you can see what this board needs in order to work through its official website. It is enough just to write the name of the board in the search, and it is opengmaepanel
Please look here.
normally I wouldn't use it for gaming if it did have a GPU I wouldn't even try the gta v test was a just a testing purposes to see if it would run and it did it was not made for mainly to play I would use metalvps for projects I need a VM you would tell me to run it on my host but my host isn't that powerful for vms and my internet is not good so
Hi @Kadim1998!
Thanks for suggesting that I study the opengamepanel website. Yes, I really should do that, even though it might take a while. Please allow me extra time because I am slow. Thank you for your patience!
Always best wishes and kindest regards,
Excellent that your gta v test succeeded! I am thankful that your use of MetalVPS has been successful so far. I will continue to consider restoring your account. I wish I could say more about the time schedule for the restoration. In the future, besides restoring your MetalVPS account, I hope your local machine could be replaced with something stronger and that your internet connection could be improved. I will keep these important factors in mind. Always I wish you the best! Kind regards, Tom
Alright tell me when it is reinstated
I think i can answer 3 question for you
1. How many Windows 10 beta builds are there?
There are 15 Official Build (include Long Term Service Channel a.k.a LTSC), in the first Windows 10 (1507) there are 18 Dev build and Prerelease, so 15 Windows build official (1507,1511,1607,...,22H2) * 18 DEV and Prerelease= 270 builds
i think there are 270 build total because i dont care about Windows didnt release yet
2. Why did you want to upgrade all of the Windows 10 beta builds?
I think it's just for fun, he loves windows so he do that
3. How much bandwidth and CPU are required to upgrade a Windows 10 beta build?
There is no stress for CPU to run 100%, CPU just run around 30% or even 15% for it
But about bandwidth, there are 270 builds right? 270 build * 3.5 gb for each file= 945 GB!!
(My numbers can be wrong pls forgive me lol)
bro play gta 5 on CPU?
I said for testing purposes in fact it actually ran good if I had that PC IRL I would get full 60 fps its just my internet
how you get it smooth, what ur ping
1.There are like 59 build of windows 10
2. I love to see a history of windows 10
3. Using VMware. Having 4GB ram and 4vcpu
4. Probably little bit
5. Idk
OK, I will wait while my account got unsuspended
It looks like @NotRealZeyad and @Exinjh might have decided to stick around as friends here in our thread. Yaaay! I reinstated their accounts.
I also reinstated @NgocNguyen8372
and added a new account for @Kadim1998. 
Right now we are a little short on disk space. So please take it easy. Sometime soon we can wipe and reset the server or at least delete a couple of the suspended accounts belonging to people who seem to have left.
@Exinjh Would you kindly send me a PM about who you really are, where you really are, what you are running on the server, and what you are trying to accomplish. It's fine to joke around, but, really, if you want to keep your account, it's time to play it straight.
The way to run something heavy for awhile is to post here in this thread about what you are doing and why, how much resources will be needed, and when and for how long. Really short tests (a couple of minutes) might be okay if you aren't sure and need to check resource consumption.
I don't want MetalVPS to be a place where nobody can run anything because the server will be ruined for the other 499 users. I don't want MetalVPS to have super low limits on everything for everybody all the time. Hopefully MetalVPS can have a real sense of freedom -- if we talk with each other and share generously with careful planning.
Welcome back to the reinstated guys and welcome to @Kadim1998! @Kadim1998, please check the stuff I have been saying repeatedly to new users. I think you have enough experience that you will be okay without the standard welcome message, but, if you have any trouble or questions, please ask. Welcome to MetalVPS!
Hello again! Just wondering whether now might be a good time for everyone to make a current backup. Don't forget to test your backups so that you know you can restore from them. Best wishes!