Regarding the rumors about MJJ, is it true that VirMach intends to suspend the migration and PUSH of special-priced machines in order to sell the new packages better?
@FrankZ said:
Here is a quick comparison to what most of us would consider a stable LE provider.
Provider stability maybe. System stability however has to be a real concern for almost all customers now. Unfortunately things have changed quite a bit in the last year. In my quick check, I have experienced an average of 3 IPv4 address changes per system. I think I've had as many as 5, maybe 6 IP address changes on at least one system. I think the record for all my systems being online in about a year has been about 2 weeks. Right now I have five systems down due to node problems. And the outage duration can be quite long. Right now I have one system that has been down since April 22 and that doesn't beat the previous record. Not counting the fact that some systems were migrated to completely new locations, things aren't great.
For better or worse, the change away from ColoCrossing seems to caused or exposed some real long term operational stability issues. I wish it weren't so, but I've been cancelling everything because the awesome prices just aren't worth it to me anymore.
Hi @jtk
I acknowledge that some people have had problems like yours. I guess with 20,000+ customers and 200+ nodes somebody is going to get the shorty end of the stick. I also have had IP changes in some locations over the last year, but none have changed 5 or 6 times. As far as VPS stability goes, of the 24 VMs I have with Virmach none are currently down. Overall, excluding IP changes, I have experienced no greater service disruption in the last six months, or so, with VirMach than I have with any of my other providers which include HostHatch, Web Horizons, BuyVM, Ethernet Servers, Purple Daddy and others. The only provider that I would say stands above all the rest is GreenCloudVPS, as I have not experienced any issues at all with them.
I can completely understand why you would want to move away from a provider that you have had such bad luck with, I am doing the same with Host Hatch. Many people really like Host Hatch and even though I have had similar bad luck with Host Hatch, as you have with VirMach, it does not mean they are a bad provider. Just not the right provider for me. I've always seen buying LE VMs as an art, you have to find what works for you.
When the day comes that VirMach lets me down the way they have you, I will probably complain as loud as you do, until then I'll just say it like I see it from my point of view.
Wishing you better luck in the future with your low end adventure.
@FrankZ said:
Here is a quick comparison to what most of us would consider a stable LE provider.
Provider stability maybe. System stability however has to be a real concern for almost all customers now. Unfortunately things have changed quite a bit in the last year. In my quick check, I have experienced an average of 3 IPv4 address changes per system. I think I've had as many as 5, maybe 6 IP address changes on at least one system. I think the record for all my systems being online in about a year has been about 2 weeks. Right now I have five systems down due to node problems. And the outage duration can be quite long. Right now I have one system that has been down since April 22 and that doesn't beat the previous record. Not counting the fact that some systems were migrated to completely new locations, things aren't great.
Honestly, I'm not really concerned. It was pretty ugly at the beginning. It's calmed down quite a bit and is pretty stable at this point. Not perfect obvioulsy but it's not something I worry about. Saying you have five down doesn't say anything since we don't know the total you have. I have 22 systems and I have one down currently. That one has been/is going to be down for a while so I rebuilt it onto a spare. I'll grant you that the IP changes have been annoying though. It happens to work for me since most of the things I'm using them for an occasional IP change isn't more than a minor annoyance.
For better or worse, the change away from ColoCrossing seems to caused or exposed some real long term operational stability issues. I wish it weren't so, but I've been cancelling everything because the awesome prices just aren't worth it to me anymore.
Rebuilding something the size of Virmach from the ground up in such a short time was a major upheaval. Having to do so in a hurry during a pandemic was less than optimal timing. Some things worked great ( resources, performance ), some not ( response times to issues ), and some started very poorly and have been steadily improving ( stability ). I don't regret it and have in fact net added systems over the past year. Time will tell which of us is right.
IPv6 may not be assigned initially. IPv6 is deployed to all Ryzen servers and later, you will have access to IPv6. We will first assign a few IPv6 addresses and /64 IPv6 subnets, although the latter is not guaranteed at this time.
I honestly thought the "later" part would take less than a year for the 10 pre-order services... @Virmach, can you give me a rough ETA or something so I can know if I should keep these or just cancel?
uBlock Origin is not an "ad blocker", it's a wide-spectrum content blocker with CPU and memory efficiency as a primary feature.
And then on their website:
Gotta have that SEO, I guess. But yeah, if it makes anyone feel better I run it on every site (including VirMach unless testing), and even if I had the choice (which I do, I could whitelist) I definitely don't really ever turn it off unless it's specifically breaking something big, and I'd say that it's doing its job correctly if it breaks the tracking on Vanilla. (edit) Also good to have around in over-protective blocking of shady links and such at work.
seems mem a bit full
No, linux will use free memory as buffer/cache, so the memory usage shown in the chart is not the actual memory usage.
the main reason i said this is because i received multi random shutdown yesterday as i mentioned before(but today not)
Monitors will show very high usage like that due to the way it's calculated for that, includes buffer/cache/inactive as mentioned. Only about 59% is actively being used on that server right now. If you received random shutdowns and your service is very high memory, there might be a likelihood that the system's miscalculating but if it's a 384MB server or similar it's a higher likelihood that you're just running out internally and that should be checked.
If you suspect any issue like that make a ticket and specifically mention you want the virtualization logs reviewed, nothing else, and we'll understand the request best that way. I'll add to my todo to double check this server for issues.
@FrankZ said: VirMach has a participating owner, 3 employees, and does ~2.3 million in revenue a year.
Our revenue definitely has taken a large hit from the OGF/JB stuff, but well on our way back up and healthy. Basically whatever it went down by we're now saving by having our own hardware. So it just means I burned a lot of personal funds on the hardware for bad returns, or however you want to see it.
But yes at the peak I'd say we almost hit 3M.
@ben said: Regarding the rumors about MJJ, is it true that VirMach intends to suspend the migration and PUSH of special-priced machines in order to sell the new packages better?
I'm not sure what you mean specifically but we're definitely going to keep doing service transfers from account to account, otherwise it would just encourage unsafe account trading.
@jtk said: . In my quick check, I have experienced an average of 3 IPv4 address changes per system. I think I've had as many as 5, maybe 6 IP address changes on at least one system
IPv4 has been a terrible experience on our end. Right as we were going through all this, IPv4 prices decided to quite rapidly go up from 0.25-0.30 to 0.40 to 0.50 range, which would not by itself be a problem if we also didn't end up with one provider ghosting us on LOAs for months, another promising a large chunk only to pull back, price increases, plus rapid changes with short notice, then another provider right after our lease adding in $1,000+ in monthly fees for processing abuse reports while simultaneously threatening termination over a very low quantity of reports.
@jtk said: Right now I have five systems down due to node problems. And the outage duration can be quite long. Right now I have one system that has been down since April 22 and that doesn't beat the previous record.
It's been recently difficult to work with the DC hands at NYC and the state of these servers very rapidly regressed. Right now I've been trying to get them out but we run into minor problems every step of the way that stack up. Like we have replacement parts, they stated they located it, we get ready to do the swap and they unlocated it.
We wait for power cycles, it goes into taking days for emergency requests and then if it gets done at a random unexpected time we have to start over if the server quickly crashes. I finally decided to just have them all shipped back, but then the facility ran out of boxes.
@jtk said: Not counting the fact that some systems were migrated to completely new locations
We've honored all requests to move back to original, I mean outside of wanting to go back somewhere no longer offered like Buffalo. But seeing as you're moving stuff away I assume this knowledge won't be helpful.
Just very unlucky if you have five services down, I don't know how many services you have total but the odds seem to definitely be stacked against you on this one if you just happened to have that many specifically on these few particular nodes all in NYC.
@skorous said: Rebuilding something the size of Virmach from the ground up in such a short time was a major upheaval. Having to do so in a hurry during a pandemic was less than optimal timing.
So much of it went comically bad in terms of timing on almost everything, and many other things. It was already a difficult task had we not hit all the other obstacles on the way.
We basically had to purchase hardware at the worst possible time, after a few team members decided to leave during all the COVID shuffling, to move, take care of family, whatever the reasoning. We had to make changes to our builds because suppliers pulled out, then getting IPv4 was a huge headache on its own (see above), old hardware we were moving off decided to die a lot near the end, new hardware ended up as what I can only describe now as a complete disaster. We lost the silicon lottery hard. The only memory supplier that could even provide us with the quantities we required gave us bad batch after bad, I think our memory failure rate was in the double digits while I was putting it all together. And these are brand new overpriced sticks. Our motherboard (again, brand new) failure rate was probably 20% or more and of course it doesn't just arrive DOA, that's hours of troubleshooting over and over before it even makes it out, just trying to have enough servers.
Then there was Psychz, all the other great colo experiences. And trying to balance all of the timelines perfectly while it seemed (almost) every company was out to get us. Plus record ticket volumes, all the migration issues that usually happen times ten, attempting to notify everyone on all ends, building, packing, rebuilding, migrate, coordinating all the shipments, dealing with lost packages, all with an intense lack of sleep.
@Flying_Chinaman said: That's new to me, I thought it is one man biz since there is always the same guy who answer the ticket (during the pandemic)
If that dude was unable to operate, will Virmach continue to go on?
Higher than usual ticket volume, I'm the one that has to pick them up. Eventually everyone else honestly got tired of doing tickets because they got very toxic (whether or not rightfully) so I had everyone focus more on everything else.
I didn't force people to do tickets, and they became less desirable to do for everyone else as things fell apart more, more tickets, basically means most tickets got replies by me, yes. Plus I'm the only one left that can do 500 tickets in a day or whatever high number. Agents normally do maybe around 50. Previously, Syed was the one that was faster than I was on tickets so naturally he handled most of them and I'm sure back then it also seemed like a one man show.
@xpreboun said:
Haven't logged on in a while...
IPv6 is still not working for all of my servers (although almost a year have passed).
IPv6 may not be assigned initially. IPv6 is deployed to all Ryzen servers and later, you will have access to IPv6. We will first assign a few IPv6 addresses and /64 IPv6 subnets, although the latter is not guaranteed at this time.
I honestly thought the "later" part would take less than a year for the 10 pre-order services... @Virmach, can you give me a rough ETA or something so I can know if I should keep these or just cancel?
ICYMI: I'm not feeling good about this...
This is a very bad time for me to pretend to give you any estimates. We got very very very close to it and then of course something came up as it usually does. If everything goes swell the rest of this week I'll try to get back to you next week but it'd be helpful to know your node name.
does this mean i can transfer my service if i'm no longer uses it?
in last few weeks this vps is online but my local ISP has shitty routing, it's practically unusable even just for a dns slave
Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.
@Encoders said:
does this mean i can transfer my service if i'm no longer uses it?
in last few weeks this vps is online but my local ISP has shitty routing, it's practically unusable even just for a dns slave
You can transfer it to another customer, if you use that tool/page it's a $3 fee. There's a backlog of these requests and tickets in general right now so please do expect it to take a few days in this case to process.
Latest Update - the servers NYCB009 (shared hosting), NYCB006, NYCB027, NYCB042, and NYCB048 are being returned back to us. As soon as they are received, we will begin recovery efforts. The servers may either temporarily be moved to space in Los Angeles and then transferred to NYC, or transferred directly from our test bench to available servers in and near NYC.
Praying for NVMes not getting nuked/crashed/crushed/lost by DC hands.
May the luck be with you this time.
@VirMach said: If you suspect any issue like that make a ticket and specifically mention you want the virtualization logs reviewed, nothing else, and we'll understand the request best that way. I'll add to my todo to double check this server for issues.
done, I sent a priority ticket because the network also weird too.
hope your script won't merge my ticket because the dedi server reinstall ticket still in progress...
also @VirMach good news - you seems not the most evil devil, it's @xTom now.
Now he is the bad one that "scammed" all China with promotion [2-5 years upfront!], waited 180+1 days for PayPal protection to run out and then ban/not refund/suspend/delete every China man with (of course) not multi-accounts and proper, real PI data.
@Jab said:
also @VirMach good news - you seems not the most evil devil, it's @xTom now.
Now he is the bad one that "scammed" all China with promotion [2-5 years upfront!], waited 180+1 days for PayPal protection to run out and then ban/not refund/suspend/delete every China man with (of course) not multi-accounts and proper, real PI data.
Well given that there is a law in china that prohibits them to access the outside internet and those people bypassed it, you could say the host was just protecting themselves... or i would like to say that IF he provided a refund to everyone suspended...
@nightcat said:
vir become better.
I like to see vir jump out of the ticket pool.
I was planning to terminate the service. But It seems stable now.
If he truly has 500 tickets that he goes through per day, I'm surprised to see that he even has the time to sleep, let alone reply to the forum...
@Jab said:
also @VirMach good news - you seems not the most evil devil, it's @xTom now.
Now he is the bad one that "scammed" all China with promotion [2-5 years upfront!], waited 180+1 days for PayPal protection to run out and then ban/not refund/suspend/delete every China man with (of course) not multi-accounts and proper, real PI data.
@Encoders said:
does this mean i can transfer my service if i'm no longer uses it?
in last few weeks this vps is online but my local ISP has shitty routing, it's practically unusable even just for a dns slave
You can transfer it to another customer, if you use that tool/page it's a $3 fee. There's a backlog of these requests and tickets in general right now so please do expect it to take a few days in this case to process.
@Encoders said:
does this mean i can transfer my service if i'm no longer uses it?
in last few weeks this vps is online but my local ISP has shitty routing, it's practically unusable even just for a dns slave
You can transfer it to another customer, if you use that tool/page it's a $3 fee. There's a backlog of these requests and tickets in general right now so please do expect it to take a few days in this case to process.
The first time I used a transfer server, I waited for 6 days but didn't receive it. You know, I heard some rumors that if I didn't receive it for a long time, it might be flagged. I don't want to cause trouble, so I'm asking here
If this is the normal waiting time, I will continue to use the transfer server in the future
@VirMach is there anyway you can extend services for people on NYCB009? I mean, I'm not entirely expecting it to come back but at the same time it's a little frustrating to get hit with an invoice for a service that isn't online Or possibly have credits applied to other services?
@FrankZ said:
Hi @jtk
I acknowledge that some people have had problems like yours. I guess with 20,000+ customers and 200+ nodes somebody is going to get the shorty end of the stick. I also have had IP changes in some locations over the last year, but none have changed 5 or 6 times. As far as VPS stability goes, of the 24 VMs I have with Virmach none are currently down. Overall, excluding IP changes, I have experienced no greater service disruption in the last six months, or so, with VirMach than I have with any of my other providers which include HostHatch, Web Horizons, BuyVM, Ethernet Servers, Purple Daddy and others. The only provider that I would say stands above all the rest is GreenCloudVPS, as I have not experienced any issues at all with them.
I can completely understand why you would want to move away from a provider that you have had such bad luck with, I am doing the same with Host Hatch. Many people really like Host Hatch and even though I have had similar bad luck with Host Hatch, as you have with VirMach, it does not mean they are a bad provider. Just not the right provider for me. I've always seen buying LE VMs as an art, you have to find what works for you.
When the day comes that VirMach lets me down the way they have you, I will probably complain as loud as you do, until then I'll just say it like I see it from my point of view.
Wishing you better luck in the future with your low end adventure.
are u paid to constantly defend @VirMach? EVEN if he had 100k+ customers and 500+ nodes! WE PAY WHAT HE ASKED FOR AND HE SHOULD DELIVER/HONOR WHAT HE PROMISED! its not OUR problem that he is a ONE-Man company or a 200-Man company, and @jtk is right its extremely annoying this constant change of ipv4, and his attitude " I don't give a fuck about you idiots as long as you pay". Even if the service is cheap it should do what it says it will, not constantly find some lame excuses why it's NOT working or why it's down, even if it cost less than other providers we mostly work for our money, the money we pay for.
Regarding the rumors about MJJ, is it true that VirMach intends to suspend the migration and PUSH of special-priced machines in order to sell the new packages better?
Provider stability maybe. System stability however has to be a real concern for almost all customers now. Unfortunately things have changed quite a bit in the last year. In my quick check, I have experienced an average of 3 IPv4 address changes per system. I think I've had as many as 5, maybe 6 IP address changes on at least one system. I think the record for all my systems being online in about a year has been about 2 weeks. Right now I have five systems down due to node problems. And the outage duration can be quite long. Right now I have one system that has been down since April 22 and that doesn't beat the previous record. Not counting the fact that some systems were migrated to completely new locations, things aren't great.
For better or worse, the change away from ColoCrossing seems to caused or exposed some real long term operational stability issues. I wish it weren't so, but I've been cancelling everything because the awesome prices just aren't worth it to me anymore.'s current server hosting provider list
Hi @jtk
I acknowledge that some people have had problems like yours. I guess with 20,000+ customers and 200+ nodes somebody is going to get the shorty end of the stick. I also have had IP changes in some locations over the last year, but none have changed 5 or 6 times. As far as VPS stability goes, of the 24 VMs I have with Virmach none are currently down. Overall, excluding IP changes, I have experienced no greater service disruption in the last six months, or so, with VirMach than I have with any of my other providers which include HostHatch, Web Horizons, BuyVM, Ethernet Servers, Purple Daddy and others. The only provider that I would say stands above all the rest is GreenCloudVPS, as I have not experienced any issues at all with them.
I can completely understand why you would want to move away from a provider that you have had such bad luck with, I am doing the same with Host Hatch. Many people really like Host Hatch and even though I have had similar bad luck with Host Hatch, as you have with VirMach, it does not mean they are a bad provider. Just not the right provider for me. I've always seen buying LE VMs as an art, you have to find what works for you.
When the day comes that VirMach lets me down the way they have you, I will probably complain as loud as you do, until then I'll just say it like I see it from my point of view.
Wishing you better luck in the future with your low end adventure.
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Honestly, I'm not really concerned. It was pretty ugly at the beginning. It's calmed down quite a bit and is pretty stable at this point. Not perfect obvioulsy but it's not something I worry about. Saying you have five down doesn't say anything since we don't know the total you have. I have 22 systems and I have one down currently. That one has been/is going to be down for a while so I rebuilt it onto a spare. I'll grant you that the IP changes have been annoying though. It happens to work for me since most of the things I'm using them for an occasional IP change isn't more than a minor annoyance.
Rebuilding something the size of Virmach from the ground up in such a short time was a major upheaval. Having to do so in a hurry during a pandemic was less than optimal timing. Some things worked great ( resources, performance ), some not ( response times to issues ), and some started very poorly and have been steadily improving ( stability ). I don't regret it and have in fact net added systems over the past year. Time will tell which of us is right.
That's new to me, I thought it is one man biz since there is always the same guy who answer the ticket (during the pandemic)
If that dude was unable to operate, will Virmach continue to go on?
Anyway I rather call it single point of failure.
Yo, join our premium masochist club
Yo Chad!
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Just for what it's worth, I've gotten responses from two different people ( the one I expect you mean and Qi G).
Is that supposed to be @FrankZ ? - Server admins cheat codes
Haven't logged on in a while...
IPv6 is still not working for all of my servers (although almost a year have passed).
@FrankZ do you have any insights or ETA?
P.S. I grabbed this quote from another forum
I honestly thought the "later" part would take less than a year for the 10 pre-order services...
@Virmach, can you give me a rough ETA or something so I can know if I should keep these or just cancel?
ICYMI: I'm not feeling good about this...
nope, Frankie looks like this in good days
I like this version better 🤣
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There lines signature above ↑↑↑
All animals are equal aye
Yo, join our premium masochist club
Tokyo network
4 legs good, 2 legs bad better
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
It is not daily bump from Vir Fart side,
Their upstream XTom I suppose
Cuz GreenCloudVPS also effected
Fun fact, in the tough years when Chinamen committed cannibalism they call each other two legs lamb
Yo, join our premium masochist club
Monitors will show very high usage like that due to the way it's calculated for that, includes buffer/cache/inactive as mentioned. Only about 59% is actively being used on that server right now. If you received random shutdowns and your service is very high memory, there might be a likelihood that the system's miscalculating but if it's a 384MB server or similar it's a higher likelihood that you're just running out internally and that should be checked.
If you suspect any issue like that make a ticket and specifically mention you want the virtualization logs reviewed, nothing else, and we'll understand the request best that way. I'll add to my todo to double check this server for issues.
Our revenue definitely has taken a large hit from the OGF/JB stuff, but well on our way back up and healthy. Basically whatever it went down by we're now saving by having our own hardware. So it just means I burned a lot of personal funds on the hardware for bad returns, or however you want to see it.
But yes at the peak I'd say we almost hit 3M.
I'm not sure what you mean specifically but we're definitely going to keep doing service transfers from account to account, otherwise it would just encourage unsafe account trading.
IPv4 has been a terrible experience on our end. Right as we were going through all this, IPv4 prices decided to quite rapidly go up from 0.25-0.30 to 0.40 to 0.50 range, which would not by itself be a problem if we also didn't end up with one provider ghosting us on LOAs for months, another promising a large chunk only to pull back, price increases, plus rapid changes with short notice, then another provider right after our lease adding in $1,000+ in monthly fees for processing abuse reports while simultaneously threatening termination over a very low quantity of reports.
It's been recently difficult to work with the DC hands at NYC and the state of these servers very rapidly regressed. Right now I've been trying to get them out but we run into minor problems every step of the way that stack up. Like we have replacement parts, they stated they located it, we get ready to do the swap and they unlocated it.
We wait for power cycles, it goes into taking days for emergency requests and then if it gets done at a random unexpected time we have to start over if the server quickly crashes. I finally decided to just have them all shipped back, but then the facility ran out of boxes.
We've honored all requests to move back to original, I mean outside of wanting to go back somewhere no longer offered like Buffalo. But seeing as you're moving stuff away I assume this knowledge won't be helpful.
Just very unlucky if you have five services down, I don't know how many services you have total but the odds seem to definitely be stacked against you on this one if you just happened to have that many specifically on these few particular nodes all in NYC.
So much of it went comically bad in terms of timing on almost everything, and many other things. It was already a difficult task had we not hit all the other obstacles on the way.
We basically had to purchase hardware at the worst possible time, after a few team members decided to leave during all the COVID shuffling, to move, take care of family, whatever the reasoning. We had to make changes to our builds because suppliers pulled out, then getting IPv4 was a huge headache on its own (see above), old hardware we were moving off decided to die a lot near the end, new hardware ended up as what I can only describe now as a complete disaster. We lost the silicon lottery hard. The only memory supplier that could even provide us with the quantities we required gave us bad batch after bad, I think our memory failure rate was in the double digits while I was putting it all together. And these are brand new overpriced sticks. Our motherboard (again, brand new) failure rate was probably 20% or more and of course it doesn't just arrive DOA, that's hours of troubleshooting over and over before it even makes it out, just trying to have enough servers.
Then there was Psychz, all the other great colo experiences. And trying to balance all of the timelines perfectly while it seemed (almost) every company was out to get us. Plus record ticket volumes, all the migration issues that usually happen times ten, attempting to notify everyone on all ends, building, packing, rebuilding, migrate, coordinating all the shipments, dealing with lost packages, all with an intense lack of sleep.
Higher than usual ticket volume, I'm the one that has to pick them up. Eventually everyone else honestly got tired of doing tickets because they got very toxic (whether or not rightfully) so I had everyone focus more on everything else.
I didn't force people to do tickets, and they became less desirable to do for everyone else as things fell apart more, more tickets, basically means most tickets got replies by me, yes. Plus I'm the only one left that can do 500 tickets in a day or whatever high number. Agents normally do maybe around 50. Previously, Syed was the one that was faster than I was on tickets so naturally he handled most of them and I'm sure back then it also seemed like a one man show.
This is a very bad time for me to pretend to give you any estimates. We got very very very close to it and then of course something came up as it usually does. If everything goes swell the rest of this week I'll try to get back to you next week but it'd be helpful to know your node name.
does this mean i can transfer my service if i'm no longer uses it?

in last few weeks this vps is online but my local ISP has shitty routing, it's practically unusable even just for a dns slave
Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.
You can transfer it to another customer, if you use that tool/page it's a $3 fee. There's a backlog of these requests and tickets in general right now so please do expect it to take a few days in this case to process.
Maybe this is because you were the only one who was able to use the merge button ? /j
LES • About • Donate • Rules • Support
Praying for NVMes not getting nuked/crashed/crushed/lost by DC hands.
May the luck be with you this time.
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
done, I sent a priority ticket because the network also weird too.
hope your script won't merge my ticket because the dedi server reinstall ticket still in progress...
Yo posh chad, with all due curiosity, how much on average ya squeeze from each sorry soul customer?
Well at least this chianman is rather unaffected
Yo, join our premium masochist club
also @VirMach good news - you seems not the most evil devil, it's @xTom now.
Now he is the bad one that "scammed" all China with promotion [2-5 years upfront!], waited 180+1 days for PayPal protection to run out and then ban/not refund/suspend/delete every China man with (of course) not multi-accounts and proper, real PI data.
If you not scared clicking link:
// Also just waiting for first posted conspiracy theory that VirMach bought V.PS/xTom and just exit scamming with the same simple trick!
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
vir become better.
I like to see vir jump out of the ticket pool.
I was planning to terminate the service. But It seems stable now.
Well given that there is a law in china that prohibits them to access the outside internet and those people bypassed it, you could say the host was just protecting themselves... or i would like to say that IF he provided a refund to everyone suspended...
If he truly has 500 tickets that he goes through per day, I'm surprised to see that he even has the time to sleep, let alone reply to the forum... - Server admins cheat codes
lol that's sure a very complex TOS to understand
I only used xtom service for SSL, never been in VPS before. but then again i'm not a mjj
Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.
The first time I used a transfer server, I waited for 6 days but didn't receive it. You know, I heard some rumors that if I didn't receive it for a long time, it might be flagged. I don't want to cause trouble, so I'm asking here
If this is the normal waiting time, I will continue to use the transfer server in the future
@VirMach is there anyway you can extend services for people on NYCB009? I mean, I'm not entirely expecting it to come back but at the same time it's a little frustrating to get hit with an invoice for a service that isn't online
Or possibly have credits applied to other services?
are u paid to constantly defend @VirMach? EVEN if he had 100k+ customers and 500+ nodes! WE PAY WHAT HE ASKED FOR AND HE SHOULD DELIVER/HONOR WHAT HE PROMISED! its not OUR problem that he is a ONE-Man company or a 200-Man company, and @jtk is right its extremely annoying this constant change of ipv4, and his attitude " I don't give a fuck about you idiots as long as you pay". Even if the service is cheap it should do what it says it will, not constantly find some lame excuses why it's NOT working or why it's down, even if it cost less than other providers we mostly work for our money, the money we pay for.
These have been said: who wants a beer?