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- DianTama
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(Quote) Oh no. I missed this one ☹.
(Quote) I'm trying to use the DB for my Heroku app, I don't think whitelisting an IP would be the best solution since Heroku IP is always changed. I'll check for another solution for that one then.
I just order 1, But it seems that I cant access the MySQL database from outside the host. Does the MySQL remote access disabled? @MikePT
If you want to use a CSS Framework I'd like to recommend TailwindCSS and you can use their purge method to remove unnecessary classes ( Tailwind Production Optimization ) I would avoid using Site builder/Template since sometimes it just adds more u…
If you haven't found anything, this repo might help you find a self-host applications https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted#pastebins
(Quote) Thank You very much. It means a lot to me. Thank you, LES. Thank you, Everyone!
Oh ya, just an update, I have received some of the prizes :D Thank You @Mason @seriesn
(Quote) Thank You Mason for this competition :D And also thank you to all of you guys for the kind words :) (Quote) Will do, I will send you a PM shortly :D Thank you! (Quote) For logo/graphic design just a hobby in my free time. I'm not really a…
(Quote) to be honest with you, for the script header, i would also like to see @thedp ascii art (Quote) thank you guys :D :love: <3
Whoooohooo another vote :D
Cool! good job on what you do. cant wait to finish mine :D
whoah finally :D
The only hikes I remember is Cpanel. it forces me to move to DA
(Quote) If you didn't wanna use PS to remove background or you to lazy to do it. you can use Remove.bg ( https://www.remove.bg/ ) its start from $9/month for 40 image
@AnthonySmith i got some question, but its not related to this topic i think. What platform did you use to track your advertisement impression & click? And also how do you manage to make the ads not getting blocked by ublock origin?
(Quote) Too bad, I'm not that good when making a logo ( or finding a design inspiration ) that's why I'm not a pro graphic designer and choosing to be a web developer
(Quote) yeah my thought so, its too "corporate / enterprise" it only took maybe 3 hours of my free time to make it. if I had more inspiration maybe I'll make another ( if I'm not too lazy ). in that 3 hours timeframe, I came up with 3 des…
Just a small revision for my entry Heres the logo presentation :) Idk what I'm doing but it was fun xD PDF Version: Google Drive P.S. I'm not a professional graphic designer. But I love designing stuff. (Image)
So this is my logo submission :D Just doing this in my free time. Concept: Terminal/Linux + Speed/Fast + Fire Thank You! (Image)
(Quote) Wtf this is fucked up. damn did they still do this until now? And also does anyone use Grammarly? Grammarly seems to broke the text form in dark mode ( normal/light mode is fine), any ideas to fix it? I don't want to disabled Grammarly (Im…
(Quote) to be honest, I'm only using it for VPN purposes because the google cloud connection is the best! I'm using 3 VM in 3 different location to unlock Netflix geo-restricted content since their IP didn't get blocked by netflix
Digital Ocean Benchmark / YABS - 1GB Droplets. Singapore Price: $5/Month # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Yet-Another-Bench-Script ## v2020-12-29 ## https://git…
Google Cloud Benchmark / YABS - e2-small (2 vCPUs, 2 GB memory, 50GB SSD Persistent Disk). Singapore Price: Free ( $300 Free credit for 3 months ) Normal Price: ~$24.44 / Month # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## …
(Quote) Sure thing :) Google Cloud Benchmark / YABS - e2-small (2 vCPUs, 2 GB memory, 50GB SSD Persistent Disk). Jakarta, Indonesia Price: Free ( $300 Free credit for 3 months ) Normal Price: ~$27.50 / Month # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##…
CDN right? not like Cloudflare for protection? BunnyCDN is my only recommendation, been using it since last month for my website to serve about 20GB - 85GB bandwidth daily. using their Volume Pricing is cheap as hell. only had a problem once with …
Virmach Benchmark / YABS - BF-SPECIAL-2020. Los Angeles Price: $8.88 / Year # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Yet-Another-Bench-Script ## v2020-12-29 ## https://…
Evolution Host Benchmark / YABS - Developer VPS. Frankfurt, Germany Price: Free Normal Price: €10 / Month # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Yet-Another-Bench-Script ## v2020-12-29…
MaxKVM Benchmark / YABS - PKVM-6G Amsterdam Price: $6.30 / Month ( 65% Off ) Normal Price: $18 / Month # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Yet-Another-Bench-Script ## v2020-12-29 …
MaxKVM Benchmark / YABS - SKVM-4G-4CPU Singapore Price: $7 / Month # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Yet-Another-Bench-Script ## v2020-12-29 ## https://github.c…