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hello @Not_Oles !, is the free metalvps not available forever or the free metalvps has been closed?
hello @Not_Oles can you make me an account? hello @Not_Oles, can I create an account here? my ssh keys ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAICPii861EhyjikSsCj7fzr3VGIxUoCzCffxdbQzba+ti eddsa-key-20230511
Hi @Not_Oles, is it possible to request a new account to replace the account that was deleted after you reinstalled Debian?
(Quote) thanks @Not_Oles
(Quote) please , I want to run KVM and Qemu on metalvps because my laptop is too weak to run qemu and KVM
(Quote) Hello @Not_Oles I want to tell you that I have no references, I apologize profusely
(Quote) hello, I'm a student in high school, I live in Indonesia, I'm 14 years old, I'm using linux for 1 month, I want to running KVM to create a VM, so can I get a free metalvps account?
(Quote) i am a student and i am new to LES . I Want To Use QEMU , And KVM , Can I Get Free MetalVPS Intel i9-13900 Traditional Shell Account ?
Hi! @Not_Oles I want to learn KVM and Linux and I want to learn LXC . i want to get an account My SSH Key : ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIL4cEgOmOktDjKDzg7W1Bp5EFI4OgY8+fNAyKTcKC53P eddsa-key-20230419