- Username
- MikeA
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- Member, Hosting Provider, OG
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(Quote) Singapore is even better now, brand new hardware, Datapacket network.
(Quote) lol probably. If it wasn't on Hetzner I'd do lower plans.
VDS Special in Germany has one in stock also. https://extravm.com/billing/store/specials-high-ram-vps-kvm $32 32GB RAM 4 Cores 440GB NVMe Unmetered 1Gbps 1 IPv4, 1 IPv6 Falkenstein, DE
(Quote) unfortunately not possible
(Quote) What about the bigger VPS/cloud providers? Their pricing is generally higher than the hosts that come around LE* and they're probably making 5x profit compared to the smaller companies. So it shouldn't be bad for a smaller company to profit.
(Quote) I asked them, please wait 4 to 6 weeks for a response from them. That is half sarcasm, I will let you know.
Is that the 32GB 2x800GB one? If so I have one on a Canada manager account.
Working drive: /dev/nvme1n1 Failed drive: /dev/nvme0n1 In this case, "/dev/nvme0n1" has failed and has presumably been replaced by the datacenter. Once the server is booted after the failed drive is replaced, copy the partition table fro…
DataPacket Singapore E-2388G # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Yet-Another-Bench-Script ## v2023-02-27 ## https://github.com/masonr/yet-another-bench-script ## #…
(Quote) He wants ability to add ISO on his end, not many people do that (would be nice, but imagine someone trying to load a bunch of huge ISOs). I can give a deal with 2x IPv4 and /64 but it'd require him asking to have ISOs linked to his account. …
(Quote) I'm confused, are you cociu?
Damn man, $2.80 for 1TB? Wasn't cociu even higher (price wise and physically) than that.
Public company, gotta keep revenue up for shareholders.
(Quote) I don't think this is true at all. Only the providers you see giving away 8GB RAM for $30/y are going to be potentially running RAID-0, and that's far and few. RAID-0 is definitely no popular by any means lmao. NVMe costs are low compared to…
Any standard plan and not super cheap discounted promo plans should be on sone mirrored raid. Plus this also depends on how competent the host is. Mirrored raid isn't useful if the host fucks up and loses data or has extended downtime when it's comp…
I pay for Google One and OneDrive, but mainly use Google One just for extra Gmail space and for Google Photos (iPhone backs up pics to Google Photos). Google space is quite fast, OneDrive isn't nearly as fast syncing from my exp. But both are pretty…
V.PS pricing is very good. I also have Tokyo :~) https://extravm.com/billing/store/kvm-nvme-vps-tokyo-japan-ddos-protected
$4 and I'll do a custom plan 2 Cores (Ryzen), 4GB RAM, 40GB NVMe, 4TB BW 1Gbps in NYC. IPv4 and IPv6. You can't upload your own ISO on the client side, but I can link any ISOs to your account for you to use account-wide anytime.
(Quote) Yeah. It can probably be done if you have SSH access, the manual install looks like it would be fine with some changes but I've never tried. Mine is running with the manual install on a server with a typical Apache setup, running alongside s…
I've used Bookstack for like two years now. Works great for me and has a lot of editor/formatting features unlike some other options. Also convenient as I can edit my pages and export to PDF if I ever want to share with people who need to know how t…
(Quote) Little demand + Expensive location = Unprofitable
Anyone with non-storage VPS want an alternative PM me your invoice and shit and I'll see if I can match it depending on location.
I've updated thread and added Miami location. Miami has /64 IPv6 as well, Dallas will have full /64 in the near future.
(Quote) As long as it's not IRC botting for DoS, related lol.
Signup form doesn't do anything for me. Sad.
(Quote) Any promotions won't make any difference. It was unmetered for a while, but I've found offering unmetered in Asia region isn't possible solely due to the extremely huge about of abuse (in terms of wasting bandwidth through proxies/tunnels, p…
@TYTY The promo field is there now, sorry :(
(Quote) Weird, I see that there is a problem. Someone used the code so I'm not sure what's wrong. I'm looking into it.