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so I finally decided to pull a plug from the HM and switched to myw.pt, and I'm so glad I did bcos the new support staff is just the worst. they have stereotypical replies like send us MTR and all while their uptime monitor was showing that service …
(Quote) whats your experience in terms of support with @MikePT ? obviously with reseller or shared hosting you dont need much support but sometime its good to have one in case of emergency
early blackfriday deal
(Quote) https://themes.pixelwars.org/unrovr/demo-02/
anyone is using Singapore reseller from nexusbytes? decided to give them a shot after HM issue but its been down for the last 4 hours
(Quote) still the same bullshit, I don't understand the need of increasing DA prices and at the same time capping the resources at the reseller level
(Quote) > but no DA :( if anybody is moving away from hostmantis then it's a good time to get directadmin only bcos cpanel won't stop increasing price so sooner or later they might have to switch
(Quote) > did not find on website edit : i swear i was only seeing NY location before refreshing the page found it now
any other provider who can provide a Singapore location? I have 5 servers (DA) with them even I also noticed slow performance did not know they made this change silently
cleantalk works like a charm , they also offer lot more than spam protection
You get 2gb 1 core lightsail instance free for 3 month, check it out if you dont get any sponsor
any exclusive deal for this green forum user ;)
last night i had fun watching romanian ass slap contest on moist critikal channel and voila coicu is back
(Quote) you might want to tag @yoursunny too
(Image) i doubt this is a end of the saga,
(Quote) (Image)
(Quote) at first i thought he is paralyzed from waist down
(Quote) that fb wordpress group is cesspool of marketing , in 2019 it was siteground , for 2020 gridpane now its cloudways. ive sent multiple feedback to point out such a activity and misleading tactics to the group admin but never got reply.
limit post revision too , define( 'WP_POST_REVISIONS', '5' );
Leapswitch ?
(Quote) Same , @martijnk I'm getting 1-2mbps initially it was 10+
(Quote) you mean @not_jbiloh ?
i'm nominating @havoc @Mason @mikho all of them are active here (exclusively ?) , has a great active community thread [1] [2] [3], all of them are very knowledgeable. this LES community is growing very well and i would like to mention this peop…
ive received similar email , aws notified me and i replied that mentioned file does not exist on my server at all. they closed the case after my reply most probably due to mentioned url in the incident was 404
(Quote) yes , may be too many neighbors ?