@dough said:
Hello @Not_Oles! I am a 15 year old student living in Romania, and I am gonna ask if I could maybe get a user account on MetalVPS? I will mostly use it for QEMU/KVM virtual machines. I have some pretty good linux experience since I use linux as my daily driver on my laptop.
My ed25519 public key is: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBGIv5jPjpA8wazw+1odZrnQfjOvcMtoVysyPthAgDtN (generated with termux because I currently am not on my laptop.).
Looking forward to have an user on MetalVPS,
Cheers, and thanks!
@iamvinh123 said: I've made my own Alpine Linux proot environment
That's really cool! I really like it! You get double disk and double bandwidth!
If it's not too much trouble, can you please skim through your command history and post the sequence of commands needed to make this? Maybe add links to any tutorials you used plus also add your own comments.
Hi @iamvinh123! Thanks for posting this! I continue to think it's cool! Would it be too crazy to use Alpine edge and also to get proot directly out of the latest Github? Congrats again! Tom
@dough said:
Hello @Not_Oles! I am a 15 year old student living in Romania, and I am gonna ask if I could maybe get a user account on MetalVPS? I will mostly use it for QEMU/KVM virtual machines. I have some pretty good linux experience since I use linux as my daily driver on my laptop.
My ed25519 public key is: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBGIv5jPjpA8wazw+1odZrnQfjOvcMtoVysyPthAgDtN (generated with termux because I currently am not on my laptop.).
Looking forward to have an user on MetalVPS,
Cheers, and thanks!
I added the new key to your /home/dough/.ssh/authorized_keys file. You can remove the old key if you are not going to be using it. Please let us know if you now can log in okay! Friendly greetings! Tom
@dough said: I dont think I may have posted the full public key. Does the hostname and user also need to be put with the public key?
Often the comment field for the public key contains the email address of the person whose key it is.
However, the comment field may be completely omitted and the key still should work. Maybe take a look at this Stack Overflow post.
With just one person logging into an account that one person might have different devices, each device having its own key. In the "one person" scenario, the comment field could name the devices.
When multiple people log in to a single account (for example, several guys administering a server), then the key comment might need to show which person in addition to which device the key belongs.
@Nikitas said:
Hello, @Not_Oles !
I'm a student that wanted to learn about Linux and KVM.
I'd like to get an account
My SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJDeBFV0G56I4Pj05/G3BCPu658Q3OCS8uN33t/8d84m eddsa-key-20230419
@ExAjiMag said:
Hi! @Not_Oles
I want to learn KVM and Linux
and I want to learn LXC . i want to get an account
My SSH Key : ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIL4cEgOmOktDjKDzg7W1Bp5EFI4OgY8+fNAyKTcKC53P eddsa-key-20230419
Hi Guys! Welcome to LES! Want to share a little more, please, about who and where you are, your Linux experience, and what you want to do with Linux, KVM, and LXC? Thanks! Best wishes! Tom
Hello, I'm 14 years old student, live in USA. I know Linux well, I had Linux on my main PC! I want to try creating KVM virtual machines, learn more about Linux. Also I want to try creating LXC containers.
Login should work on both IPv4 and IPv6. Password login has been disabled, but your password is in a mode 600 file in your home directory in case you need it later for sudo. You have been added to the kvm group but not yet to the sudo group.
It's important for you to know the contents of previous posts in the thread. Please read the entire thread before you start trying to create your first VPS. Check out especially the comments of @cpsd. Make sure to read the qemu slirp tutorial.
Please post here in this thread about any questions you have and also about what you are doing. It's always good to post in the thread because posting here allows everyone to answer your questions and to be inspired by your successes.
Best wishes on the server! Have fun!
Hi @Nikitas! Sorry for this inconvenience. A question came up about the information you provided to sign up. Could you please ask three people to email me their recommendations for you? It would be helpful if at least one of the three could be from a teacher or an administrator at your school. Another could be from one of your parents. The third can be a friend. Please ask your three senders to send their emails directly to the address on my profile. For the moment, your account has been suspended. However, your account can be restored as soon as additional verification is received. I am looking forward to restoring your account! Best wishes and kindest regards, Tom
Are there another ways? Can I rewrite my request?
Sure! Of course, yes, you can rewrite your request. Friendly greetings!
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
@VMCreator said:
Hi @Not_Oles can i connect to the vps with only my ssh private key because i forgot to create a ppk file with puttygen. Best wishes! Ken
Hey Ken!
On Linux I believe you can connect with the private key if the server has the corresponding public key. Sorry, I don't know about Microsoft stuff such as Putty.
On Linux you can generate the public key from the private key. Probably you can generate the public key from the private key on Microsoft too, but, again, I don't know.
If needed, you can just make a new set of public + private keys and we can try your new set.
Awhile back there was a guy who couldn't seem to make keys that worked. So I made a set of keys for him. He finally got in that way. So, no worries, we will figure out a way to get ssh log in working for you.
Hi @Not_Oles !
I rewrite my request.
I would like to get an account.
I'm 14 years old guy that live in U.S.A. I'm interested in virtualization technology, I want to try creating LXC containers, and try out speed of KVM Virtual Machines. Currently I am using Arch Linux on my 2nd machine. Also, I am currently learning Linux and Virtualization technology. So I want to practice creating KVM Virtual Machines, and LXC containers. I hope I'll be accepted!
<I don't think I need to put SSH key here, because my account just got suspended.>
@iamvinh123 said: I've made my own Alpine Linux proot environment
That's really cool! I really like it! You get double disk and double bandwidth!
If it's not too much trouble, can you please skim through your command history and post the sequence of commands needed to make this? Maybe add links to any tutorials you used plus also add your own comments.
Hi @iamvinh123! Thanks for posting this! I continue to think it's cool! Would it be too crazy to use Alpine edge and also to get proot directly out of the latest Github? Congrats again! Tom
It would be great if I use Alpine edge + proot from GitHub
@iamvinh123 said: I've made my own Alpine Linux proot environment
That's really cool! I really like it! You get double disk and double bandwidth!
If it's not too much trouble, can you please skim through your command history and post the sequence of commands needed to make this? Maybe add links to any tutorials you used plus also add your own comments.
Hi @iamvinh123! Thanks for posting this! I continue to think it's cool! Would it be too crazy to use Alpine edge and also to get proot directly out of the latest Github? Congrats again! Tom
It would be great if I use Alpine edge + proot from GitHub
@iamvinh123 said: I've made my own Alpine Linux proot environment
That's really cool! I really like it! You get double disk and double bandwidth!
If it's not too much trouble, can you please skim through your command history and post the sequence of commands needed to make this? Maybe add links to any tutorials you used plus also add your own comments.
Hi @iamvinh123! Thanks for posting this! I continue to think it's cool! Would it be too crazy to use Alpine edge and also to get proot directly out of the latest Github? Congrats again! Tom
It would be great if I use Alpine edge + proot from GitHub
@Nikitas said:
Hi @Not_Oles !
I rewrite my request.
I would like to get an account.
I'm 14 years old guy that live in U.S.A. I'm interested in virtualization technology, I want to try creating LXC containers, and try out speed of KVM Virtual Machines. Currently I am using Arch Linux on my 2nd machine. Also, I am currently learning Linux and Virtualization technology. So I want to practice creating KVM Virtual Machines, and LXC containers. I hope I'll be accepted!
<I don't think I need to put SSH key here, because my account just got suspended.>
Hi @Nikitas! Thanks for rewriting your request! May I please ask what evidence you can give us to show that you are 14 years old and that you live in the USA? I thought that having one of your teachers or an administrator at your school, plus a parent, plus a third person all send me emails might be an easy way to provide evidence. But maybe you have a better idea? Best wishes! Tom
@Nubuki said:
Um @Not_Oles I can't seem to be able to modify '/home/nubuki/.cache/'
I think have messed it up while toying with lxc
Running ls with -la flag gives:
Should I send in the cavalry? I could delete the /home/nubuki/.cachedirectory if that's what you want. Or I could change the directory's permissions tonubuki:nubuki`. Or maybe something else? Please tell me what you want?
@Nikitas said:
Hi @Not_Oles !
I rewrite my request.
I would like to get an account.
I'm 14 years old guy that live in U.S.A. I'm interested in virtualization technology, I want to try creating LXC containers, and try out speed of KVM Virtual Machines. Currently I am using Arch Linux on my 2nd machine. Also, I am currently learning Linux and Virtualization technology. So I want to practice creating KVM Virtual Machines, and LXC containers. I hope I'll be accepted!
<I don't think I need to put SSH key here, because my account just got suspended.>
Hi @Nikitas! Thanks for rewriting your request! May I please ask what evidence you can give us to show that you are 14 years old and that you live in the USA? I thought that having one of your teachers or an administrator at your school, plus a parent, plus a third person all send me emails might be an easy way to provide evidence. But maybe you have a better idea? Best wishes! Tom
I don't have other idea. Maybe, I can say good luck to y'all, guys.
@Nikitas said:
Hi @Not_Oles !
I rewrite my request.
I would like to get an account.
I'm 14 years old guy that live in U.S.A. I'm interested in virtualization technology, I want to try creating LXC containers, and try out speed of KVM Virtual Machines. Currently I am using Arch Linux on my 2nd machine. Also, I am currently learning Linux and Virtualization technology. So I want to practice creating KVM Virtual Machines, and LXC containers. I hope I'll be accepted!
<I don't think I need to put SSH key here, because my account just got suspended.>
Hi @Nikitas! Thanks for rewriting your request! May I please ask what evidence you can give us to show that you are 14 years old and that you live in the USA? I thought that having one of your teachers or an administrator at your school, plus a parent, plus a third person all send me emails might be an easy way to provide evidence. But maybe you have a better idea? Best wishes! Tom
I don't have other idea. Maybe, I can say good luck to y'all, guys.
@Nubuki said:
Um @Not_Oles I can't seem to be able to modify '/home/nubuki/.cache/'
I think have messed it up while toying with lxc
Running ls with -la flag gives:
Should I send in the cavalry? I could delete the /home/nubuki/.cachedirectory if that's what you want. Or I could change the directory's permissions tonubuki:nubuki`. Or maybe something else? Please tell me what you want?
@RtedPro said:
Hi, @Not_Oles Can i get your linux vps, i want to try creating on if qemu kvm VM, i tryed on linux Wine which worked very good, heres my ssh public key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAdxnYG6YQ7yl/JpMl1v2+NS9fnaf+NiWWyWLsC7PUcg
Hi @Not_Oles i have generated a new key for metalvps server. I have saved my new key as a .ppk file now. My new public ssh key is ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPkP1Z5wbHrfpMoeHKMkMHqppvs67xRE0mAJeUPOfQsL eddsa-key-20230422 Best wishes! Ken
Hello @Not_Oles (again)!
I'd like to rewrite my request because maybe you ignore it or you can't see it!
I'm a student from Vietnam, a 13 years old boy. Now I'm studying coding Javascript and HTML and used linux for about 2 months, i also interested KVM
Here is my SSH Key!:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHNhAKah0wn2mwUAIGMVX75uRH+LCLgU+Fm0c/qRQyQ/ eddsa-key-20230421
Thanks a lot!
@itsmepaddi said:
I just got QEMU working with VNC and SSH port forwarding. Later I will try to install an OS there.
Looks great! Congrats! Want to skim through your command history and post the steps you took to get this working? That would be super great! 🤩
Double disk and double bandwidth for @itsmepaddi! 🌟
All what I do is just go to PuTTY configuration > SSH > Tunnel, then adding source port to 5900 (or any other port) and destination to (change 5900 to any port), then click "Add". Here's an image showing how to do so:
Debian 11 running on MetalVPS via ssh tunneling. https://ibb.co/xLtRCQm
Commands i used:
ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 {user@hostname here}
{user}@fsn: qemu-system-x86_64 -display vnc= {rest of args here} {the 0 after the ip is the display, if you set it to 1 the port becomes 5901, if you set it to 2 it should become to 5902 i think.)
vncviewer localhost:5900
Hope this helps for anyone else trying to run a VM with a GUI on MetalVPS!
Good luck to you too! You are welcome back any time. You are welcome to provide either updated information in a new request or evidence to back up the current information. Meanwhile, is it okay to delete your home directory?
@Nubuki said:
Um @Not_Oles I can't seem to be able to modify '/home/nubuki/.cache/'
I think have messed it up while toying with lxc
Running ls with -la flag gives:
Should I send in the cavalry? I could delete the /home/nubuki/.cachedirectory if that's what you want. Or I could change the directory's permissions tonubuki:nubuki`. Or maybe something else? Please tell me what you want?
Oh please delete the directory then
root@fsn ~ # date
Sat Apr 22 07:42:34 PM UTC 2023
root@fsn ~ # rm -r /home/nubuki/.cache
root@fsn ~ #
@RtedPro said:
Hi, @Not_Oles Can i get your linux vps, i want to try creating on if qemu kvm VM, i tryed on linux Wine which worked very good, heres my ssh public key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAdxnYG6YQ7yl/JpMl1v2+NS9fnaf+NiWWyWLsC7PUcg
@VMCreator said:
Hi @Not_Oles i have generated a new key for metalvps server. I have saved my new key as a .ppk file now. My new public ssh key is ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPkP1Z5wbHrfpMoeHKMkMHqppvs67xRE0mAJeUPOfQsL eddsa-key-20230422 Best wishes! Ken
Hey Ken!
Thanks for your persistence! I appreciate your friendly attitude too!
What I did is add your new key to your authorized keys file. You can remove the old key yourself if you are sure you won't need it any more.
Below is a transcript of my terminal output as I added the new key. One of the advantages of using the antique ed editor might be that it's easy to share edit session transcripts.
Please let us know if you now can log in. I want to make sure you get access to the server and that you have lots of fun.
Best wishes!
root@fsn /home/vmcreator/.ssh # ed authorized_keys
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPkP1Z5wbHrfpMoeHKMkMHqppvs67xRE0mAJeUPOfQsL eddsa-key-20230422
1 ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGV/KlwL17GtX51zxcNRHk6J/2zzIw9b0mrzpBMcQ/aV eddsa-key-20230420
2 ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPkP1Z5wbHrfpMoeHKMkMHqppvs67xRE0mAJeUPOfQsL eddsa-key-20230422
root@fsn /home/vmcreator/.ssh #
@dinopotato said:
Hello @Not_Oles (again)!
I'd like to rewrite my request because maybe you ignore it or you can't see it!
I'm a student from Vietnam, a 13 years old boy. Now I'm studying coding Javascript and HTML and used linux for about 2 months, i also interested KVM
Here is my SSH Key!:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHNhAKah0wn2mwUAIGMVX75uRH+LCLgU+Fm0c/qRQyQ/ eddsa-key-20230421
Thanks a lot!
Password access has been disabled. You need your key to log in.
Your password is in a mode 600 file in your home directory.
Your password might be needed later for sudo. But you have not yet been added to the sudo group.
Feel free to change your password.
You have been added to the kvm group.
If you want to make a KVM VPS it is recommended to start with slirp following this tutorial.
Alternatives include setting up proot as described earlier in this thread.
Additional node configuration might be needed for LXC and non-slirp qemu.
Please post your questions and progress reports and tutorials here in this thread. It benefits everyone to help answer everyone else's questions and to learn from everyone else's progress reports and tutorials. So, please post here instead of sending me PMs (except if privacy really is necessary).
Thanks again @dinopotato! It's wonderful to have you with us on the server! I bet you will have a lot of fun and do great things! 🌟
I would like to mention that I now have found out what went wrong and couldnt connect.
If possible, could I use the following key instead?
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBq/3JiGc/6nKAr9I/5/AU+s0fk7NZYxGYeKDnb/doOA dough
Thank you!
http://dough.h4ck.me/ - we gonna get out of mcdonalds with this one!!!
Hi @Not_Oles can i connect to the vps with only my ssh private key because i forgot to create a ppk file with puttygen. Best wishes! Ken
Hi @iamvinh123! Thanks for posting this! I continue to think it's cool! Would it be too crazy to use Alpine edge and also to get proot directly out of the latest Github? Congrats again! Tom
Hello @dough!
I added the new key to your /home/dough/.ssh/authorized_keys file. You can remove the old key if you are not going to be using it. Please let us know if you now can log in okay! Friendly greetings! Tom
Often the comment field for the public key contains the email address of the person whose key it is.
However, the comment field may be completely omitted and the key still should work. Maybe take a look at this Stack Overflow post.
With just one person logging into an account that one person might have different devices, each device having its own key. In the "one person" scenario, the comment field could name the devices.
When multiple people log in to a single account (for example, several guys administering a server), then the key comment might need to show which person in addition to which device the key belongs.
Hope this helps! Best wishes!
Looks great! Congrats! Want to skim through your command history and post the steps you took to get this working? That would be super great! 🤩
Double disk and double bandwidth for @itsmepaddi! 🌟
Sure! Of course, yes, you can rewrite your request.
Friendly greetings! 
Coming out of the woodwork is a real thing, I see
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
Hey Ken!
On Linux I believe you can connect with the private key if the server has the corresponding public key. Sorry, I don't know about Microsoft stuff such as Putty.
On Linux you can generate the public key from the private key. Probably you can generate the public key from the private key on Microsoft too, but, again, I don't know.
If needed, you can just make a new set of public + private keys and we can try your new set.
Awhile back there was a guy who couldn't seem to make keys that worked. So I made a set of keys for him. He finally got in that way. So, no worries, we will figure out a way to get ssh log in working for you.
Best wishes! Have fun!
Hi @Not_Oles !
I rewrite my request.
I would like to get an account.
I'm 14 years old guy that live in U.S.A. I'm interested in virtualization technology, I want to try creating LXC containers, and try out speed of KVM Virtual Machines. Currently I am using Arch Linux on my 2nd machine. Also, I am currently learning Linux and Virtualization technology. So I want to practice creating KVM Virtual Machines, and LXC containers. I hope I'll be accepted!
<I don't think I need to put SSH key here, because my account just got suspended.>
Um @Not_Oles I can't seem to be able to modify '/home/nubuki/.cache/'
I think have messed it up while toying with lxc
Running ls with -la flag gives:
It would be great if I use Alpine edge + proot from GitHub
This https://github.com/Yonle/alpine-proot ?
Maybe yes
Hi @Nikitas! Thanks for rewriting your request! May I please ask what evidence you can give us to show that you are 14 years old and that you live in the USA? I thought that having one of your teachers or an administrator at your school, plus a parent, plus a third person all send me emails might be an easy way to provide evidence. But maybe you have a better idea? Best wishes! Tom
Should I send in the cavalry?
I could delete the /home/nubuki/.cache
directory if that's what you want. Or I could change the directory's permissions to
nubuki:nubuki`. Or maybe something else? Please tell me what you want?MetalVPS
I don't have other idea. Maybe, I can say good luck to y'all, guys.
Oh please delete the directory then
Hi @Not_Oles i have generated a new key for metalvps server. I have saved my new key as a .ppk file now. My new public ssh key is ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPkP1Z5wbHrfpMoeHKMkMHqppvs67xRE0mAJeUPOfQsL eddsa-key-20230422 Best wishes! Ken
Hello @Not_Oles (again)!
I'd like to rewrite my request because maybe you ignore it or you can't see it!
I'm a student from Vietnam, a 13 years old boy. Now I'm studying coding Javascript and HTML and used linux for about 2 months, i also interested KVM
Here is my SSH Key!:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHNhAKah0wn2mwUAIGMVX75uRH+LCLgU+Fm0c/qRQyQ/ eddsa-key-20230421
Thanks a lot!
All what I do is just go to PuTTY configuration > SSH > Tunnel, then adding source port to 5900 (or any other port) and destination to (change 5900 to any port), then click "Add". Here's an image showing how to do so:

why are all these kids coming out of the woodwork
Debian 11 running on MetalVPS via ssh tunneling.
Commands i used:
Hope this helps for anyone else trying to run a VM with a GUI on MetalVPS!
http://dough.h4ck.me/ - we gonna get out of mcdonalds with this one!!!
Good luck to you too! You are welcome back any time. You are welcome to provide either updated information in a new request or evidence to back up the current information. Meanwhile, is it okay to delete your home directory?
Best wishes!
Hi @RtedPro!
Thanks for your interest in MetalVPS!
Whoops! Sorry! It looks like I missed your earlier post!
Since you have a new account here at LES, could you please introduce yourself?
Please tell us a little about yourself, such as who and where you are.
Do you have a website?
Also please include a little about your computer education, experience, and interests.
Additionally, what binaries are you running with Wine?
I look forward to welcoming you on the server! Also, I sincerely hope you have a wonderful time here at LES!
Best wishes!
Hey Ken!
Thanks for your persistence! I appreciate your friendly attitude too!
What I did is add your new key to your authorized keys file. You can remove the old key yourself if you are sure you won't need it any more.
Below is a transcript of my terminal output as I added the new key. One of the advantages of using the antique ed editor might be that it's easy to share edit session transcripts.
Please let us know if you now can log in. I want to make sure you get access to the server and that you have lots of fun.
Best wishes!
Hi @dinopotato!
Thanks for rewriting your request! Somehow I missed your first try. I can see it now. I do not know how I missed it.
Now you can check my work to add your account:
I guess you already know:
Thanks again @dinopotato! It's wonderful to have you with us on the server! I bet you will have a lot of fun and do great things! 🌟