@Nikitas said:
Hello, @Not_Oles !
I'm a student that wanted to learn about Linux and KVM.
I'd like to get an account
My SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJDeBFV0G56I4Pj05/G3BCPu658Q3OCS8uN33t/8d84m eddsa-key-20230419
@ExAjiMag said:
Hi! @Not_Oles
I want to learn KVM and Linux
and I want to learn LXC . i want to get an account
My SSH Key : ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIL4cEgOmOktDjKDzg7W1Bp5EFI4OgY8+fNAyKTcKC53P eddsa-key-20230419
Hi Guys! Welcome to LES! Want to share a little more, please, about who and where you are, your Linux experience, and what you want to do with Linux, KVM, and LXC? Thanks! Best wishes! Tom
hello, I'm a student in high school, I live in Indonesia, I'm 14 years old, I'm using linux for 1 month, I want to
running KVM to create a VM, so can I get a free metalvps account?
Thanks again for your renewed request! Please ask three people who know you to write references for you and to email their references to me at the address on my LES profile. It would be helpful if at least one of the references is from a teacher or an administrator at your high school and if another could be from one of your parents. I look forward to reading the references and to provisioning your account soon!
Best wishes and kindest regards,
Hello @Not_Oles
I want to tell you that I have no references, I apologize profusely
Hi @ExAjiMag! Thank you for telling me that you have no references! But now I am confused. How can you verify what you originally said, that you are a high school student, 14 years old, and living in Indonesia? Best wishes! Tom
please , I want to run KVM and Qemu on metalvps because my laptop is too weak to run qemu and KVM
Just to check, you are providing ssh access to your server for people to play/learn linux terminal? What's stopping a user with sudo access to install a control panel like "proxmox" or some other VM management control panel? It runs great on debian: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Install_Proxmox_VE_on_Debian_11_Bullseye
@Nikitas said:
Hello, @Not_Oles !
I'm a student that wanted to learn about Linux and KVM.
I'd like to get an account
My SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJDeBFV0G56I4Pj05/G3BCPu658Q3OCS8uN33t/8d84m eddsa-key-20230419
@ExAjiMag said:
Hi! @Not_Oles
I want to learn KVM and Linux
and I want to learn LXC . i want to get an account
My SSH Key : ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIL4cEgOmOktDjKDzg7W1Bp5EFI4OgY8+fNAyKTcKC53P eddsa-key-20230419
Hi Guys! Welcome to LES! Want to share a little more, please, about who and where you are, your Linux experience, and what you want to do with Linux, KVM, and LXC? Thanks! Best wishes! Tom
hello, I'm a student in high school, I live in Indonesia, I'm 14 years old, I'm using linux for 1 month, I want to
running KVM to create a VM, so can I get a free metalvps account?
Thanks again for your renewed request! Please ask three people who know you to write references for you and to email their references to me at the address on my LES profile. It would be helpful if at least one of the references is from a teacher or an administrator at your high school and if another could be from one of your parents. I look forward to reading the references and to provisioning your account soon!
Best wishes and kindest regards,
Hello @Not_Oles
I want to tell you that I have no references, I apologize profusely
Hi @ExAjiMag! Thank you for telling me that you have no references! But now I am confused. How can you verify what you originally said, that you are a high school student, 14 years old, and living in Indonesia? Best wishes! Tom
please , I want to run KVM and Qemu on metalvps because my laptop is too weak to run qemu and KVM
Please read this thread carefully. Here are a few basics:
Password access has been disabled. You need your key to log in.
Your password is in a mode 600 file in your home directory.
Your password might be needed later for sudo. But you have not yet been added to the sudo group.
Feel free to change your password.
You have been added to the kvm group.
If you want to make a KVM VPS it is recommended to start with slirp following this tutorial.
Alternatives include setting up proot as described earlier in this thread.
Additional node configuration might be needed for LXC and non-slirp qemu.
Please post your questions and progress reports and tutorials here in this thread. It benefits everyone to help answer everyone else's questions and to learn from everyone else's progress reports and tutorials. So, please post here instead of sending me PMs (except if privacy really is necessary).
Again, welcome to MetalVPS! I hope you have fun on the server! It is good to have you with us!
Just to check, you are providing ssh access to your server for people to play/learn linux terminal?
Yes! 🤩
What's stopping a user with sudo access to install a control panel like "proxmox" or some other VM management control panel? It runs great on debian: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Install_Proxmox_VE_on_Debian_11_Bullseye
Not much is stopping most anybody from running most anything, as long as the use case is unselfish and open. Personally, I like open source software, and I am grateful when people use open source at MetalVPS! But . . . people want different things. So, if somebody wants to install a panel for their own use (not for reselling the MetalVPS service they got for free), that's fine.
In the past MetalVPS has had users with sudo privileges. However, there are not yet any sudo users on the i9-13900 node. Instead of sudo, MetalVPSians seem to be making great use of proot.
@iamvinh123 said: I got Debian 11 with Chrome Remote Desktop + Xfce4 working
Hey, that's great! Congrats! 🌟 Thank you for using open source software at MetalVPS!
No problem.
but can you add my newly generated SSH key so i can access the server via my tablet
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMhCzNxoNoUQr7LVSqaGmffnx1RqVpnKa3O8dVhcrgDH imm0nv1nhtv@ipad
Ah! But you are using VNC? You don't have cut-and-paste?
Sometime I wanna try Spice. I heard Spice has cut-and-paste.
I’m using VNC for OS installation in my VMs
I could add the SSH key by myself but since I don’t use my PC rn so I can’t add the key
Even tho, I would love to try Spice out
@Nikitas said:
Hello, @Not_Oles !
I'm a student that wanted to learn about Linux and KVM.
I'd like to get an account
My SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJDeBFV0G56I4Pj05/G3BCPu658Q3OCS8uN33t/8d84m eddsa-key-20230419
@ExAjiMag said:
Hi! @Not_Oles
I want to learn KVM and Linux
and I want to learn LXC . i want to get an account
My SSH Key : ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIL4cEgOmOktDjKDzg7W1Bp5EFI4OgY8+fNAyKTcKC53P eddsa-key-20230419
Hi Guys! Welcome to LES! Want to share a little more, please, about who and where you are, your Linux experience, and what you want to do with Linux, KVM, and LXC? Thanks! Best wishes! Tom
hello, I'm a student in high school, I live in Indonesia, I'm 14 years old, I'm using linux for 1 month, I want to
running KVM to create a VM, so can I get a free metalvps account?
Thanks again for your renewed request! Please ask three people who know you to write references for you and to email their references to me at the address on my LES profile. It would be helpful if at least one of the references is from a teacher or an administrator at your high school and if another could be from one of your parents. I look forward to reading the references and to provisioning your account soon!
Best wishes and kindest regards,
Hello @Not_Oles
I want to tell you that I have no references, I apologize profusely
Hi @ExAjiMag! Thank you for telling me that you have no references! But now I am confused. How can you verify what you originally said, that you are a high school student, 14 years old, and living in Indonesia? Best wishes! Tom
please , I want to run KVM and Qemu on metalvps because my laptop is too weak to run qemu and KVM
Please read this thread carefully. Here are a few basics:
Password access has been disabled. You need your key to log in.
Your password is in a mode 600 file in your home directory.
Your password might be needed later for sudo. But you have not yet been added to the sudo group.
Feel free to change your password.
You have been added to the kvm group.
If you want to make a KVM VPS it is recommended to start with slirp following this tutorial.
Alternatives include setting up proot as described earlier in this thread.
Additional node configuration might be needed for LXC and non-slirp qemu.
Please post your questions and progress reports and tutorials here in this thread. It benefits everyone to help answer everyone else's questions and to learn from everyone else's progress reports and tutorials. So, please post here instead of sending me PMs (except if privacy really is necessary).
Again, welcome to MetalVPS! I hope you have fun on the server! It is good to have you with us!
What equipment do you want to use to access the MetalVPS server? Please tell us the manufacturer and the model number.
What Operating System is running on your equipment? Please tell us the name of the Operating System and the version.
With this additional information, maybe we can help. Alternatvely, maybe we can figure out a way to get you web access with just your browser.
Best wishes!
@Not_Oles I want to use laptop to access MetalVPS server. It's HP Pavilion 14 dv0536tu. It runs Windows 11 operating system version 22H2 (OS Build 22621.1555)
Sadly, I cannot help you with Windows because I do not know anything about it. A long time ago I used to use DOS software from Microsoft, and then, briefly, Windows 98 and XP, but that was it.
There is, I hear, a program called PuTTY which people sometimes (?) use (?) to bring ssh to Windows. Also, I hear that some of the new Windows versions have Linux. I guess that the Windows-Linux might have ssh capability. Maybe you can use Google to find a PuTTY tutorial or a Linux-on-Windows tutorial?
Fortunately there are many guys here on LES who are really good with Windows. I am sure some of them can help you. I am sorry that I cannot help you with Windows!
Sadly, I cannot help you with Windows because I do not know anything about it. A long time ago I used to use DOS software from Microsoft, and then, briefly, Windows 98 and XP, but that was it.
There is, I hear, a program called PuTTY which people sometimes (?) use (?) to bring ssh to Windows. Also, I hear that some of the new Windows versions have Linux. I guess that the Windows-Linux might have ssh capability. Maybe you can use Google to find a PuTTY tutorial or a Linux-on-Windows tutorial?
Fortunately there are many guys here on LES who are really good with Windows. I am sure some of them can help you. I am sorry that I cannot help you with Windows!
Sadly, I cannot help you with Windows because I do not know anything about it. A long time ago I used to use DOS software from Microsoft, and then, briefly, Windows 98 and XP, but that was it.
There is, I hear, a program called PuTTY which people sometimes (?) use (?) to bring ssh to Windows. Also, I hear that some of the new Windows versions have Linux. I guess that the Windows-Linux might have ssh capability. Maybe you can use Google to find a PuTTY tutorial or a Linux-on-Windows tutorial?
Fortunately there are many guys here on LES who are really good with Windows. I am sure some of them can help you. I am sorry that I cannot help you with Windows!
@Not_Oles I can use WSL to run Linux commands on Windows 11. I also know that PuTTY is used to SSH into the server. If you want me to install PuTTY on Linux, I can. What should I do next? Thank.
Sadly, I cannot help you with Windows because I do not know anything about it. A long time ago I used to use DOS software from Microsoft, and then, briefly, Windows 98 and XP, but that was it.
There is, I hear, a program called PuTTY which people sometimes (?) use (?) to bring ssh to Windows. Also, I hear that some of the new Windows versions have Linux. I guess that the Windows-Linux might have ssh capability. Maybe you can use Google to find a PuTTY tutorial or a Linux-on-Windows tutorial?
Fortunately there are many guys here on LES who are really good with Windows. I am sure some of them can help you. I am sorry that I cannot help you with Windows!
@Not_Oles Oh after a while of researching, I know what SSH is ) This is my ssh ed25519 public key:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFUHaQC8BCZViUt9nbsfD0ggxrlETddm+dGTZA7OG1xa
Please let me know what i need to do next.
Just to check, you are providing ssh access to your server for people to play/learn linux terminal?
Yes! 🤩
What's stopping a user with sudo access to install a control panel like "proxmox" or some other VM management control panel? It runs great on debian: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Install_Proxmox_VE_on_Debian_11_Bullseye
Not much is stopping most anybody from running most anything, as long as the use case is unselfish and open. Personally, I like open source software, and I am grateful when people use open source at MetalVPS! But . . . people want different things. So, if somebody wants to install a panel for their own use (not for reselling the MetalVPS service they got for free), that's fine.
In the past MetalVPS has had users with sudo privileges. However, there are not yet any sudo users on the i9-13900 node. Instead of sudo, MetalVPSians seem to be making great use of proot.
Best wishes and kindest regards!
That's... something...
I see you are collecting the achievements by the users on your server. Do keep it up.
Sadly, I cannot help you with Windows because I do not know anything about it. A long time ago I used to use DOS software from Microsoft, and then, briefly, Windows 98 and XP, but that was it.
There is, I hear, a program called PuTTY which people sometimes (?) use (?) to bring ssh to Windows. Also, I hear that some of the new Windows versions have Linux. I guess that the Windows-Linux might have ssh capability. Maybe you can use Google to find a PuTTY tutorial or a Linux-on-Windows tutorial?
Fortunately there are many guys here on LES who are really good with Windows. I am sure some of them can help you. I am sorry that I cannot help you with Windows!
@Not_Oles Oh after a while of researching, I know what SSH is ) This is my ssh ed25519 public key:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFUHaQC8BCZViUt9nbsfD0ggxrlETddm+dGTZA7OG1xa
Please let me know what i need to do next.
Please read this thread carefully. Here are a few basics:
Password access has been disabled. You need your key to log in.
Your password is in a mode 600 file in your home directory.
Your password might be needed later for sudo. But you have not yet been added to the sudo group.
Feel free to change your password.
You have been added to the kvm group.
If you want to make a KVM VPS it is recommended to start with slirp following this tutorial.
Alternatives include setting up proot as described earlier in this thread.
Additional node configuration might be needed for LXC and non-slirp qemu.
Please post your questions and progress reports and tutorials here in this thread. It benefits everyone to help answer everyone else's questions and to learn from everyone else's progress reports and tutorials. So, please post here instead of sending me PMs (except if privacy really is necessary).
Welcome to MetalVPS! I hope you have fun on the server! It is good to have you with us!
@NgocNguyen8372 said:
Hi I am NgocNguyen
I would love to try this vps so I can run VM and stuff thanks!
ssh-ed25519 255 SHA256:e30mHWxpbhrOM6KszuRyUu6HgSiaEYIQZOUNyB0xPc4
Your password is in a mode 600 file in your home directory. Please change your password if you wish. Password login is disabled, so you need your key to log in.
You have been added to the kvm group but not yet to the sudo group.
If possible, please post here in this thread about your experiences with the server. If you post your questions, others here can help you answer them. If you post about your successes, others can be inspired. So, please post here in this thread.
Thanks again for joining the server! I wish you the very best! 🌟
Just to check, you are providing ssh access to your server for people to play/learn linux terminal?
Yes! 🤩
What's stopping a user with sudo access to install a control panel like "proxmox" or some other VM management control panel? It runs great on debian: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Install_Proxmox_VE_on_Debian_11_Bullseye
Not much is stopping most anybody from running most anything, as long as the use case is unselfish and open. Personally, I like open source software, and I am grateful when people use open source at MetalVPS! But . . . people want different things. So, if somebody wants to install a panel for their own use (not for reselling the MetalVPS service they got for free), that's fine.
In the past MetalVPS has had users with sudo privileges. However, there are not yet any sudo users on the i9-13900 node. Instead of sudo, MetalVPSians seem to be making great use of proot.
Best wishes and kindest regards!
That's... something...
I see you are collecting the achievements by the users on your server. Do keep it up.
Hi @somik! Thanks again for your comments! I appreciate your following the thread here! I took a quick look at your website. I didn't immediately see any information about who and where you are. Would it be crazy to imagine you might want to tell us more about yourself and about your work? Thanks either way! Best! Tom
@somik said:
I see you are collecting the achievements by the users on your server. Do keep it up.
Hi @somik! Thanks again for your comments! I appreciate your following the thread here! I took a quick look at your website. I didn't immediately see any information about who and where you are. Would it be crazy to imagine you might want to tell us more about yourself and about your work? Thanks either way! Best! Tom
I'm based in Singapore. I had been working here as a full stack developer for almost 10 years now.
I have a few personal servers that I manage on my free time as a hobby. Two of them are running proxmox to host my VMs. Now with falling price of server grade hardware, it's cheaper to buy and run them from home then from datacenters, given SG internet is already 1Gbps (with a fixed IPv4 IP and on request). Only issue is sending out emails as I need a SMTP relay to send it.
I mostly used PHP for my work, but for the last few years, I had been using Java+ReactJS.
@somik said:
I see you are collecting the achievements by the users on your server. Do keep it up.
Hi @somik! Thanks again for your comments! I appreciate your following the thread here! I took a quick look at your website. I didn't immediately see any information about who and where you are. Would it be crazy to imagine you might want to tell us more about yourself and about your work? Thanks either way! Best! Tom
I'm based in Singapore. I had been working here as a full stack developer for almost 10 years now.
I have a few personal servers that I manage on my free time as a hobby. Two of them are running proxmox to host my VMs. Now with falling price of server grade hardware, it's cheaper to buy and run them from home then from datacenters, given SG internet is already 1Gbps (with a fixed IPv4 IP and on request). Only issue is sending out emails as I need a SMTP relay to send it.
I mostly used PHP for my work, but for the last few years, I had been using Java+ReactJS.
Ya, I guess that's about it.
Hey! Cool! I can't resist imagining a colo at your place in Singapore! Wow! Well, I made a new server hardware thread so as not to disrupt this this thread too much. Congrats on Proxmox, PHP, Java+ReactJS!
Sadly, I cannot help you with Windows because I do not know anything about it. A long time ago I used to use DOS software from Microsoft, and then, briefly, Windows 98 and XP, but that was it.
There is, I hear, a program called PuTTY which people sometimes (?) use (?) to bring ssh to Windows. Also, I hear that some of the new Windows versions have Linux. I guess that the Windows-Linux might have ssh capability. Maybe you can use Google to find a PuTTY tutorial or a Linux-on-Windows tutorial?
Fortunately there are many guys here on LES who are really good with Windows. I am sure some of them can help you. I am sorry that I cannot help you with Windows!
@Not_Oles Oh after a while of researching, I know what SSH is ) This is my ssh ed25519 public key:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFUHaQC8BCZViUt9nbsfD0ggxrlETddm+dGTZA7OG1xa
Please let me know what i need to do next.
Please read this thread carefully. Here are a few basics:
Password access has been disabled. You need your key to log in.
Your password is in a mode 600 file in your home directory.
Your password might be needed later for sudo. But you have not yet been added to the sudo group.
Feel free to change your password.
You have been added to the kvm group.
If you want to make a KVM VPS it is recommended to start with slirp following this tutorial.
Alternatives include setting up proot as described earlier in this thread.
Additional node configuration might be needed for LXC and non-slirp qemu.
Please post your questions and progress reports and tutorials here in this thread. It benefits everyone to help answer everyone else's questions and to learn from everyone else's progress reports and tutorials. So, please post here instead of sending me PMs (except if privacy really is necessary).
Welcome to MetalVPS! I hope you have fun on the server! It is good to have you with us!
please , I want to run KVM and Qemu on metalvps because my laptop is too weak to run qemu and KVM
Hi @Not_Oles
Just to check, you are providing ssh access to your server for people to play/learn linux terminal? What's stopping a user with sudo access to install a control panel like "proxmox" or some other VM management control panel? It runs great on debian:
Somik.org - Server admins cheat codes
Hey, that's great! Congrats! 🌟 Thank you for using open source software at MetalVPS!
Hi @Not_Oles , I just created an account but still don't know how to do it. Can you help me ?
Hi @ExAjiMag!
I went ahead and made an account for you. So, welcome to MetalVPS! Please try something like:
ssh [email protected] -p 42365
Please read this thread carefully. Here are a few basics:
Again, welcome to MetalVPS! I hope you have fun on the server! It is good to have you with us!
Hi @somik!
Yes! 🤩
Not much is stopping most anybody from running most anything, as long as the use case is unselfish and open. Personally, I like open source software,
and I am grateful when people use open source at MetalVPS! But . . . people want different things. So, if somebody wants to install a panel for their own use (not for reselling the MetalVPS service they got for free), that's fine.
In the past MetalVPS has had users with sudo privileges. However, there are not yet any sudo users on the i9-13900 node. Instead of sudo, MetalVPSians seem to be making great use of proot.
Best wishes and kindest regards!
Hi @anhkhoals01! Welcome to MetalVPS!
What equipment do you want to use to access the MetalVPS server? Please tell us the manufacturer and the model number.
What Operating System is running on your equipment? Please tell us the name of the Operating System and the version.
With this additional information, maybe we can help. Alternatvely, maybe we can figure out a way to get you web access with just your browser.
Best wishes!
No problem.
but can you add my newly generated SSH key so i can access the server via my tablet
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMhCzNxoNoUQr7LVSqaGmffnx1RqVpnKa3O8dVhcrgDH imm0nv1nhtv@ipad
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMhCzNxoNoUQr7LVSqaGmffnx1RqVpnKa3O8dVhcrgDH imm0nv1nhtv@ipad
Added. Thank you!
@iamvinh123 It's okay that you asked me, but I think you could have added the additional key yourself. Best wishes!
You are the owner of the authorized_keys file and you have read + write permission:
Ah! But you are using VNC? You don't have cut-and-paste?
Sometime I wanna try Spice. I heard Spice has cut-and-paste.
I’m using VNC for OS installation in my VMs
I could add the SSH key by myself but since I don’t use my PC rn so I can’t add the key
Even tho, I would love to try Spice out
thanks @Not_Oles
@Not_Oles I want to use laptop to access MetalVPS server. It's HP Pavilion 14 dv0536tu. It runs Windows 11 operating system version 22H2 (OS Build 22621.1555)
Sadly, I cannot help you with Windows because I do not know anything about it. A long time ago I used to use DOS software from Microsoft, and then, briefly, Windows 98 and XP, but that was it.
There is, I hear, a program called PuTTY which people sometimes (?) use (?) to bring ssh to Windows. Also, I hear that some of the new Windows versions have Linux. I guess that the Windows-Linux might have ssh capability. Maybe you can use Google to find a PuTTY tutorial or a Linux-on-Windows tutorial?
Fortunately there are many guys here on LES who are really good with Windows. I am sure some of them can help you. I am sorry that I cannot help you with Windows!
you can just add openssh capability to your command prompt and use the same commands as you would in linux.
@Not_Oles I can use WSL to run Linux commands on Windows 11. I also know that PuTTY is used to SSH into the server. If you want me to install PuTTY on Linux, I can. What should I do next? Thank.
@Not_Oles Oh after a while of researching, I know what SSH is
) This is my ssh ed25519 public key:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFUHaQC8BCZViUt9nbsfD0ggxrlETddm+dGTZA7OG1xa
Please let me know what i need to do next.
That's... something...
I see you are collecting the achievements by the users on your server. Do keep it up.
Somik.org - Server admins cheat codes
Hi I am NgocNguyen
I would love to try this vps so I can run VM and stuff thanks!
ssh-ed25519 255 SHA256:e30mHWxpbhrOM6KszuRyUu6HgSiaEYIQZOUNyB0xPc4
Finally I got Squid proxy server working on MetalVPS with QEMU host forwarding!

Congrats on learning about ssh!
Please try something like
ssh [email protected] -p 42365
Please read this thread carefully. Here are a few basics:
Welcome to MetalVPS! I hope you have fun on the server! It is good to have you with us!
Hi @NgocNguyen8372!
Welcome to LES! Welcome to MetalVPS!
Maybe you could work on your ssh key some more? I think the format might need adjustment.
Hopefully we can talk more soon. It will be good to have you on the server!
Congrats! What's next for you?
I need to want some sudo commands.
I don't need want some sudo commands.
Hi @somik! Thanks again for your comments! I appreciate your following the thread here! I took a quick look at your website. I didn't immediately see any information about who and where you are. Would it be crazy to imagine you might want to tell us more about yourself and about your work? Thanks either way! Best! Tom
I'm based in Singapore. I had been working here as a full stack developer for almost 10 years now.
I have a few personal servers that I manage on my free time as a hobby. Two of them are running proxmox to host my VMs. Now with falling price of server grade hardware, it's cheaper to buy and run them from home then from datacenters, given SG internet is already 1Gbps (with a fixed IPv4 IP and on request). Only issue is sending out emails as I need a SMTP relay to send it.
I mostly used PHP for my work, but for the last few years, I had been using Java+ReactJS.
Ya, I guess that's about it.
Somik.org - Server admins cheat codes
Hey! Cool! I can't resist imagining a colo at your place in Singapore!
Wow! Well, I made a new server hardware thread so as not to disrupt this this thread too much. Congrats on Proxmox, PHP, Java+ReactJS! 
@Not_Oles How to add me to the sudo group ?
Soon! Before too long, we will get to know you a little better.
What have you done on the server? What do you want to do next?
Just got an simple web server working
