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- NgocNguyen8372
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(Quote) Running windows 10 beta (Image)
(Quote) 1. I am running windows 11 2. I am still using VMware 3. 10GB ram 4. 5 cpu 5. Just wanna run vm stuff
(Quote) 1.There are like 59 build of windows 10 2. I love to see a history of windows 10 3. Using VMware. Having 4GB ram and 4vcpu 4. Probably little bit 5. Idk
(Quote) I was running windows 11 I wanna upgrade every single windows 10 beta build I only use 1 VM
Also did the server dead or something because I can’t access to it
(Quote) I was running VMware on it
(Quote) 9GB ram and 5 cpu
(Quote) Ok sure
(Quote) Yes I meet him online
(Quote) Oh ok thank I didn’t know that it my first time using linux ssh
Hi @Not_Oles Can I have sudo access Because I wanna run qemu in the background but it need ssh connection 24/7 and I don’t wanna have laptop on for 24/7 thank Ngoc
(Quote) Thank you so much. Can you add me into Sudo please I love install macOS
(Quote) Thank but where do I login
(Quote) I’m Ngoc Nguyen I’m from Hanoi, Vietnam My education is grade 11 My hobbies is to play roblox and mess around with computer stuff My interest is to be able learn something on vm And I love to have a vps myself
(Quote) Hi sorry for putting the wrong format Here the right one ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINJuWhz2Bdz1oMXWkhqOgdRQQL4/ntWtNyfUt9NqhrkF eddsa-key-20230429 Also sorry for long wait
Hi I am NgocNguyen I would love to try this vps so I can run VM and stuff thanks! ssh-ed25519 255 SHA256:e30mHWxpbhrOM6KszuRyUu6HgSiaEYIQZOUNyB0xPc4